Friday, May 31, 2024

THE MORNING AFTER:...Stunning Guilty Verdict From Hometown Jury Floors Slumping Donald J. Trump... Republicans Up In Arms...Uh, Guilty On All 34 Counts...Jurors Slammed...But Trump's Defense Lawyers Agreed On This jury, So...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas |...So, here we are again, all excited, some flummoxed, at hearing Donald J. Trump lost his Stormy Daniels hush money case in New York - in his hometown, judged by a jury of his hometown peers.

Trump lost 34-0.

Guilty on all counts, came the much-anticipated decision from the 12 jurors, which we should note were selected in agreement by both prosecuting lawyers and those for Trump's defense. Interestingly, the verdict came in the same courtroom where the infamous Central Park Five were tried and convicted of raping and killing a White woman in 1989.

Trump had vigorously pursued the death penalty for all five Blacks, using full-page Ads in the New York Times to push his desire. All five were later exonerated, one even - Yusef Salaam - elected to the New York City Council last November.

Irony of ironies, Baby.

But we break for morning coffee knowing the verdict has again turned the country upside down. That was to be expected, as Trump continues to draw incredible fandom from his MAGA faithful to the nearest ATM for payment of his legal fees. It is a weird time in America, indeed.

Trump is now scheduled to be sentenced on July 11th.

What will bustling Lower Manhattan look like on that day? We can only imagine. I mean, when the Republican Speaker of The House of Representatives (Mike Johnson) shows up late in the trial and labels it a "sham," tells you we're aboard a runaway rollercoaster.

Trump is looking at prison, if trial judge Juan Merchan pulls that trigger.

He's the unquestionable frontrunner for the ragged Republican Party's presidential nomination, so, the U.S. being a mostly civilized land, well, again that well, Trump gets special treatment that may not be all that deserved. But we beat onward against the current, as novelist F. Scott Fitzgerald would say about here.

The case will be dissected for years. Historians will eventually put it in context.

Donald Trump will be long gone, his time on Earth one of daily lying and cheating. There will be books sympathetic to him and books out to decimate his life. It is all fair in America.

I am satisfied.

But then, I was from that day in early April of this year when this exchange in court took place:

Judge Merchan: "Do you understand the charges?"

Trump: "Yes."

Two grown men had spoken. Everything else would unfold as it did.

It's all a Black Eye on this oft-abused nation. Yeah, bang the drum slowly one more time...



  1. Our "Comments" feature seems to be back in good order. Fingers crossed...

  2. 23 people on the grand jury listened to the evidence and decided Trump should stand trial. 12 people on the trial jury listened to the evidence and decided Trump was guilty on all 34 counts. That's a lot of regular people weighing in on this man's guilt. Not Biden, not the DOJ, not Democrats. Ordinary folks spending their time in duty to this country. I say thank you for your service.

  3. How does one stay out of jail following a conviction of a felony?

    1. America will not feel clean until Trump goes to jail.

  4. Trump should withdraw his candidacy for the Republican Presidential nomination. It is the moral, ethical and politically sensible thing to do. I am worried how the rest of the world will view having a criminally convicted felon running for the highest office in the greatest democracy in the world.

  5. Republican Mayra Flores going apoplectic after verdict against her hero. ja ja ja ja ja Lump it.

    1. But.....where is Mayra eating today? All she does is eat while Congressman Gonzalez is bringing home the bacon!

    2. Eating crow. LMAO!!!

    3. Mayra is a nobody. She lost by 11,000 votes in 2022 and will lose by more in November. bank it.

    4. Agree on Mayra. She caught lightning in mid-2022's Special Election. But storms never last.

    5. It appears our food tourist Mayra visited the Monterrey Café in Weslaco yesterday. Had herself another large plate of nopalitos. Seems to me she should return to her hometown of Burgos, Mexico and run for mayor. Way more nopales there than in the valley.

    6. You can't take the Mexican off her.

  6. Look around, where did all the Trump supporters go? I live in a very red County in Texas. Six years ago there were multiple brodozers with Trump flags at every stoplight. Every other house had a Trump sign or flag. Redhats were walking through Walmarts and seated in every restaurant. Today, none of that. I have not seen a Trump flag on a truck around here in a long time. Not a single house with sign or flag and no more hats anywhere. No more boat parades either.

    It seems like the polls are not telling the real story.

  7. Love you New York……. He was found guilty in all 34 charges of his own doing. Stop blaming everyone Trump, you are responsible for all your despicable actions, now lock him up….

  8. Personally, I think he should get a bit of prison time to prove he's no better than any other felon. And being a convicted felon should disqualify him from running for public office.

  9. Until just this minute it hadn’t dawned on me that he is going to have a probation officer to report to. LOL!

  10. Numerous news services have look to sentencing under this crime and no evidence of jail time could be found. On community service commentators laughed it off because it would disrupt the very people it is supposed to help. A large fine is all there is left. It is being reported his campaign web page crashed because of the overwhelming number of donations made online. In terms of prominent Republicans so for the most prominent Republican to speak on the issue is Ohio Senate candidate Hogan who said, Trump lost the campaign yesterday. Until there is clear polling which indicates which way the wind is blowing, this is anyone's guess.

    1. Not even Mexico has had a felon running, much less winning, its presidency. Chew on that.

    2. @8:30 AM FYI, Hogan is from Maryland.

    3. I stand corrected.

  11. Why is there a debate asking if a convicted felon should be able to run for the highest office in our country? Of course, he should not, and he should not be able to have secret service on our tax dollars.

  12. Please, we can’t hold Donald Trump accountable for his crimes?! How ridiculous.

  13. I partied all night yesterday when I heard the verdict.

    1. Popped my bottle of wine. Enjoyed it thoroughly.

    2. The party is still going folks!!!
      LOCK HIM UP!!!

  14. “I’m talking about a man who declares himself brilliant but directed me to threaten his high school, his colleges and the College Board to never release his grades or SAT scores.” - Michael Cohen

    I wish Michael Cohen could find the buried grades and release them to the public.

  15. NY needs to ask France if Elba is available

    1. Cute, but the island of Elba is part of the Tuscany region of ITALY - not France. Napoleon was banished to Elba. Are you making that comparison to Trump, as well>

    2. 10:28. it was a joke.

    3. Re-open Alcatraz!

  16. Anyone surprised by this verdict should be wondering why their news sources have been lying to them. SHUT DOWN FOX NEWS. They are not Americans.

    1. FOX, Newsmax, Breitbart, OAN: All anti-America. Don't waste your time on lies-as-news.

  17. When America was "great," those Americans wouldn't give a guy like Trump five minutes! I knew my grandparents and great-grandparents. They were conservative to the core. General Dwight D. Eisenhower would beat Trump in a (R) primary 99%-1%!

  18. Trump always playing the victim, get over yourself. You were found guilty fair and square! Vote Blue, Biden 2024

    1. Bully turns crybaby. So predictable.

  19. Trump said “If they can do this to me, they can do this to anyone." I agree, and that's the message that should be sent - no one is above the law.

  20. Unfortunately for Trump he commited crimes that occurred under New York state law not Florida. When individual states enact laws that restrict the rights of it's citizen to abortion and a citizen from that state breaks that law, it becomes a matter between that state and the individual involved. So it is with Trump. Every state enacts it's own laws and that state alone has the right to enforce those laws. Trump has a standing response whenever he is asked about abortions, "it's up to the states" Now he has a very personal knowledge of what it means to leave things to each individual state. New York has spoken.

  21. I don't care what happens to him! I just want him to go away and SHUT UP!!!

    “It's no longer a question of if the Former American president is a Traitor, but rather if Republican voters are still Americans.”

    1. You and 100 million other Americans.

  22. 34 x convicted felon..!!!!!...
    beats AL CAPONE
    beats TED BUNDY
    beats Jeffrey Dahmer

  23. Trump's past friends and Republicans told the truth of his crimes while they were under oath. That is what sunk him.

    1. The evidence against him was staggering.

    2. Defense offered only two witnesses and Trump declined to testify. They knew their goose was cooked at discovery.

  24. Judge Juan Merchan is truly an upstanding, clear thinking, moral and brave man. He will sentence Trump according to the law (sentencing guidelines)......

  25. Sad Sack Trumpo thought he was getting a hung jury, that's why they were so jovial, until they weren't.

  26. I give Stormy respect, as a woman she was not and is not scared of some reject like Donald. MISS STORMY, well done.!!!

  27. Republican Herschel Walker, who ran and lost for a seat in the U.S. Senate after being supported by Trump, now says he will not share the $4 million he still has from campaign contributions. Trump wants the cash, tho.

  28. So sad you cannot cheat on pregnant wife while claiming it as a business expense. Sad.

  29. I would love to be Trump's probation officer. I like confrontation.


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