Sunday, August 25, 2024

UNPOPULAR AND STALE:...EGADS!!! Republican Trump Falls...Boredom Is His New Face...Americans Not Keen To His Promise Of Chaos...Trash Politics... Even Conservatives Have Tired Of The Joke...Odds Of Him Winning Tank.....Upbeat Democrat Harris Gets The Applause...


McALLEN, Texas |...Someone hand him the news. It's over for Fake Republican Donald J. Trump. The convicted felon once a stalwart in Democratic Party politics is losing at every turn. He's played a silly and dangerous game, and Americans have been entertained, but the end is nigh.

Say goodnight, Donald.

As we read in a major news site, even the editor of a major conservative news outlet is admitting that the GOP's chances of victory in November are slim.

National Review editor Mark Wright weighed in on the disarray of the Republican ticket and Trump's careening presidential campaign. While opining that the GOP nominee isn't getting fair treatment by the mainstream press, Wright nonetheless attributed Trump's flagging 2024 operation to the fact that he is simply ". . . .very unpopular" and that Democrat opponent Kamala Harris represents a welcome departure from what was previously a stale race.

"Yes, this summer when the public was faced with the choice between the Democrats’ unpopular, probably senile, octogenarian Joe Biden and the Republicans’ unpopular, definitely nuts, septuagenarian Donald Trump, it seemed like the American people would reluctantly go with Trump," Wright wrote. "But at the same time, American voters for two years running had loudly and repeatedly told both parties, pollsters, and anyone who would listen that they preferred a different set of choices. The dominant emotion that most Americans felt about the coming election was dread. And then, in a remarkable turn of events, the Democratic Party gave Americans another option: Kamala Harris."

It's a dead-serious snapshot and only one, but you can spend a whole afternoon online and find a load of similar writings. FOX News, always the lapping dog in the troubled Trump campaign pulled away from his rally in Arizona yesterday, no doubt because it, too, is tired of and embarrassed by his lying.

Indeed, it has now become apparent to most Americans that Donald J. Trump persists with his campaign only for one reason - to stay out of prison.

He is, as everyone knows, scheduled to be sentenced on Sept. 18th in connection with the Hush Money Trial that ended with a unanimous verdict of guilty earlier this year. Aside from that, he still has three other criminal cases hanging around his neck.

It's a bitch, but...

Luck also loves to run out...



  1. Well, as The Beach Boys like to say in most of their songs, stories do have a beginning, a middle and an end. We've been to the start, the heart of the race and now await the finale. That tired-looking nag three laps behind is one Donald J. Trump...

  2. It's just a shitshow now. hope when Trump goes to prison, he will get the mental health care he so obviously needs.

  3. There's nothing "Normal" about trump, his campaign, platform and base. The guy can go FULL "DEMOCRAT" and MAGAs would STILL vote for him.

  4. All of you, please stop with the "my crowds bigger than your crowd" nonsense. What matters is how people vote in November.

  5. The RNC made a huge mistake in nominating Donald Trump as their presidential candidate. The GOP is broken.

  6. Melania is voting for Kamala!

  7. The giant orange yawn. The world has reached trump Saturation Point, and we will be so joyful when he is no longer clogging up our news feeds. Talk about toxic.

  8. Age 72 here. Made my first political campaign donation ever yesterday. Vote Blue!

  9. Life comes at you fast. If things had gone differently in 2016, Hillary Clinton is finishing up her second term and taking the same bows that Joe Biden took last week. Kamala is most likely the senior senator from CA, maybe a participant in the 2024 Dem primaries, but instead we have this rollercoaster ride. Harris is well positioned to be a genuine hero to the country as the one who finally, thankfully, vanquishes drumpf. Because of this, I’m sure Hillary loves Harris just a bit more than the rest of us and that’s saying something.

    Can’t wait to see all the political capital Harris will have when she pulls this off.

  10. The difference between Trump MAGA Republicans and Democrats? Trump Republicans hate liberals more than they love America. Democrats love America more than we hate Trump Republicans.

  11. People complain that it seems ridiculous that every election these days is "the most important of our lifetime". And they’re right, though not in the way they think. 2016 was the most important election of our lifetime, and the country failed the test. Because of that, every election for the foreseeable future will have our democracy on the line.

    Off to church now.

  12. This disabled Vietnam era veteran loves Kamala Harris for President and Democracy.

  13. The day that we never hear from or of the Trumps again will be a day worth celebrating.


    2. he's got a JUAN TRACK MIND

    3. another JUAN BITES THE DUST



  14. Will someone take that blabbering fool to a nursing home where he can receive the proper care? And I'm his age, 78.

  15. Republicans are WEIRD.

  16. You need to find the interview his first wife. I think it was with CNN where she said Donald loves immigrants. "Who else is going to clean our house?" she asked, laughing

    1. Ivanka Trump died some time ago and is buried at Trump's golf club in New jersey.

    2. No, it was Ivana, his wife - not his daughter Ivanka who died.

  17. RFK’s a disgrace, he is against everything his Assassinated Father fought for. His own Brothers and Sisters are against his stance. Wake the Hell Up!!!

  18. Republican JD Vance at donut shop last week. The best part is when JD tells the employee that he’s the VP candidate, and she says "ok".

    She was not impressed

  19. Feel sorry for his Indian wife, Usha.

    1. MAGA types say she does not fit the "look" of white supremacy. Husband JD Vance does not defend her.

    2. Where's Melania?

  20. Gus Walz Won the DNC’s Hearts
    He was seen crying and shouting, "That’s my dad!" from the audience as Tim Walz spoke. Priceless.

  21. RFK scrambled like a wimp toward Trump after being rejected and laughed-at by Kamala Harris camp. Fact.

    1. Both RFK and Donald have faces that look like they've been pummeled into pulp. Gross.

  22. The world is sick of the Hate Party

  23. How do you get Trump to change a light bulb?
    Tell him Obama installed it!

    When he tells MAGA he changed it they cheer in the dark.

  24. "Kamala Harris has a resume; Donald Trump has a rap sheet." - Texas Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett

  25. He's called Don the Con for a reason!
    Trump in politics: Sell yourself to anyone who will give you money! Latest buyer The Heritage Foundation & Project 2025!

  26. Pro-life Conservatives are only concerned about the birth of the baby once it is out of the mother. They don't give a damn & once it reaches military age that's the only time that Conservatives really are concerned. Other than that, any social help the parents or baby might need...tough luck

  27. Trump wears knee pads for Putin. Fact.

  28. I hope Trump keeps showing everyone who he really is and that they believe him. Let 2024 be his expiration date.

  29. REPUBLICANS, want your party back?
    Help us help you. Vote Blue.

  30. Kamala Harris has worked in all three branches of the government, Judiciary as prosecutor, DA, and Attorneys General of California; in Congress as a US Senator, and the Administration as Vice President. She is absolutely qualified to be our President.

  31. am a single mom of a wonderful 26 year old son who is autistic. ANYONE who made a snarky comment about Tim Walz's son should be ashamed. These kids are the light of our lives. I'm so sick and tired of people passing judgment on others. This just shows how callous Trump is, among other things.

  32. As a Marine veteran, Vance and Trump make me sick!! Trump did not serve. He dodged the Vietnam draft. Enough said.

    1. Five times he sought and got deferments

  33. Vice President Harris holds a 7-point edge over former President Trump nationally in a new poll, marking the latest gain for the Democratic presidential candidate as the general election approaches.

    A survey from Fairleigh Dickinson University, released last Friday, found Harris leading Trump with 50 percent support to 43 percent nationally.

  34. Sick and tired of Trump. He was the worst president we’ve ever had.

  35. Donald Trump's name is mentioned in Project 2025, a mere 317 times. Yeah, he's in on it.


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