Saturday, June 22, 2024

SATURDAY SHORTS:...Trump's Veep, A Collection Of Troubled Kids...Salivating Dudes Willing And A Load Of Hungry Broads Auditioning...But, Uh, What Became Of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott's Chances?...



McALLEN, Texas |...Knowing Donald J. Trump as we do by now, it will not be a Black. He keeps ragging on President Joe Biden's Veep and she's Black, so there you go. Blacks Tim Scott, Ben Carson, Byron Donalds and Vivek Ramaswamy are out.

Place your big bet in Vegas on that one. It'll win.

No, Trump is not looking for a virile male, either. He fully believes he is that and much more.

So, count out Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Doug Burgum. (Oh, Aaron Rodgers, too)

A woman? Perhaps, but not wild Amazon Marjorie Taylor Greene. She's too spastic and not the model for formal education Trump so admires. He keeps saying he's smart because an uncle was a prof at prestigious M.I.T. The Arizona flash Kari Lake? Uh, no. She blew it by spending all her free time at Mar-a-Lago and we know how Trump feels about the same broad just hanging around.

New York congresswoman Elise Stefanik? She's too damned plain for Trump's glitzy tastes. The man-like Sarah Huckabee Sanders of plain-dumb Arkansas? A drawn-out maybe, but she, too, is too rural. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii? Don't think so. A Democrat not all that long ago, but a loudmouth, so...

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem? The coulda-been here. But she shot and killed her little dog. FOX News has-been Tucker Carlson? I'd venture to say that Trump likely hates anyone who fades like this Bozo.

That leaves Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance from his talked-about list. Is he the one? There is not much Mike Pence is this late-comer, but he has sucked-up to Trump like a crazed sumbitch.

They're all cold-blooded MAGA types, yes. Any of the above-mentioned names could get the finger and they would all say, "Thank you."

But I do wonder why Texas Gov. Greg Abbott never made the list.

Geez, Louise, there for a while, Abbott was singing Trump's praises like Cher used to sing Sonny's. Que paso, Greg? It's a question we would ask both Abbott and Trump, although....we also know that Trump disdains any sort of physical disability in people he likes and keeps around hm.

Too bad for our governor, but, man, that "invasion at the border" song Abbott sang for long weeks earlier this year sure pleased Trump...



  1. Yesterday was a good day for Comments here, so, again, we believe our problem with that has been resolved by Blogger...

  2. Burgum said to be in the lead.

    1. What!!! - It's not Mayra Flores? ja ja ja ja ja

    2. Mayra Flores will soon become just a lowly footnote in South Texas history. heh heh

    3. Mayra is very knowledgeable - about taquerias in the Valley!!!

  3. Trump is absolutely disgusting. I'm voting for President Biden.

  4. If I was an employer and I found out you're a Trump supporter I sure as hell wouldn't hire you. Discrimination and equal rights be damned in this scenario!


  6. Governor Abbott was never under consideration. Why? Trump is expected to win Texas. Biden will be having a good day if he secures 43% of the vote. Abbott brings nothing to the table. Trump already has Texas. Trump will certainly go with a woman, or a minority male, so as to bring additional voters to his side.

    1. Your read of Texas is accurate, but you should also know that most of the Veeps under consideration are from so-called Red States, i.e. states said be already in the grasp of candidate Trump. Tim Scott and Nikki Haley in South Carolina, Marco Rubio and DeSantis in Florida, Huckabee Sanders in Arkansas and J.D. Vance in Ohio. Elise Stefanik is from upstate New York, Lake is from in-play Arizona, Gabbard is from Hawaii and Taylor Greene is from Georgia. I do NOT believe Trump will go with a minority. He's of an age where he could go on any day and the elevation of a Black to the presidency is simply not fitting his style. A woman maybe, but not the ones mentioned above. Trump should maybe pick someone not on this list, like perhaps someone from Pennsylvania or Illinois. Arizona, sure...

    2. informative reply. Thanks.

  7. Somehow, I cannot equate Trump and the teaching of Christ on how to live a true Christian life.

    1. These “Christian” groups acting as political entities need to pay taxes if they’re going to act like this.

  8. The Felon will not go to the Debates because he knows he will fail miserably.

  9. Biden Is the Candidate who stands for change in this election.
    The oldest-ever President has been a groundbreaking leader. The debate next Thursday gives him a chance to get that message across.

  10. My two cents: Calling out the fact that America has never been great for people of color, women, same sex couples, etc. is not hating America. It is pointing out the work we still need to do to make it truly great for everyone.

  11. FOX News yapping moron Hannity keeps floating out excuses for Felon Don to skip the debate. Even FOX knows that Trump is going to choke.

    1. I believe that. Trump is so unhinged these days, fearing prison perhaps.

  12. Trump says he wants foreign nationals who graduate from US colleges to "automatically" receive green cards. What!?

    1. Right. We don’t want undocumented immigrants coming here and taking the jobs no one wants to do, but we are going to grant Green Cards so foreigners can take our good jobs. Ya gotta love idiotic MAGA logic.

    2. So, what about all that super loud Republican rhetoric about "send any of the student protesters back to the countries they came from"?

  13. Right-wing Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick wants public schools to display Ten Commandments in every classroom. BTW, he doesn't follow them all but likes them as a political wedge issue. LMAO!!!

  14. President Biden yesterday got a $20 million contribution to his campaign from former NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg.

  15. When trumped dissed Milwaukee, Wisconsin, he did not know that there are now more Latino voters in Wisconsin than Black voters.

  16. May his decline continue at an exponential rate.

  17. As an Independant I will proudly vote to re-elect President Biden.


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