Tuesday, August 27, 2024

LET TRUMP BE TRUMP:...Democrats Okay With An Ever-Weird Opponent.....Kamala Harris Running A Traditional Campaign, While Donald Trump Is Joke-A-Minute...November 5th Is Almost Here...Will One-And-Don Show Up At Sept. 10th Debate?...


McALLEN, Texas |...From here on out, the race for president is now well-defined. Campaigning in the traditional manner is over; Democrats know it and Republicans wish they knew it. America is already aboard, riding the Election Day roller coaster in glee and fear.

What to do for the next 72 days?

That's what is on the minds of campaign directors, party leaders and the candidates themselves.

For Republican Donald J. Trump, the answer is to stay the course, even if the course is an ever-bombed landscape and a mangrove swamp. He's cool with doing it the dumb and hard way.

As Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro put it yesterday, "I would let Trump be Trump."

Shapiro was asked about the Sept. 10th debate between the Republican and Democratic Party presidential nominee Kamala Harris on ABC-TV. It's scheduled, but whether it happens or not depends on Trump showing up.

He's a bag of cotton candy let go into the wind by a political party unable to rein him in.

"I think Kamala Harris has the opportunity to remind people about what he did and show the risk that he poses in the future," Shapiro went on. "She is a skilled debater. She will do that effectively."

As for Harris, her bent is to proceed onward with a message along the lines of what Shapiro says - label him a danger to the country.

Dark, ominous clouds seem to follow Trump, although the former Independent/Democrat continues to hold on to a loyal following that's enough to engender concern among voters. He's a 24-hour news cycle in his own right, a constant producer of social media angst and a candidate who looks tired but keeps on keeping on.

November 5th will tell the story of his future, as it will the future of this nation.

Shapiro has it right. Let Trump be Trump.

'Cause Trump seems awful good at self-destruction...



  1. It's been a ride. I was disappointed by Florida Judge Aileen Cannon's decision to dismiss the Classified Documents case filed by the Dept. of Justice against Donald Trump. But it is being appealed, so that's not over. Also keep an eye on the closeasthis contest in Texas between Republican Jr. Senator Ted Cruz and Democrat Colin Allred, the former NFL linebacker. Most political junkies will tell you the mountain is too high for Allred, but, Lord knows, we Texans could use a whole lot less of Ted Cruz...

  2. You will never see the White House again, Trump. Never.

  3. I heard pundit David Jolly say “Trump has the enthusiasm of an aging cat” on MSNBC and I sprayed my tea over that image.

  4. How is he supposed to deal with world leaders if he can't defend himself in a debate against a potential president? When unscripted, uncomfortable world problems develop? Is he going to chicken out then, too?

    1. Harris and the campaign are trolling him into showing up. The entire microphone mute gambit is a way to get the campaign is afraid he can’t control himself out there. He almost has to prove everybody wrong now.

  5. I’m pretty sure that he’ll show. He has no other chance to turn around the momentum of this freight train bearing down on him.

    I must confess, I’m a little nervous about it. We were confident Biden would destroy Trump in a debate, too. Trump is going to come in, jacked up on whatever drugs he was on in June, and spew the same firehose of lies, unchallenged by the "moderators", and I really hope Harris is prepared for that instead of preparing for an actual debate like Biden did.

  6. I’ve been saying it that from the jump - nine years ago? Not one politician has had the steely-eyed nerves or cojones to call him a liar to his face. Plainly spoken, easily understood English that even the most moronic MAGA couldn’t "misunderstand." If just ONE had done so, publicly, and repeatedly, we wouldn’t have embarrassed ourselves before the world or be in this perilous situation today. Yeah, turn the other cheek, and get handed your ass!

  7. I hope the fact that our Democratic presidential campaign is willing to pump out hot, viral, shame posts to let other Democrats know that the gloves are officially off. No more pretending Trump’s a serious candidate or trying not to sully the office. He’s a coward, he’s a clown, and he deserves to be laughed at. As do all his followers. Tar them all with the same feathers.

  8. I have a question for DonOld, where’s your wife???

    1. She's not there.

    2. Melania has left the building.........

    3. And, btw, where's loudmouth Mayra Flores???!!

    4. Mayra appears to have given up. Too quiet.

    5. Haven't heard a peep out of Republican Mayra in weeks. Maybe the money dried up, as they keep saying. Not that Congressman Gonzalez was ever going to lose to her. ja ja ja

  9. Even his supporters are tired and bored with the same garbage constantly spewing out of his mouth.......... (off to work)

  10. Nobody cares what Fox News says. Who's gonna tell them?

  11. We need a healthy Republican Party. I'm a Democrat (from McAllen) and I'm saddened at what Trump has done to the Republican Party. It's unrecognizable. I urge real conservatives to denounce Trump and take your Party back.

  12. The MAGA-Republican party is in a death spiral with Trump right at the center laughing. Fact.

  13. How can a convicted criminal with more criminal trials coming get to run for President? How did we get here?

  14. Agree. WTH is wrong with the Republican Party that this is their candidate!?

    1. he expresses the racism and bigotry they silently support!

    2. The Republican Party is weird MAGA. Do not expect sanity from them now.


  16. Remember, Trump bragged about Trump Tower being the tallest building in NYC the day the WTC collapsed on 9/11

  17. C'mon, USA, enough of the cruel, asinine gloominess that is trump/Project 2025.
    Bury all that crazy nefarious crap in a gigantic avalanche of VOTES for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz!!!
    Give them the White House, Senate, and House, help them help you.
    Be sure no one/nothing stops you from voting.
    Vote in numbers too big to rig!
    Vote reasonably, not treasonably!

  18. You might be in a cult if:
    1. You worship someone that says only they can solve your problems
    2. You worship someone who says they are suffering so you don’t
    3. Your family or friends disown you
    4. You believe every word from a pathological lying malignant narcissist

  19. I'm seeing the light at the end of the tunnel against trump.

  20. What if he doesn’t want to win. If the premise is that he’s only running to stay out of jail, then he might think the 2 biggest threats, Jan 6 and Documents cases, are done. The other cases are manageable. With the recent stories of his campaign funds being spent on… umm… who knows, then I could see him in it only for the grift.

  21. I think Trump believes:

    1. He will lose at the ballot box, but win the election because courts/Congress/election officials/lawsuits, making it unnecessary to campaign.
    2. Campaigning costs money, and by not campaigning, he’ll put more money in his pocket.
    3. He’d rather play golf anyway.

  22. I'm expecting an October surprise or three against Trump from Democrats. So many legal irons in the fire for one. And they’ve had nearly 4 years to plan for something, 4 years to find things worth holding close to their chest. Not to mention there are enough folks who once worked for him that he turned on or who regret trusting him who may have provided a few pieces of ammunition to aim at his campaign.

    Keeping that revenge nice and cold for October.

  23. When he loses in November, Trump will immediately declare he is running for president in 2028. He has to keep the grift going

  24. I hope that if he debates Kamala, Trump is fact-checked on everything that he says. Wherever and whenever he speaks, he is fact-checked, so that he does not perpetuate a lie that causes contention

  25. it seems that Trump is the candidate hoping to avoid a debate. In a Truth Social tirade Sunday night, Trump alleged, without evidence, that ABC was biased and questioned whether he would take part in the debate, though he did not mention anything about the microphone controversy.

    Harris, on the other hand, appears ready to go: The VP is ready to debate Trump live and uncensored. Trump should stop hiding behind the mute button.

  26. When the history books are written, Republicans' shame will be eternal. I bet nobody will admit to supporting this guy in ten years.

    Voting Blue.

  27. Republicans now attacking Tim Walz's dog.
    Nobody will ever attack Trump's dog, because Trump doesn't have a dog. He hates dogs. He only uses the word "dog" as an insult.

    Americans love dogs. Americans don't like dog-haters.

    And Vance hates cats.


  28. Remember when Trump claimed America didn't have a gun violence problem? And now he's appearing behind bulletproof glass LOL

    1. The guy's a bully, and likely afraid of spiders and bugs.

  29. Let's make his loss this time an astronomically large loss.

  30. Real Republicans love their country and have the capacity to put country first over party politics. Let's welcome them

  31. A 78 year Old man that lacks the ability to stop acting like a 5 year old. How is this even a choice?

  32. He’s in a lose-lose situation. If he doesn’t debate, he’ll look like a coward. If he does, Harris will wipe the floor with him

    1. Rip Trump! Rest in prison! Kamala Harris/Tim Walz 2024!

  33. The people around him don't mind that he talks down to them like garbage. I don't see why anybody would want these types of people running the country... November cannot get here fast enough for me. Make it a HAPPY CHRISTMAS for all!!!

  34. He’s trying to back out and he’s scared of her, that’s hilarious…….Kamala for president 2024

  35. Trump and MAGA are so wrapped around the past... I'm ready to move FORWARD!

  36. Donald Trump will drop the magic word at the debate. We all know what that magic word is.

  37. This annoying traitor should be on trial for the capital crime of high treason; instead, we let him run for president again so he can do the exact same thing again. Our country failed every single voter when we let him get away with it the first time. Why wouldn't he try it again? He already knows that we aren't going to do anything about it when he does it again. Anyone still supporting this traitor is just as much as a traitor as he is.

    1. this time he won't have the power of the Presidency behind him. This time the National Guard will be on standby with a real President to call them if needed.

  38. Every American should be justifiably PROUD of how well our election system works in this great nation. The polling workers love their job and know that the world is watching. There is VERY little fraud or corruption, which the MAGAs and Trump know full well. Otherwise, they would have complained when Trump won the 2016 elections. You can't have it both ways, Trump. If Hillary lost in 2016, they Trump surely lost in 2020. And probably will AGAIN in 2024. Americans have finally had enough of him.

  39. If the only thing keeping you from PRISON is that you are running for president, Donald Trump, that's a good sign you SHOULDN'T be president!!!

  40. He's scheduled to be sentenced Sept. 18. I don't care how it inconveniences him if anybody else had done it. I don't like how everyone gives him excuses just because he used to be the president. He broke the law!!!

  41. I don’t wanna get complacent at all, but 2024 Trump doesn’t seem to be the same as 2020 Trump or even 2016 Trump

  42. Trump finally agrees to Sept. 10th debate with Harris. I still think that Trump will chicken out!

  43. Breaking News: Special counsel re-indicts Trump with narrower set of accusations in obstruction case.

    1. Yes, the Special Counsel has reworked and filed an updated indictment against Donald Trump in the January 6 case - this after the Supreme Court's ruling on immunity. The case is still 4 charges.

    2. A new case was presented to a new federal grand jury in Washington, D.C., which has now re-indicted Donald Trump on four felony charges related to his effort to subvert the 2020 presidential election.

    3. Trump still stands accused of working with his subordinates to create fake slates of electors claiming that he won the election in several key swing states that were actually won by President Biden. He is also still facing charges related to his efforts to pressure his vice president, Mike Pence, into throwing the election his way during the Jan. 6 certification proceeding at the Capitol.

    4. Thank goodness Special Counsel Jack Smith is so tenacious! The American people support you!

    5. Good. Next an orange jumpsuit

    6. I still have problems with the immunity decision rendered by the Supreme Court!!!
      Our president is not a king!

  44. I would have never believed that ONE MAN could inflict such damage on our country. Indict him all you want....when the #uck does he go to prison?


  46. "Statistically impossible to have lost the 2020 Election. Big protest in D.C. on January 6th. Be there, will be wild!" - Donald Trump tweet, White House, December 19, 2020, 1:42 AM

    "Trump said it's gonna be wild! It’s gonna be wild! He wants us to make it WILD, that what he’s saying. He called us all the to Capitol and wants us to make it wild!!! Sir Yes Sir!!! Gentlemen, we are heading to DC pack your shit!!" - Oath Keeper Kelly Meggs, Dec 22, 2020

    FYI - Meggs now serving 12-year Federal prison sentence in Memphis.

  47. With RFK, Junior on board, it makes Donald Trump look even weirder! And now Trump says Kennedy is going to be part of the transition team? What transition team?! Trump's going nowhere, except maybe prison and no transition team is needed for that trip.

    1. Maybe Kennedy will hold the prison gate for him as he walks in.

  48. A smart person does not have to continually tell us how smart they are. They prove it. trump has not proven he's smart; the exact opposite.

  49. How does anyone with a functioning brain actually take FOX "News" seriously or believe anything they say?

  50. We should be talking more about how disgusting Trump and his campaign are throwing a Jan6 award gala. I do not know if many people are aware of this! Also, the Trump base is trying to stop the certification in Georgia if Kamala wins. (leaving work and headed out for a few drinks)

  51. So many of you do not get it. No one cares about Trump and his bad behaviors except Democrats. The MAGA and Republican mainstream so hate Democrats, they will vote for a sewer rat before they vote for any Democrat.


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