Monday, May 27, 2024

THE VERDICT:...Coming Soon To A Boob Tube Near You...Porn Star-Addled Donald Trump On Trial...The End Is Nigh...Guilty, Not Guilty...Or Hung Jury???... Haughty New Yorkers Deciding This One...Without Apologies...



McALLEN, Texas |...The holiday weekend is over today, and, in New York, a trial jury gets back to work on the Hush Money case against one Donald J. Trump, troubled Republican candidate for the highest office in the land.

Closing arguments arrive this week on those 34 charges lodged by the Manhattan District Attorney.

An abused nation holds its breath, cabbies place their bets, and a citizenry awaits the up or down verdict. We have arrived at the moment of truth, the bottom of the ninth inning, the due date on an old debt.

So, what are the chances of a guilty verdict? Pundits say they are high. A not guilty decision? Not so much. A Hung Jury? Now, there's a quirky possibility.

All it takes is one member of the jury to balk at conviction and there'd we go again.

Everyone knows New Yorkers are arrogant, headstrong people. Lord knows I know from my days writing for The New York Post. You can offer them evidence of wrongdoing and, well, stubbornness knows no better friend than a New Yorker. They don't scare easily. They love to throw stuff back you in words that seem fighting but are more from the complete conviction side of the brain.

Sit in the right-field stands at Yankee Stadium and get a wild whiff of it.

Challenge a pizza maker about the number of pepperoni slices on your pie and be drowned by expletives in true Italian.

Tell a taxi driver he's taking the long route and get an instant education in traffic flows according to time of day. In curt, terse lingo, too.

No, this particular jury will not be swayed by bellicose MAGA types or by fearmongering thrown their way by Trump, himself. The jury will speak in its typical New York way, it says here.

I expect a GUILTY verdict rendered without apology...



  1. Yes, we're monitoring our Comments feature again. With any luck, our recent troubles have ended, although...

  2. He's toast. Next trial.

  3. I love President Biden. He's got my vote.

  4. Whatever happens I don't blame Trump. He is a symptom of something far worse in America. The very thought of election denialism is like a disease that has spread across America. The only thing that makes America great is we can vote. If your vote does not count, then you have lost your country. The fact is a large faction of this country just does
    not care.

  5. Kudos to the Libertarians. They treated Trump the way the other parties should have treated him all along.

  6. Valley poll has Congressman Gonzalez leading Republican Mayra Flores 67% to 33%. It's over.

    1. Mayra has no chance. That's why she's enjoying herself eating out so much. That's all you see on her FB page, eating here and there like a woman with nothing else to do.

    2. I know of no one who is voting for Mayra. No one!!!

    3. Mayra who????

  7. Based on the evidence shown in court, any juror who considers anything other than a guilty verdict is going to draw some very confused looks from the rest of the jury. The evidence, both audio and visual, is indisputable.

  8. Trump's not used to getting what he deserves...his popularity is fading and he knows it

  9. Voting for Biden is voting for a better America

    1. Obey trump or be cancelled. Does that sound American to you?

  10. Mayra Flores goes on Congressman Gonzalez's FB page and rags on Vicente's post honoring those servicemen and women who gave their life for this country. Of course she would

    1. You never see Congressman Gonzalez posting on her page, do you? He's busy working for South Texas!!!

  11. I am a veteran of Vietnam and Trump disgusts me to the core with his talk about men and woman who fought for our country.

    Trump disrespects military people, because they represent something he can never achieve, HONOR!

  12. Make America great again with three words: GUILTY as charged!!!

  13. Because Trump was charged with 34 felonies, I think the odds are pretty good he'll be found guilty on some of those charges. Also, for many good reasons, he is not liked in New York, so I think the jury will be predisposed to find him guilty. Wouldn't that be nice?

  14. 4 MORE YEARS

  15. The judge gave into Trump's demand for unlimited time for closing argument. Trump wanted to go on the courthouse steps and accuse the judge of denying his attorneys enough time for closing argument. Here is the problem, even a bad attorney knows you begin to bore the jury after 30 minutes. After 30 minutes the jurors will be bored, stop not listening, and become angry with the attorneys and the judge.


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