Saturday, August 3, 2024

DONALD TRUMP DROPPING OUT?:...It's Not Out Of The Realm of Political Possibilities...He's In Deep Legal Trouble And Apparently Fast-Losing Ground As Presidential Candidate...A Stay-Out-Of-Prison Deal With Prosecutors?...It Could Do It...



McALLEN, Texas |...It came out of the blue yesterday in an interview with squirrely ex-White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci - would Republican Donald J. Trump leave the 2024 presidential race, and if he did, why would he do it?

Scaramucci has known Trump for years, from their many business ventures in New York City.

It's something of a stretch at this point, but the thinking is that bad polling numbers, perhaps a coming election night defeat and looming criminal cases said to be strong against him would lead Trump to cash in his political chips and call it a day.

I'm not buying it in its entirety.

A serious health development might do it, however. Trump is 78+ and showing it these days.

Plus, would steadfast prosecutors who have seen Trump place appeals roadblocks at every turn of their cases even consider offering him a plea deal?

I say no, they would not.

Polling numbers would not scare him away, not with his however-small collection of bellicose MAGA supporters. Imminent defeat at the hands of Democrat nominee Kamala Harris?

I'd say we all know Trump's massive, entitled ego would never allow him to think such a prospect.

He is the Old Man in the contest, a serious consideration he once threw out daily at 81-year-old Joe Biden when the president was headed for the nomination before dropping out in mid-July.

Americans are primed to vote. This election has grown in magnitude for a variety of new reasons, one being Harris's ascension, which has been - and would be - historic.

Plus, what other credible Republican would replace Trump, and is there still time for a replacement, what with early-voting ballots set to go out next month? It's a baffler.

Ultimately, we would say that Anthony Scaramucci is throwing out a rather out-there scenario, not that it is out there somewhere but that it is sort of far out there...



  1. A few readers complained of getting "Failed to publish" messages after submitting their thoughts in our Comments feature yesterday. It's a daily problem now, although it does resolve itself. Keep trying, is all we can say...

  2. trump is flailing, he can't handle VP Harris

  3. The GOP made a horrible mistake aligning themselves with Trump. How long will it take them to show him the door? Trump's base is shrinking slowly but surely. They can only take so much before they get the picture. Hope it isn't too late for them.

    1. I ask: Why do Republicans hate America so much?

    2. Good question.

  4. Everything that has been going on over the last two weeks is because she is on the attack, which is a total change from the way we dealt with Trump in 2016 and 2020. The time for intellectual arguments to voters is over. It has to be a non-stop attack until election day.

  5. You are right at every level. On his criminal cases, this is not Cameron County. It would be a crime to drop the criminal charges in exchange for Trump bowing out. You cannot tie a plea to financial benefit. But there is no financial benefit if as an elected official you agree to resign, and your alleged criminal conduct is tied to your office. This is not the same as agreeing to not run when you are not even a public officer at the time.

  6. A side note on Josh Shapiro. It remains unknown who the VP pick will be. But I have an open question. Does anyone believe the Secret Service would be given only an hours' notice of who Harris picks? The choice is done, and the Secret Service is creating its security detail for the nominee. It is amazing with the number of people involved in creating the security detail, nothing has leaked.

  7. At this point, Trump and MAGA are on a roller coaster on the edge of a cliff.

  8. I'm hoping Kamala Harris picks someone who can analyze the facts of the issues. We don't need someone who shouts loudly and has no clue how to solve problems, like Republican Vance.

    1. All signs point to Gov. Josh Shapiro of Pennsylvania.

  9. My belief is this: If Donald Trump had such a difficult time conceding that he lost to another older White man, he is definitely not going to be OK in the event that he loses a presidential election to a younger Black woman. And I am very concerned about what plans he and his allies might have to be disruptive to the 2024 election.

  10. Trump was once white, then orange and now an old-man grey. Someone should look into that.

  11. There is NOTHING a MAGA hates more than a veteran.

  12. He is so weird and pathetic….I’m voting for Kamala Harris 2024.

  13. It’s my gut feeling that on the whole people don’t like Trump, and the more they see of him, the less they like him.

    1. Yeah, homeboy, you think I like you?!

    2. Ramon be too dark for me. He can actually write? In English? ha ha ha LOL!!!

    3. Bring it, poo-tohs!

  14. It is going to be a close election. However, if Kamala picks the likes of Tim Walz as her running mate, it will be less close because of his appeal to rural, mid-western values, his ability to communicate in a way that is relatable, and his anti-establishment, home-grown credentials. It will be like adding a booster rocket to her already skyrocket campaign. None of the other VP candidates can do that (as much as I love Pete).

    Regardless, TheRUMP will challenge every vote that he didn’t get. The results may be in the Courts for weeks.

  15. Donald Trump is weird!

  16. A truth that I wish more people would realize. No politician is perfect, but Donald Trump is a walking disaster from the word go.

  17. Congratulations to Simone Biles for her accomplishments at the Olympics!!! I am a Hispanic man, and I am disgusted by Trump and the MAGA peoples hate toward her just because she's black.

  18. With Kamala, we choose to go to the moon!

  19. American Paul Whelan was taken prisoner by Russia in 2018, Trump was President, why did he not get Whelan out then?

  20. I'm an independent that gives a shit. I'm voting blue up and down the ballot. No, Mayra Flores, NO!!!

    1. Mayra Gone With The Wind!!!

    2. Congressman Gonzalez is steadily bringing home the bacon for District 34. Mayra Flores has no chance.

    3. Vicente beat her by 11,000 votes in 2022. What's she done lately? Waste of time even thinking about her.

  21. I'm a 66-year-old white liberal woman from Harlingen and I am DANCING with JOY and for the first time in my life am contributing to a political campaign (3X in one week) and actually volunteering to support Kamala Harris for President. OMG This is the most exciting and hopeful moment in my LIFE. More power to Ms Harris!

  22. Regarding Trump's ideas, like his negative opinions of people who are disabled, just replace the name Trump with the name Hitler. Almost everything Trump has said, it was first said by Hitler!

  23. I just don’t understand why everyone can’t see that Trump is only running to stay out of prison.

    1. Oh, I'd say it's pretty well known by now.

  24. I just found out that US Women's Olympic soccer team star Trinity Rodman is the daughter of NBA Great Dennis Rodman. Wow!!! She scored winning goal today.

    1. Her dad was a tiger on the basketball court (Chicago Bulls). Good for her.

  25. UAW leader Shawn Fain says Donald Trump would send the labor movement into reverse if he's elected again

  26. My absolute hatred for Donald Trump knows no end

  27. THE QUESTION FOR THE AGES: Now that former President Jimmy Carter has said he is holding on until he can vote for Kamala Harris, will Donald Trump challenge Carter's vote on mental competence? God, I hope so, because Georgia may be in play and attacking Carter could cost Trump the Independents. Their early voting starts October 15, 2024. Of note Pennsylvania starts on September 16th.

    1. He cannot be that stupid. Go after Jimmy Carter? in Georgia? Yeah, go ahead, fool!!!

    2. Carter is almost 100 years old. Georgia will not put up with Trump's mess, not on this.

    3. I think there is a difference between stupid and not caring just to make a point. And just two weeks before he votes he will be 100 years old.

  28. Trump now says he will only debate if it can be on Fox "News," who he knows would ask softball questions geared towards him, would not hold him to answering a question nor fact- check him. He refused to debate on ABC-TV. Of course. He is a wuss......

  29. Who would have thought that Trump was going to make America great, by losing the election and going to jail.

  30. All dictators of the World are laughing at Trump. They say that you don't have the cojones to be a member of the Club.

  31. Study says undocumented immigrants paid almost $100 billion in taxes in 2022. And they get NO benefits, contrary to what Republicans say

  32. Who's too old now, Donald? LOL!!!!

  33. Any news on Trump's miracle ear? LOL!! They transplanted an ear from son Eric, and it took! It’s the first time Trump hasn’t rejected him.

  34. As Vice President Harris weighs her choice for running mate, House Democrats are increasingly advocating for a former colleague: Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz.

    First elected to Congress in 2006, Walz served in the House for 12 years and rose to become the top Democrat on the powerful Veterans Affairs Committee before heading home in 2019 to lead the North Star State.


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