Wednesday, August 28, 2024

DEMOCRATS ON THE HOOF:...Campaign Surge In Recent Weeks Brings Opportunity...Should They Go For More, For All Of It...History Shows Us The Party Rarely Goes For The Jugular In Presidential Politics... Perhaps This Time...


McALLEN, Texas |...I'd been waiting for a few weeks, waiting for one of our commenters here to throw it out - we need a healthy two-party political system in this country. It came yesterday, allowing me to think that, yeah, there could be others out there of my frame of mind on this ever-ragged topic.

Republicans have traded in their past for a brawling, racist MAGA version now going on nine years old and, well, threatening to stick around for the immediate future.

It's not good for the country, no.

But what it also has done is given rival Democrats a chance to also blow out the stodgy old ways of campaigning and serving the loyalists. Democrats are playing at "moving day," as they say of Saturdays in four-day professional golf tournaments that wrap up on Sundays.

This is the time for the winning ideas  

Name-calling, racism and bigotry have been readily, gladly adopted by today's Republican Party. Their fight is seemingly existential, their goal to turn the nation upside down and the past be damned. It is a world we've never actually lived they seek, or, better yet, one that perhaps worked in the very early days of this country.

The "immigrant" experiment, I say, is too far down the road for anyone to wish mass deportations of anyone. We have lived and thrived with every wave of newcomers; that is fact. Fear and spite, however, dominates some far-right Republicans who actually wish to see an All-White America, or at the very least a very dominant White leadership in our state and federal governments.

So, should high-flying Democrats re-boot and power-up themselves?  

As a writer for The New Republic magazine put it this way, arguing that messaging is key: " means complaining about Democratic messaging: the weakness, the confusion, the inconsistency, the bajillions of opportunities missed when Republicans do something nuts, the backpedaling, the hem-hawing, the failure to state principles forthrightly - is that enough? Believe me, I could go on."

There's more to it, of course. But the starting line is at their feet and whatever gains Democrats have made since the nomination of Kamala Harris as party flag-bearer can only come by way of bold ideas and actions.

That's the promise of this election - analogous to the so-called bottom of the best cup of coffee you've ever had in the morning.

Swallow slowly, for the taste is rich, yet fleeting...



  1. I have been more than impressed with comments submitted to our posts. We've obviously concentrated our reporting on the national election, mainly because we see a lack of local writing on this crucial upcoming election. Yes, Washington, D.C. is way across the country, but it remains the center of our citizenship's raison d'etre, as the French might say about here...

  2. Agree that democrats need a pitbull of their own. As for Trump, if he finally loses his mind could you tell?

  3. We see Harris filling stadiums. Two in one day, actually. We see Trump supporters yawning throughout his rambling boring speeches.

    Given the choice between going back and re-living another older, more boring, angrier Trump presidency or getting a new, young, vibrant, upbeat, attractive POTUS, I truly don't believe he stands a chance.

    He's adding no new supporters.

    Kamala's gathering new voters daily!

  4. Trump has pretty much stopped campaigning. That, coupled with remarks about how he doesn’t "need your votes" makes me think that he’s convinced that the mechanisms are in place to steal the election. That makes it VITAL that he loses so badly that even the Clarence Thomas Court can’t overturn it.

  5. Still playing and replaying the greatest hits of 2015-16 because he has the imagination of a dull 2nd grader. Now even the simpletons who still love, support and will undoubtedly vote for him, for whatever reason (too racist, afraid of change or too merched up to quit now?) are tiring of it because when out of touch misanthropic grandpa keeps dragging out the projector and the 8 mm home movies from his heyday that he has shown countless times, no one wants to sit through that anymore. It’s over.

    (Btw, I've been wanting to write that I enjoy the discussion here. Thank you.)

  6. Why was this traitor laying a wreath on our fallen soldiers at Arlington National Cemetery? He calls veterans losers & suckers! It's disgusting.

    1. NPR reported that when a cemetery official tried to prevent Trump campaign staffers from filming and photographing in an area where servicemembers are buried, the Trump staff "verbally abused and pushed the official aside." Typical Trump crap.

    2. Cheap political stunt by Cheeto

  7. If you love trump, vote for trump. If you love the USA, vote for Kamala Harris/Tim Walz.....

  8. My issue is with GOP VP nominee JD Vance: I am going to start of by saying that I am a woman who has given birth to 2 children and miscarried 2 children. When Vance said that people without children should not have as much say or votes as people with children because they don't have as much incentive or input into our country, not only is this disturbing, but it is also unpatriotic and un-American. He must have forgotten all about the fact that single people without children and married people without children actually contribute MORE TAXES than those of us who have children. That fact alone shows that they deserve to be heard just as much as those who have children.

  9. On the debate -
    Actually, Kamala Harris has everything to lose and nothing to gain; he has everything to gain and nothing to lose. She’s already ahead in the polls. He’s the one that needs to make up some ground. If he performs poorly, it’s no big deal. If she doesn’t do well, it could hurt her standing in the polls. All he has to do is survive the event and that’s enough to get him a bump in the polls. He’s a real cad, a dandy, a funny guy. He’ll ham it up, crack jokes, use all kinds of show business gags to make himself out to be the more likable of the two candidates. He knows he can’t stand toe to toe with a skilled debater. So, he’ll go with what he knows best which is to be the entertainer/pseudo politician, People will love the show he’ll put on. The media have set such low expectations for him that it wouldn’t take much to exceed the expectations. Besides KH isn’t used to being insulted and mocked by a schoolyard bully when she’s in a court room. How will she perform when every other word out of his mouth is an insult or a lie? Hopefully she’ll be able to get a word in edgewise. Regardless, vote blue!!!

    1. Yes, in the chest of every bully beats the heart of a coward. Trump is a textbook example. He knows Harris is an experienced debater in both court and politics. Now he's shaking in his boots about facing her on the debate stage. He knows his bullying tactics won't work with her.

    2. The debate about the debate.

      Trump keeps toying with the media. He can't stand not controlling the news cycles anymore, being desperate for attention and power.

      Will he or won't he?

      The Harris campaign is doing exactly the right thing by taunting him.

  10. Fox News has 7 or 8 lawsuits pending. Are they now trying to look like they aren’t biased with those few recent attacks on Trump? Well, maybe they shouldn’t donate to Trump’s campaign. Vote BLUE in November!!!

    1. Dominion beat them in court in a defamation lawsuit. Smartmatic, another voting machine manufacturer, is also suing them for $1.6 billion!!!

  11. They need to stop giving him preferential treatment.
    Put his treasonous arse in prison.

  12. My family is finally done with Trump. THANK GOD!

  13. The Republican party is definitely getting weirder by the week people ;)

  14. Trump is a RINO (Republican in Name Only) BINO (Billionaire in Name Only) PINO (Patriot in Name Only) HINO (Human in Name Only) and an all around nutcase

  15. it's about time Democrats grew a pair. Too often their recent campaigns sounded like something from the 80's or 90's. All the more reason the old guard needs to make way for a new generation who grew up understanding the strength of social media. The party needs people with new and fresh ideas and new campaign language, which Harris and Walz have an abundance of.

  16. We are all done with old man Trump! Vote Harris/Walz 2024!!!

  17. We are so tired of lies! I'm so sick of mainstream media! I hardly watch any of the main networks or cable channels. I come to social media.

  18. The only rule for this debate is "no" lying. Answers should be fact-checked after each response, so that everyone knows the truth. Lies get us nowhere.

  19. When a clown moves into a palace, the clown does not become a king, the palace becomes a circus.

  20. I've been to Arlington National Cemetery and at no point did I want to smile or flash a thumbs up. It's a solemn place. Trump willfully disrespected the solemn venue. He's soiled.

    1. Trump's staff members that were recording and taking pictures should be arrested. Then they can have their day in court.

    2. Trump called fallen Marines suckers and losers and did not want to be seen with a disabled vet. This was just a photo op for an opportunist liar

    3. I don't know, but when the Trump campaign manager says the cemetery employee was having a mental episode in stopping them from photographing Trump and the wreath, we probably should believe him. After all, he is around Trump's mental episodes every day. He should be an expert by now.

    4. America is sick and tired of trump acting as though the law does not apply to him.

  21. Kamala Harris will be the next
    President of the United States
    Make no mistake about that

  22. It's about time we celebrate America, as opposed to the fool telling us how horrible America is.

  23. My GOP family members who voted twice already for Trump are sitting out this election. They are just sick and tired of Trump's chaos and unseriousness.

  24. "Swifties for Kamala" group holds kickoff call!
    Taylor's endorsement is coming soon!!!

  25. This election is going to be one for the history books. Hopefully it will be taught!! So we never repeat it.

  26. I'm a lifelong Republican and I am going to vote against the party in every race. It's not the party it used to be. I have never voted for Trump or any of his Maga Goons.

  27. Cool news -

    Kamala Harris has taken a 4-point lead over Trump in a nationwide poll released yesterday.

    The poll from Florida Atlantic University (FAU) Political Communication, Public Opinion Research Lab and Mainstreet Research USA found Harris leading Trump, 47 percent to 43 percent.

    Among likely voters, Harris, who replaced President Biden at the top of the party’s ticket late last month, led with 49 percent to the former president’s 45 percent, the poll found.

    1. Stick a fork in him. He’s done, and it’s only going to become a wider margin as Election Day approaches. People are tired of the same old garbage that comes out of his mouth.

  28. Keep an eye on the Electoral College swing states. Those are the key ones, and that's where the election will be won or lost..

  29. While Harris will remain in the White House through January 2033, Donny’s best hopes for the future is merely house arrest.

  30. BRAVO to special counsel Jack Smith for not giving up on these charges and getting this case back on the books. Trump needs to be held accountable for his actions and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law because anyone else would have already been charged and convicted and in prison.

    1. Every reasonable lawyer out there knows Trump can't beat these new charges

      trump needs to be held accountable for every charge he has, game over for him

  31. Swifties in Red States plz vote BLUE we need you all to show up big time in those swing states!!!!

  32. Tim Walz speaking to the Firefighters Union in Boston today. Listening to him is like listening to a friend who wouldn't let you down.

    1. Tim's a sharp dude. Well-spoken

  33. Still can't get over this JD Vance interaction with an employee of a donut shop:

    "I'm JD Vance and I'm running for vice president."

    This is truly hilarious.

  34. McConnell and other Republican leaders need to speak out. this Trump campaign is horrifying

  35. We need to gain 11 seats to retake the House and it looks great for us.

  36. I love this country and I believe that those Republicans who hate this country are going to lose!

  37. So tired of his face & voice disrespecting America and then him getting a free pass.
    Hold Him Accountable!!. smh

  38. Put that psychopath in JAIL already. Yeeesh!

  39. Melania deserves whatever is said about her. She is the female version of her husband.

  40. Gov. Abbott says border problem solved:

    "We've solved"? We didn't do anything. Biden made an executive decision in May. Since he made that decision, the border has been fixed. It was the bipartisan policy they were pushing, that Trump asked Republicans to ignore. There is no "we," governor. The old man did the right thing. Give him his credit.

  41. Democratic strategist James Carville said in a podcast interview today that former President Trump "knows" Vice President Kamala Harris is today’s "hot item," adding that he suspects it is "driving him crazy" as the election gets closer.

  42. On the debate: Trump could prepare for a year, and Kamala would still mop the floor with him. But a cooler debate would be between trump and Tim Walz, who would totally shame him!!!


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