Friday, August 2, 2024

WOULD HE DUMP VANCE?...Republican Donald J. Trump Needs To Reverse His Recent Losing Streak... GOP VEEP Nominee, J.D. Vance Has Been The Far Side Of Woeful...Could You Also Leave It To Trump To Rid Himself Of A Vice President?...On "Day One," If He Wins...Russia Abolished Its VEEP in 1993...



McALLEN, Texas |...It's the talk of Avant Garde politics, something to throw the entire game into a new field. To read the magazines is to see reporting off the 5Ws style (who, what when, where and why) preferred by the newspapers.

Magazines have the entire sky's vocabulary to choose from. And the critical thinking takes its chances.

One of late has it that Republican presidential nominee Donald J. Trump's flirtation with fascism may his likely decision to ditch vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance. Not ahead of the election, although that, too, is in some thinking but if he wins, wherein he will say a dictator does not need a vice president.

Very much like Russia did, when it eliminated the position of vice president in favor of a prime minister in 1993, after a brief 2-year run.

Things are not going well for Trump these recent days. His boisterous ways at the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) conference in Chicago earlier this week, where he openly wondered about presumptive Democrat nominee Kamala Harris's ethnicity ("Is she Indian or is she Black?") rankled even some within his party.

That was the overlay of the troubled campaign. Underneath roils the question of whether Trump will keep Vance, a novice politician in the Big Scheme of things who has created a few major headlines, something Trump allows only for himself as the party's figurehead.

Vance's missteps were legendary. He threw out the fanciful thought that there was something terribly wrong with childless women who placed more interest in cats that bearing children. That drew gasps and likely cost the party a few million voted in the upcoming November General Election.

Then came a wild rumor that has Vance having sex with a couch. That has yet to be proven, but the mud sticks to his face and to the Trump-Vance ticket. Who knows what he will say or do today. It all created the new smackdown word of "weird" most Democrats and political pundits quickly assigned to both Trump and Vance.

As criticism, "weird" was lame, but the problem for Republicans is that it seems to have stuck.

Republicans as weirdos?

Check today's news stories from the campaign and cable news talk shows for confirmation.

The flipside of the story, whether Vance will be dumped, is also out there in some prominence. For voting's sake, senior Republicans would probably advise Trump not to mess with the ticket, as ballots have to be certified by the states ahead of early voting, which is slated to begin in September.

Vance is likely safe, for now.

All bets would be off if Trump wins on November 5th.

The related 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution established the complete order of presidential succession.  The official text is written as such: In case of the removal of the President from office or of his death or resignation, the Vice President shall become President.

Well, unless the dictator ignores all that. Trump has said he would be a dictator, although only for "Day One." Hold him to that empty promise and you're holding onto melted cheese.

Russia's all-powerful President Vladimir Putin has no vice president. His strongman political post has a prime minister with expressed zero ambition for the country's top post.

Putin, in fact, is president for life...



  1. No weirdness with our Comments feature yesterday. The weekend's here, so maybe that means something. If you get a "Failed to publish" message when submitting your comment, just keep trying...

  2. Democrat Veep contender Mark Kelly hits Trump, Republicans on border: "They don’t actually wanna solve this problem"

    1. Trump himself killed the last Border Bill, which was sponsored by a Republican from Oklahoma!

    2. So long, Vance!

  3. The ticket is Harris/Shapiro. Last night it broke the Harris campaign notified all Wall Steet donors they have until Sunday to donate because certain Wall Street donors are barred from donating to a campaign with a governor. Next, Shapiro cancelled his entire weekend schedule to include a major fund raiser. Yes, Shapiro is not the only governor being considered. But he is the only one who has cancelled his schedule.

    1. I think they’re all great - Shapiro, Kelly and Walz. I’m picking Walz just because I like that he kicked off "weird
      . Let’s go, Harris!

    2. Sure, but look at what Walz has done in Minnesota. God, I hope they pick him.

    3. There is no issue Tim Watz did a good job. But he will 68 if he runs after Harris serves two turns. Shapiro will be 59. Optics matters.

    4. Agree on the age angle, but why stick it to the hornet's nest when you have other equally qualified candidates? Shapiro being Jewish and very pro-Israel is a minor problem but a problem just the same.

  4. When they go low, we go high

    Democrats can and will win on a message of positivity, inclusivity, and class. It will be a tremendous contrast to the convicted felon the Republicans are running.

  5. No to Shapiro, who is for school vouchers! And that’s why many teachers (myself included) and public-school advocates would rather he not be the VP pick. Vouchers are incredibly problematic and are a tool of the right-wing school privatizers. Shapiro should never have supported them, and we should not want Harris tied to a VP candidate who does, no matter his other good qualities. I’m all for Fightin' Tim Walz at this point.

    1. don't overthink it. If you have the first draft pick, you pick LeBron James.

      Seriously, Shapiro checks 2 essential boxes: Pennsylvania power and in-sync messaging.

    2. Kelly for me. I can't see Trump effin with an astronaut, who'd jump on his butt in a nanosecond.

    3. Walz and Beshear are way better.

    4. For you, it is better for schools if Trump winds so long as it is not Shapiro for VP. Shapiro said what he said because he wanted to win Pennsylvania. He will be all with Harris in opposing vouchers.

    5. @8:01 AM Shapiro would still back the Democratic Party were he not to be selected. That also must be clear to you, right?

    6. Of course Shapiro will back Harris if he is not her VP pick. But that may not be enough to secure the 19 electoral votes Penn offers Harris

    7. Sen. Fetterman will help with Pennsylvania.

  6. The media loves any story that elicit strong emotions. The media loves dirt, but it also loves war heroes, astronauts, mass shootings, medical miracles, love stories, and identical twins. Dirt elicits strong emotions, but so would the story of an astronaut identical twin who served as a Naval captain, flew 39 combat missions in the Gulf War, gave up his career as an astronaut to care for his wife the House Rep who was shot in the head at a "Congress in your Corner" event for her constituents, remains in a deeply loving relationship with her, and ran for and won Arizona Senate seat not out of any love for politics or power, but out of desire to carry on his wife’s mission and serve his country as he had done all his life. That story’s too powerful to ignore.

    1. Republicans could never understand the seriousness of a thoughtful politician like Mark Kelly. They are so used to clowns now.

  7. We're SICK and tired of being SICK and tired of being Sick and tired of Trump. Who else? Vote Blue.

  8. I'm glad Americans are home from Russian prisons, but why is dumb Trump taking credit? Pathetic.

    1. Putin knows Trump will lose in November.

    2. Putin doesn't know squat. he betrayed Trump with the prisoner release. we won't forget.

    3. Welcome back, Red Hat. Just get off work at Wendy's?

    4. @11:15 besame el culo.

  9. Socrates said it best, when the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser

  10. I am still trying to understand what Republicans have against a happy woman who laughs and loves life

    1. Why do Republicans hate America so much?

    2. @8:46 AM Ask Mayra Flores.

  11. This shouldn't be political. We should be ecstatic to see innocent Americans brought home. Job well done, Mr. President

  12. Trump will dump Vance. He so wants to upstage Harris's VEEP selection, which will dominate news.

  13. JD Vance will probably end up in prison, ruined just like Rudy Giuliani, Peter Navarro, Paul Manafort, his bookkeeper and some 1,000 capitol rioters who glued themselves to felon Trump. It's established now. Vance will do something illegal for trump. Hook up with him and lose it all.

  14. Vance is going to regret his decision to be Trump’s running mate. What I’d really like to know is what his wife Usha really thinks. I look at Usha and do not see MAGA in her.

    1. Yeas, dark skin enrages MAGAs. Poor woman.

  15. The future of the United States is more important than some clown's ego. Vote for Kamala and Blue all down the ballot.

  16. My husband and I have worked our whole adult lives and of course, paid into Social Security. And my husband is retired from the military. Project 2025 will end Social Security. Project 2025 will end military retirement benefits. We simply cannot let Trump return to office. Please everyone, vote. Vote as if your life depends on it because it does.

  17. Trump again saying he can't be bought? Didn't he reveal how he CAN BE bought when he told the oil giants "Give me $1 billion and I'll make life easy for you."

    1. MAGA donations are paying his legal bills!!!

  18. Harris leads in Minnesota polling; Trump loses grasp on flipping state red

  19. Where's Melania?

  20. SPORTS: Chicago Bears beat Houston Texans 21-17 in storm-shortened Hall of Fame game last night.

    1. It was boring. I only watched first quarter.

  21. Trump, I will never vote for you

  22. Announced today - VP Harris raised $310 Million, double the amount Trump did in July

  23. About Biden's effort to reform Supreme Court - Maybe it's time for States to just ignore the bastards. Sure, that will likely make lives in Red States more miserable. But most of those Confederate Trumpmonkeys deserve that.

    Folks in decent Blue States just pass laws by majorities in their State Legislatures. Who are all accountable to the electorate. If States ignore Scotus, what will Scotus do? Call the police? If they do that, let the cops haul off Clarence Thomas.

    1. Supreme Court made itself irrelevant by siding with Republicans a bit much.

  24. Trump and Vance keep being weird.

  25. why do I now feel that we are all complicit in elder abuse, Trump appears to be about 6 months away from screaming about the hospice nurse stealing his shoes

    1. Maybe because he's 78+ years old? That could have something to do with it.

  26. Kamala Harris Now Leads Donald Trump in Eight National Polls

  27. Trump's dumpster fire days are clearly numbered. He's dropping faster than the Hindenburg!

    1. Yep, he's losing it right before our eyes. Good.

  28. The more he talks, the bigger the hole gets.

    1. JD is weird. So is poor Donnie. Both weird.

  29. If Trump thinks she is "dumb as a rock," as he says, then why is he afraid to debate her? Talk about a not-all-there pendejo.

  30. Harris is in fact tied with Trump in all polls, when you look to margin or error. It scares me she has not broken out against Trump. One mix-up she will be in trouble. Anyone with confidence she has this is on very thin ice. We need to work harder. It really scares me Trump is still not in the rear window.

    1. It's the two-party system. To wish for one candidate in the rear-view mirror is laughably unrealistic.

    2. there are some national pundits who are openly saying Trump is fading. But commenter is right to some extent - anything can happen from one day to the next in this election. he's had no bumps since the assassination attempt and the RNC convention, which was sometime back - a long time ago in politics, actually.

  31. What I can't get over (well, ONE of the things) is how childish, insulting, and unprofessional the Republicans have become. We need to vote them ALL out in Nov.

  32. Thank YOU, President Biden, for skillfully negotiating the release of our US citizens from Russia. Not Trump. He had nothing to do with helping!!! He claims to be friends with Putin, so why didn't he negotiate this before? Right. He's a Big Orange Zero!!!

  33. Kamala Harris becomes presumptive Democratic nominee!

    Let's roll!!!

  34. The Republicans in Congress just blocked the child credit that was instituted during covid-19, which pulled millions of children out of poverty. This is why we need Vice President Kamala Harris to become a Madame President in the White House.

    We must take care of our most vulnerable alongside our older citizens who worked all their lives and paid into social security, and it shouldn't be cut.

    There will be those who will vote against themselves because of hate, but we're not like that because we want what's best for everyone.

  35. Hope over hate. Inclusion over division. Normality over crazy cult like behavior. Kamala 2024

  36. Trump's attitude on race is from the 70s - Yeah, the 1870s

    1. Trump is forgetting the 33 million racially-mixed people who are entering the voting age.

  37. UPDATE: Imane Khelif, the Algerian boxer who beat up a woman boxer from Italy at the Olympics and was roundly criticized as being transgender, is said to actually be "cisgender woman," which means the attending doctor at her birth noted her sex as female.

  38. Former Trump admin communications director Anthony Scaramucci says Trump could cite health issues as the reason to drop out if his poll numbers keep tumbling and designate someone like Nikki Haley or Florida Governor Ron DeSantis as the GOP candidate.

    "There’s a pass for him if he drops in the polls and the predictive markets shoot up and he starts to panic. There’s a pass for him to get out of the race, blame it on a health issue, cut a deal and avoid jail," Scaramucci said.

    "I know how this man thinks," he said, adding that his assessment is based on an analysis of Trump’s personality, having known him for a long time.............

  39. It took me awhile to support Joe after Bernie, but Joe turned out to be one of the most progressive presidents we've ever had, and his levelheaded bipartisanship saw us through hard times. I was slow to Kamala just like Joe, but now I can see and understand that she will do just justice. I'm 100% behind Kamala!


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