Thursday, July 25, 2024

THE LONG GOODBYE:...Joe Biden Tells Americans He's Handing Over The White House To A Younger Generation...Last Night's Speech Showed Him Very Much Alive, As Republicans Insisted Biden Was Very Ill Or Even Dead...Donald Trump Led The Chorus...



McALLEN, Texas |...His was a sort of long goodbye, but President Joe Biden says he is sticking around for the next six months to do the job he was elected to do. Biden is not sick, extremely sick, dying or dead, as many in the Right-Wing media asserted in the last 24 hours.

The president has opted to not seek reelection.

Last night, in a nationally televised speech, he offered Americans a reason for his departure. Biden is a weary looking 81 years old and that has been highlighted to the Max by Republicans who have said all year long that he is just too old to be president.

Biden rather agreed in saying he is okay with passing the torch to a younger generation.

Still, even that will draw complaints from Republicans backing Donald J. Trump in the 2024 General Election scheduled for November 5th. They openly wonder who really is in charge of the government, and more than one GOP congressman has sought his removal under the 25th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which would remove a president incapacitated by mental decline.

Trump asked the question over and over in harried postings on Truth Social.

As explained in a report on, "If Biden were to transfer his presidential powers and duties to the vice president, he would do so under Section 3 of the 25th Amendment.

"The president must transmit a letter to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the United States Senate stating that he or she is 'unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office' and is accordingly transferring presidential power and duties to the vice president under Section 3 of the Amendment."

Biden is not there yet.

The Democratic Party is apparently fine with Vice President Kamala Harris seeking the presidency now that Biden has dropped out, only that also is disconcerting to a Republican Party saddled with the oldest candidate in the race, 78-year-old Trump.

As per the report, powers transfers have occurred only four times in U.S. history, during the terms of Republican Presidents Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush (twice) and Democrat Biden, when he underwent a medical procedure under anesthesia.

Republican criticism is vacuous political talk.

"There's also a time and place for new voices, fresh voices, yes, younger voices. That time and place is now," Biden said in last night's speech.

Biden will serve as president throughout the rest of the year and likely be there next January 20th to hand over the job to the winner of the upcoming election...



  1. Our ditzy Comments feature continues to harass readers with occasional "Failed to publish" messages. It is something we have inquired about, and it does resolve itself during the day, so all we can say is, "Keep trying...

  2. God, I wish Donald Trump would just go away! The people holding their signs and wearing their MAGA shirts have no friggin clue that they are their own worst enemies!

  3. We’ve had four years of Donald Trump as president; we know who he is, and how he will govern. He’s much older than Harris, and he is even less coherent than he was in 2016 and 2020. He is unpopular with most Americans, thanks partly to his role in overturning Roe v. Wade, and his choice of Vance as running mate looks more and more like a strategic error.

    Women can win this.

  4. Joe Biden's legacy is that he beat Donald Trump, the incumbent President, in a landslide.

    1. And I sincerely believe he would have done it again in this election!

  5. Joe has been through so much. He came out of retirement to save the country. He selflessly passed the torch. I’d like to think that after we win this thing, he can finally retire and just chill. Sit on a beach and listen to the waves. Take a walk through a peaceful forest. And, yes, wear a big comfy sweater and cuddle with Jill in front of a fire, sipping cocoa. Or even brandy. After all of this bullshit, I’d like to imagine him spending whatever time he has left just pleasantly resting- and I hope that he’ll get a tenth of the admiration and accolades he deserves while he’s around to hear them, not 100 years from now.

  6. While testifying before Congress, FBI Director Christopher Wray threw cold water on Trump's claim that he was hit by a bullet at his rally in Pennsylvania. The truth will come out. Will Trump admit it?

    1. OK, if it was shrapnel rather than a bullet then the SS is off the hook, and everyone can go home and just forget the whole thing.

    2. No bullet wound has been found, nuff said? Trump will continue to try to convince his bleach-drinking base he almost gave his life for this country. Almost giving our lives for this country is serving in the military, something he refused to do 5 times

    3. A medical report from a legit doctor in Butler, PA would put this to rest.

    4. Or some truth about the ear from Donald.

    5. I would just keep asking him, "Where are your medical records from the attempted assassination"?

    6. He'll never say, but you know he would be flashing a medical report if it did confirm a gunshot wound!

    7. Like I read here the other day, an AR-15 bullet anywhere near his ear would have blown all of it off his effin head and possibly even broken his neck.

  7. Trump called Kamala "incompetent", really? I can't get through any of his speeches. I listened to Kamala's speech, and she clearly made the case against Trump without the juvenile name-calling.

  8. I cant imagine how horrible someone's childhood had to have been to see Donald Trump as a salvation.

    1. Garbage like Trump was an inch away from making American great again

  9. Trump is now whining about the next debate against Harris being on ABC-News. Unless the debate is held by Fox News, he will cry and throw a tantrum.

    1. Who knew Trump was so athletic? Man! He can run away fast!

  10. Trump loves Russia....So you leave.

    1. Just defeat him in November. He'll get the message and the courts will proceed to rid us of this man once and for all.

  11. Why is Trump running? The only reason is to avoid imprisonment. Because he thinks this country is stupid (Good thread so far. off to work)

  12. Voting BLUE all the way down the ballot sheet will ensure that the next president will be able to get things done here in America..... Get registered and vote for our democracy and freedoms..... We the people need to send a clear message that we are not tolerating BS anymore!!!!

    1. Vote for Vicente in Congress Dist. 34 and Michelle Vallejo in Dist. 15. VOTE NO on Mayra Flores and MAGA Monica De La Cruz!!!

    2. I heard Mayra went back to Mexico. She's still around?

    3. Vicente is already laughing. he'll beat Mayra by 20,000 votes this time.

    4. Mayra who? nevah hoid a hers.

  13. George Washington's farewell speech was in fact a speech as President announcing he would not seek reelection although popular and qualified. If I believe the Republicans, he should not have continued to finish his term because he could not run for reelection then he could not run the country.

    1. Just curious, but did they say that about - to - Lyndon B Johnson when he decided not to seek reelection back in the gray 60s? George Washington was too damned long ago and the country was nowhere near what it is today - it's history, but hardly relevant.

    2. @8:14 elaborate. that may help make your point.

    3. I agree Johnson is a more relevant example, but I am willing to bet many Republicans have no idea who Washington is, and more importantly are unaware of his Farwell speech. It makes the Republicans look stupid.

  14. Donald Trump is an example of how evil can so easily entrench itself into our society as it thirsts for power and revenge.

  15. I’m so done with him and can’t wait to vote to give Trump and his cronies a complete and utter rejection this November.

  16. Kamala is the future

  17. I'm excited about Kamala's candidacy and was happy to donate, but I wasn't happy about Joe Biden stepping down.
    I had total confidence that he would beat Trump, but I respected his decision and will support all Blue candidates.

    Vote Kamala and all Blue candidates!

  18. The energy around Kamala is amazing. She took away any bump Trump may have gotten from the convention. While I agree the new polling is too soon, nothing has really changed. Neither is at 50%. Maybe in a week or so, especially after she announces her VP pick, we will see a meaningful bump.

  19. Trump is said to be dumping JD Vance/It's too late! Trump can't abort J.D. Vance now. He has to carry him to term.

  20. As a childless cat lady, Taylor Swift absolutely will endorse Harris.

    1. And that will lead to another Trump breakdown.

  21. Can’t spell "hatred" without "red hat."

  22. I don't think y'all want us to "Focus on his record instead".
    I really REALLY don't.

  23. Poli. Sci. StudentJuly 25, 2024 at 10:52 AM

    VANCE is a complete sell out! He is awful. Like maybe more awful than DeSantis

  24. the more Trump puts Kamala down the stronger it makes her!

  25. Israel's Bibi Netanyahu went full MAGA in his speech to Congress yesterday. Netanyahu purported to address everyone. But he was primarily talking to his US constituency. That is not just US Jews anymore. It is conservatives. Netanyahu appealed to GOP voters likely to embrace his call for complete, preemptive US support for any of Israel’s actions — no matter how many civilians are killed — along with his contention that any criticism of the war is antisemitic, funded by Iran, or both.

    1. And he does all this killing of women and children with US weapons and funding. Cut them off. Nation welfare no more!!!

    2. Netanyahu's audience was at an all-time low level of intelligence. GOP who do nothing but cut capers to send video clips to the America's Voice-watching folks back home. He didn't have to be better than abysmal.

    3. why did they even let him in? Baby killer!

    4. Netanyahu came to beg for more bombs and more money from Americans. jail his ass!!!

  26. "I'm not going to be nice" - Desperate Donald Trump launches all-out attack on Kamala Harris

  27. People are sick of the MAGA hate....

  28. About the childless thing thrown at Kamala Harris

    1.) There are plenty of childless men, like Republicans Lindsey Graham and Tim Scott. Where are the vile objections to their presences in political life?

    1. A childless person still has a family. My wife cannot have children. What a cheap shot. Republicans are cruel and heartless.

  29. Oh yeah, I may be a 69 year old white woman but I know that going after Taylor Swift is a huge miscalculation. Swifties will follow her lead. Go Kamala! This old lady is with you.

  30. A candy Bar = $1.50
    A beer = $5.00
    A Starbucks pastry = $ 4.75
    A MAGA meltdown = PRICELESS

  31. Migrant encounters along the southern border are down 55% since the new Biden restrictions took effect seven weeks ago, according to new data from the Department of Homeland Security.

  32. Kamala should ask Trump when he last reported in with his probation officer

    1. How about an update on that? is he even being monitored?

  33. Melania Trump is releasing her memoir in September and already it is an online joke. There are two likely explanations for why she did it: (1.) Melania likes money and (2.) her forthcoming book isn’t a typical political memoir.

  34. The Democratic Party is in a great place right now with all the young talent coming the People, need to have their backs! VOTE BLUE!

  35. Trumps disrespect for John McCain , years ago was enough for me

  36. I can’t wrap my head around Military people voting for Trump. He dodged the draft and constantly puts down American Military leaders and fallen heroes. Yet, Trump had 5 draft deferments and never served a single day.

  37. So single women or women who can't have children should count less than women who are mothers? Get that nonsense out of here, JD Vance. Talk about nonsense.

  38. Republicans, and conservatives in general, love to paint the 'left' as a bunch of 'violent radicals'.

    yet they are the one's constantly talking about 'civil war' and the need to 'take' America.

    looks like their rhetoric betrays them to be the truly violent ones, doesn't it?

  39. Poli. Sci. StudentJuly 25, 2024 at 2:40 PM

    Kamala Harris brought back happiness! We’ve all been so stressed out!!! Thank you, future Madam President!!!! Kamala 2024

  40. People want change. Give them change!

  41. Trump goin to prison...and I ain't bowling.

  42. Swifties 4 Harris is already mobilizing, fundraising and planning on voter registration events at her upcoming concerts in NOLA, Miami and Indianapolis.

  43. Don't we (USA) have a responsibility to our allies in NATO to identify and remove any threat to world peace?

    1. Trump would defund NATO on Day please his first love, Vladdy Putin.

  44. My favorite Vance joke so far: What’s the difference between JD Vance and his book? The book has a spine.

  45. See JD Vance’s first speech as VP candidate to his hometown crowd. Terrible delivery, failed attempts at a couple of jokes and the crowd was largely silent.

    Major flop. Republicans are now having buyer’s remorse. And I am sure that Biden was waiting for Trump to lock down Vance as his running mate...Biden can read a political bio, he knows a stone-cold loser when he sees one. And Trump picked over.

  46. Dudes, Vance is playing possum!! Demos will get burned. Plus, keep an eye out for a load of other Repubs commenting here in the next few days. I'm recruiting!!! GO MAYRA!!!!

    1. You'll still be outnumbered, Custer face!!!

    2. Any possum is smarter than JD Vance!

    3. RED HAT, my suggestion is that you move to another part of Texas, like to San Angelo or Amarillo.

    4. Give him his shot, maybe he was born here in the valley. If he wasn't we'll soon know.

  47. Scuttlebutt has Trump dropping Vance and picking Nikki Haley as his running mate. That would spice up the contest 100-fold! You read it here first!

  48. Try getting a job at McDonalds or Wal-Mart with 34 felony convictions and a civilly liable sexual assault conviction on your resume. The prosecutor vs. the convicted felon should be an easy choice.

  49. My 2 cents: President Obama should introduce VP Harris at the convention and do that introduction with his endorsement. America is so in need of a classic Obama speech!

  50. The next time someone says they don't think this country is ready for a woman president, tell them Republican Gerald Ford thought so back in 1989.

  51. Do any of you remember back in the day when we used to make fun of other countries that used to have this type of insane political moments during their elections. The editor once wrote here that we're now more El Salvador than USA!!!

    Karma is quite the bitch.

  52. Heard a great line the other day. What a great way to phrase it: "MAGAs would rather have the issue than the solution."

    I will remember and use that.


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