Wednesday, May 29, 2024

THE RED LINE:...In Gaza, Freewheeling Killing Of Lesser-Armed Palestinians By Warring Israeli Forces Still Unabated...Warnings From American President Joe Biden Go Unheeded...U.S.-Backed Jews Have Killed 36,000...Palestinian Women And Children...



McALLEN, Texas |...Those Israelis are a wicked lot these days. At war with Palestine for the last seven months, it has pretty much wiped-out cities and towns in the Gaza Strip while out to kill Hamas terrorists it says were behind last October attacks on Jewish settlers.

So far, more than 36,000 Palestinians have died in the U.S.-supported war - many, many of them women and children. It's a day for wanton killing in the Middle East.  

From New York Daily News: [ Sunday night’s attack in Rafah near the Egyptian border, which appeared to be one of the war’s deadliest, helped push the overall Palestinian death toll, according to the Gaza Health Ministry, which does not distinguish between fighters and noncombatants in its tally.

"Despite our utmost efforts not to harm innocent civilians, last night, there was a tragic mistake," Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu said Monday in an address to Israel’s parliament. "We are investigating the incident and will obtain a conclusion because this is our policy." ]

Sometimes you can't help but notice the overkill in these things. Israel, an ally of the United States, continues on its apparent mission to rid the world of Palestinians. Netanyahu may speak of "tragic" military mistakes, but more Palestinians died over the weekend.

We reel at photos of the bombings, the charred vehicles and the down buildings. There, buried by rubble, are the bodies of the dead, the latest ones living in a tent city of sorts as they tried to outrun the Israeli bombs - bombs and weaponry supplied by the U.S.

It's one thing to seek revenge against terrorist attacks, but this is beyond the pale, so much so that the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague has issued arrest warrants for right-wing Netanyahu - which the U.S. has condemned.

Still, sentiment in Congress lies in feeding Israel all of its needs in this one-way fight. Billions of dollars in emergency aid, augmented by weaponry that is just so obscene in this war. American President Joe Biden rightly complained about a sneaky move by the Israelis in which Palestinian refugees were told on incoming attacks and asked to move away from the intended targets.

The blood-thirsty Israelis, however, then bombed the so-called "safe" zone.

So where does it stop?

What else can Israel do to these outnumbered, outgunned people?

Whatever it wants, apparently. We do say that the Israelis were correct in seeking revenge against the terrorists, but not to this unabated extreme. Killing for killing's sake is wrong, and the supportive U.S. has some accounting in this one. 

We ask: Is the game plan one of destroying Palestine statehood and seeing survivors flee the area into neighboring countries, as they seemed to be doing in Rafah?

It's sad and it's criminal, but yes...



  1. I think a bad and unintended result of the ongoing turkey shoot in Gaza is that Israel is making enemies much faster than they are eliminating them.

  2. Nutenyahoo supported and FUNDED hamas up to the Oct7 attack

  3. It's amazing how Israel commits so many atrocites and yet they are always allowed to investigate their own crimes and they almost always are innocent of any wrongdoing!

  4. Judgment day looms for Donald Trump in New York. Case goes to jury today!

    1. It's a truly sad time for our country that a former POTUS could be found guilty of felonies. Even sadder is that a POTUS/former POTUS committed crimes to deserve such an endeavor.

    2. Let us not forget over 2 million people died of Covid and people got hurt on January 6 led by Donald Trump. Let us vote and put him in jail and keep him out of the White House.

    3. VOTE BLUE!!!

    4. Verdict by Friday? Yikes!!!

  5. You lose credibility when you use the term "Jews." The NYT, a Jewish owned paper for over 100 years did a three-part series attacking Netanyahu, and his spoken policy to destroy Palestine. Jews in Israeli have marched against Netanyahu and the war while demanding a cease fire. There is no issue Netanyahu is a fascist. There is no issue under his command the IDF have become a terrorist organization. But Netanyahu does not represent Israel. He is a minority leader who rules by aligning with smaller political which want Palestine eliminated.

    1. But isn't that what the people of Israel are - Jews? Netanyahu may be as you say a minority leader, but he's giving the orders to his military.

    2. Nothing wrong with using the "term" Jews. Only if you're overly sensitive, maybe.

    3. So much hate in the world. When will it end?

  6. I think it's important to distinguish between anti-Netanyahu criticisms and anti-Zionism. Israel has the right to exist, as does a Palestinian state, but it is not antisemitic at all to criticize Netanyahu for his bloodthirsty war. This is not Judaism, nor is Hamas representing Islam, so the current global backlash against Israel right now is generally not antisemitic in my opinion, because it's not anti-Jewish, it's anti-war and anti-Netanyahu for the vast majority of people speaking out.

  7. Endless finger-pointing at non-Jews for putative "Jew hatred" leads to a puzzling question: Can it be that hatred for other races is entirely missing from the Jewish psyche, making the Jewish race a unique and angelic species on this planet, free of ill-will toward others? That would seem to be the logical conclusion of any discussion regarding antisemitism.

  8. Where is Mayra eating today? ja ja ja

    1. Not at home. She has campaign cash to eat wherever she wants. Not a good optic for her.

    2. Mayra pushing Whataburger on her FB page. Hmmmmmm

    3. Nothing yet on Mayra's next meal. ja ja ja ja

    4. She looks chubby. maybe she's eaten enough.

  9. Where's the stories and condemnation of Hamas launching missiles into Israeli neighborhoods targeting civilians last week?

    1. It was reported. The main attack was on Israeli occupied Palestinian land which was an entertainment venue. So your position is if some illegal aliens were to occupy your property you would take no action to get it back. Israel since Netanyahu has been very aggressive in taking Palestinian land. Even Biden issued sanctions against all Israeli's living on occupied land.

  10. Mexicans will vote Sunday in historic elections weighing gender, democracy and populism, as they chart the country's path forward in voting shadowed by cartel violence.

    With two women leading the contest, Mexico will likely elect its first female president – a major step in a country long marked by its “macho” culture.

  11. Melania Trump "thinking of her own optics" by staying away from courthouse.

    1. She wigged out a long time ago.

  12. You can’t fix stupid, but the red hats make it easier to spot it.

  13. Where is this hamas military that we have 0 video of confronting idf after months of war, where were they trained, funded?

  14. Its Israel borders they have to fight for their security, this is what happens when you go to war it's not picnic that's why Hamas shouldn't have started the war in the first place. seek diplomatic solutions to your problems with Israel. You started a war now you seek diplomatic help? What a joke..

  15. Israel Used U.S.-Made Bombs in Strike That Killed Dozens Near Rafah. Fact.

  16. If convicted, would Trump go to prison? It’s not out of the question. YIKES!!!

  17. I'm glad President Biden is an excellent speaker who is clear and factual when he speaks. He never stutters or stumbles with words and doesn't need a teleprompter or any assistance with his numerous speeches and interviews.

    He makes me proud to be an American.

  18. Trump’s defense is not that he’s innocent. It’s that he believes he is above the law and has the right to commit crimes. Not in American justice, Donny.

  19. Hamas would have possibly surrendered by now, but the media, protestors, aid workers, and U.N. give Hamas much encouragement and motivation to keep fighting. The publicity and support they've been receiving ensures Hamas will not give up, because every day Israel gets condemned and isolated is a victory for the terrorists.

  20. Israel must continue the war to vanquish HAMAS. Just I would expect the USA to stop at nothing if Mexico was sending missiles into the US cities near the border in an effort to reclaim or terrorize Texas, New Mexico, Arizona.

  21. La NiƱa Really Can’t Come Soon Enough. The climate phenomenon should cool the world. But first, we have to make it through another sweltering summer.

    1. But also brace yourself for an “Extraordinary” Hurricane Season. National Weather Service is predicting an unprecedented number of violent storms. And, of course, we're due for a big one here in the RGV.

  22. Wow!! "We're white, we'll win"....Tell us how you really feel, Eric Trump!

    1. Eric actually said that outside the NY courthouse yesterday. Damn!!!

  23. Samuel Alito must be kicked off the Supreme Court. He dirties the entire country.

  24. The sooner a verdict, the better. Hope the jury gets it right.


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