Thursday, May 30, 2024

GENERATION OF SWINE:...A Weakened America In Peril...Street Rape Of The Constitution...Politics In A Cesspool...Crazed Republicans Busy At Dismantling Democracy...Is Mayra Flores Really A Republican?...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas |...Republicans are amok. Grown males in heat, their women open to it all. Viciously sexing an entire country with blood-thirsty verbiage. They wish to see another America, goes the line in bars and restaurants. I feel it. And, yes, I know, heat is always about elevating the temperature. Republicans are masters of destruction.

Good morning.

Well, the jury in that New York courtroom has the first criminal case against one Donald J. Trump, pretty much the expected Republican Party nominee for president in the upcoming November General Election. That's one hope against all hope.

It's more than evident at this point, I was telling a friend the other day.

Words bite. Insulting words fight harder. Separatists know the lingo. They want you over there, not with them. They know the psychology of the weak. They play the game of attraction, only it's not that at all. The Republican Party as we know it today is not a party for all, Black and Brown window dressing aside.

But fools are plentiful in our ever-ragged nation of immigrants.

Why else would an Indian-American named Vivek Ramaswamy begin to think he could be a Republican, a Republican president at that! It was never going to happen, yet there he was, there he still is - a sad and laughable cartoonization of his proud culture.

There's Tim Scott, the U.S. Senator from South Carolina.

He's very Black with oversized horse teeth, a smiler of sorts. He, too, is a Republican wannabe. They would never accept him, even with his required plain-Jane white galpal. Some say he's up for vice-president in that Trump ticket, only that also will never happen. Trump is all about "whiteness," and he's made it clear on more than one occasion. Tim Scott? Make me laugh, bro.

Locally, one Mayra Flores (shown in photo above, at right) claims to be a Republican, die-hard even she will tell you. But she's not. I doubt that Trump-prankster Steve Bannon knows who she is. Same for Stephen Miller, the Trump operative said to be behind all this Nazi stuff chasing Trump.

Oh, there's a photo out there of the sheltered Flores with Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton, and another with Gov. Greg Abbott - both very "in" with Trump.

We hear that Mayra Flores dreams of being invited to Mar-a-Lago, Trump's version of Eagle Nest (Google it). The invitation must have gotten lost in the mail. Flores is still here, lumbering across the Rio Grande Valley, in and out of eateries as if to not eat is to die. She fully believes she is in a competitive race against well-entrenched Democrat Vicente Gonzalez for his 34th Congressional District seat. If only!!!

Neighboring District 15 has incumbent Republican Monica De La Cruz (shown in photo below, left).

I at times think about writing a book about these two lost Mexicans. But a voice in my head says they have no "staying power;" that is, both will end up as inconsequential footnotes in their own who-cares diaries.

Such is the fate of low-ranking flies in a cult.

They are nobodies at the end of the day. I have covered serious, Big-Time politicians in my journalism career, candidates with something to offer the collective, not all ready for it but at the very least educated on who we are and are not in this country. Cheap-ass, rowdy politicians are suddenly a dime a dozen, and that is not a good thing.

Yes, that's still the American Dream - one of everyone rising to the many opportunities. It's all well & good, only some Americans are simply not qualified, not up to the job of leading and representing. They are more groupies than leaders.

Mayra Flores teaching me a thing or two? Ha ha. Maybe how to traipse across our local geography in search of the Perfect Taco. Monica De La Cruz? Sorry, District 15, but she's hollow, acquired Republican veneer covering a lonely divorcee's ambitions.

So, what about it all? Is there a moral to the story here.

Well, we have at our disposal a good hundred morals, yes.

But what we'll say is this: The Republican Party these days is a road show looking for who knows what, other than tackling Lady Liberty and repeatedly raping her, poor, aging Uncle Sam beaten to a pulp by ballsy Republican women in that nursing home over yonder.

The election this November is a test of what this free country has been for more than 200 years, about whether it all will be shitcanned for the laughing pleasure of one flawed racist individual.

Republicans are exhibiting rabid tendencies.

It would be a monumental job for an army of psychiatrists. It will be the test of a lifetime for voters...



  1. Our Comments feature problems seem to have been resolved. Have at it...

  2. Fox News anchor to Alina Habba: President Biden "not responsible" for Trump trial. Ouch!

    1. Let's point fingers at the real person responsible. Trump is responsible for all his trials and charges. He needs to have personal responsibility for his actions.

    2. He's about to get begins with this trial. U know it!!!

  3. Can anyone out there name one prominent Democrat who has testified against Trump in any of his court cases. As I recall, all the people who testified against Trump in the Congressional J6 investigation were REPUBLICANS, either part of his White House staff or otherwise.

  4. Mayra is the wannabe. Monica De La Cruz may actually be a Republican.

  5. "Unified Reich" Trump is pushing does not include blacks or any other minority.

  6. Monica is her own person while Mayra is being handled by outsiders. VOTE BLUE. These two have no idea who they really are.

    1. Chicanas con papeles. Y nada mas.

    2. Mayra stopped at a recycling business in Brownsville. is that where she gets her toilet paper? ja ja ja

    3. Mayra going nowhere. Just a homemaker playing at politics. YAWN.

  7. President Biden: If Black Americans stormed the Capitol, Trump wouldn’t be "talking about pardons"

  8. You can attack Trump all you want but nothing will change so long as you keep your head in the ground as it relates to Biden. Common sense tells us Biden should be running away with this election. But he is struggling to stay even with Trump. Biden's age problem is not his real age, but how long he has worked in government. He could be 72, and I would still have a problem with Biden. He has no connection to the people who are tired of bad government. He is the government for 50 years. I do not know if the people know they are being played or if they just care that Trump is calling out the government as corrupt. The weaponizing of the legal system is not new, but Trump has made it an issue which people can related to. Judges and lawyers are not well received. Lawyers are attacked if they tell the truth, so Trump finally speaking for the endless number of people who are victims of the legal system gives the people a voice. As Dennis Quaid said, "Trump may be an asshole, but he is my asshole." The sad part is the people do not see that once Trump wins, and he will, he will really do nothing to help the average Joe with judicial corruption. Even if found guilty in the NY case, he at worse will get house arrest. None of that will happen until after the election. The appeals need to play out first. In Peru to solve the problem of housing former presidents in prison, they converted an old police station to hold up to three former presidents. They are small apartments. No matter the outcome of the NY case, Trump will only get more support from the people who believe the government no longer works. Biden is so busy defending the government he helped to create over the last 50 years, he has very little credibility except from those who believe no matter how bad Biden is, Trump is worse.

    1. Methinks you're in the wrong neighborhood, commenter above.

    2. Head in the sand? You certainly have yours up your ass!

    3. Third World Peru is your model? So much for the rest of your garbage.

    4. How did this dude let out so many dumbass words? He must be a skilled bullshitter.

    5. Classic GED retort. Congratulations on getting the high school equivalency, man!

    6. @9:31 AM You have no clue!!!

    7. This peru guy must be homebound. Crying for help here? He won't get it.

    8. I say put him on ignore. He is just another nobody looking for inclusion here. Get lost, clown!!!

  9. "Good day for Trump's prosecutors": Experts say jury note may be a bad sign for Trump

  10. @9:31 AM You are confused. Democrats are trying to save the USA from the crazies Republicans. Democrats are not dumb....they are smart and informed.

  11. VISIBLY SHAKEN Trump Arrives in court as Jury DELIBERATES HIS FATE...He's feeling the heat now!!!

    1. I can smell the fear through the screen.

  12. Go Joe Biden. VOTE BLUE IN '24 UP AND DOWN THE BALLOT!!!

  13. No talk about a Red Wave this time around. Yes, I'm laughing. Blue will see you through!

  14. Florida sticks by social studies standard teaching "benefit" of slavery

    The updated standards include new required instruction surrounding the Sept. 11 attacks and the history of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders, as well as several other more subtle changes. (History being re-written)

  15. 1) "New York Penal Law § 175.10: Falsifying business records in the first degree: A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof. Falsifying business records in the first degree is a class E felony."

    Falsifying the business records was an unforced error. Doing it to hide information from the voters was another. That's how it got from a misdemeanor to a felony.

  16. The tryst between Stormy Daniels and Trump is the story Trump wanted to bury because the election was just weeks away and the salacious details of the story would be powerful. On the heels of the Access Hollywood tape, Trump knew another scandal could wipe out his chances of beating Clinton.

    The more salacious the story, the more important to Trump killing the story would have been. The more detailed Ms. Daniels's recollection of the story is, the more likely the jury is to find the story credible.

    That's why he paid the money: to influence the upcoming election.

    But then he falsified business records to make it a deductible, legitimate business expense.

    The latter was the misdemeanor. Doing it to accomplish the former made it a felony.

    Totally Trump's fault. Just one of so many unforced errors.

  17. Indicted N.J. Democrat Bob Menendez Is Blowing Campaign Gold on Lawyers — and Pricey Steaks. He took bribes, says Govt. prosecutors.

  18. I don't see any way someone with a functioning brain doesn't come to the conclusion that trump is guilty. Lock him up!

  19. Remember when President Biden told Trump to shut up at their 2020 debate, then kicked him out of the White House?

    Good times.


    Sentencing scheduled for July 11th.


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