Tuesday, May 28, 2024

ROCK THE VOTE:...The Cancer Has Spread...Time To Excise...Scalpel! ...Sponges!!...Ooops...Nurse, Call The Morgue...Good Job, Everyone!!!...



  1. Ha ha ha. LOL!!!

  2. Who's in, who's out...that's what today's about.

  3. Closing arguments in Trump criminal trial today. Put BENEDICT DONALD in Prison!

  4. Where is Mayra Flores eating today? ha ha ha

    1. Stripes tacos? ha ha ha

    2. Delia's tamales. Mayra looks like someone who loves bean tamales. Oh, yeah!!!!

    3. She hit McDonald's yet?

    4. When was the last time Mayra cooked at home? Voters want to know.

  5. I am ready for the closing arguments, discussions, viewpoints or whatever you want to call them in this case. It is time to come up with a verdict before Trump falls asleep again.

  6. Closing arguments begin in hysterical hush money trial. He should have plead guilty here. Snowballs chance he'll get off. Everyone involved to make the payment reported to Trump who said make it go away. As the top dog the minions just make stuff happen at his direction. Future trials will start much closer to the source. His day is coming and it will be special.

  7. Award-winning actor Robert DeNiro at Trump trial today! ha ha ha ha ha Love it!!!!

  8. Aside from any sort of finding in this case, I think it's telling that Trump once again made a big show of saying he couldn't wait to tell his story and testify, and once again when the time came, Trump backed down and refused to say anything under oath, where he could be held accountable for what he said.

  9. Never forget…Biden won 306 electoral votes in 2020 and Trump only had 232. Biden could have lost Arizona (11), Nevada (6) & Georgia (16) and he still would have won the election with 273 electoral votes to Trump’s 265.

  10. Where's Melania? Big mistake not to be in court with Donald!

    1. Wow. Yes, that's big. What did she have to lose? odd.

    2. melania is a WINO - wife in name only.

    3. She’s had enough of him. And so have we. Vote blue yo. My favorite color.

  11. Bottom line... Trump signed the checks.. Repeatedly.

  12. Hopefully, the prosecution will not make the jury listen to 3 1/2 hours of craziness. To all you people saying, "lock him up." I ask where? By law Trump's entire area would have to be used by mandatory secret service agents who are armed. That will never happen. He will remain free until all of his appeals are exhausted. The worst that can happen is home arrest, which will happen after the election. He cannot pardon himself because this is a state court case. But Biden can pardon his son before he leaves office, if need be. Like Trump Biden's son will remain free until after the election. If Biden loses in November, then I think he will immediately pardon his son on the federal charges. He has nothing to lose.

    1. Trump should lose Secret Service protection after conviction. Why should taxpayers for protecting criminals. NO to that!!! He's just another citizen. Any prison will do.

    2. You said it.

    3. There is no state prison which would take him. Congress would have to change the law to take away his Secret Service protection. You honestly do not believe the Republicans would vote for this change? Now look at your anger to the post, and ask yourself why Biden has not pointed this out to the people? The people are rightfully going to be very angry. But Biden is so disconnected from the people, and has no competent advisors on his campaign, they remain silent on a key issue which will really anger the people against Trump. Again given the enormous safety issues, state prison is not an option. I can assure you if the jury votes for prison the judge will reduce it to house arrest, after the entire NY prison system makes clear they cannot accommodate Trump. So the question is, where has Biden been to inform the people on this issue? Trump has been able to raise money and gain votes on the false claim by Trump he could go to prison. No he could not. Worse case scenario is Mar Largo house arrest. But then I do not doubt the Supreme Court will act immediately to allow him to campaign. But all this flaunting of the system will cost him votes. Again where is Biden and the Democrats pointing out Trump's lie about going to prison? Congress will not change the law which entitles him to Secret Service. In an extreme discussion, one could ask would he get house arrest for murder? No, but then they would have to build a free standing facility just for Trump, and the Republicans would be in a bind if they refuse to vote to end Secret Service.

    4. Jury only weighs in with guilty or not guilty, not involved in sentence. And why should we care about his safety? Criminals are not coddled in our society, and that's what Trump would be.

    5. But Trump will be coddled. This along with Supreme Court allowing him to campaign while under house arrest, will anger the people big time.

    6. Trump fatigue anyone?

  13. I am continually amazed at the vehemence with which the MAGA crowd hates their fellow American citizens. Just because people don't think the same as you or have an alternate path forward towards the same goal, doesn't make them evil or in need of being "done and gone".

    1. MAGA types are bitter people. Most are poor and uneducated. Envy has destroyed them from inside.

  14. How do the Jewish Americans feel about fascism coming here? They are said to be rich and in control of most media, so why have they been quiet? hmmmmmmmm

    1. The NYT has been Jewish owned since 1896, and just a three part story against Netanyahu and in favor of Palestine. So what is you point?

    2. Jews are quite aware of the life their elders lived (and died) in 1930s Germany, one would think. They more than other Americans should fear Trump's policies. Yes, his son-in-law and grandkids are 1/2 Jewish, but he has wondered why Jews have been slow to rally to his side. New Yorker magazine has a Jewish editor, but it's been absent from this topic's discussion.


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