Thursday, August 22, 2024

DAY OF THE JACKAL:...Donald Trump's Low Energy Drawing Theories...Oh, He's Still Blabbering, But His Style Has Slowed...He's Offering The Campaign Trail On 33 RPM...What's He Waiting For?...One Answer - Challenging The Election Results In Court...


McALLEN, Texas |...There are theories as to why Donald J. Trump has slowed his campaign. We won't run through all of them, but we're sort of fixated on one.

Republican Outlaw Trump is now simply just waiting on Election Day, November 5th.

That's when his real campaign begins - one that has him appealing the vote to friendly federal judges and even to the U.S. Supreme Court, where he counts three appointees. It's a plan.

All indications are that Democrat opponent Kamala Harris is edging him in every poll. Some pundits are even calling her the favorite. It's out there.

But losing is never losing with MAGA Republicans and their flawed leader, Trump. They will yell it out: ". . . .The election was rigged!" Candidate Trump is saying it at every rally now. He expects it to be rigged, so it will be rigged. It's a campaign.

His supporters buy it, as do a litany of bellicose right-wing editorial writers and broadcasters.

Not that it is wholly unexpected. Trump does not play the politics game the same way all others do. That has been evident since his first 2016 campaign, which he won, not at the ballot box but in the Electoral College. That was not rigged, he told us.

What happens seems to be already set in stone - Trump will appeal, appeal, appeal.

He will scream: Results in every state he loses were rigged. Lawsuits are said to already be ready for filing. It's a fact.

Yes, Maria, America will see its first Bizarro Election. Nothing will be settled Election Night, or in the few weeks that follow. Trump will not go quietly.

It's coming...



  1. We're almost to the Gun Lap in the ongoing presidential campaigns. It's looking weird all the way around. Novel approaches, some partisan bullshit and a rabid crowd about to get on its collective feet. We're in the press box...

  2. I tend to agree. You can smell the desperation in Trump. The more desperate he gets, the more unhinged he becomes.

    1. He's gone spastic. Mumbling, looking like a nursing home loser.

  3. Tim Walz was great at DNC last night! "While other states were banning books from their schools, we were banishing hunger from ours," he said. "We've got a golden rule, 'Mind your own damn business.' "

    1. Wow, I was going to post the thing. They were the lines of the night.

    2. Walz is helping Kamala. No doubt.

    3. Echo that @ 8:02

    4. Tim Walz is real, JD Vance is plastic.

  4. It is now too dangerous to play with the election. People need to realize this and not get involved in the criminal behaviors, it is just too risky and dangerous to try and rig it now

    It is going to a bad time in American history, the very worst, if the stupid things do not stop

    1. They need to prosecute, convict and imprison!

  5. JUAN BALL & TWO STRIKESAugust 22, 2024 at 7:40 AM

    Very recent talk in the Trump camp is that Trump will consider dropping out if his numbers keep falling.

    Trump would rather do this then lose in November. The 'Art of the Deal' would include a pardon by the Harris administration for his leaving the campaign. Vance would become the nominee. Watch for this in the weeks to come.

    1. Love the commenter's cool name!

    2. JUAN & DONE!!!

    3. JUAN giant step for mankind......

  6. What isn't fake is Trump's fear of losing. Daily, Donald's fear grows "bigly" his personal attacks against Kamala increasing in volume and frequency. He's acting like a caged animal.

    Speaking of cages, that's another one of his fears.

    1. trump can’t do anything without name-calling etc.
      Who does think he’s trying to fool?
      Hopefully, everyone else sees that!

  7. Pretty simple analysis of the 2 conventions. The Republican convention was a show for the MAGA cult. Not one Democrat was going to be influenced to switch and vote for Trump. The Democratic convention is a show for the Democrats. However, the Democrats are clearly making an effort to influence those Independents & Undecideds and are probably doing a better job of doing so with the guest speakers they have including a series of Republican "converts" and the "quality" of entertainers that the Dems are parading out to address the convention.

    I would think that Oprah would have more credibility and more influence than has-been fake wrestler Hulk Hogan.

    How close is this election? Right after the debate debacle, it was clearly in Trump's hands. In the 3 weeks leading up to the Democratic convention, it swung to Harris. Now, how will RFK Jr's endorsement help Trump? Probably not. How will the Dems convention boost Harris? Probably a little bit more.

    Independents & Undecideds, please Vote Blue and keep the landslide alive.

  8. Veterans for Harris, veterans for Walz! As a veteran, thank you Obama for the Choice Act, thank you Biden for the Pact Act.

    Veterans are voting Blue!!!

    1. Republicans cannot stand veterans. Food for thought.

  9. Walz is an inspiring speaker and human being. His students, neighbors and constituents were fortunate indeed. He will make a wonderful vice-president!

    1. Completely agree. Walz will elevate and redefine the vice presidency.

  10. It's absolutely shameful how Trump and his adult children laid his first wife to rest. She was treated like a family dog.

  11. I just want to live long enough to experience life without talking about Donald Trump.

  12. It is very simple the Republicans run around, lying, blaming, in Georgia already trying to cheat, hate, racism, felons (most of his cabinet are felons), Hannibal Lecter (what is that?), and he is nuts. Democrats are having fun, telling us their plans, no name calling and just enjoying the whole process. Someone that tells you what their plans are, answering questions about their plans not spilling out hate and revenge when asked questions.

    Trump, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, me, me, me, me, me
    Democrats "You and We", what do you people want.

    Vote Blue............

  13. Americans, do you want the rich to tell you what to read, study and control absolutely everything we know as societal life?

  14. Trump keeps saying we were a failed nation.
    I blame his fellow Republicans Kevin McCarthy, Lindsay Graham and Mitch McConnell for not putting him out in 2021 after he was responsible for the insurrection! These gutless wonders are responsible for him even being relevant right now!
    Those three are responsible!

  15. Rocker Neil Young kicked ass at DNC!!! I love you Neil. I was just telling my son that you are the one person that will stand up to Trump. OMG don't let that monster destroy your self- made legacy. You Rock The Free World. I'm a sixty-year fan, admirer and if I have to kick ass for you, I'm totally there.

  16. Come on you republicans who have had enough of Trump. You can vote for Harris. If it would cause problems with your family and friends, don't tell them. It's a private, anonymous vote.

  17. This November Kamala is Prosecutor, Trump is a Felon and we the people are the JURY.

  18. Get rid of Clarence "Tio Tom" Thomas. Off the Supreme Court. He needs to be sent to prison, with his hero Trump.

    Really. Are there any honest Republicans out there? Vote Blue!

  19. Whoa, Nelly!!! Latest poll shows Kamala Harris in virtual tie with Trump IN TEXAS!!! Let's go, Big Blue!!!!

    1. Wow! Let's hope........

    2. Is that Mayra freak'n out!!!! ja ja ja ja

    3. Mayra likely knows she'll get wiped out by Vicente Gonzalez in November. MAGA is not selling this time, esa!!!

    4. Been awhile since I heard anything from this Mayra. Her campaign must be out of cash, not that she ever had a chance to win District 34. She will fade back to the life of a middle-aged respiratory therapist. heh heh

  20. Photos moving online showing Trump's first wife Ivanka's gravesite at his New Jersey golf club with overgrown weeds!!! He buried his wife like a serial killer trying to hide the evidence. Truly not understanding why women are following this cold, cruel man?????

  21. "The only thing left to do is DUMP TRUMP!" - Former Georgia Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan (Republican), speaking at DNC

    1. Good for him. That's an American, not a Russian asset.

  22. This guy is no better than the career criminals everyone is sick of. With no consequences he keeps talking because he hasn’t been held accountable. Convicted not in jail, civil suits not paid, owing money to venues still hasn’t paid. Lock his ass up. Oh yeah, I forgot him being a flight risk which he fully said on the Elon Shitshow

  23. A lot of people just don’t want to vote for a losing ticket, no matter the candidate. I think Kamala wins by a landslide!

  24. I love my Country. I love Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, and they give me, give all of us hope for a better future. Trump keeps me up at night giving me a headache and heartburn. ️‍VOTE BLUE all the way, up and down the ballot to rid ourselves of this cancerous cult. Go with Harris/ Walz 2024!!!

  25. Young Gus Walz. The love and respect shown by this young man's exhilaration and tears at the DNC. He truly believes in his hero, his father Tim!!!!

    1. I am so touched by the display of emotion of the Walz family! So much love and pride for Vice presidential nominee Tim Walz. Showed that he is a great dad! You got my vote, Tim and Kamala! God bless the United States of America. So proud to be a part of this country!!!


  27. The $500 million fraud case: In a scathing appeals brief, the New York Attorney General in the civil fraud judgment against Trump just told the court that Trump has basically conceded that he committed fraud and gets the law completely wrong as to his argument that there were no victims of his financial fraud crimes. Big, big update!!!

  28. Pitiful JD Vance encourages Democrats to "pump the brakes" on Trump rhetoric. But, uh, it's okay for Trump to do it. Demos should unload all they've got against the Orange Blob!!!

    1. as neither the convicted conman or the cushion pusher has lessened their vile, insensitive and chaos causing rhetoric, why should the democrats? the democrats did drop their rhetoric and offered condolences to the people who were hurt but the republicans didn't stop their rhetoric, so why should the democrats.

    2. Bro, you should think about what will happen to you when the man who can never lose blames you for the coming loss. And while we're at it - your political career is over!!! LMAO!!!

    3. Vance was a zero. Low on the senate totem pole. No legislation with his name on it. Just a greenhorn who decided selling his soul to Trump was his best bet in national politics. He'll go back to being a zero after November.


  30. It is nice to be 58 years old and see younger generations stand up. The DNC is full of young people! Knowledgeable and well-spoken. Proud here.

    1. Donald Trump is 78+ years old.
      Kamala Harris is 59.


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