Saturday, August 31, 2024

AMERICAN MEDIA:...News In The Time Of Rage & Ruin...The Internet Sets The Tone...For The Masses, A Decision On What To Believe...Information In The World Of Politics Seems To Have No Reins...A Free-For-All, Yes...Consumers Find What Suits Them...


McALLEN, Texas |...Back in the excitable 1980s, when I wrote about Mexico for The Houston Post, my traveling gear included a supply of Reporter Notebooks and a TRS-80, Radio Shack's portable computer. It was small, lightweight and reliable.

Even in the outs of Hermosillo in the hot and steamy Sonoran Desert, it did the job, even as at times I ragged on the hotel operator for help. Somehow, I managed to get my stories to Houston, from there and other out-of-the way places, where searching for a telephone hookup was also part of the job.

In Big Metro places like Mexico City, Monterrey or Mazatlan, things were easier, perhaps because I had a better choice of much better, much more modern hotels.

In any case, it all worked back then.

These days, professional journalism is a whole other world. High-tech cellphones have transformed reporting into an instantaneous gig, even for transmitting photos, the latter something, thankfully, I was not required to do.

Much is being said about the demise of newspapers, especially in small towns. Yes, thousands have closed shop in the last 20 years. A handful of majors remain, although they, too, have cut forces and accepted the Internet as a vehicle for their product.

I talk to someone in the business today and what you hear about is social algorithms, declining ad revenue, or AI-driven fakes.

Yes, the journalism business may be tanking, but the practice itself has never been more robust. As one friend told me, at what other time in history could someone have started writing and within a matter of weeks reached tens or even hundreds of thousands of readers.

But advances have trade-offs. At what price have we changed our needs for news and information?

So we ask: Is it a good idea to rely on a local news-oriented blog, even if the operator of such a website is not a trained (college degree in the field) or experienced journalist? That depends wholly on the honesty and motivation of the blogger. There is money to be made, of course, if that's what fuels the drive, although the checks & balances of serious editing are tossed by the wayside.

No blogger will ever admit to the idea that his blog would be better if edited by someone else. Blogs are all-too-often one-person, no editing operations that do and do not bring useful news. Most of them around here bring shallow reporting that leaves more questions unanswered than anything else.

I speak of smalltown blogs of the sort you see in the Rio Grande Valley.

There are better blogs in major cities, where the writing is exemplary and more than adequate. Google the subject matter and see for yourself.

I tend to agree that the Internet is both savior and damnation.

Broadcast news also falls a few notches from where it roosted back in the day. It's true: much of what a consumer gets these days is opinion, at times even partisan opinion. But the world has changed, as it tends to do from one decade to the next.

And news has changed right with it.

Still, the axion remains: You read and listen, and then decide whether you believe any of it...



  1. Like many of you, I do have my favorite news outlets. It's a rounded course in both so-called right-wing & left-wing stuff. Generally, I check in with AP.COM, my former employer The Associated Press. Online, I go to and, the website for the Columbia Journalism Review. I get over to and to, perhaps because I always saw them as the standard in news reporting. For news on Israel, it's, for Mexico its, for England, I read The Times of London, for France Le Monde and for Russia it's The Moscow Times. There are others, of course, but those form the essence of my waltz with the day's news...

  2. On her news conference with CNN last night:

    Slurred words: None.
    Mixed-up names: None.
    Racist taunts: None.
    Juvenile nicknames: None.
    Incessant whining: None
    --> Kamala Harris totally passed.

  3. I saw the interview and I can't even picture Trump answering questions like that without lying. The question is, Will he be asked the same questions, and will he be allowed to lie, like the media often let him get away with doing?

    1. I agree, it was like CNN's Dana Bash had been given a list of questions by some low-ranking Trump lackey (someone like Kalie McEnemy of FOX News) who had been tasked with coming up with a list of "gotcha" questions. I liked the way Harris and Walz cited their records and didn’t address such stupid questions directly. They also didn’t respond in kind with petty jabs at trump. I particularly liked the detailed response to the question on immigration although, in that particular instance, Kamala called out Trump for putting a wrench in the spokes to stop the bipartisan immigration bill from getting done.

    2. she came across as extremely presidential. Anyone who didn’t know much about her would see that right off the top … that she can do the job, she’s serious, and she’s authoritative. For as much as certain segments keep yapping about "what does she stand for?" I’m not sure anybody who hasn’t been paying attention is ever going to care enough to ask that. They simply want to know if a woman can fill the role and Not. Be. Trump. Harris is great at that.

  4. Kamala Harris is a boring interview; she’s not as animated as Donald Trump!

    1. Really? So, people have become junkies for crazy town? Fuck that. Straight forward, clear minded and competent isn’t boring. It’s what you need in a serious leader. If people want to be "entertained" by absurd theatrics from their politicians, they really need to take a good look at themselves.

    2. The big disappointment was newscaster Dana Bash and CNN.

      The American people want to know the differences between Harris and Trump. Instead, Bash used Republican talking points to question Harris and Walz. Opportunity lost.

    3. RED HAT, get a life.

    4. Trump said it was boring!!!

    5. Yes, Trump calling it boring is his way of saying "please don’t watch, nothing to see here". Which means he knows they didn’t get any ammunition out of it. If they did, they would be amplifying clips.

    6. Stop talking about Trump that way! Go back to Mexico already!!! I'm damned tired of foreigners disrespecting our presidents!!!!!!

  5. Mainstream media hasn’t been relevant for a couple/few cycles now. The punditry/horserace coverage model inserts the media figures into the process. Gone are the days of "here is what happened" and then leave it at that. Most of them focus on trying to be the smartest person in the room, well inside baseball, rather than seek anything relevant. We don’t need media personalities telling us what someone meant or said. We’re smart enough to figure it out on our own.

  6. It’s amazing how little it takes to be able to call yourself a journalist these days.

    1. You're not alone in thinking that.

  7. The 25th Amendment should have been used on Trump a long time ago.

    1. You must not have any dignity or moral compass if you vote for him!

  8. Social Media exploded because of a need for the truth and complete news coverage. This does not mean social media is trustworthy. Consider how many reporters work for the mainstream internet news media, and how few stories they actually produce. A hot issue is the Ken Paxton raid on election workers. I am not saying Paxton was justified in his raid, but it is Democrat Gilberto Hinojosa who is filing the election contests claiming ballot harvesting. Why is the news media not reporting it is a Democrat leading the way on the lawsuits. The judges say Gilberto lawsuits are good and he wins. So do we have fraud? Yes. But mainstream news refuses to report the Chair of the Texas Democratic Party is claiming election fraud. This silence by mainstream news is what drives social media.

  9. I watched the Harris/Walz interview - she did really well. MAGA and the cult leader are furious because they were hoping she would slip up or make a mistake. Instead, she was confident and articulate, and now they’re scrambling to find something to criticize. Their frustration is obvious - they wanted a different outcome, but she handled it perfectly.

  10. I hope it’s my vote that makes him go to prison!

  11. America media is EMBARRASSING. We have no real journalists in this country.

  12. Respect yourself America - dump the chump! VOTE BLUE

  13. Why why why is he allowed to get away with everything????
    He is a traitor, disrespectful, disgusting

  14. Just watching the pundits sit around blathering about their own supposedly important "opinions" is really dull.

    I feel like we’ve reached a point where what these mediocre minds think doesn’t matter at all anymore. We can watch and make up our own minds.


  15. Just a reminder that too many women in the US cannot get the healthcare they need because they cannot afford it. Protect pro-choice and push for universal healthcare so woman can LIVE...not just for reproductive rights! How about postpartum help?

  16. I was a country club Republican for 30 years. Then they started that RINO crap. I left. So instead of Ronald Reagans "Shining City on the Hill", now we have Donald J Trump's "Trailer Traitor Dystopian Hellscape". NO THANKS.....For the 21st Century, to leave the past behind! For the sake of my Grandchildren!!!

  17. Let's be real... he's done. He knows it. We're watching him slowly come to terms with it in real time.

  18. President Biden’s element of surprise, the switch/change effect, Trump’s inability to deal with the change, rapid Democratic unification, dominant support from the media and the potential rekindling of Obama’s 2008 coalition - sprinkled with his political fairy dust of hope, joy, and "Yes, She Can" - generated considerable political momentum for Kamala Harris that might just carry her across the Nov. 5 finish line.

  19. a Trump loss inevitably means an internal civil war within the Republican Party. I believe a "war" is inevitable between the all-powerful Trump forces and those traditional Republicans who want to move on from the Trump era and win the White House in 2028 without any Trump family members on the ticket.

    Like all civil wars, this one could be brutal, because the GOP opposition forces see in Trumpism a political dead-end with a shrinking voter base. I publicly left the Republican Party Jan. 2021 thanks to Trump’s toxic brand. Today, identifying as a Republican is not about conservative governing principles but automatic loyalty to Trump, with his MAGA troops in control of the party machinery from top to bottom.

  20. MAGA isn't popular because of Donald Trump. It's the opposite. He draws his popularity (and his power) from them. When he goes - hopefully two months from now - they'll be right there as the majority in a minority party. Just as they are now.

    In short, MAGA has enjoyed riding in the front seat of the car. Just because you switch drivers doesn't mean they'll be willing to return to the back seat. In fact, they will insist on selecting the new driver from amongst themselves. They're never going to accept a return to the old days. Forget about that.

  21. I keep hearing how the radical MAGA right wingers are going to start a civil war if the great Orange One loses in November. My question is, exactly whom are they going to war with? Are they just going to go out in the street and start shooting people? Are they going to start a war with the U S military? How do they plan on organizing their ranks? Kind of similar to Texas' threats to secede from the union, all bluster and no action.

  22. Proudly voting for Kamala Harris in November. I trust her more than Trump. She at least has class and honor. Trump can't go a week without being disrespectful, cringe, creepy or weird.

    1. Let's get some resolution to his criminal cases!!!

  23. Again? He tried this and failed once already.
    Donald Trump, coordinating with MAGA Congress, is trying to stop his inevitable criminal sentencing on his 34-count state court felony conviction for fraud and election interference, by trying to drag his case away from Judge Juan Merchan and to federal court.

  24. Real Republicans will vote Country over Party. You are not abandoning your party. You're just being a true patriot and saving your Country!!!

  25. Donald incited the insurrection on Jan 6th. I remember that day and I also remember people were cheering the words "hang Mike Pence!" That was a horrific day. This Republican is now for HARRIS/WALZ 2024

  26. Can’t wait for Trump to out of our minds. Voted once for him. Never will vote for him or a republican.

  27. The legal warfare over the 2024 election is well underway. The MAGA shenanigans of the Georgia election board have overshadowed disturbing developments in Arizona. Last week, the Supreme Court signaled it would revisit an issue it had settled over a decade ago, allowing a new Arizona law to go into effect requiring proof of citizenship to register to vote. Reopening the issue at the last minute and after registration has begun, the justices are fomenting a false public narrative that noncitizens are a threat to U.S. elections. This is the latest signal that the justices are in cahoots with former President Donald Trump and may be prepared to meddle in the election - unless it is decided by margins too large to tamper with.

  28. It sure feels like this 2024 Election Is normalizing corruption
    And now the Trump-Harris election is turning into an auction

  29. I've been catching up with AG Merrick Garland and I do wish he'd been more of a pit bull in going after Trump. He wimped out!! Garlands tenure is a product of the "we go high when they go low" approach which the Dems have abandoned but even if Garland had started the Trump cases on 1/21/21 it would not have made any difference. Trump loaded the Federal judiciary, including the Supreme Court with Trump friendly hacks who, along with Roberts, Alito and Thomas will protect him no matter what.

    1. Two horrible words - Merrick Garland. Biggest Biden mistake period.

  30. Trump getting a pass on everything is getting old. I can't wait for a Trump-free world.

  31. Get this cloak of fear, hate and division between us all off our backs. Get rid of trump and make the government something for grown-ups again. He's just another citizen and nothing more. Jail his butt already!!! The whole country stinks because of him.

  32. she did a fine job at the interview. 2020 Kamala wasn’t ready for the Presidency, but 2024 Kamala has the poise and self-assuredness to be a leader. On to the debates!!

  33. Kamala Harris is presenting herself as very relatable, genuine and honest, as is Gov. Walz. That's all she needs to be.

    If the corporate media can't fathom or comprehend that, that says nothing about Harris and Walz, and everything about the media.

  34. Let’s be clear, Rio Grande Valley. We have NO republican allies. They will all as soon knife us in the back as breathe.

  35. People want to see Trump held accountable for his treason, and to see him spend the rest of his miserable life (his congressional accomplices, too) in prison.

    I also think she’ll make a great President.

  36. The more trump's underlings attack her interview, the more you know it landed. Harris/Walz 2024

  37. Donnie, you don't have to come up with such an elaborate excuse to chicken out of the debate. All you have to do on the day of the debate is tell them you have a tummy ache.

  38. Women and young people are going to save the country.
    Thank you, from an old white dude.

    (and thank you, too, Mr. Editor. Saw you at the restaurant this morning)

  39. This election is indeed a binary choice - America or Trump.

  40. As a veteran, I cannot fathom any US veteran voting for Trump.

    1. Women veterans certainly will not!!!

  41. Oh I am so weary of this man. Please, everyone, let’s get rid of him for good.

  42. Free Viagra is included on every insurance policy, including those that deny women contraceptive coverage, maternal care, and delivery coverage. Men rule, and we ladies are supposed to shut up and reproduce after we get them their dinner, wash their clothes, and drive everyone to their sporting events.

    1. Republican Party leaders, all men, will never target men for any sort of government intrusion. Pity.

  43. Trump’s evangelical supporters should have noticed the disconnect between their moral framework and Trump complete-lack-of-a-moral-framework 8+ years ago. Better late than never, I guess, but I don’t think it’s a coincidence that all these "moral revelations" are occurring only now that Trump is behind in the polls and seems likely to lose the election.

    To be explicit, evangelicals' moral decision-making is guided by the promise of access to power, with actual morality coming in to play only as a post-hoc rationalization of why they did what they did. It’s literally the exact thing they constantly warned themselves they would do when "the Antichrist" appeared, and yet all their warnings and prophecies didn’t help them at all.

  44. Former United States Marine Corps Sgt here. Really, the former president doesn't know the rules of Arlington Military Cemetery
    Maybe because he never went there to honor the fallen unless it was for a photo op! And I believe that was only once. Shameful!
    Stay focused America and Vote Blue

  45. BREAKING:...Newsmax, the right-wing news pusher, is reporting that former Republican President George W. Bush is contemplating an endorsement of Democrat Kamala Harris in the 2024 election!!!

    Politically Bush's career is over. He has nothing to lose by endorsing Harris. His GOP is gone. He can be part of the group that will try to rebuild the party after Trump and MAGA are defeated.

    1. Expect Liz Cheney to also endorse Harris/Walz..., with a post in the administration coming to her. Also Adam Kinzinger, the former congressman and maybe Mitt Romney, who has resigned from the senate.

    2. The Bush family has a history with Trump. He disrespected them and even nicknamed Jeb "Low Energy" in the 2026 election. W should come out and slam Donald. It would be meaningful!!!

  46. When a huge number of members of your own party are jumping the sinking ship Trump you know you are in trouble

  47. Did anyone else notice weirdo JD Vance saying, "The country needs a healthy RULING class?".

    WTF is he talking about?

  48. Please do not get complacent! Vote, it is not necessarily in the bag yet. She needs to wipe the floor with him. The bigger he loses, the more likely his belly-aching will be ignored.

  49. Donald Trump and JD Vance can’t be trusted.
    Simple. To the point.
    And a devastating truth every American must understand.

  50. I think our country is so sick of Trump and his lies and insults we want rid of him. How wonderful it would be to turn on the news or read a paper and never hear his name….

  51. The MAGA felon continues to spiral deeper into the abyss of misery and despair as the cognitive condition deteriorates into desperate and incoherent MAGA mumbo jumbo.

  52. Asked on CNN about the sexual post about Clinton and Harris, Trump senior adviser Jason Miller downplayed a discussion about the post as a "distraction,"

    Excuse me...Is this the same Jason Miller working for the Trump dog and pony show that is totally against abortion (today) that slipped his pregnant girlfriend (without her knowledge) an abortion pill in her drink?

    Why do they think we forget these things? This is why he is going to get buried in November...he has no long-term memory, and he thinks none of us do either.

  53. Harris now has a slight overall advantage over Republican rival Donald Trump in the U.S. states that are likely to decide the 2024 White House race, according to one widely followed average of polls for the top swing states.

    Harris had support of 47.9% as of Friday, just ahead of Trump’s 47.4%, according to the RealClearPolitics moving average for seven swing states.

  54. The Repubs cannot be shamed. There is no low that is too-low for them. That is their strategic advantage. (off to work)

  55. Even if it's looking promising, even if it's looking increasingly bad for trump...
    Don't let your guard down, folks.
    What matters the most is to give Harris and Walz as many VOTES as possible.
    Frequently check your voter registration status. Make sure no one and nothing stops you from casting your votes.
    There has to be no repeat of 2016.
    The world/our planet can not afford it.
    Channel the enthusiasm and hope into getting out the actual VOTES!!

  56. Why vote for Trump when he's again and again showed you he's anti-Vet, anti-Union, anti-Worker, anti-teacher and quite simply anti-USA?

  57. You can humiliate him all you want, what you need to do is put him in prison!!!!

  58. Trump is where decency goes to die.

  59. Trump ADMITS He Plans To GUT Social Security

    1. All Americans should be worried about this.

  60. Donald Trump has a full-blown meltdown over Fox News after they reveal Kamala Harris is now beating Trump in sunbelt states in latest voter polls, proving devastating election truth for Trump.

  61. As a Vet I find trump repugnant, And I am embarrassed for our country.

  62. It's about time the scales of justice are applied at their fullest and Trump is sent to prison for the rest of his days. The orange suit should at least match his complexion!

  63. Mark my words, Kari Lake will NOT win the Senate.
    Ruben Gallego will defeat her.
    In fact, Kari Lake will NEVER win any seat of power.

  64. There are about 30 musical artists that Did Not give Trump permission to use their music. Everybody needs to sue him. I'm sick of him & his lawlessness & no consequences.

  65. "Made free & kept free by better men than he." - John Stewart Mills, 1859.

    Five generations of my family have served with honor. Trump's disdain for service members who gave their lives is disgusting especially coming from someone who didn't ever serve. If his intentions at the national cemetery were selfless there would have been no need for a camera crew.

  66. "Kamala Harris has a resume; Donald Trump has a rap sheet." - Jasmine Crockett

  67. Trump, Boebert and Greene…… three insufferable voices I can’t hear anymore. The level of annoyance is way high.

  68. The total embrace and acceptance of the cruel, vicious, hateful and nasty by so many millions of people without any sense of shame is astounding and constantly continues to shock me!

  69. Please God don't let him die before he can be humiliated by losing the election then going to jail.

    1. I believe that would be justice.

  70. The shit our country lets him get away with is appalling!!!

    1. Not for much longer, bro. Not for much longer.

  71. The economy is great, and it's been for 40 months now. Of you need to blame someone for inflation blame the guy who raised the debt more than any president in history in 4 years. Blame the guy who gave a 20 percent tax cut too the wealthiest Americans while raising the debt to pay our countries bills. Look at the metrics every number line by line trump was terrible on the economy. He took credit for the economy Obama left him. When trump needed too actually handle the economy, he had no solution other than raise the debt. President Biden came into office with our country and economy in shambles. Because of trump president Biden and his administration have created an economy that has not gone into a rescission like the so-called experts said it would. Record unemployment wages are up inflation is down and our country is experiencing a manufacturing surge almost a million new manufacturing jobs added under Biden. President Biden and his administration have done more to decouple from China than any president ever. The economic boom that's going on in our country is the envy of the world. If trump had won in 20 and had the exact same record as Biden, he would be bragging about how he created the greatest economy ever. Fox and every other right wing propaganda outlet would be saying see trump saved our economy. But trump didn't win he lost, and he knew he lost. Trump left office with our country and economy in a dumpster fire. President Biden and his administration pulled our country and economy out of the fire and the economy is booming. If trump had won, he would say this about inflation. Suck it up America it's not my fault. Because trump is a malignant narcissist who couldn't care less about you, your family, your future.

  72. Do you want to end this national nightmare? Make sure you are REGISTERED to vote. Make sure people you know are registered. Get to the polls. VOTE. Do more than be mad at Trump. VOTE!

  73. Kamala Harris puts out stunning new ads announcing her plan to lower housing costs and incentivize home construction to make home buying more affordable.

  74. An unhinged Trump supporter attacked the media pit at a Trump rally in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, last night while Donald Trump looked on and encouraged the attack, saying, "That's beautiful. That's all right. That's okay. No, he's on our side. Yeah. We get a little itchy, don't we? No, no, he's on our side."

    May God damn him.

  75. He is uniting Americans across the country against him and against MAGA.

  76. Trump smiling with his thumbs up standing on the graves of fallen soldiers was one of the most disrespectful and sickest things he has done and given that it’s Trump that says a lot.
    This man's bottom is bottomless. What an obnoxious and vulgar act. Draft dodgers shouldn't be on military grounds.

  77. I LEFT MAGA ON J6... twice a trump voter... NEVER AGAIN

  78. Donald Trump supporters and Republican donors get hit with a major warning as new article by a Republican political consultant for the New York Times reveals Trump and his organizations are funneling money around to his personal and legal benefits instead of promised MAGA causes and entirely to his campaign.

    1. Big surprise. Uh, no it's not.

  79. As a retired Marine, I will never tolerate Trump. Vote Blue.

  80. Someday I will get up, enjoy my day and go to bed without once hearing the word Trump. It will be glorious.

  81. They're doesn't seem to be a bottom to Trump's. Behavior.

  82. He's drugged. They keep him sedated or wired when he has to be like that. The slurring and bizarre delivery. That voice that just trails off. The right eye is always ¾ closed now. He's going down fast.

  83. A union saved my job after I was unjustly fired, even though I did not belong to the union. Took about 2 months to get my job back, but I also got backpay once I got my job back.

    Another person was fired years before me, for the same unjust reason.

    Not sure what the union situation was then, or maybe they didn’t take it to the union like I did. However, because I got my job back, they had to offer this person their job back with years of backpay. And they accepted.

    UNIONS ROCK! Vote BLUE!!!!!

  84. Put the criminal Trump in jail asap. GO HORNS!!!!


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