Monday, August 26, 2024

NO GAIN:...Robert F. Kennedy, Jr Endorses Donald Trump...Talk About A Nothing Deal...Pundits Laugh It Off...Kennedy Scion Is No Help.....Trump Dangles Admin Post...Dept. Of Health & Human Services?... For This Conspiracies Weirdo???...


McALLEN, Texas |...Is anybody logging this political endorsement in the annals of American history? pardon me, but I must ask - why would they? Conspiracy hack Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, scion of America's best-known Democrat family, has endorsed Republican loose cannon presidential candidate Donald J. Trump.


Yes, we're shaking our head at this dubious move by the son of Bobby.

He's estranged from his family, through no doing of his own. Well, the family says he disrespected his father by going against the Democratic Party and by siding by Trump. I know, I know. It's national politics and the stakes are, well, high.

RFK Jr, who is 70 years old, inquired of the possibility of a position with the Kamala Harris administration should she win the November election. Someone there told him to bug-off, so Kennedy crossed the street to pose the same question to Trump, himself.

Could be we might have something for you, he was told. Hey, perhaps Secretary of Health & Human Services, Kennedy was told, greatly exciting him, at least to the point of promising a quick endorsement.

That came last week. To date, no poll bounce for desperate Trump.

It was always quirky, we say.

This particular Kennedy is one of those Americans who always see conspiracies in everything, perhaps a personality trait born out of the idea that there was one when his father was assassinated in Los Angeles while campaigning for president back in June of 1968.

His beliefs on the origin of the Covid-19 pandemic take you to never, neverland. It is wacky, as is his idea that vaccinations are, well, not always for the better. They call him an "anti-vaxxer," as if the term settles it, only it doesn't.

No, Trump did not gain much with this particular endorsement. RFK Jr simply is too kooky of a dude.

Now if Taylor Swift comes along...but that ain't happening...



  1. Back when I wrote for The Boston Globe, it was often that we took weekend family drives down to Cape Cod, visiting the usual tourist traps but also catching a bit of the doings over at Hyannis Port, where the Kennedy Family lived. I actually enjoyed Martha's Vineyard much more, as did my then-wife and two very young daughters. But the Cape is a lovely stretch of the Massachusetts coast, there always so calm and cool...

  2. To Do List:
    1. Elect Kamala in November
    2. Send Trump to Supermax Prison

    1. Trump can't ask Melania to hold his hand. But he wants to tell all woman in America what to do with their bodies.

  3. Bobby Sr., to Bobby Jr., on his endorsement of Trump.

  4. Him and Kennedy look like old twins

    1. Trump's neck is gross. Big fat flesh...and orange!!!

  5. Donald, JD, Elon and now RFK. There aren't enough psychiatrists or drugs in the world to treat them.

    Repubs gotta be proud of that line up.

  6. The hits kept coming, though, and a full month hadn’t gone by before Kennedy went on social media to admit - in an attempt to get ahead of a forthcoming New Yorker story -that he was the guy who dumped a dead bear cub in Central Park in an infamous incident more than a decade ago.

    “We thought it would be amusing for whoever found it,” Kennedy said in the video.

    And that’s without even getting into the thousand-cubic-foot freezer he keeps stocked full of roadkill meat.

  7. Rfk Jr, a smack bust when he was a DA, first wife kills herself due to his infidelity, he admits to sexual assaults, dumps a dead bear cub in the park, making it look like an accident, has a freezer of roadkill at home, ate roast dog, a parasitic worm ate part of his brain and died, etc.

    Highest office? High, for sure.

    But he did say he thought the roast dog was goat.

  8. I'm guessing Trump's thinking of dumping JD and attaching himself to a Kennedy. Good times for Dems!

  9. When Harris spoke at the DNC, I got the sense that she is our new leader already. I watched live-streaming and hung on her every word, listening to every nuance in her voice and visual cues for her guidance and direction. I have never trusted a politician before so much as I did that night.

  10. This is a good story:

    A taxpayer funded housing support group in Portland, Oregon, has been offering grants of $30,000 to first-time buyers in the state, but with only those who are not U.S. citizens eligible to apply.

    The money was offered by the Hacienda Community Development Corporation (HCDC) as part of its "Camino a Casa," which is advertised as being "only for people who are not American citizens." The move has sparked an angry backlash, with one Oregon Republican lawmaker branding it "state-sponsored discrimination."

    1. No this is a bad story being pushed by the far right. they have denied the claim. "Over the past few days, false information about Hacienda CDC and one of our down payment assistance programs has rapidly circulated in conservative media, tabloid websites, and social media."

    2. Maybe the original commenter should have said: This would be a good story if true. 2nd commenter: thanks

    3. Good catch by 2nd commenter.

  11. if Trump wins reelection and grants RFK Jr. a cabinet post, they’ll have a lot to talk about - provided that they’ll be able to hear each other over Elon Musk.

    1. Its funny that RFK throwing in with Trump did not give Trump polling any help. Im guessing his supporters were never-trumpers.

  12. It is no surprise that the DNC had such an amazing number of viewers! It was upbeat, inclusive to all, and we got to know both these candidates and their views and policies. Harris/ Walz are trying to unite our nation, not divide us! We are voting blue to save our democracy, and we are not going back!

  13. I come from a family of war veterans, and January 6th, 2021, still sends chills down my spine. That day, my nation’s Constitution was viciously attacked by unpatriotic, misguided people - brainwashed by a leader who is now a convicted felon and a molester. The chants of "Hang Mike Pence" haunt me, all fueled by the instigation of a selfish man who cares only about himself, not our country. The pain of seeing our democracy under siege is something I will never forget. The person responsible for this chaos is unfit to be our president, and we must never allow someone so dangerous near the Oval Office again.

  14. Taylor Swift can and should sue Trump for saying he endorsed her, which she did not! The publicity this would create will bring Trump down.

  15. I felt this when Obama ran in 2008. Go Dems! Let's do this!

  16. major admission by the Trump supporter who was put on an undecided voter panel by CNN. A panelist told CNN he was voting for Trump; CNN labeled him an "undecided" voter for its panel. Dumb.

  17. Yawn is all I can say about this election. If I were to vote it would certainly go to Harris/Walz. Trump will for sure get all 40 electoral college votes in Texas. Both campaigns are so desperate to depict the other as weird, it has become absurd. I see no substantive policy coming from either side. This is why all polling basically have them tied. People may not like my words, but it is how I see the election. I am not the only one. Harris better figure this out in the swing states, or lose. Since so many are predicting a housing crisis in the first half of 2025, maybe it is better wins so he is blamed, and the Democrats take a solid control of the House and Senate in 2027.

    1. Bub, a housing crisis would be low on our list of worries with Donald Trump in office.

    2. They are all swing states until election day. Just my observation @ 11:46 AM.

    3. Nonetheless, this race is still much tighter than it should be for anybody running against a convicted felon x 34 who committed sedition, if not terrorism, on J6, who cheated on all three of his wives, has more business failures than anybody else anybody can name, and more recently has tangible signs of sunset dementia. In a sane political world, this shouldn’t even be close. That it is still very tight should be quite worrisome and make everybody fight all the harder for Harris.

    4. 12:57. My point. As to the housing crisis you do not seem to remember. Under both Bushes we had a housing crisis. The banks failed all over the county. Too Big to Fail became the term of the day as billions of tax dollars went to the banks, and millions became homeless. If it happens, and Harris is in the White House she will be blamed and the Republicans will take the House and Senate big time in 2027.

  18. Please tell me he’s going to skip town with Musk and move to Venezuela.

  19. We have our problems with politicians here in the U.K. but we have never, and will never, elect a convicted rapist, or a convicted fraudster, or a serial bankrupt, or a serial draft dodger, or a serial women abuser, or a self-confessed admirer of dictators. Why would America even think of electing someone who ticks all those boxes…unbelievable.

  20. Trump has become a "WTF will that clown say next" attraction. Nothing else.

  21. Kamala ahead in latest poll!?! Who are they polling?

  22. I keep hearing about Trump Derangement Syndrome.

    If there is a syndrome of this name, it is pretty darn accurate.

    Just ask Trump AG Bill Barr how many times he told traitor trump "you can't do that, it is illegal". Donald was the most incompetent POTUS and dare I say not a very bright human being by any stretch of the imagination. It should come as no surprise people do not want him in or near OUR Gov't.

    He is a train wreck.

  23. As for RFK Jr....his father and uncles are probably rolling over in their graves. His commitment to the Donald is a betrayal of everything the Kennedy family stood for. And he is so far Right in his Democratic views he may as well be a Republican.

    Kennedy is not a democrat and fits in well with crazy MAGA with his beliefs. His own family disowned him publicly. If y'all think he is helping Trump, then I laugh at the statement. He is a politician that can be bought. Good luck with that.

  24. Trump at Arlington National Cemetery to lay wreaths in honor of three of the service members killed in Afghanistan. yes, Trump - the same asshole who calls veterans suckers and losers. WTF is he doing there acting presidential? Pisses the Eff outta this veteran.

    1. Who knows why they let him do this. It is disgusting and shameful. He calls veterans suckers and losers! get him the Eff outta there!!!

    2. He is unbelievable. Using dead servicemen for a campaign photo op. He’s sick in the head.

  25. Citizen Donald is the one applying for the job. VP Harris has so many facts of forward motion progress that she and President Biden have achieved.

    Candidate Trump being a felon and a traitor still boggles me.

  26. This time, Trump thinks he’s got it in the bag, saying "I don’t need your votes", or even "don’t vote", not because he doesn’t think anyone will vote for Harris, or that he is a better campaigner, but because he thinks that the dirty tricks the Republicans have up their sleeve will prevail.

    1. Now hold on a minute - After the election we will STILL have the Biden Administration in charge. They are not going to CAVE to allowing MAGA to engage in illegal, crazy shenanigans after MAGA gets blown-out at the ballot box. We know Trump and MAGA will try. They will fail.

  27. It’s simple. Lose bigly and it adds to the (inevitable and we are already expecting it...) "we wuz robbed" mentality and subsequent revolt against his (second) loss. The whole first effort was flawed as it was put together in an ad hoc fashion over the time from end of voting to January 6th.

    This next MAGA effort will be much more finely orchestrated and is already being set up with refusals to certify elections, state legislatures in place, judges (not all, just too many) primed and briefed on decisions to render re: lawsuits already being written in advance.

    The Electoral college results will be disallowed somehow, and the contests referred back to the GOP-dominated state legislatures which will rule that their state’s vote was flawed/stacked/manipulated and not to be trusted so therefore they are FORCED to act and dictate that their state votes should be assigned to Trump.

    All according to the constitution and the Supreme Court will be there to back it all up.

    1. In a tidal wave of votes, everything gets swept under, and no dams of subterfuge can stop it.

      Which is exactly where we are.

      Americans are finished with Trump and MAGA - one has only to look at the dwindling, groups of utterly bored MAGA former faithful to know - and any horse-race scenario is foolish if one of the candidates is already a dead horse.

  28. I’d like to see Harris and/or Walz do a campaign event in Texas with Colin Allred, who is challenging MAGA Ted Cruz. One in September, then maybe a second in October. It would drive Gubner Abbott nuts and that would be fun to see.

  29. More than 230 Republicans who previously worked for either former Presidents George H.W. Bush or George W. Bush, the late Sen. John McCain of Arizona, and Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah have signed a letter endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for president.

    USA TODAY exclusively obtained a copy of the open letter.

    1. Where are W and Mitt, themselves?

    2. Things will be getting worse and worse for the Orange Blob between now and November. It's over.

  30. 11 former REPUBLICAN WHITE HOUSE LAWYERS who have come together to call Trump a DANGER TO OUR DEMOCRACY and UNFIT FOR OFFICE, as Fox News starts to quietly quit Trump and report on this development as the serious news event it is.

    1. I think a lot of Republicans will support Kamala/Walz 2024 in the end, whether or not they say it publicly.

  31. Trump is losing ground with evangelicals. The baffling thing about evangelicals has been their inability to see through Trump.

    I grew up in rural Arkansas, but now live here in the valley, and I went to Pentacostal church. Trump represents NOTHING that I or real evangelicals believe in.

    1. Crooked, rapist, adulterer... no need to say more

  32. Robert Kennedy was a man of character and service. His son who bears his name, RFK Jr, is most certainly not.

    1. Every other member of the Kennedy family is voting for Kamala Harris!!!

  33. If a reporter had some balls they'd ask Trump straight out if he is scared to debate Kamala, just to watch his meltdown

  34. RFK, Jr was looking for a bidding war between Harris and Trump for his endorsement. Harris told him to pound sand. Trump offered him a position in his government. Keep in mind that Trump had called him a radical left democrat and a liberal lunatic. What more do you need to show that nothing Trump says means anything and he will sell out without hesitation to anyone willing to say nice things about him, especially if he gets him some votes? Why the Democrats are not attacking him on exactly that is beyond me.

  35. Please hurry up and ditch the Loser…I’m not sure I’ll live long enough to see him gone forever. November cannot get here soon enough.

  36. Strange doings out of the Texas Attorney General's office. Hispanic leaders are blasting Republican AG Ken Paxton's authorization of multiple raids at the homes of League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) and other Hispanics. LULAC leaders are saying authorities searched the homes of elderly Latino election volunteers pre-dawn last Tuesday with guns drawn and scant information about their probe. Cellphones and laptops were confiscated. They have blasted the raids as yet another effort by state Republicans to intimidate Latino voters. It's a shame, we say...

    1. Raw power play. Now what if it happened to the Republican Party leaders? Yeah.

    2. LULAC is being very smart in alerting Texans to games at the state's Elections Integrity office. We should all make sure that our voter registration is up to date. A person's voter registration can be purged from the rolls. It is best to check now so that you have time to re-register if needed.

    3. The US Justice Dept. under Garland and Biden? Won't do a thing. The FBI is TERRIFIED of untouchable Paxton. Recall his impeachment trial? He was guilty of multiple crimes. Garland won't crawl out from under his desk.

    4. There are any number of election contests filed by Gilberto Hinojosa based on mail ballot fraud. Every time his handpicked candidate loses, he files an election contest if the vote is close. I am not saying Paxton is right, but given the Chair of the Texas Democratic Party is filing the election contests who does LULAC think they are kidding?

  37. I'm seeing a lot of law enforcement officers standing with Trump as he speaks lately. Why? Police helping Donald Trump, sex offender and criminal? There is no level they won't stoop to? My God......

  38. Trump at Arlington National Cemetery today? Didn't Trump propose to defund the VA to pay for his border wall??? 5X Draft dodger should be banned from this hallowed ground!!!

    1. The vote is coming....and it will be massive.

  39. FOX News should never be allowed to profit from a presidential debate. Their support of the Big Lie impacted so many innocent lives. And it cost them more than $700 million in a lawsuit. The bummer is that FOX does not hold a broadcast license from the FCC and is considered an "entertainment" cable channel. But something needs to be done.


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