Friday, April 5, 2024

WOMEN:...What The F*ck Are They Doing In This Hate-Filled Republican Party?...So Many Sexist Bummers...No, Never A House Speaker Or Veep...


McALLEN, Texas |...There is a wide gap between them. Women are readily welcomed and gladly accepted in the Democratic Party. They are used and abused in the Republican Party. It's all out there for review, so open and clear. You see Vice-President Kamala Harris out there pretty much every day. Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, too.

Republicans have never had a female vice-president, nor a female Speaker of the House of Representatives. Never, as in not through our national history. Women have braved wars and even started them in ancient times.

Here in our inclusive political arena, Republican women have risen only so much. We have a few in the U.S. Senate, a few more in the House and a gaggle of state governors.

Never a Republican vice-president or Speaker of the House, again we note.

And these days, it is issues important to women - abortion and IVF - that seem to be manipulated by Republican men. They are after an all-out, everywhere ban on abortion and are now pushing an effort to outlaw IVF treatments. So much for the party of family. They are hellbent, eyes wide-open, feelings at their ankles, mouths in an animalistic frothing.

Why do women stay with the ever-hateful Republican Party?

Is it all about Us vs. Them on important societal issues - just another sport? Fight the transgenders, tease a Social Security trimming that will hurt seniors, ban books, screw with voting rights, gerrymander to hold power, abuse a homely southern senator into giving the worst State of The Union response on record (a housewife kin the kitchen).

You can list your own, as I am sure there are more examples. The current Republican Party is nothing if not a raging work-in-progress on open racism, bigotry and all-around hate. We stopped reeling long ago. The script is in place and being acted upon. This is the party of Donald J. Trump, American Nazi.

Once, hope had it that women might gain stature within the GOP. It once fronted a woman for president (Elizabeth Dole, wife of U.S. Sen. Bob Dole, an admirable gent back in the day). Once, it posted one for Veep (Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin) and once it had actually leadership in the House.

Margaret Chase Smith, a Republican U.S. Senator from Maine, ran for president in 1964.

Yes, names and dates are out there for history buffs and political junkies.

But we write about today, about today's Republican Party. It is a doozie of a gang of self-serving politicians who long-ago (2016?) dropped all pretense and went anti-America bonkers. It found an audience, yes.

It delivered New Republican Women like Georgia's Marjorie Taylor Greene and Colorado's Lauren Boebert in the House (see photo below). They arrived fresh off a racist Romper Room, or something like it. Their legislative input has been a Big Zero, neither offering signature proposals or winning Bills. But they are the blouse & skirt Face of The GOP these days.

Taylor Greene has earned the job of official batshit screamer at the State of The Union addresses by the president; sexy, playful Boebert is apparently fond of fondling in public theater settings (a Beetlejuice performance in Denver). Not quite the stage mom offered by TV back in the day, when June Cleaver of Leave It To Beaver wouldn't even wink sexually at TV husband Ward Cleaver.

But that was TV, something for the American Living Room.

Hollywood was a bit more serious, attune with reality in offering The Stepford Wives and Diary of A Mad Housewife. You can smile and laugh about these characterizations, but they do offer a looksee into our moving times.

Are Democrats better at accepting women as equals.

Yes, far better.

Any 1st Year political science student could point to this and that female Democrat public servant and likely not be able to match her with a Republican counterpart. Our own state, Texas, is top-heavy with males in the State Legislature, currently led by the Republican majority.

A strong Republican governor from the weaker sex? Maybe Sarah Huckabee Sanders of Arkansas, although she's not in a prime-time sort of state. Sanders is a tough broad rough on a man's eyes, but she seems to be running her state like Republican Greg Abbott lashes Texas. Once, she was being talked about roundly as a potential vice-presidential running mate for the reputed misogynist Trump.

Take this is a brief looksee into the Republican outhouse and not as any sort of White Paper on the topic. We could write books - books! - about the state of our national politics, as many journalists are doing.

Our bent here is to simply shine the discount flashlight on a sliver of what's going on.

The Republican Party is likely keeping loads of shrinks in business, is what we would add...



  1. Those who hold public office should conduct themselves at a higher standard. it is through them our youth and the world see us. This is not sophomore college. Not a frat party. But then again, I guess it is the Republican Party.

  2. Mr. Editor, here's this from Wikipedia:

    Boebert was born in Altamonte Springs, Florida, on December 19, 1986 to Shawna Roberts Bentz, who was 18 at the time of Boebert's birth. The identity of her father is not known. Professional wrestler Stan Lane was suspected of being Boebert's father, but two DNA tests ruled that out. At the age of four, Bentz took her from Florida to Colorado to stay with her boyfriend, only to move back to Florida with a different boyfriend, and then finally return back to Colorado with the Colorado man, who became her stepfather. When she was 12, she and her family moved to the Montbello neighborhood of Denver and later to Aurora, Colorado, before settling in Rifle, Colorado, in 2003. Boebert dropped out of high school during her senior year in 2004 when she had a baby; she earned a GED certificate in 2020, a month before her first election primary.

    1. She had an operation to remove a blood clot from her leg. The one in her head?

  3. "Screws up female brains" - MAGA leaders are conditioning Republicans to back birth control bans"

    1. Republican women going along with something that hurts them. Oh, well.

  4. Republicans want to cut all programs for the old, sick and poor. But, asking for them to save up their last five dollars and give it to them in order for the RNC to give that money to a billionaire, is just too much to believe. This has to be the last straw.

  5. Marjorie Taylor Greene is now referred to as Marjorie Trailer Greene, a redneck.

    1. She's a dirty blonde. i imagine her wearing the same panties all week.

  6. WoW ...two judges in one day refuse to dismiss charges based on Trump's lawyers wackadoodle logic twisting arguments & one is a Trump appointed

    1. Trump-appointed judge Aileen Cannon in the classified documents case isn't qualified to judge a pie eating contest.

  7. imagine ruining your life for a confirmed NY grifter who cheated on all 3 of his wives, doesn't pay his taxes, doesn't pay building contractors, tried to re-write his Dad's will to rip off his own family, barges in on teenage beauty contestants, defaulted on billions in loans and steals government documents that 100% do not and never belonged to him! Embarrassing.

  8. What’s the over/under for the number of drumph attorney’s that will ultimately be sanctioned or disbarred by the time of the 2024 election?

  9. Everybody who surrounds trump goes to prison, yet the kingpin himself walks free.

  10. You didn't mention our own Mayra Flores. porque no?

    1. I've said it before: I think Mayra Flores has some intriguing features as a candidate for public office. She's young and brighter than most people believe. She voted against GOP interests at times during her brief stint in Congress in 2022. We'll keep tabs on her campaign, although not in any way supporting her in her current MAGA role...

    2. Why's Mayra been so quiet?

    3. I'd been thinking that too. Not like her to be quiet and not this long. But Vicente not saying much either, so who knows.

    4. You know, Mayra would have been good as a Democrat. I mean, we're South Texas, bro!

  11. That Guy Who Backed Trump’s $175 million Bond? He May Not Have the Money. NY wants to see his financials. Oh, oh.

    1. Someone who held the highest office in the country needs to be held to the highest standards, not the lowest!

      And the law system ought to act accordingly, when holding such an individual accountable.

  12. Ted Cruz fundraising is lagging. Hopefully, this is just the beginning of politicians getting voted out when they pocket $174,000 a year and do nothing but try to stay in the headlines.

  13. Republican Party is a man's club. Always looking down on women, even their own.

  14. There's Melania. Trump says she's ready to come out of her shell and join his campaign. But, but that annoying foreign accent! ha ha ha

    1. Totally out of her element. The SLOVENIA factor?

  15. Everyday I pray that he's held accountable for his crimes.

  16. I am a life long conservative Republican. Have voted GOP 50 years. Not ever Trump. Not 2016, 2020, ever. If my sons had grown up like him, I would be ashamed of them and of me.

    1. If you former Republicans really want to help Save America and our Democracy, please vote for Biden. Your vote will cancel out a MAGA vote.

  17. Who knows, maybe some day in the future, the cowardly bought and paid for US justice system may see fit to actually jail Trump for incitement too riot. Although it's doubtful. Since Trump has set the precedent in that now you can indeed be above the law.

  18. "Trump to attend a gala with proponents of his family separation border policies" - Of course. Loser.

    1. Disgusting. God will punish him.

  19. On Trump's term in the White House he surrounded himself with 99% loyal people and we came close to a successful insurrection. This time if wins, he will be sure to surround himself with 100% loyal people. We need to not let him in again. VOTE!!! VOTE!!! VOTE!!! All our votes count.

  20. If you’re getting the MAGA crowd all riled up, then you’re doing something right. Just like dear leader Donny, they have mighty thin skin.

  21. ABC News: "No, migrants are not driving a surge in violent crime as Trump claims"

  22. This is the truth:

    A former aide to trump is quoted as saying the following about his ex-boss: “He lacks any shred of human decency, humility or caring. He is morally bankrupt, breathtakingly dishonest, lethally incompetent, and stunningly ignorant of virtually anything related to governing, history, geography, human events or world affairs. He is a traitor and a malignancy in our nation and represents a clear and present danger to our democracy and the rule of law.”

  23. Hey, Texas: Ohio, a red state, voted and passed law protecting women’s right to choose.

    1. Will abortion be on the Texas ballot? Republican Gov. Abbott would not dare. But I dare him!

    2. Abbott would be a fool.

  24. Trump's $130,000 'hush money' payment to porn star Stormy Daniels was made before the elections, before he was president. I don't understand how he would possibly have 'immunity' over it.

    1. Trump counting on Republican judges. That has to be it.

  25. When it was first reported that billionaire Don Hankey covered the $175 million bond, I would check every morning thereafter to see if the bond had cleared. After the first few days, I assumed it was just a clerical error/lag. Come to find out, this is a much more serious issue...between the two billionaires, neither have enough liquid assets to cover a $175 million bond! Buckle-up, time to seize some gold-stained property.

  26. I noticed Dist. 15 Congresswoman Monica De La Cruz hanging out with McAllen Mayor Javier Villalobos - both Republicans. What gives?

  27. New York Attorney General Leticia James is questioning the legitimacy of Trump's $175 million bond, sponsored by billionaire subprime loan mogul Don Hankey. According to James, Hankey's California-based company Knight Insurance Group might not have the legal right to cover bond obligations in New York State. Judge Arthur F. Engoron has tentatively set a hearing for 4/22 to discuss.

  28. According to the NY Times, a cash-strapped Trump recently spoke to his old 'friend,' Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman. What's the Orange Blob offering? heh, heh

    1. The same America-hating Saudi who gave Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner $2 billion!

    2. Kushner's deal should be investigated by Congress.

    3. The Saudis are not our friends. fact.

  29. Who put up Trump's $175 million bond? A subprime car loan billionaire who has run afoul of regulators. Don Hankey is his name.

    1. Come on people, let's be honest here. Any company or business of any kind that ever does ANY kind of business with Trump should be looked at for being Insolvent, Fraud, corruption or just a bunch of plain old lying thieves.

    2. WOW. Trump paying $175 million (divided by $130k he paid Stormy Daniels). that's 1,346.1 times you could have visited Stormy. You should take a math class instead of trying to sell bibles, Donnie Boy.

    3. California businessman behind Trump's NY bond says he charged him a 'low fee.' Don Hankey is his name, and he avails high-interest loans to car buyers with bad credit.

  30. Never fear. Trump's craziness will never end.
    As the election draws near, his polls will go down.


    1. The Donald Trump Mega cult. The biggest clown show in America. Please vote blue.......................

    2. He does look damned tired. too fat and out of shape. Will he make it to November?

    3. He's gone over the edge... that's why Trump is the way he is! He spoke the words that drove that crowd to attack the Capitol Bldg. Justice for America! Vote Blue because we have to!

  31. Wall Street blown away by spectacular March jobs numbers. Way to go, Joe Biden!!!

    Since World War II, the United States economy has performed worse on average under the administration of Republican presidents than Democratic presidents. The reasons for this are debated, and the observation applies to economic variables including job creation, GDP growth, stock market returns, personal income growth and corporate profits. The unemployment rate has fallen on average under Democratic presidents, while it has risen on average under Republican presidents. Budget deficits relative to the size of the economy were lower on average for Democratic presidents. Ten of the eleven U.S. recessions between 1953 and 2020 began under Republican presidents.

  32. Value of Trump's "Truth Social" stock plummets again!

    And now, who will you blame, Mr. Trump? Your managers? Your employees? Perhaps an odd prosecutor or two who have riled you with their quest for justice? Or maybe, just maybe, you might look in the mirror at one of the worst businessmen this nation has ever seen! Truth Social was founded by and for the 'I Love Trump' crowd, its stock value is diminishing in direct proportion to the shrinking mass of those who love you!

    1. How long until Trump pays for bots to subscribe and post on Truth Social?

    2. Russian bots.

  33. NO LABELS says it will not run candidate in 2024 election. The national director of the third-party group, which on Thursday said it would not run a candidate in the US presidential election, will now vote for Joe Biden, not Donald Trump.

  34. National politics has always looked down on women, but especially in the Republican Party. Look what the GOP has done to Liz Cheney. Just for questioning Trump!

  35. Well, we do have female mayors in Mission and Harlingen. I think both are Democrats.

  36. Trump subpoena to NBC over Stormy Daniels documentary blocked by judge

    NEW YORK (Reuters) - Donald Trump's subpoena to Comcast-owned NBCUniversal for material related to a recent documentary about porn star Stormy Daniels was blocked on Friday by the judge overseeing the former U.S. president's April 15 criminal trial.

    Justice Juan Merchan said Trump's claim that Daniels and NBC conspired to release the film close to the trial to damage him was unsupported.

    1. I can't wait to see Stormy take the witness stand. Earthquake in NY, for real!

  37. Trump has dominated the news cycle so much lately that people are forgetting what President Biden has accomplished. He’s resurrected this economy, passed meaningful legislation in the most divided Congress we’ve ever seen, stood up to a murderous dictator, and restored America’s place as the leader of the free world.

    So, in November, we have a decision to make. Do we want to keep moving in the right direction, or do we want to fall back under Trump’s spell?

  38. Donald Trump is less than garbage. I’ll never vote for him. He treats women like crap. Grabbing.

  39. Three Democrat congressmen want to name a federal prison after trump. That would be good for prison reform, nobody would want to be locked up at the Trump. Not being able to leave or escape from Trump would make good citizens of us all.

    1. I am typically not a fan of trolling. However, in this case, especially after the Republicans started it with wanting to name an airport after a career criminal, I am all for it. I do get that Trump only tried to hijack an election and not a plane, and yet... I would hope Biden vetoed it after it passed the House and Senate, but the symmetry is so spot on, and as trolling goes, so fitting, that it would nearly be a shame if the bill wasn't at least voted on in either/both chambers. We had military bases named after Confederate traitors for a long time, but that cannot be allowed in Bone-Spurs Donnie's case, but this prison would be semi-appropriate, and in keeping with a really weird American tradition.

    2. For "repeat" criminals, right? ha ha ha

    3. Republicans wanted to rename Dulles Airport in Dc after Trump. With Trump's name on the airport, it would soon go bankrupt.

  40. There is absolutely no excuse for Trump's behavior and it has nothing to do with Trump's first amendment rights. Trump is being tried as an adult because that is what his size and appearance dictates; his behavior is generally what it usually is: that of a 3-year-old toddler. I think the time for warnings, fines, cautions, and any kind of subtlety is past...the time for Trump to face accountability for his deeds and his words, his behavior in and out of court is now.

    1. Just a major embarrassment at this point.

  41. "Will Be Wild" when Trump is challenged on first ballot at the convention over his criminality. Trump knows it's coming and is preparing for it. Knowing MAGA, there will be literal blood on the floor in Milwaukee. How does Trump get elected after that?

  42. Texas Supreme Court Justice John Devine is facing new questions about his impartiality after a clip went viral this week in which he implied that Democrats plan to cheat against presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump in the 2024 election.

    “Do you really think the Democrats are going to roll over and let Trump be president again?” Devine asked in a keynote speech at the Texas Tea Party Republican Women’s 2023 Christmas event. “You think they’re just going to go away, all of a sudden find Jesus and [there will] be an honest election? I don’t think so.”

    - Disgraceful. This clown should resign today!

  43. "Donald Trump is demanding a new judge just days before the start of his Stormy Daniels hush-money criminal trial." - Big surprise, right?

    1. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas has a wife that participated in the Insurrection. And there’s NO apparent need for Justice Thomas to recuse himself. In this instance, we’re talking about a judge’s daughter exercising her rights to speech. Looking forward to the imminent DENIED response.

  44. Among all the possible arguments for Biden, Democrats only need to make one - REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS. Trump and Republicans want to outlaw abortion and IVF treatments. Women don't seem to happy. Hammer it home, Biden!


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