Sunday, August 4, 2024

WEIRD IN TOWN:...MAGA Republicans Normalized Welfare Queens, Deadbeat Blacks, Lazy Hispanics... Now, They Cry At Being Called "Weird".....It's Just A Word, But It Has Stuck...And They Are Not Happy... Hatred Of Immigrants Is Not Normal...


McALLEN, Texas |...Words have a life of their own. You remember and likely still use the word "nerd". That one dates back to the early-1950s and Detroit, Michigan, where it was first used to mean a drip or a square - as in a social loser. It's still very much around.

Republicans are wondering if the word "weird" associated with them will also stick.

To write the obvious: They are not happy. Democrats are still laughing. One of their own affixed it on Republicans recently, and "weird" has become a drag for the GOP. Thank Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota for pasting the word on the face of every MAGA Republican from coast-to-coast.

Are they really "weird"?

Well, bellicose party figurehead Donald J. Trump is not your normal American, and his VEEP nominee J.D. Vance (shown at left in photo below) stands accused of having sex with a couch. Oh, but there is so much more to stick on these guys. We'll let the working press stay on this campaign phenomenon. "Weird" is white-hot on the trail.

 Normalizing oddness (is hatred odd?) has been the strength of the Republican Party for years.

This from a report published by [ "Weird" reverses and intervenes at a crucial point of our society. It says the appeals by the right to supposed family values (anti-trans bigotry; restricting no-fault divorce; slashing public-school funding; hatred of immigrants) are not normal. They aren’t fundamental American values that the liberal elites have somehow derailed. They are, instead, deeply strange. And "we" (a new silent majority that Walz invokes in his use of "weird") are tired of it.]

I know, I know. Its politics (polititicalspeak) and all of it is partisan, one side trying to diss the other.

In-your-face vocabulary plays a key role in defining politicians and their campaigns.

That is historical.

Trump and Vance may be weird, but they are only the latest. Their coupling certainly is a new one, what with the presidential aspirant on the ticket being 78+ and his running mate half his age, the man on the top of the ticket wealthy and the second banana not so much. They are not - and never will be - equals.

That's weird, I suppose...



  1. Good comments of late. But we should remind everybody that we're not cool with profanity, in English or in Spanish. Say what's on your mind. Make your point and thoughts the message, not your anger...

  2. Who else wants to go back to the old days when politics was boring AF?

  3. The failed Trump experiment is about to end. 2016 was an anomaly, he got lucky. No policy, No plans, just lie after lie. I watch parts of his rallies for entertainment, similar to a Jerry Springer episode. I sure hope the FBI/ATF and local law enforcement all across the country are making contingency plans for another insurrection and room for all the knuckleheads who will be headed for jail after his loss. Heck, he can share a cell with them

  4. Weird Old Man Trump has lost it vote for Kamala. She will unite this country.

  5. Trump is scheduled to be SENTENCED on 9/18 so maybe the debate should be postponed till we see how many of his 34 charges he's nailed for, and for how much.

    I'm sure he won't debate her unless he absolutely has to for some reason. It's not like he's got anything to SAY.

  6. The real count down isn’t to the Election Day. It is to the day he goes to jail

  7. 93 DAYS PEOPLE!!! 93 DAYS PEOPLE!!! KEEP OUR COUNTRY free and belonging to the people!!! Madame President sounds perfect

  8. Where's Melania?

  9. Kamala picking her VEEP today?

    1. Mark Kelly's Senate seat in Arizona is too important to the Dems. He is there until 2029. Good guy and great pick but not the right time for him.

    2. Shapiro is a good choice, but he is so pro-Isarel that it may cause problems. Not that Israel is a laser, but what they're doing to Palestine needs to be noted.

    3. Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear also cleared his weekend schedule to meet with Kamala. He's sharp and no JD Vance!!!

  10. Trump is Weird and Weak.

    Remember he's not running for president but running against criminal prosecutors.

  11. He whines about Americans being brought back from Russian prisons. I’ve never, in life or fiction, encountered as disgusting a character as Donald Trump.

    1. Look in the mirror, Ra-Moan

    2. @9:49 AM Welcome back, Red Hat!!! We know it's you.

  12. Trump was white then one day he turned orange. Trump is rotten to the core. The World is tired of Trump! KAMALA HARRIS 2024!

  13. Former Republican Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan of Georgia slammed GOP & Trump as a "FELONIOUS THUG." He then endorsed Kamala Harris

  14. This should scare everyone. In a poll summary released today, Harris and Trump remained tied. Just how much can some people hate Harris that Trump is still tied in the race? The polls are really way off, or the American people are still not happy with the choices. We have to work so much harder for Harris.

    1. Polls in national politics are really not much use for voters. I remember our Exec. Editor at The Boston Globe (John Driscoll) always asking about the stories we'd write citing this and that poll. The number of people queried is always small and the wonderment always went to who they called and where do they get their phone numbers. Perhaps that was easier with landlines, but cellphone numbers are not as readily available is what I hear. Then Jack Driscoll would ask, "Have any of you ever been called by a pollster, or anyone you know?" No hands were raised. I find them simply something to get through, as with some other questionable stories on our politics...

    2. In 2016, and 2020, the polls were bad. But then we are left in the dark as to what is really happening. That scares me.

    3. I say polls are mainly East Coast things. has anyone in the RGV ever been polled?

  15. Republicans want to shut down the Department of Education and drastically reduce all Social Security type benefits.

    VOTE Blue and VOTE 4 Harris for POTUS

  16. Trump is so weird! Weird is a candidate for the presidency of the US making speeches that include imaginary scenarios with sharks and electric batteries, statements about admiration for Hannibal Lector and Al Capone, proclamations about how he doesn't care about those listening to his drivel - he just wants their votes, avowals that he will be a dictator - and with more promises that if he wins this election, nobody will need to vote ever again. Does he not understand that he is being heard by decent, intelligent, patriotic Americans who love and respect our democratic republic and its Constitution?
    Trump is very weird!
    Especially weird if he thinks his crazy commentary will bring him votes.

  17. as trump becomes more unhinged his anger and rage grow. He needs psychotherapy now.

  18. DonOld (Old Don) the oldest candidate for president in the history of the USA.....and the most unqualified and unfit for that office....please America, do not make that mistake again....VOTE BLUE....VOTE BLUE....VOTE BLUE......

  19. Once again…the only thing that we have to do is VOTE. So quit bitching about things and vote…and take your friends with you so they can vote too.

  20. Totally agree. To me, Trump is the worst presidential candidate ever!!! People in other countries are laughing at us.

  21. Vote MAGA into the trash can of history.

  22. The Rant Rallies are great it showcases the
    unhingeddementeddivisivebuffoon .

  23. They are just all so weird! They need to cope harder

  24. I want a strong president with convictions. While Trump has 34, I like Kamala's moral convictions better.

  25. All GOP and MAGA cult got left is a ranting, rambling, incoherent old orange convicted felon standing at the podium.

    November 5th, 2024, turn USA BLUE from sea to shining sea!

  26. Debby forecast to strike Florida as hurricane, forcing MAGA Republican Gov. DeSantis to beg for federal aid. LOL!!!

  27. Debate Any time, Any place, Anywhere... He's s*it-scared so he won't be there. Why do these lifeless people follow him? Get a job, Rednecks!!!

  28. VOTE THE REPUBLICANS OUT. Let's get back to living a cleaner life. America has had it with this garbage!

  29. Huge crowds and battleground wins: Kamala Harris is now a big problem for Republicans

  30. What a BENCH the Democrats have for VEEP! And how pathetic the Republicans are. Not just the half dozen big ones but also, Wes Moore, the governor of Maryland. I was dazzled by him recently speaking. So many great choices for Kamala's Administration. While Donnie's are in prison or turned against him.

  31. White man here.
    Dads of girls
    Let’s open the door for our daughters in 2024.
    Elect and protect Kamala. Let’s walk the walk. Lead.
    Harris 2024

  32. Trump only has this week to ditch Vance, and if Trump doesn’t get rid of Vance, he’s stuck on the ballot for the upcoming presidential election.

  33. Kamala’s campaign launches "Republicans for Harris" to lure GOP voters put off by Trump

  34. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer predicts Democrats will keep control of the Senate now that Kamala Harris is atop the ticket

  35. Why is the "pro-family" Republican Party blocking legislation that would help lift many kids out of poverty? Republican Texas gov. Abbott killed summer food program for kids.

  36. The Dallas Cowboys play their first pre-season game next Sunday against the Los Angeles Rams. They open the regular season against the Cleveland Browns Sept.8 at Cleveland.

    1. Cowboys will go 8-7, 8-8, 8-9 or whatever. Mediocrity at its best. Boring now.

  37. What happened to the felon angle? We need a constitutional amendment not to allow felons to run for the president of the United States. A felon cannot join the military nor be allowed to vote, but a felon can be a commander in chief? Uh, no!!!

    1. Trump has no campaign. Not one platform or policy to benefit Americans, but full of roadblocks for
      their progress.

  38. Trump only has divisiveness and ridicule. He accomplished nothing in 4 years except to build a stash of secret documents and grift for his hotel businesses.

  39. How can you people normalize a criminal! FULL STOP!!

  40. Napoleon said, "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake". So please, Trump... Keep running your mouth.

  41. You’ve given this country hope’re smart, positive, optimistic and tough… kick his ass, Kamala

  42. I wish the news media had been this rough on him nine years ago. I can't wait to never see or hear from him again.

  43. Former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan, a Republican, today criticized his party for staying silent as Donald Trump attacked conservative stalwarts including Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp and Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger - both of whom resisted Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election in their state of Georgia.

    "We have done more for the conservative cause than Donald Trump has ever done,” Duncan said on CNN’s 'State of the Union' about Kemp, Raffensperger and himself. "This is now starting to not be Donald Trump’s problem. This is starting to be the Republican Party’s problem."

    1. Trump ragged on Republican Georgia Gov. Kemp's wife at his rally and all Kemp said was "Leave my family out of it." LAME!!!

    2. @6:17 PM Ted Cruz started that take-it-up-the-wazoo response in 2016, when Trump called Ted's wife Heidi ugly, and Ted did nothing.

  44. I just noticed some university polls show Kamala ahead of Trump in Florida!!! If Florida goes Blue, Game over for Trump. Social Security cuts by Trump is a real threat in that state full of retirees

  45. To think the Republican party, the supposed party of law and order, has a convicted felon, admitted sexual predator, serial adulterer, rapist, fraud, Con Man, and proven monumental liar as its candidate is a perfect illustration of the Cult Mentality that has taken over their party. While the Dems are now running a proven prosecutor who has dealt with Trump's ilk in court for years and the Republican are crapping rings around themselves. And Just Dumb Vance is a complete fake, grifter, and imbecile who could be one heartbeat away from the White House is terrifying.

  46. My 2 cents: There's still no doubt she is not only much more liberal than Trump and the far rightwing Republicans that now effectively control the GOP.

    She's also much more qualified by temperament, experience and empathy than Trump on the best day he ever had. Also, there is the very real issue of the SCOTUS as well as lower federal courts and the court packing Mitch McConnell, the Federalist Society and puppet Trump accomplished. The results of that have been devastating for America.

    So, in my opinion, the courts alone are enough of an incentive to vote for Kamala Harris.

  47. I for one am sick to death of the Republican Party. They are grim, mean, nasty, unhappy and grievance-ridden. They don't laugh unless it is as somebody else's expense or when they are making fun of somebody weaker than themselves. They cannot stand happiness. They won't be satisfied until everyone is as unhappy as they are.

    I say SCREW THEM. We are happy about our candidate, and they are stuck with a mental case, and they just cannot stand that. I hope our happy candidate wins so this country can get back to some kind of normalcy and away from the party of gloom and doom that is full of Debbie Downers. (First time commenter, btw)


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