Wednesday, July 24, 2024

THE STRETCH RUN:...Presidential Election In Full Gallop Now...It's 59-year-old Harris vs 78-Year-Old Trump...Good & Evil On The Ballot...100 Days To Go Before Election...Elon Musk Denies Giving Trump $45 Million-A-Month...There Goes The Bell...


McALLEN, Texas |...Three months and 12 days, that's all the time you have to decide, America. Yo, vote away! It may or may not be the most important presidential election in the dizzied history of this country, but it will be a national test of sorts.

November 5, 2024

That day, yes.

It's a contest between Good & Evil, we have been - and are being - told. Daily, in doomsday news reporting that has had no recent rival. This is Crunch Time, fourth & long, last at-bat, make it or break it free throw or the 12th round and you're behind on points.

There is no one left to quote.

We have arrived on candidates with good and bad intentions. The choice would seem to be clear, only it is not. Fog has more appeal in times of trouble. Vote Harris or vote Trump. The nation awaits its fate.

The Eagles were right all those years ago: there is no more New Frontier; we have got to make it here.

President Joe Biden is gone from the contest, Donald Trump has chosen his empty-suit running mate, Elon Musk says it's a lie that he's giving Trump $45 million-a-month, and polls are now showing Mrs. Harris has taken a lead, of sorts.

Who knows, I know.

The female director of the Secret Service resigned yesterday, after a contentious hearing in the pro-Trump House of Representatives, where she was told by one congresswoman that she was "full of shit" when explaining the recent wild shooting at Trump's rally.

And that bullet Trump said nipped his ear, as Trump claimed and, well, keeps claiming, well, reports have it that no AR-15 bullet would have been kind enough to leave any part of the ear on his head. But the story is still fluid, still yielding bits & pieces of info as to what happened.

Trump lived, however, and that's the election contest we have: a victim of a failed assassination and a woman who could realistically become the first woman president ever for this grass-whorled country.

Vote your conscience...



  1. Two complaints yesterday regarding our Comments feature. Readers have been getting "Failed to publish" messages after submitting their thoughts. The glitch resolves itself, so keep trying. Comments can be submitted 24 hours a day...

    1. Hey, today is National Tequila Day! Drink up, everybody!!!

    2. Serve me up a shot.

  2. Kamala Harris is certainly a skilled politician, and she’s ambitious. But then, what politician isn’t ambitious? To me, one thing that is true about Kamala is that she’s always underestimated.

  3. Her selection of a running mate will say much about her.

    1. JD Vance's resume is pretty thin. Two years as no-legislation senator? is that enough?

    2. JD Vance will be dumped with the promise of a cabinet position should Trump win, possibly ambassador to India.

    3. Has any VP nominee ever been dropped before an election. I mean besides that electro-shock brain treatment dude Thomas Eagleton by Barry Goldwater in '64?

  4. Trump is showing how immature he is now that he is up against Kamala. A 78 year old child.

  5. An AR-15 bullet hitting his ear would have ripped it all apart and might even have broken his neck.

    1. But Trump keeps telling rally attendees it was a bullet.

    2. It was Hollywood blood.

  6. isn't it strange that republicans are the only group in the world that deny climate change? Even the fossil fuel industry admits that it’s a thing. ….. ignorance is a powerful drug.

  7. I liked her back when she ran; the camera LOVED her in the debates. Then didn't like her when she was VP. They wanted her to not run in '24.

    Now I realize I just didn't like her as "VP" because it didn't suit her. Boxy jackets, stiff persona. I didn't realize that was what I reacted to. But now, she looks & acts fired up & freed up to be POTUS.

    The video when she walks up to her nice Jewish atty. husband & instead of him giving her a nice chaste kiss, she hauls off & gives him a big smack, a big kiss on the mouth, that's the freed-up Harris.

  8. I'm not usually a vindictive person, but I am enjoying MAGA panic SO MUCH!

  9. What strikes me is how much stronger the Democratic VP contenders (Cooper, Kelly, Shapiro, etc.) are than the Republican VP contenders were. Remember Doug Burgum? Elise Stefanik? even Marco Rubio? I don’t.

    Part of the reason the media focused so much on Trump’s VP pick, is that the MAGA convention was gonna be boring and there was not much else to focus on, along with the assumption that there’d be a good chance that an elderly President Trump would die in office so his VP pick was a big deal. And these factors might take a bit of the spotlight off of the VP pick for a more-youthful President Harris.

    Let’s face it, once Trump narrowed it down to people who are willing to be Trump toadies, the list got pretty weak. If Vance is the best they can do, it’s yawn city for undecided voters and even for MAGA faithful.

  10. It would appear that Trump is obliquely a Harris supporter. Between lawsuits to keep Harris off state ballots and this silly effort to prevent her from funding her campaign his poor sportsmanship is giving her a boost in public awareness and the polls.

    1. To me, they were running as a tandem. Everything said "Biden Harris". You didn't see Biden signs and Harris signs that they were separately running. I would think, not knowing all the rules, that she would still have access to those funds as she was a part of that team. Granted, her position she's running for has changed and he's no longer there, but I would think she still has access.

  11. HEADLINE: "Trump files FEC complaint over transfer of Biden campaign cash to Harris" -

    1. Now Trump believes in government entities? LMAO!!!

  12. Having been on the receiving end of bullets flying past I can tell you that the crack of a supersonic projectile getting close enough to your ear to draw blood would have resulted in Trump being deaf for a number of days if not permanently. Ask a few servicemen who've been there.

    1. The bullet wound is a fake story. We can all agree on that silliness.

  13. Remember that more than 80% of Trump supporters are old, obese and uneducated. Do you really think they can MAGA? Lol!!!

  14. Elon can see it will be throwing money away. It's clear trump is going to lose BIG!

  15. Lawrence O'Donnel last night did a semi-informative piece on the Secret Service. He was wrong as to when and why they were created. They were not assigned to protect President McKinney. He got that wrong also. They were only assigned to protect the president after the McKinney assassination. But he does go on to outline the total failure of the Secret Service. McKinney was shot outdoors, without any protection. There were multiple attempts on FDR, outside. JFK was shot outside. In two weeks, there were 2 attempts on President Ford. There was an outside attempt on President Reagan. In not one case did the Director resign. It should be automatic that an attempt on the President should mean the Director of the Secret Service resigns. Just now, Trump saying no more outdoor events. Really, given the documented evidence for 123 years of outdoor assassination attempts we are now finally going to end outdoor events? The competence of the Secret Service is questionable. But I am glad both Democrats and Republicans demanded the resignation of the Director, and commitment to reform.

    1. I kept waiting for the SS director to tell us whether Trump had actually been hit by a bullet. surely, the SS was there for his treatment at the hospital.

    2. She may yet do it.

  16. Trump is now appealing for support and cash from ZIKLAG, a shadowy far right Christian Nationalist political action committee masquerading as a likely illegal tax-free charity,

  17. The terror of going up against Kamala Harris in a general election is apparently keeping Donald Trump up all night, and he's using those sleepless nights to go completely insane posting on Truth Social. The convicted felon spent the past few nights ranting like a lunatic about Harris, Biden, and even ABC News, letting the world know how panicked he really is about the November election.

  18. I like Pete Buttigieg for VP, but Josh Shapiro is the better choice. He can easily put Pennsylvania back in play. He brings youth to the election, and he is Jewish. He is the only logical choice.

    1. Love Pete Buttigieg, one of the FEW Democrats who can go on Fox News and shut their sh*t down on their home turf! He's a fighter - fights lies and misinformation with facts.

    2. Sen. Mark Kelly of Arizona, the astronaut, would have been a very good choice, but the Dems need him in Arizona.

  19. Breaks my heart to know how many brave Americans have died for our country. They are rolling in their graves over traitor Trump.

  20. I wouldn’t step into a self driving Elon Must deathmobile if you paid me. And tens of millions feel the same way. How good can the product be when the top guy is stupid enough to politicize himself in public to potential customers? And run Twitter into the ground while people still call X, twitter.

    1. Elon making a financial commitment, then failing to honor it? That’s straight out of Trump’s own playbook.

    2. Has Trump dissed him yet? Oh, he will.

  21. There are decades when nothing happens and then there are weeks when decades happen.

  22. I'm looking forward to Harris' VP pick, whoever it is but hopefully Mark Kelly - an astronaut and fighter pilot who was the son of cops and comes from a border state with tough-on-the-border views! - taking on the slimeball misogynist J.D. Vance who is literally bought-and-paid-for by a tech billionaire (Peter Thiel) and has all the charisma of a gas station bathroom.

  23. Nikki Haley, if your former voters have switched to Kamala Harris, there is nothing you can do about it. They have every right to say they've switched.

  24. Why aren't the Dems waving this horrible Project 2025 document like a bloody shirt - Especially in Red States where millions will be impacted by the proposals therein!

  25. Poor Mike Pence. He tried to be nice after Biden dropped out of the race, praising him, in fact. Then came the backlash from Republicans. The conservative interest group the Association of Mature American Citizens posted, "Praising Biden, pathetic." Conservative commentator Joey Mannarino said, "This is why we consider you a traitor, Mike. Fuck off." Various other MAGA accounts left comments like, "Judas Pence has spoken. You knew what was at risk by certifying a stolen election, yet you did it anyway," "We are only in this mess because of you, so shut the fuck up," and so on.

  26. Traitor Dump is too old!!!!!!!

    1. I just noticed Trump is really old... he's 78 going on 90! Trump is too old to be President! Fact.

  27. JD Vance is so cringe. They have a lot of nerve criticizing Kamala's laugh after that Vance laugh. Plus, I say Trump drops him very soon.

  28. I'm a 76 year old , white granny who is here to say that if a strong black woman can't get it done, it's not gonna get done. I'm with you, Kamala. Bring it.

  29. "Last Week I Took a Bullet for Democracy": Trump at his July 20 rally in Grand rapids, Mich.

  30. I never understand people who support a man that has cheated on 3 wives and who only got to where he is in life because of his daddy, then they complain about woman using their bodies to get ahead or saying she is a DEI, a woman who a law degree and has been a prosecutor. Somehow, they don’t think this of low-rent Alina Habba? The mental gymnastics with these people!

  31. Republicans already moaning about Veep nominee JD Vance. Since everything the Orange Undertaker touches dies, it should be no surprise.

    JD the snake arrived stillborn.

    1. don't give Donald Trump any suggestions. Please let him hold onto JD. It's his biggest mistake this campaign!!!

  32. Trump on short list to decide if he will keep JD Vance. By law all requested military mail ballots must be sent out 45 days before the election. That means 53 days from today. Then you minus the days need to certify the ballot and print it. The news media is claiming some states will start in September. I think this race is locked in.

  33. Elon Musk just said the so-called $45 million-a-month donation to Trump was a fictional report by The Wall Street Journal, that he never said he was going to donate the money. Can't really trust anyone these days.

    1. the max u can donate to a Presidential candidate is $3,300, he's donating it to a super pac for Trump which can accept unlimited donation amounts

  34. Joe Biden to address nation tonight, explain why he dropped out of presidential race.

  35. The Republican-led House of Reps. did ZERO meaningful work or legislation in the last 3.5 years. We are so sick of you.

  36. Kamala Harris has the Big Mo - momentum!!!

  37. It was you, J.D. You wrote the foreword to book written by Kevin Roberts, the Heritage Foundation racist behind Project 2025.

  38. UPDATE:...Russian TV pundits saying JD Vance is the wrong pick for comrade Trump's VEEP. They hate his beard and his Indian wife. Reds talking heads also predict Civil War for USA.

  39. Attacking Taylor Swift will be the final nail in the Republican party's coffin

  40. Who is the slimiest? Gaetz, Trump, MTaylor Greene, Boebert, Vance, DeSantis, Hawley, Ted Cruz or Byron Donalds?

  41. To the editor - You should write about Brownsville politics. It's the craziest game in town!

  42. Looks like Taylor Swift will endorse Kamala Harris, but not just yet. She is the Final Girl Boss of celebrity endorsements

    1. That endorsement will drive Trump crazy.

    2. Trump is losing hope.

    3. He looks like he so regrets picking Vance. That was a loser move, I would agree.

  43. This election will be known as the election in which women saved the United States from Fascism.


    Articles of impeachment for a border problem after TRUMP KILLED THE BORDER BILL!!!!! Hypocrisy at its finest

  45. MAGA Republicans, keep wearing those red hats, makes it easy to spot those who want a fascist in the WH. Vote Blue!!!

  46. Brownsville voting overwhelmingly for Demos Kamala Harris and Congressman Vicente Gonzalez. No, not you Mayra Flores. Never you!!!

  47. The winds of change are blowing trump away - vote KAMALA!

  48. A Russian poll reveals that Trump supporters are more bitter than usual these days. Russians say they will take MAGA types after the election and send them to fight in Ukraine.

  49. I am so happy she is running for President, and she will win, she knows want we need, Trumpbutt only knows what he needs. The racist crap needs to stop, I just don't understand people anymore, Vice President Harris you go girl!!!

  50. Elon Musk knows trump is going lose,
    I also look forward to seeing trump lose,

    1. Poli. Sci. StudentJuly 24, 2024 at 5:19 PM

      I'm still having a major problem unseeing the fact that Elon's grandfather was a pro-Hitler politician in Canada who was barred from politics when World War II broke out and who, in 1948, emigrated to South Africa because he was impressed by their decision to institute apartheid.

  51. Trump is going batsh*t crazy over Kamala Harris. Could it be his contributions to her campaign 2 different times when she was California's Attorney General, or is it that he wears more makeup than her?

  52. Kamala has brought an excitement to America that has been missing for a long time. She is remarkable and will be an outstanding President. Blue Landslide 2024!!!

  53. I do not know if any sane person could keep up with all the lies. But the Democrats have to respond to the more pressing lies. Republican Speaker Johnson met with Biden this year. So was he covering up the claim Biden was mentally incompetent.

    1. You and I know that Republicans are good at manufacturing issues out of thin air. Johnson said nothing about this after the meeting, and he's a good MAGA parrot.

  54. Kamala Harris is going to insist on talking about abortion...and Republicans, Donnie especially, are going to go nuts.

  55. I’m a white woman 49 years old and I’m voting blue blue blue!!!! Thank you to our wonderful president who has worked so hard and we will make sure everything he did wasn’t in vain!!!!! Go Kamala!!! Charge ahead!!!!!!

  56. This election now is exciting, because it is consequential. We're about to find out who we really are as a nation.

  57. Republicans don’t like EVs. Democrats do. And Elon Musk has done everything he can to piss off his customer base. Now, sales of Tesla are way down. He's contributing to a pro-Trump PAC, even as he says he's not donating to Trump directly. Elon is in a world of EV hurt, but he is playing the MAGA fool.

    1. Shithead destroys popular social media site AND popular car brand. BWAAHAHHHAHHAHHAHA.

  58. Trump can take off his ear pad now. It's no longer helping him.

  59. Joe waited til after Trump's lousy VP was locked in. Then he pounced. It was awesome.

    1. Yes, Trump is mad because Biden outplayed him. So, who is the more mentally competent

  60. I will be voting Harris…I’m choosing the path forward…I don’t live in reverse.

  61. I'm laughing my behind off over the fact that Mr. Lies Alot and his entire campaign staff are wringing their hands over the news about Biden dropping out and now he's faced with running against Kamala, who will wipe the floor with him. The prosecutor is going to have a field day debating the convicted felon and making his debate the debacle of the century... Where's all the media pundits who for the past several weeks having been shining a glaring light on President Biden's bad debate night.. How about they start ridiculing Mr. Lies Alot about being an old, unhinged, inept candidate???

  62. Republican Sen. Tommy Tuberville of Alabama said Tuesday that most recent immigrants who have come across the U.S.-Mexico border are "garbage." Guess who picks his state's crops.................

  63. Our president is speaking tonite on TV. Thank you, President Biden for all the years you have dedicated to America and to us. Thank you, Dr. Jill Biden, for sharing your honorable husband and family with us. we love you all. VOTE 💙💙💙💙

  64. Joe is going to be known as one of the best Presidents we ever had. Good thread today!!!

  65. ​​Thank you, Sir! For your service to this country again and for saving it for our children's future!

  66. Here is something to write about. Tonight, Biden had a great sense of history. Compare tonight's speech to George Washington's speech concerning his decision to not seek a 3rd term. Biden took from the substance of that speech, and it was brilliant,.


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