Monday, July 22, 2024

WHEN OLD IS OLD:...Donald Trump's Battle Against Time...Biden Leaves Presidential Race.....Trump Now Facing Democrat Two Decades Younger.....That One, Veep Kamala Harris, Can Still Flash A Smile...Is This Checkmate?...At 78+, Donald Can't Deport Time...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas |...He asked for it and they finally threw a nasty curveball at him. Republican Donald J. Trump this morning awakens as the oldest coot ever to dream of winning the presidency. Suddenly, it's not an 81-year-old man he's facing; it's a woman two decades younger.

The tables have turned.

There are three and a half months before the nation strolls out to vote in the 2024 General Election and someone has seen his prospects dim dramatically.

A day earlier following yesterday's decision by President Joe Biden to drop his bid for reelection, Trump was riding high off nice voter polls and an assassination attempt that had seen his popularity swell.

No more, as they say daily at Golden Corral buffets.

This fine, sunny Ayem, it is Democrat hopeful Kamala Harris, the current vice president, who is the star of the moment, the new media darling and the one Trump did not want to see on the opposite side of the contest.

He's a fearful man, as we have seen, bluster being his usual cover.

Trump is still facing three criminal trials and a sentencing date of Sept. 10 on that hush money trial conviction. It's The White House or prison, and he knows it.

Biden's departure did and did not surprise us.

As we have written in the past, America is a youth-oriented country. As with rank in the military, on less wrinkle or winter in your calendar and you're still in. Another year and it's not good, you're on the outs. Old gets quickly discarded in this culture. To his credit, Joe Biden learned and accepted that.

Donald Trump is old in life and a dinosaur in politics.

Voters can see it...



  1. A few problems with our Comments feature yesterday, as some readers still reported getting "Failed to publish" messages after submitting their thoughts. It appears to be mostly an afternoon hassle, but it seems to clear itself, so keep trying...

  2. Since Biden withdrew Harris has raised $50 million. This coupled with the $95 million she inherited from the Biden/Harris campaign gives her $145 million at the starting gate. No one can challenge her for the nomination. They will, but only suffer the wrath of Harris' supporters.

  3. Biden struck while the iron was hot. Now Republicans are blocked by the groundswell of relief and hope the electorate is feeling.

    Even this was Joe Biden's ace political instincts at work.

    1. Relief is right. Big relief!!!

  4. There's been general agreement that any of the serious alternatives would be better than Biden.

    And better is better, so I wouldn't have objections to Harris even if she might not be my preferred candidate because I'm not sure that others would do better than she would, only speculation.

  5. Last night Trump was totally unhinged and talking like a paranoid person. On no evidence he questions if Biden even knows he is president. Trump unhinged is Trump. He is going to scare independents away. I say let Trump only speak his own words, and never from a prepared speech.

    1. MAGA is MAGA as it is and has been and will be - a small cult that cannot win a national election.

    2. Independents will go big for Harris, as will women and Blacks!!!

  6. You know what? I don’t give a rats a** what the Republicans think. They buried Biden with trumped up claims about his ability, but not his policies and administration. Trump said it yesterday, all his plans were aimed at defeating Biden, but now he has to face Harris. He’s scared

  7. I'm just sick and tired of Trump's voice and the bullshit he represents.

  8. Republicans could never speak out against anything Trump does.

  9. Frightened trumpsters all over the Internet. Democracy will prevail.

  10. I like the candidate with two good ears.

  11. This “old white angry Democrat” is ALL-IN for Kamala — and maybe an all-woman Democratic ticket as well!

  12. I gave Kamala's campaign $100.00 and will be giving more next month.

    1. Finally, a cool wind blew in. I also donated because Harris will protect - not criminalize - women.

    2. I sleep good last night because our chances of winning have skyrocketed!

  13. Yes, he stepped aside but he's not done working for our country. Thank you, President Biden.

  14. Social media is ablaze with people breathing sighs of relief and getting very excited about electing a Black woman as President.

  15. Trump gets to be the feeble old man who can't keep up.

  16. My parents have been GOP since... forever. They will be voting Democrat for the first time in their lives!
    You don't know them - but that's true progress.

  17. Von Schitzinpants scared to face a prosecutor! (off to work)

    1. Anyone who thinks Trump isn’t running scared of Harris should check out his last few Truth Social posts


      MAGA is sending messages to Nikki Haley, Mrs. Vance and Vivak Ramaswamy mocking their INDIAN heritage.

    3. Who's the old man now, convict!

  18. How a woman. Any woman could vote for people backed by Trump is unreal.

  19. Convicted band-aid ear will never have the guts of Biden. Biden is doing what's right for our country it's not all about himself.

  20. Congressional committee grilling Secret Service director. She has few answers. Investigation still going on.

    1. It is all show. They know she cannot give details related to protection for Trump and Biden. They also know she cannot comment on an ongoing investigation. But she did take responsibility for what happened.

  21. Every insult that is spoken about VP Harris, she will get more votes.

  22. There are at least 16 Republican House of Representative members that have announced their retirement at the end of this term and have not opted to seek reelection. Will they be called upon to step down from their office, and not finish out their term?

    It would almost be hilarious if President Biden decided to accommodate these calls. Give VP Harris a few months as President to win over more voters to her side. Trying to convince the public to support her bid as VP is a less strong position than has an incumbent president.

  23. Pete or Gretchen for VEEP

  24. The geriatric Trump will lose to Kamala Harris. Trump had no policies to run on except the odious Project 2025, which he disowned. He only said that Biden was old and bad, very, very, very, old and bad. Now, Trump is the one who is old and bad. Very, Very, Very old and Bad. and his neck is too fat!

    1. Why is there the perception that there are more MAGAs in Brownsville than anywhere else in the RGV?

  25. Only in the U.S.A. can a former prosecutor run against a convicted felon for the highest office in the land.

    1. MAGA to blame, not all of America.

    2. We'll be the Iran of the west if Trump gets to power. Vote against all Maga Republicans at all levels of government.

    3. JD Vance is in the same type of person as Clarence Thomas.

    4. Trump will turn on Vance. Watch.

  26. YES! She is going to run circles around the Orange embarrassment!

  27. Unlike Trump, history will be kind to President Biden.

  28. Harlingen/First Time HereJuly 22, 2024 at 12:08 PM

    Donald Trump is too old, too convicted, too indicted, too impeached, too much of a r()apist, and too much of a psycho to run for president. The Republicans really should have a conversation amongst themselves to choose a new nominee.

  29. don't care if he was dragged out by his ankles. The man spent his whole life running for president. He clearly wanted another term. And he could have waited longer and even fought the DNC at the convention. But he didn't. It might have taken longer than many would have liked, but he put aside his ego and his ambitions. I will never stop praising him for it.

  30. What's that you say, Mrs. Robinson? Joltin' Joe has left and gone away; hey hey hey. hey, hey, hey.......

  31. I hope the media jumps all over this slack jawed scatterbrained drooling geriatric sow now that he is the oldest candidate in the race, equal time in the barrel.

  32. Power To The PeopleJuly 22, 2024 at 1:05 PM

    Hey!!! I'm not sold yet on the Trump shooting.

    Where are the medical records?!
    Where is the doctors press conference?!

    The blood came too fast. Anyone who has injured themselves knows how long it takes to bleed, especially where there are no large blood vessels involved.

  33. MSNBC is stating Harris has raised $80 million since yesterday. Trump has to be in an uncontrollable melt down. $175 million in the bank as of day two is a good start, but she needs more. But Trump must be nervous.

  34. Is there any truth to Republican Speaker Mike Johnson’s statement about not being able to switch out candidates?

    I don’t know the law of all 50 states, but if you think of this from the point of view of what these bodies of law are trying to accomplish, what the Speaker’s saying makes no sense whatsoever.

    First of all, Biden has not been nominated by the Democratic Party. And there’s no requirement that a state can impose on a national political party that it nominate only candidates who ran in the primary.

    The reason for that is obvious, and we have an example of it: People can withdraw, they can die, they can become incompetent. The convention can decide that they’re not the candidate the party wants to nominate. I mean, the idea is kind of ridiculous — the idea being that Donald Trump could run uncontested. That’s what they’re hoping for. That can’t happen.

    Has there ever been an uncontested presidential candidate? No.

  35. Just donated to Harris campaign, I am super excited!!!

  36. Now the media can focus on Trump's age and mental decline. Is anyone else as sick of this psycho as I am?

  37. “The first party to retire its 80-year-old candidate is going to be the party that wins this election.” - Republican Nikki Haley, six months ago.

  38. This old white man is voting for Ms. Harris, because I would never vote against the best interest of the country, let alone my own best interest (Social Security) and vote for Trump.

  39. Now you are the "Old Man" party. Let's see you spin Trump's daily gaffes and fairy tales.

  40. My question: What happened to that "invasion" at the border? No one's talking about it anymore, not even TX gov. Abbott. Was it ever really there?

    1. He's talking it again. Abbott says he will double & triple the amount of razor wire at the Rio Grande. Total political issue.

    2. Of course he would.

  41. President Joe Biden stepping aside means the GOP has lost 90% of its talking points.

  42. I’m 72 and I feel like President Biden getting Covid showed him how quickly he could fade. He made a decision to do what’s best for the country and democracy! Thanks, Joe, for a job well done. You’ve still got a few months to get things pushed through.

  43. There are 7.5 million more female voters than males. Trump should've picked a woman VEEP

  44. I’d love to see U.S. Sen. Mark Kelly of Arizona picked for VEEP! I’m willing to bet he’s the smartest out of the bunch considering he was an astronaut.

  45. Republicans are dishonest and bad at arguments. They speak from pure MAGA emotion. No intellect

  46. Ohio state senator says Civil War will come if Trump loses the 2024 election. The question remains: How is that violence & resistance turning out for you MAGAs?? How about it, Jan 6 Insurrectionists? Do you really want to up the ante? I call bullshit on the call for violence by the Repugnant Party!!

  47. If Republicans think it's so unfair for Democrats to pivot to a more electable candidate, why don't Republicans call on Trump to pass his nomination to someone more qualified? But they won't.

  48. Women are the heart and soul of America, we need a woman president

  49. The candidate with 78 years old has grave cognitive issues. He must drop out.

  50. There is no love between Trump and his VP choice, JD Vance. (getting off work, headed for a drink).

  51. The Civil War comment is real, but more importantly the Trump campaign forced him to recant it.

  52. Racism against Harris has started. And this is just within the first 24 hours. These people have NO shame.

  53. It is official, Kamala has secured enough delegates to be nominated on the first ballot August 7.


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