Sunday, June 23, 2024

SUN RECORDS:...The Heart & Soul Of My Beloved Mexico...All Those Bus And Train And Airplane Rides Back In The Day...Here, The Great Marco Antonio Solís..."Cuando Te Acuerdes De Mi"...


  1. You wonder about some people, in song and memory. I remember Gladys, the secretary at the Foreign Press Center in Mexico City. And I hope she had a great life...

  2. After yesterday's rally and speech, impaired Donald Trump is beyond help

    1. Videos show he had a tiny crowd. Basketball arena with capacity of 10,000 and stands were empty. Trump knows Biden will kick his arse everyday of the week!

  3. I would divorce my wife if I found out she was voting Republican. That would create a corrosive breach that would destroy my marriage.

  4. Y La Mayra Flores. Sigue con su viaje al fracaso. Ese tren ya salio!

    1. Pos, si, Apa. Alli va la pobre hembra. Como una payasa, pero alli va.

    2. 2022 is sooooooooo-oh long ago. Say "Goodnight" Mayra.

    3. @8:30 AM You said it.

    4. Ya renuncia esa idea que ofreces algo, Mayra. Eres pura vendida a Trump. Aqui somos Mejicanos, sonsa.

    5. Mayra cree que el GOP es el PRI......

  5. Missouri Republican tells Black Americans to "kindly" leave US if they don’t like country. her name: Valentina Gomez, am attention-seeking Chicana!!!

    1. Apparently, Ms. Gomez doesn't particularly like America as it is. Let's buy her a one-way ticket back to her homeland. She's running for Sec of State on her platform of hatred. Go solve your country's problems! Good luck getting elected there. Dumb ingrate.

  6. Where's Melania? What does it mean when a woman won't support her man?

    1. MINO -- Marriage In Name Only.

    2. Does she have a gym instructor, like Elvis and Tom Brady's wife had? ha ha ha

  7. It’s completely humiliating and embarrassing that Trump was at one time the President of the United States.

  8. Where is little rascal Samuel Alito? Absent from Supreme Court lately. He is not accountable to anyone, so he decided to take an extended weekend -- just like any hard working, middle class "Average Joe." Right? Perhaps he will use his free time to hang up more controversial flags around his houses.

  9. All women Vote Blue. Republican Party is a Male Party. Those men actually hate you!

    1. As women we need to stop cutting each other down and lift each other up. Women coming together will change the world. We are the future and the hope for humanity.

  10. Trump ally Steve "Baboso" Bannon asks the Supreme Court to delay his 4-month prison sentence on contempt charges. He is scheduled to report to prison on July 1st.

  11. Mr. Editor, you should cover Brownsville politics. Our bloggers here are sold-out, useless morons. We could use someone with a better approach, like yours.

    1. We don't normally look that way for our coverage. Brownsville is not an ambitious city, like McAllen, and, well, I believe it gets the nutty, self-serving bloggers it deserves. But it's not like we'll never look over that way, so stay tuned. Thanks for the comment, btw...

    2. Do it, sir. Their bloggers are all amateurs!

    3. Naaaaaaaah. Nobody here in the Upper Valley cares about Barrio Brownsville. I don't.

    4. @2:00 PM I went to Brownsville two years ago and it smelled like hell. Dirty border town full of dirty, unwashed people. More Mexico than USA.

    5. I've always said and told friends that Brownsville is really in Mexico. You have to have low standards of everything to live there with "those" people.

  12. Democrats don’t need to wear red hats, flags, or diapers to show who we are. We show our support by voting for our country, which is the most honorable way of being an American.

  13. Trump for PRISON 2024!!!!! GET HIM AND GET HIM GOOD!!!!!!!

  14. I have never felt sorry or concerned for Melania and I never will. She knows what she is doing. What I will say is I don't think Melania ever wanted to be anyone's First Lady... she just wanted to be paid and get her Citizenship.

  15. When corrupt Donald Trump is finally jailed, let's declare a National Holiday. We, our great Republic, deserve a celebration.

  16. Imagine an America without Fox News.

  17. I heard award-winning actor Robert DeNiro say he'd like to punch Trump in the face, and I could almost hear a million other Americans say, "Get in line!"

  18. Trump needs to be taken away!! Far away! Never to return again! Be Gone!! Be Gone Forever!

  19. Trump keeps flip-flopping his policy positions after meeting with rich people. He will sell you out. VOTE BLUE, up and down the ballot.

  20. The MAGA right wing of the Supreme Court is HOLDING DEMOCRACY HOSTAGE FOR 114 days and counting, as they sit on the Trump criminal prosecution IMMUNITY decision, guaranteeing that Trump won’t be tried in DC by Special Counsel Jack Smith before the election, if at all.

  21. It’s so nice to hear other people that were Republican speak out! I was a Republican until 2016. I could not vote for a guy who was so hateful! Now he’s a felon too!

  22. Liberal Policies you may care about: Social Security, Medicare

  23. Trump pushing tariffs. You impose a tariff on China of 100%, your $5 t-shirt becomes $10. China does not pay the tariff.
    The importing company does.

    To avoid impacting its profit, it raises the cost of the shirt to $10. So now you have $5 less to spend on groceries.

  24. Elon Musk recently had his 12th child with Neuralink executive Shivon Zilis. The news of the birth was not publicly announced until media reports surfaced. Musk is vocal about concerns over declining population rates, noting how that many countries are below the replacement rate of 2.1 children per family. He believes a possible "population collapse" to be a bigger risk to the world than global warming.

    1. Elon's just into good sex. His excuse is stupid.

  25. If we all show up to vote for Biden in November, he will win this going away. It really wouldn't be a shock if Biden actually won both Florida and North Carolina. And if Florida goes blue, Trump's path to victory is over.


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