Friday, July 26, 2024

THE ECONOMY:...Americans Not Exactly Bitching About Consumer Prices On Basic Goods...Concerned, Yes...Bitching, Not Really...Numbers Point To A Good Economy...Politicians Talking About Other Things...


McALLEN, Texas |...So, where is the one issue generally at the top of any national political season - the economy? How's your bank account? Is everyone okay? Are we better off today than we were four years ago, as the politicians and pundits love to ask every election year?

It's not bad.

Republicans may be damning the price of bread and eggs, but it's not bad. Not at all. Americans are lucky to have well-stocked grocery stores and working gas pumps. You should see how people in other countries struggle with that.

This excerpt from a report on [ . . .Economists anticipated lackluster economic growth last quarter. Instead, growth surged, a sign of the still-resilient economy.

The soft landing was very much intact this spring. Price pressures eased, but not at the expense of the strong economy and labor market.

"While these estimates will be revised a few times, they do point to the continued strength of the U.S. economy despite the high interest rate environment we've been in for over a year," NerdWallet economist Elizabeth Renter wrote Thursday morning.

The economy grew at an annualized 2.8% in the second quarter, up from the modest gain of 1.4% at the start of 2024.

The consumer was the key driver of last quarter's strong economic growth. Personal consumption expenditures increased at a 2.3% annualized rate, gaining from the 1.5% pace in the prior period. That category contributed 1.6 percentage point to the increase in GDP figure.

Another big contributor to growth: Businesses stocked up inventories at a strong rate, adding 0.8 percentage point to GDP. Given that consumer spending was so brisk last quarter, the stocking was likely to keep up with current demand - not to make up for prior shortfalls. ]

The economy has not exactly been a topic on the presidential campaign trail, at least not yet.

Perhaps its ongoing strength has kept it as a low-rung issue, a host of other major news developments - assassination attempts and candidates dropping out - in the race superseding its usual standing.

Prices for the basic consumer needs have risen a bit, but maybe not enough to bother political interests. It wasn't that long ago that the price of a dozen eggs (average $3, a bit higher in Texas) set the tone for some political criticism. That waned and is now largely off the screen, no blip in sight.

That may yet change as candidates near the election finish line.

For now, it appears Americans have other things on their minds....



  1. Clear skies on our Comments feature yesterday. A few blips, but generally the thing worked. We are pleased at the reader response to our postings. If you get a "Failed to publish" message after submitting your thoughts, try again. The problem seems to work itself out...

  2. The best thing that Harris can do is LAUGH AT TRUMP, it will drive him CRAZY.

  3. On the price of eggs, it depends on which kind/brand you buy.

    1. I know that's true.

    2. I get Eggland's. Caged and grass-fed, coddled chicken eggs and all that lying crap only raises the price.

    3. One of these days, someone is going to start an egg & milk delivery business - just like in the old days.

  4. How about the price of cars and homes - skyrocketing!!!

    1. Even used cars are outtasight!!!

    2. A one-bedroom apt. in McAllen for $1,400!

  5. Property taxes in Texas sky high too.

    1. Rents need to be regulated. Tenants have zero protection against that. Where's Abbott on that idea?

  6. Former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama endorse Vice President Kamala Harris’ bid for the White House

    1. Expected, but good to hear.

    2. Chief backers of both candidates should debate - Obama vs. Gingrich! Pay per view, baby!!!!

  7. Republicans rip FBI director's testimony that Trump might not have been hit by a bullet. He wasn't. Hollywood blood on his ear. Come clean, Republicans!!!

    1. But Republican congressfolk are on the FBI director for saying that. They want him to say Trump WAS hit by a bullet. LMAO!!!

  8. Got damned tired of eggs and had me a waffle the other day. SOS drains me.

  9. Trump has now backed out of debates with Kamal Harris. Ha ha I want Kamala to win the White House with authority, but I also want this campaign to destroy Trump's ego to the point that we never have to hear his ungodly nasty rhetoric in our politics ever again!

  10. The next debate is scheduled for Sept 10. Trump will know by August 15 who he will be debating - what is the excuse for not honoring that date?

    1. We need Trump to lose in November.

  11. Tacos Kissee in North McAllen has daily special breakfast of huevos rancheros for $4.99

    1. Oh, and same price at El Rancho Grande in San Juan, near the shrine.

  12. Trump refuses to be injured as the victim so the Republicans claim FBI Director Wrey is not being honest in his testimony. It is an ongoing investigation which in part is waiting on Trump to sit for an interview. Trump cannot sit for an interview with answering questions such as "Did you fight the SS agents when they were trying to secure you?" Now we know he did, he is on tape fighting the SS.

    1. Show us the medical report!!!

    2. It was most likely shrapnel. The fact he had to lie over this shows how desperate he is to use anything & everything to try to win.

    3. Actually the close counter sniper team was blocked by a tree and couldn't see the shooter. The shot was made by the far team from about 400 yards.

    4. Call it what it was - a HOAX

  13. Trump backs out of debates? Good! She shouldn’t waste her time with that geriatric lying machine!!!

    1. Tough talk leads to a wimping out by Trump. What a LOSER!!!

    2. A coward does what a coward will do

  14. trump is old and slow. he never has any solution for any of our Great country problems. His speeches are always stating the obvious. But never once has he had an original plan!! Just like Melania trump reciting Michelle Speech word for word!! Diaper Don needs to go to the retirement village of cell block D.

  15. I can't wait for Trump to finally be sentenced and face justice

  16. Republicans are already questioning the Trump-Vance ticket. "Vance was the worst choice of all the options. It was so bad I didn’t even think it was possible," one House Republican complained. "I think if you were to ask many people around this building, nine out of ten on our side would say he’s the wrong pick," said another. "He’s the only person who can do serious damage."

    1. Trump allies pour $32 million more into attacking Harris on the border and her record as prosecutor MAGA Inc. is set to launch a series of new ads attacking the vice president in battleground states.

  17. JD VANCE? Hard to believe someone could have less charisma than Mike Pence. The worst VP pick since Sarah Palin.

  18. NEWSWEEK headline: Donald Trump May Not Have Been Shot After All

    1. When things don’t add up it is because the truth is missing from the equation

    2. No AR-15 bullet came anywhere near his ear. he'd be deaf and maybe have a broken neck if one did.

    3. So, 2 people lost their lives and others were hurt over some fake game. He should go to jail!!!! He should get charged for this incident that affected peoples' life.

  19. Hannibal Lecter, Sharks, Windmills. Who needs to drop out and who's old now?

  20. When you resort to name calling and lying, you're proof that you have nothing and lost the argument

  21. Trump, of course, has to be the big star, and couldn’t name somebody as Veep who might have more charisma and star power than he does. With JD Vance, or whatever his name is, mission accomplished.

  22. Overheard in McAllen - Dist. 34 candidate and Republican Mayra Flores is out of campaign cash and RNC is not sending her any. Someone in the party likely figured she would lose to Vicente Gonzalez again, I suppose. She should say something.

  23. Let’s gooooo! Hispanic voters, women voters and young voters can decide this election!

    1. Oh, shut up with the Hispanic voter crapola. They don't vote. No news there. Just get lost, ese.

    2. RED HAT, where are all the Republicans you promised to bring here to fight for your side? HA HA HA

    3. RED HAT sounds like a wannabe.

  24. Pete Buttigieg picking up support for VEEP.

  25. When you get mad about someone smiling and laughing, you're already losing. Kamala 2024

  26. Technically, Vance would have to withdraw voluntarily; Trump cannot force him to withdraw. Presumably Vance would extract something from Trump before withdrawing, and unless Vance is way dumber than he looks he’d get his sweetener from Trump before withdrawing.

    If Vance withdraws, RNC Rule 9 applies, the Republican party could then "reconvene its national convention if it chooses or to move ahead with a vote of the smaller group of Republican National Committee members who would determine Vance's replacement". This would have to be done soon, as there are state deadlines for ballot printing and so forth. Voting starts September.

    Part of Trump’s schtick is that he’s infallible and so he never, ever admits to making a mistake. It’d be hard for Trump to do a 180 on this one without losing face to those crucial undecided voters. He’d be like McGovern in 1972.

    1. Good info there. Thanks.

    2. Won't matter. (see forthcoming election results)

  27. 78+ year old men like Trump shouldn't be running for President. We need younger people. Harris 2024.

  28. Republican Veep nominee JD Vance apologizes to cats, not women. Vance is showing he's an arrogant, disingenuous, ungracious person. He likes being obnoxious.

    1. Is he trying to be Ron DeSantis?

  29. here is what MAGA lunatics will get in November, the president will be Kamala Harris, your party will be the poor crying minority useless republican in congress, the corrupt justices of the supreme court will be impeached and your convicted felon, sexual abuser cult leader will be in jail. .... wait there is more... since FOX News will have no fake news to report, just do a Prison Reality Show for their cult leader, trump. oh, I love it.

  30. This Vance guy gives off Ted Cruz energy.

    1. Vance is falling like a rock.

  31. The whole world does not like Trump!!!!

    1. Wouldn't it be something if the whole world voted in our election this time? Trump would lose by a billion+ votes!!!!

  32. JD Vance sounds weird on that cats and childless women mess because he’s speaking in coded words, meant to appeal to the MAGA faithful.

    The MAGA base think that if women have more babies, then MAGA will fend off the brown and black horde. So, when Vance says "the left has become anti-child," what he really means is that the left is against the program of forcing women to give birth to more children so that the MAGA white ethnic group will continue to maintain primacy in this country.

    In other words, because the Left is for the rights of women to decide not to have children, he’s saying what MAGA is thinking: the left is evil and must be destroyed.

  33. Donald Trump is looking damned old. He looks "nursing home" next to Kamala Harris, who is 20 years younger!

    1. His neck must weight 40 pounds!!!

  34. This isn't a honeymoon for Harris, as I keep hearing. It's becoming a movement. We are sick of maga.

    1. I honestly don't understand how any woman could ever vote for Trump. Also don’t understand how any father or husband could either, but that’s a different topic

    2. 5:50 pm. I totally agree with you, but you are forgetting these parents are the parents who believe the Democrat want them to read sex books and turn their children into transgender. Loopy begets Loopy.

  35. Switching from Biden to VP Harris was a brilliant political strategic move that has completely discombobulated MAGA world.

  36. Kamala is prepared. She is strong, determined, articulate, and energetic. She said she's ready to debate Trump. Better for old man Trump to step aside before he makes a fool of himself.

  37. Donald Dump is toooo old and soooo weird

  38. I'm from a military family and will never support a traitor.

  39. And REMEMBER when Puerto Rico went through a Major Hurricane and instead of pulling up his sleeves and HELPING, He threw rolls of Paper Towels at them

    1. Or when Trump had the Russian ambassador over for laughs in the Oval Office. That still pisses me off.


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