Tuesday, July 23, 2024

NATIONAL AFFAIRS DESK:...Trump To Dump Veep JD Vance?...It's Out There...The Plot Has Changed In The 2024 Presidential Election...Biden Dropping Out & Harris Ascending Has Republicans Up Against The Wall...Vance Is Dogmeat After Rousing Democratic Party Convention...



McALLEN, Texas |...The saying is open for all sorts of interpretations - Politics makes for strange bedfellows. It is a truism as old as anything in this grass-whorled country. I mean, Goldwater/Eagleton?

Yeah. You get it.

Latest to hop on the Republican Party's sagging motel bed is Ohioan J.D. Vance, recently named as vice presidential running mate for Big Mattress Donald J. Trump. He's young at 39 - half as old as 78-year-old Trump - and he's still jumping up and down like a kid atop that bed.

Not for long, say some political sages who now argue that Vance will be dumped soon.

Why, you may ask this fine, fine Tuesday morning full of hope and promise.

The Democrats have forced it, they go on. Forced it by losing sitting President Joe Biden and promoting younger VEEP Kamala Harris to head the ticket in the November General Election.

Would he do it? Would Trump tell Vance to get lost if his chances dim, at least from his self-serving perspective?

Yes, he would.

That's his style - take what you need and leave the rest. Hey, no hard feelings. Life is full of tough decisions, Baby. Yeah, thanks for playing along. Good luck to you, kid.

The next question is who would Trump select to fill the vice president slot?

He is surely looking at the rising popularity of Democrat Harris and awaiting her own VEEP selection. Plus, Trump will gauge the success and voter perceptions of the Democratic National Convention and weigh his options.

He'll need a real freakin' tiger and not a Yale-Educated former mellow conservative like chubster Vance.

Who could that be?

Yeah, I know you know...



  1. It was mostly a good day yesterday with our ditzy Comments feature. Reports of readers getting "Failed to publish" messages after submitting did not surface until the afternoon. It's a mystery, but there it is. Keep trying...

  2. A political thug and hillbilly are the best the GOP can get to represent their racist Project 2025. Yes, Vance will go.

  3. Vance is a big mouse in a small kitchen

    1. Poor guy. He's in for some disappointment.

    2. Trump offers no loyalty.

    3. It's all about how he can use you. Vance is about to find out he's dirt to Trump.

  4. Grump already regrets picking the bearded more on.

    1. He'll go for a screamer next, like Marjorie Taylor Greene Or Tucker Carlson just to create chaos.

  5. Goodbye Trump, it's been a horror having you around. Madam Kamala will lead us to a future united. C'mon America, kick fascism to the curb. Vote blue up & down.

  6. Attacking Kamala just makes Trump look like the bully he is.

    1. Has everyone seen is neck? Old is old, but that neck is brutally ugly.

  7. The key barometer is how future polling see how well Republicans are doing on the down ballots. If internal polling shows Republicans are in trouble in the House and Senate, Trump will have to act.

    1. Trump tends to panic, as we saw when his trial was going on in NY. He'll fold Vance into a paper wad and trash him if he thinks Kamala is getting a Big Bounce off the demo convention.

  8. Does make me smile whenever they say "Trump leads in white, non-educated" markets. I always want to say "well.... duh"

    1. You live in Los Indios, by any chance? Ha ha ha ja ja ja

  9. Republicans are clearly terrified and it’s hilarious watching them scramble

  10. Trump was right. The last thing we need is some old guy that has dementia as president

  11. That grotesque neck. Boy, does that make him look very, very old. I’m sure he hates that picture so don’t spread it around! wink, wink.

  12. Joe Biden did one other thing that nobody is talking about. Joe Biden just beat Donald Trump...again!

  13. Republicans already labeling Kamala Harris as a DEI candidate. Oh, really? Every presidential candidate ever nominated by the Republican Party has been chosen for his gender and ethnicity. All of them have been White and male.

  14. Harris raised over $81 million in 24 hours - the most ever earned by a presidential candidate in a single day.

    I think it's safe to say that the vast majority of Democratic voters are OK with this.

  15. Dems vote for their VP and Republicans hang theirs. Good morning, Mike Pence!

  16. All Republican's do is file lawsuits when they think they are going to lose. And all they care about are themselves and rich people in this country. Republican's never do anything for the middle- and lower-class American Citizens in this country.

    Vote for President Harris along with a Blue Wave in November!!!

  17. this morning, reading all the positive news about the fundraising and all Kamala’s endorsements, I was grinning from ear to ear. And it is especially DELICIOUS that Drumpf is now the doddering old, demented fool who can’t do more than babble and continuously repeat his tired old boring grudges. It sure smells like victory, doesn’t it? Today feels like the Blue tsunami just got a few hundred feet taller!

  18. Retiree here! Gave $150 to Kamala's campaign this morning. This country needs normalcy, and I'm confident VP Harris will bring us hope and action for democracy!! God Bless President Biden, VP Harris, our armed forces and our country!!

  19. I love the panic in Trump. Keep America trumpless… Go Kamala

  20. Kamala's campaign raised $81 million in 24-hours without trying to sell any tacky ass cheap sneakers or phony bibles.

  21. Trump's supposedly shot-off ear in one of the main pictures that is circulating on the internet, has no wound blemish and looks 100% intact. The blood splatter in earlier photos following the shooting goes forward, as anyone who knows about rounds and wounds in that fashion goes toward the way of said round. Nothing behind his supposed wounded ear as far as blood but, there is forward going fluids!!

    Doesn’t make any sense other than very suspicious and questionable!!

  22. Trump is in desperate mode.

    1. Now he's filed another motion to rid himself of the millions he owes to NY courts. Get a job, dude! Trump has nothing else to do?

  23. What’s going to be interesting regarding the “race” aspect is the simple fact that JD Vance’s wife is Indian. So how do they play it where the try to attack Kamala and her race when they have an Indian as part of the ticket as well? How does Vance deal with it?

  24. Maybe Trump should consider dropping out.

  25. U.S. criminal justice system: "IF YOU'RE A CRIMINAL YOU CAN'T VOTE!"
    Also the US criminal justice system: "IF YOU'RE A CRIMINAL, YOU CAN STILL BE PRESIDENT!"

    No matter what happens in November, can we all agree that the justice system, ESPECIALLY THE SUPREME COURT, needs a massive overhaul?

  26. MSNBC mocks JD Vance at his Ohio campaign stop. Now MSNBC added the last words. https://www.msnbc.com/morning-joe/watch/-dog-whistle-calling-her-uppity-mara-gay-calls-out-jd-vance-s-attack-on-vp-harris-215463493874

    1. Second banana J.D. Vance was chosen from a talentless pool, inside a talentless party. Totally craptastic.

  27. BREAKING:...Secret Service Director Kim Cheatle has resigned in the aftermath of Trump's rally shooting in Pennsylvania. At a congressional hearing yesterday, North Carolina Republican Congresswoman Nancy Mace told her she was "full of shit" in offering her testimony...

    1. Trump & MAGA got a good woman to quit Govt! This same fellow was warned 9 mins b4 taking stage that there was a suspect on loose & still this Macho guy took to the stage! Republicans want to put "Women in Their Place!" Do Republicans not have Mother, wife or Sis?

    2. I guess her resignation will make the Republican-led House of Reps happy and reassure them that all presidential candidates with secret service details will be better protected - especially with an interim director running the show. Well done, Republicans, you have extended the period of uncertainty for everyone!

    3. The real shooter is still at large.

  28. DEI hires: Nancy Mace, Marjorie Trailer Greene, Crotch Fondler Boebert, Missy Graham, uppity Tim Scott, fleeing Josh Hawley, that fool from Florida, Ted Cruz. All DEI MAGA!

    1. You left out our Distt. 15 congresswoman Monica De La Cruz. She is clueless and a joke.

    2. Same for Hispanic Republican Mayra Flores.

    3. Mayra is losing by a bigger margin this time around. She's broke. RNC stopped sending her campaign money months ago.

  29. I really wanted to vote for President Biden, I’m ready for Kamala, I’m ready to vote for a woman!

  30. It's a foregone conclusion that Trump will throw a fit.

    What will be interesting is to see what the Republican party will do about him now that he is worthless to them

  31. I'm happy the Nikki Haley supporters have endorsed Kamala Vote Blue

  32. Weak Orange already posted on Truthless Unsocial that the Dems owe him for all the campaign money they made him waste. Or words to that effect. LMAO!!!

  33. I think Pete Buttigieg would be an extraordinary choice for vice president. Military expertise, Midwest vibes, and an amazing communicator. The GOP is already going to throw a bunch of cr@p at Kamala. The campaign can deal with it.

  34. Republicans are just wasting taxpayer money. They’re not doing their job. They won’t even pass routine bills when they have a majority. "Why would you vote for someone who’s not doing their job?" can be one of the messages that Democrats run with in House races. (off to lunch)

  35. BREAKING: A bombshell new report from a local Pittsburg news station just threw a huge cloud of doubt over Donald Trump’s claim that he was hit in the ear by a bullet.

    1. WPXI-TV (Pittsburgh) says likely it was metal shrapnel off bullets hitting the audience stands that hit Trump's ear. Some Secret Service agents reported such injuries. trump has declined to release his medical treatment records.

    2. I said the same thing several times here in earlier stories. Worse yet, Trump WILL MILK THIS UNTIL THE END OF TIME!

    3. Oh, man. Theer are so many questions: What about the white van they impounded? Or the out of town license plate? There are two other men, not talked about! Or about the bullet that ripped a purse out of a woman's hand. stay with this story.

    4. If a story raises questions, then you can be absolutely sure that nothing about the story is true. We should pray

    5. You know who knows the truth about the ear?
      Melania knows.

    6. The country knows only half of this story. Trump's medical report would clear a bunch of things up immediately.

  36. Why do Republicans hate America so much?

  37. Poor Trump. Kamala's rise is such a blow to him. First, he will never debate her. He is too cowardly. This will be noticed. Second, she is attractive and dynamic, which will contrast nicely with his lumbering gait and hideous appearance. Third, the racist and sexist attacks on her will serve to consolidate her support among women, people of color, and young people, who must surely be viewing Trump with horror as he promises to roll back all initiatives to combat climate change. I would way rather be Kamala than Donald at this juncture.

  38. BREAKING: ...New Jersey Sen. Bob Menendez to resign, effective August 20th, sources say. He was recently convicted on charges of bribery, wire fraud, extortion, obstruction of justice being a public official acting as a foreign agent and conspiracy. Menendez is a Democrat.

    1. My 2 cents: If Menendez had insisted on staying in despite his conviction, I would agree with expelling him, but under the actual circumstances, I suspect the Senate leadership would prefer to let him resign with little fanfare instead of potentially distracting people from the continued media focus on the Harris campaign, especially since the Republicans have been keeping remarkably mum on the subject of Menendez’s conviction.

  39. Whoever's voting for Kamala, raise your hands!!!

  40. Harris' ethnicity and gender might fire up the insecure White guys, but too bad there are not enough of them to make a difference on election day. ha ha

  41. I wanted to post this because of the delicious irony: The Republicans have a ton of money invested in anti-Biden merchandise that is now worthless. Love it!!!

  42. For me...I had decided to stay with Joe until HE made the decision. So much of it was my loyalty to him in gratitude for all he has been able to do for us all.

  43. This is way too funny. The Democratic Governor of Kentucky said the following about JD Vance. "He has no conviction, but his teammate has 34." You can love Trump and still think this is funny.

  44. JD Vance stated Kamala Harris and the Democrats kept secret for 3 1/2 years Biden's mental incompetence. Will someone explain to me why Republican Speaker Johnson spoke to Biden this year, and did not mention his mental incomitance. https://www.c-span.org/video/?533877-101/speaker-johnson-speaks-reporters-meeting-president-biden

  45. What did Trump do as president other than tweet on the crapper for hours and watch Fox News

  46. don't you think it's funny that Biden was president the same amount of time as trump, but Biden doesn't need a lawyer or any help from the Supreme Court.


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