Saturday, June 1, 2024

WE BREAK WITH BIDEN:...On Helping Israel Wipe Palestine Off The Face Of The Earth...U.S.A. To Send Another $Billion In Weapons To Keep Killing Women And Children...There Has To Be A Better Solution...



McALLEN, Texas |...The usual argument used against me on this topic is that, well, what does one missile cost, or what does one Iron Dome battery cost. In defense of Israel, we mean.

This past week, President Joe Biden approved the transfer of $1 billion in weaponry for Israel, as it perseveres in its effort to wipe Palestine off the face of the Earth.

We oppose any more military aid to the Israelis, as it is clear they have won the ongoing war - irrespective of what critics say about terrorists the world over never ones to sleep on attacks.

Our beef with president is that Israel keeps bombings (we supply them), Palestinian women and children keep dying and nothing is said about how far the war effort has cut into Hamas, the terrorist organization behind the Oct. 7 attack on Israeli settlers.

So far, the body count on the Palestinian side is in excess of 36,000.   

This excerpt from [. . . . After officials repeatedly warned that they would consider stopping the flow of weapons to Israel if it pressed forward with a ground invasion into Rafah, the Biden administration announced it would nonetheless attempt to send more than $1 billion in additional weapons to Israel, The Wall Street Journal reported Tuesday night, citing congressional officials.

The Journal reports that the latest package "includes the potential transfer of $700 million in tank ammunition, $500 million in tactical vehicles, and $60 million in mortar rounds." Congress will have to approve the latest package. ]

It's all relative, of course. War is not cheap.

A complete battery for that Iron Dome missile defense system we provide the Israelis costs an estimated $100 million to produce, while each interceptor costs up to around $50,000, according to a Center for Strategic and International Studies analysis. Israel reportedly has six batteries.

One billion dollars is 1,000 million.

Not exactly chump change.

And, really, for what - a complete and total annihilation of a peoples, many of them hardly political? The ceaseless wanton killing of women and children anywhere is criminal and grotesque. Israel is doing it with a certain glee we find disgusting.

Make no mistake, America: This is a U.S. military operation, if it's only American missiles and bombs being used. Oh, and keep in mind that Israel also gets another billion-plus-change in annual foreign aid.

We say enough is enough.

A fight, or war, between heavily-armed Israel and Third-World Palestine is no fair fight. Yes, Hamas get its rockets and weapons from Iran and that is nothing to ignore, but, really, this is like the Green Bay Packers taking on the Hidalgo High School Red Ants. No contest.

Lately, President Biden keeps cautioning Israeli right-wing Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu against continued ground assaults and has also complained about Israeli Defense Forces ordering Palestinian civilians away from planned bombing and then bombing the area they said would be safe.

This has gone on too long.

The U.S. risks being seen as the weapons and cash behind this assault.

My friends say that already is the case...



  1. We're hip to the reasons we ally with Israel. It is our sand-bound aircraft carrier in the Middle East and must be supported/defended. But we also cannot be the ones funding their repeated wars...

    1. The failure in Netanyahu's thinking, here, rests in the fact that Hamas is based on an ideology held by the Palestinian people - and more. You cannot destroy an ideology. The ideology came to be - and Hamas thereof - because of decades of human rights violations - war crimes - and crimes against humanity brought about by Israel against the Palestinian people. The core of this problem is located with Netanyahu - not Hamas.

  2. Hamas, Hamas, Hamas! whatever happened to Al-Queada and Isis? Did we wipe them out? Ha ha

    1. terror is big business in the middle east. they just morph into the latest gang of outlaws.

  3. Once again, Biden claims Israel agreed to something it did not agree to. Israel is busy wiping Hamas out. Why would they leave Gaza now (and free all the Hamas terrorists they have captured)?

    1. Check out some videos of the hundreds of thousands of children who have had their lives completely and remorselessly destroyed by this ghoul and his government. Imagine what they’re thinking and feeling and what they’ll be doing 10-20 years from now. What would YOU do if you were one of them? Hamas will never be destroyed. Not with war and starvation, anyway.

  4. And who gets to decide when Hamas has been destroyed? Why, hellbent Bibi Netanyahu, of course.

    1. Middle East terrorists are like a hornet's nest. Netanyahu keeps poking.

  5. So according to Netanyahu the war will never be over as he is creating the next 2 generations of Hamas

  6. Based on this statement if I were president, I would withdraw all support from Israel including yearly amount of support we provide them. No more funding their slaughtering of innocents. If they want to do it on their dime, go right ahead. The world is all watching your crime.

  7. A bit late with this, but - the Trump jury did its duty and gave its verdict after hearing overwhelming evidence. Nothing else needs to be said.

  8. Don Jr. calls US "third-world s‑‑‑hole" after Daddy Trump’s guilty verdict. (His entire family has dirtied this country. what's he talking about?)

  9. German Nazis and Japanese surrendered when they were defeated. Hamas should do the same for the sake of their civilians, if they care.

  10. There can be no peace with Hamas, under any conditions. they are willing to sacrifice their own civilians to achieve their goals. What they have done they will do again their leadership has already said this. Hamas needs to be a memory only with no future

  11. Netanyahu this morning is pulling back from Bidens' claim. On Hamas, it is a name only. You can change the name and Palestinians will continue to fight to get their land back. There are Israeli's who want Netanyahu gone, but that can only happen if a member of the Likud party calls for a vote of no confidence.

  12. MAGA followers sending cash to Trump after verdict. It warms my heart to think of MAGAts starving on the streets because they were duped by 45.

  13. Where is Mayra Flores eating today? She has scheduled meeting at Junction Cafe in Pharr.

    1. More nopalitos? That causes nopalitis, I hear. ja ja ja

    2. Nopalitis? What dat? inflammation of the nopal? LMAO!!!

  14. The day is coming soon when America won't have to hear from Trump again. He is losing his influence.

  15. ASSOCIATED PRESS: Israel could have used smaller weapons against Hamas to avoid deaths in Gaza tent fire, experts say

    1. Israel used the smallest munitions in Rafa. It was the Hamas munitions and explosives that started the fires and caused deaths of civilians.

  16. Trump JURORS suddenly in danger after guilty verdict. Some Doxxed, death threats.

  17. I'm afraid for Michael Cohen and his family. Maybe it's time to take up residency in Canada. Please watch your back.

  18. They found Trump guilty on all 34 counts of felonies, and he still went home why? Anyone else would have been held awaiting sentencing they don't go home

  19. Trump, now a felon whose release is conditioned by Judge Merchan, must report for an in person mental health and background interview with the NY probation department as they make their recommendations to the judge as to the proper length of sentence. Included is a mental examination..................


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