Thursday, May 30, 2024

TRUMP GUILTY!!!: Manhattan Jury Wastes Little Time In Convicting MAGA Figurehead...Sentencing Is Scheduled For July 11th...He Can Still Run For Office ...He's A Felon, But...He Can Still Run...



McALLEN, Texas |...Well, that didn't take long. Republican Donald J. Trump is now a convicted felon after a jury in a New York court found him guilty of messing with business records in connection with hush money payments to porn star Stormy Daniels.

He is scheduled to be sentenced on July 11th.

Not that it is a great surprise, but many expected the jury to head into next week without a verdict.

It's a moment-in-time for the country.

Trump remains the figurehead leader of the Republican Party and is expected to grab the party's nomination for president at its convention later this summer. The general election takes place on November 5th.

From [ Trump said from the Manhattan courthouse after being convicted that "the real verdict is going to be Nov. 5 by the people."

"We'll keep fighting and we'll fight to the end and we'll win," Trump said.

Trump's legal team is likely to appeal the verdict, a process that is unlikely to conclude before November. ]

We will update this as developments break...



  1. Got him!!! Praise the Lord.

  2. GUILTY on ALL 34 charges

    MAGA, finally

    Jurors are asked if they find Trump guilty on all 34 charges. They respond "Yes"

    The court security officer is asking the jury if they find Donald Trump guilty of all 34 counts.

    The jurors responded "Yes."

  3. Trump for Prison!

    20-24 Years!

  4. He will be sentenced on July 11th, 10am which is my birthday. Best birthday present ever!!!

  5. Headed home after work, but had to say this: What a loser political party you have when your candidate for President can't even vote in the election.

  6. He can appeal but ha ha he's been convicted. Popping my bottle of wine tonight. It's a great day for America!!!

  7. No one is above the law..................

  8. Guilty on all 34 counts. Hearing that will NEVER get old!!

    1. There will be celebration from coast-to-coast...and overseas!

  9. INFINITE GRATITUDE to the 12 jurors who have restored faith in our justice system! May you all be safe and protected!

  10. I prefer Presidents who aren't convicted felons!

  11. Republican Monica De La Cruz of Dist. 15 is crying herself to sleep, while outspoken GOP candidate in Dist. 34 Mayra Flores has nothing about the verdict. She must be stunned. heh heh

  12. We are life-long Republicans, and we WILL NOT VOTE for a Convicted Felon. Lost our votes.

  13. Trump is already fundraising over the verdict. Haha

    Go ahead Trumpsters. Send him your money. Just more senseless behavior of a cult. The guy is vile….follow along …


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