Thursday, August 29, 2024

MAGA, INC.:....Deep-Pockets Contributors Fueling Presidential Campaigns....A Million Here, A Million There...Whose Vote Counts More?...Billionaires In It For Tax Cuts......Big Cheese Gets Policy......But What About The Little Guy?...Fair, Or Not Fair?...


McALLEN, Texas |...It's the one side of politics we all know about but rarely study - contributions. Yes, we get the Emails asking for donations, usually small, like $5 or $10, sometimes monthly. Those do add up. I mean, we're a big country of some 350 million people.

That's the cool "good citizen" side of participation.

Then, however, come the boys with the Big Bucks, the millions, at times $25 million or even $50 million. They get the ears of a politician. They want major action on issues of their choice, rarely anything to aid the entire country. 

This caught my eye yesterday on the Common Cause website -

Empowered by the U.S. Supreme Court's 2010 Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission ruling allowing unlimited independent financial contributions to support political campaigns, outside spending during the current election cycle has hit a record $1 billion, according to a report published Thursday by the watchdog group OpenSecrets.

". . . .Super PACs and other outside groups that can raise and spend unlimited sums of money have poured about $1.1 billion into 2024 federal elections as of August 15 - nearly twice what similar groups spent over the same period in the 2020 presidential election cycle when independent expenditures hit an all-time record," OpenSecrets reported.

"More than half of all outside spending during the 2024 cycle - about $585.8 million - has gone into the presidential election, which saw an especially expensive Republican presidential nominating contest," the group added.

"The largest spender, by far, is Donald Trump's flagship super PAC, Make America Great Again Inc.," the report notes. "To date, MAGA Inc. has spent about $125.1 million boosting Trump in the presidential election..."

That's a load of cash.

All of it to influence the election.

Yes, there are many Americans who would like Big Money out of our national elections. It does tend to water-down the individual vote. And, yes, that cash does finance a campaign and, well, it's also true that few Americans would be able to self-fund a bid for the presidency.

Is it here to stay?

In our capitalist society, where money does talk, well, we say a fight against these billionaires would be noble and popular, but useless. Still, it's at the very least good to know that, at present, we sort of get some info on who is donating and to whom.

That's just a little bit better than getting nothing, of course...



  1. The last Email from the Harris/Walz 2024 campaign got to me. I donated a few bucks. It seemed the thing to do, what with the mess we're facing from that other vicious, powerful front. With any luck, it'll help. We're two months and a few days from the election, so there is still time for you to contribute, yes...

  2. Don't just vote MAGA candidates out, vote ALL Republicans out. They're all enablers of Trump!

    1. Harris up in Georgia, Arizona and Nevada...tied in North Carolina....Hell-o BLUE WAVE!!!

  3. Now that corporations are making Colombian drug lord-sized profits from the oversight pullback Vonshitzinpants enacted, they'll do anything to get him back in the WH.

  4. Maybe if Republicans would stop voting no on all the bills to help with the people instead of taking lobby money and voting for whoever gave them the money

  5. The first journalist who says to Trump, "What the fuck are you talking about?" the next time he lies, which will be the next time he opens, his mouth......wins the Pulitzer Prize

    1. Whoa!!!! You win the Internet.

    2. Gonzo journalist Hunter Thompson would have done it long ago......and destroyed Cheeto

    3. Yes, Trump lucked out. Thompson died in 2005.

  6. I think the right has this plan to have a weak easy to manipulate president while they control things around him and just need to make sure Trump is happy and stay out of things while they pull the strings. The plan is not to get rid of a so-called deep state but to make one. And now I also understand why they keep bringing that up and why they accuse Biden of this constantly ... it's projection and they love the plan.

  7. All I can say is that I hope POTUS Harris as one of her first appointments appoints an AG that will FINALLY and SWIFTLY HOLD TRUMP ACCOUNTABLE for his whole host of crimes. No more special treatment. Prosecute him. No one is above the law........

  8. what the MAGA and Gop don’t seem to get … is that TRUMP cares for nothing and nobody but himself

  9. Shut up, just shut up...I am so sick of hearing this lump of lard's voice, lying about anything and everything and trying to jump on anything and make a big deal about it. He needs to go to prison, he needs to be punished. not women seeking abortions, HE IS THE STUPID ONE SO STOP CALLING EVERYONE ELSE STUPID. Just get the F away

  10. At the debate, when he gets through ranting and raving and foaming at the mouth, she should ignore everything he said and point her finger at him and ask: "Do you want that, or do you want what I and Democrats have to offer?"

  11. Where, oh where is my cartoon? Hope it’s here by tomorrow. It’s Trump in front of the temple with the money counters and stacks of votes. Jesus is descending with the whip in his hand. Please, someone draw my cartoon.

  12. More than 200 staffers for four previous Republican presidential nominees have endorsed Democrat Kamala Harris’ White House bid, cautioning that the notion of a second term for GOP nominee Donald Trump is "simply untenable" and "will hurt real, everyday people."

  13. One thing I am curious about that is only tangentially related. It's pretty well established that the reason he is not currently sitting in a cell awaiting trial is because he is running for president. If not for that, he would almost certainly be seen as a flight risk, and he has violated bond enough to get it revoked. When he loses the election, how long before his bond gets revoked?

  14. Women of America, never forget who were the ones that did this to you and gives anyone that right to make that decision for you. Pro-choice pro-democracy pro-equality...I'm definitely voting straight ticket Democrat. Trump/Vance are going to feel our wrath come this November.

  15. America is sick and tired of Trump, put him away to prison and throw away the key.

    1. Totally despicable human being. UnAmerican!

  16. Random Thought - who in the Trump campaign thought it was a good idea to go to Arlington Cemetery and take a thumbs up photo in front of a grave?

    1. It goes to the top - to Trump.

  17. Dear Republican women, I'd like to remind you once again that ballot booths are private, and nobody needs to know who you really voted for.

  18. I live in an apartment complex that houses migrant families. They're just looking for a better life for themselves and their children. I love living in a country that can provide that for them. Maybe being the daughter of an immigrant gives me a soft spot for migrants, but I'm telling you, in no way do I feel threatened by the presence of happy families enjoying life. Give me a break. The psychos that have gerrymandered my state and are gatekeeping women and girls from available medical care on the other hand.... they're a problem. I'm literally checking my voter status weekly now.

  19. I also have the creepy feeling that 45 made it a point for his staffers to reach out, and 'encourage' grieving military families who had lost relatives, to attend this ceremony. Wanna bet many of them were in fact unaware Arlington National Cemetery expressly forbids taking of photographs in that locale...or using it as a political platform??

  20. I hate it when they say, "Well, that's just Trump."
    If anyone else would have said what he says, their career would be over. This is not normal behavior from anyone, especially a potential presidential candidate.
    Wake up, America!

  21. Hey MAGA, Donald Trump despises all of you!

  22. I am Latina and trump has NEVER had my vote

    1. Listening Mayra Flores? ja ja ja ja

    2. Mayra's being too quiet. Has she given up on challenging Congressman Vicente Gonzalez?
      'ppears so.

    3. Could be she's out of cash. All money donated to the Republican Party goes to Trump.

  23. Trump should be banned from Arlington National Cemetary in the first place.

    A draft dodger entering Arlington cemetery is 100% blasphemy.

    1. So what are the consequences for the people directly involved? I don't mean the physical assault of the Arlington National Cemetery employee. I mean the entire crew of people who were told about the rules and went ahead and broke them anyway.

    2. The cemetery official they assaulted is female. Hence, the reason they thought they could intimidate her.

    3. Donald Trump is above the law. Is that news to you, bro?

    4. Trump doesn't like actual heroes. On Sept 5th, he's awarding medals to Jan 6th criminals at Mar-a-Lago. Not making this up.

    5. Sadly, RED Hat commenter is right........

    6. NO words for his disgraces at Arlington.

    7. 4,500 service members lost their lives in Afghanistan and Republicans only remember the last 13 because they can use them.

    8. But he's still ABOVE THE LAW........

    9. This man is getting away with everything he does wrong and continuing to disrespect the rules and laws of our heroes and this beautiful country.
      How can he stop when he’s getting away with it all?

    10. As much as he talked bad about veterans, he had no business stepping foot there. NO Politicians should be exploiting our heroes for photo ops.

    11. The woman soldier who was assaulted by Trump's goons won't press charges because she's afraid of retaliation.
      Shame on them.
      They should be prosecuted!

  24. If she frames her campaign effectively, Harris can make Trump a throwback and herself the embodiment of a future that has already taken shape in American demography.

  25. I've delayed a move so I can vote blue in Texas. I really want to be a part of turning Texas blue.

  26. We can't move forward until Trump is held accountable.

  27. At this point, I know who am voting for. Debates with Trump are a waste of time. I no longer believe anything that comes out of his mouth. Sick of So-called MAGA and all that comes with it like Project 2025!

  28. JD Vance is not only weird but extremely creepy. His views on women are like something straight out of the Dark Ages. He seems to think a woman’s worth is tied to motherhood and that those who choose a different path — or can’t — are somehow responsible for society’s downfall. He’s against IVF, dismisses modern feminism, and wants to strip away women’s rights to make their own decisions about their bodies. It’s as if he’s on a mission to win the "Most Backward Chauvinist" award. But in today’s world, this kind of thinking is not just outdated — it’s dangerous. We’ve come too far to let someone drag us back into the past. Let’s leave these regressive ideas where they belong: in the dustbin of history. Vote for progress, vote for freedom — Vote Blue.

  29. I knew Jack Smith would make a brilliant move. He really is our valued asset to bring Trump to justice for his crimes.

  30. This week on KXAN News in Austin, they announced that Texas has removed 1Million Texans from the voter rolls. They are claiming the names are ILLEGAL Immigrants, residents that have moved or died. To have clear transparency they should publish the entire list.

  31. I can't stand the fact that this despicable person can behave the way he does over and over again, and each time escape the consequences. His heart is a smoldering grave, everything he touches withers and dies.

  32. Taylor Swift is not my generation. That being said, as an old guy, I know which levers to pull and which one to leave alone. The Taylor Swift one is one that we do not touch

    1. I look forward to Taylor Swift publicly rejecting him for all he stands for - and endorsing Kamala Harris. Please Taylor, because you could be so helping to achieve the safety of the Free World.

  33. Donald Trump has been a constant disgrace since 2016 with everything he says and does. I am just so tired of it!!
    Please vote for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz!

  34. WE ALL WATCHED JAN 6th ON TV. TRUMP should be serving time today.
    For God's sake, why are we still talking about the ways Trump can slither away without accountability!?

    1. So far, he has slithered away.

  35. And this is why the Harris/Walz campaign just lets Trump keep talking and tweeting lies!

    He does an excellent job of recruiting for the Democrats!


  37. Donald Trump is completely losing it as FOX News polling begins to favor Democrat VP Kamala Harris, even giving her the win in a recent electoral simulation by FOX host Brett Baier.

    Georgia will put her over the top, said Baier.

  38. Everything Trump and Vance throw out plays with their base, which is fine. The more times they say and do outrageous stuff, the more Kamala Harris and Tim Walz gain independent voters.

    I hope they keep it up.


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