Saturday, July 27, 2024

BULLET OR NO BULLET???:...Republican Donald Trump Still Insisting He Was Hit By An AR-15 Bullet At His July 13th Rally In PennsylvanIa...FBI Says No Bullet, Then Maybe...Trump Meets With Netanyahu Yesterday Without Bandaged Ear...No Bruise, Scar...



McALLEN, Texas |...Perhaps the guy just heals well. A powerful AR-15 bullet ripped off a piece of his right ear at a rally earlier this month, is what Republican Party presidential candidate Donald J. Trump keeps saying. The FBI wouldn't say that was true, but then offered the idea that, well, maybe, in response to heated pressure from senior Republicans in Congress.

But that's Trump and his supposedly damaged right ear in photo above, as seen yesterday while he met with troubled Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu at Mar-a-Lago in Florida.

No bruising, no scabbing, no scarring.


It was only earlier in the week that Trump still wore a patch over his injured right ear.

Looks like that's out the window.

The shooting in Butler, Pennsylvania last July 13th, is still a mystery. Well, not that he was shat-at, but whether it was, indeed, a bullet that struck him. The scene is well-known: Trump at a podium addressing an outdoor crowd before gunfire rings out and he is seen raising his right hand to his right ear as he drops to the stage. Then we see him rise with Secret Service agents all around him, right ear bloodies, blood dripping down the side of his face.

But the mystery remains. Was it a bullet, or was it glass or bullet shrapnel that struck him.

He has doubters.

An AR-15 bullet would do real, lasting damage, some say, like leave him deaf for some time and maybe suffering from a broken neck.

Trump has exhibited none of that.

But he insists he was shot and that is something he has said over and over at his rallies and in postings to his Truth Social media.

Now, it appears he could not care less about any remaining doubts as to the veracity of his claims.

Donald J. Trump has moved on, as if it never happened...the bullet thing, we mean...



  1. With any luck, this will be our last post related to problems we have had with our Comments feature. Some readers report getting "Failed to publish" messages after submitting their thoughts. Not that many yesterday, but...

  2. You mean his orchestrated drama over a boo-boo caused by a "glass sliver". HE SET THIS UP TO GET PITY BECAUSE HE'S A LOSER. LET'S SEE THE EAR!

    1. Kamala has the Big Mo - momentum!

  3. What are you afraid of Donald Trump?
    The truth.

  4. Something sounds sketchy. There is no mention of how this was determined except that Jackson "says so" who has the credibility of mud. Why are they so defensive of releasing Trumps medical records?

    I'm no expert but it shouldn't be difficult to determine what happened based on actual FACTS. The FBI said all bullets fired are accounted for, so map the trajectory. From the shooters position to where the bullets landed and that will give some idea if what Trump claims was even remotely possible. I doubt any more details will surface.

  5. Wasn't an AR-15 bullet. That, I know.

    1. Even a lowly .22 bullet would have left a mark for weeks, even some bruising.

  6. Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib Holds "War Criminal" Sign During Netanyahu Speech to Congress

    1. How many civilians killed, Bibi?

    2. Israel needs to fund its own war and use its own bombs. It's not even Puerto Rico to us!!!

  7. The hospital has not released information about the injury, the treatment, or Trump’s condition. I call for a full public assessment of Trump’s injuries, with doctors who treated him at a press conference. Voters need to know.

    1. The doctors who treated him would say there was no bullet and trump can't have that.

  8. That he wasn't hit by a bullet should be self-evident. I’m bewildered that so many people can’t see it!

  9. Stop Maga-Extremism. Stop Christian-Radicalism.
    Save Our Democracy. Vote Blue to Save America.

  10. Trump's stupid name-calling and lies are so undignified.

    Kamala should keep calling out the insanity of Trump

  11. I say this: If Kamala was the DEI pick, why does it seem like Republican JD Vance is the one who was selected based on nothing but his race and his gender? Because he's got nothing else going for him!!!

    1. I'm hoping they keep Vance. He's the Republican gift to the Democrats that keeps on giving. However, I must say that Trump will probably dump him. He's too young (Trump is old and fat with a gross fat neck), and he's taking too much attention from Trump. That's something the orange blob will never tolerate.

    2. 8:38 a.m.; Under normal circumstances I would agree with you that Trump will dump Vance. They are 56 days away from mailing the mail ballots for people who have already asked for them. With the certification process of the ballot and printing of same, we are probably 47 days from the deadline to choose the candidates. Trump would spend a week or more explaining his change.

  12. Am eagerly looking forward to three months of embarrassing raunchy memes, dead eyed stares and cat-lady-type insults from Vance. He's a comedian!!!

  13. Trump takes on veterans again! Donald Trump is suing Michigan Gov. Whitmer to stop VA facilities from being used as voter registration sites.

    1. Cowardly act by a desperate man.

  14. In the 1980s, A&W tried to compete with the McDonalds quarter pounder by selling a 1/3 pound burger for lower cost. The product failed because too many customers thought the 1/4 pounder was bigger. That's why it's best not argue with MAGA.

  15. Trump had a great reason for choosing J.D. Vance.

    J.D. Vance likes Trump, perhaps more than anyone.

    What greater qualification could there be?

  16. As a state employee I had to file a financial status form every year listing my income, investments, properties and gifts. We could not accept anything other than a glass of water from a facility we reviewed. We had to prove each year that we had no financial interests which could cause us to show bias toward any company we surveyed. Why do the Supreme Court Justices not have to file a similar list of gifts and holdings?

  17. When people ask me why I think Donald Trump is a threat to democracy I reply, "Because I listen to what he says".

  18. Trump has been ripping off hardworking people for decades. Now he’s chosen a running mate who’s made millions pretending to be a hillbilly. They’re the perfect people to lead the party of grift.

  19. If he’d release his medical file, it would end the discussion.

    1. Forget it. He'll never do that.

  20. I've never seen a former vice president NOT endorse the president he served under. That speaks volumes.

    1. Not only not endorse, but to call him a threat!!!

    2. I am not challenging you, but other than Trump and Teddy Rosevelt, has there ever been a former president who did not serve two terms in a row?

  21. When you’re older the body doesn’t heal as quickly as when younger. There was no temporary loss of hearing, no ringing in the ear, no unusual loss of balance. There just seems to be no evidence of a bullet graze to the ear. Even the bandage didn’t have any blood on it

  22. Is Trump an albino? Is that why he goes orange?

  23. Don't just single childless people. They pay taxes that support schools, libraries, roads, and all things married with children do?

    1. Blow it off. It's just JD Vance being pendejo.

  24. Democracy and facts matters, thank you for your fantastic work - go vote - keep fighting for democracy

  25. FBI seeking to interview Donald Trump as part of assassination attempt probe. Will he agree? I doubt it.

  26. JD your people don't like your wife

    1. JD, call Ted Cruz immediately. Ha ha ha

    2. Yeah, Old Ted took it too when Trump said his wife Heidi was ugly. JD Vance will swallow his pride.

  27. The differences between the Conman and Kamala are becoming more and more obvious, this man should never be allowed to hold office again in our country. Kamala is who we need in the White House, period.

    1. The nastier they try to attack VP Harris, the more I like her, and more importantly, the more I respect her abilities, and I love her laughter

  28. Would it be possible for actual Republicans to break away from the party and form another party for real Republicans away from MAGA? It may take a long time, but it would be better than being associated with this cancerous MAGA.

    Vote Blue

  29. The tide has turned. So many of us are tired of the boring Trump chaos. Turn the page, America.

  30. Every time Trump opens his mouth it’s total verbal diarrhea.

  31. The push for Hispanic votes from Ted Cruz’s campaign is expected to include a series of ads, the first of which is titled “El Valiente Senador” — The Brave Senator.

    The voter appeal is delivered in the form of a "corrido," a traditional style of Mexican song, that tells the story of a senator who defends the border and fights against high taxes.

    It's the Joke of The Year!!!


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