Thursday, April 4, 2024

LETTER FROM HOME:...No, Immigrants Are Not "Animals" ...They Continue To Work, To Build America...That's A Fact...



McALLEN, Texas |...The racist Republican candidate for president yesterday again told us that he believes immigrants coming to this country are "animals, not humans." He's wrong. They are more human than he will ever be, but we all know Donald J. Trump's world is a Bizarro World, an alternative universe where he, and only he, gets to decide pretty much everything. 

Has he seen the hard labor they perform for America and that's why he says it? Has he seen them perspiring like dogs to build our roads and highways, our roofs, our cute suburban landscaping, to work the meatpacking plants? Has he seen it and decided, man, that's too much work. He wouldn't do it.

And we would venture to say that many, many of his well-heeled, air-conditioned Republican pals would never do it, either. Hey, it's hard work, so hard that the country acknowledges that Americans would never do that sort of work. An American picking cotton all day in the hot sun, harvesting our fruit and vegetable crops?

Where? When?

No, kids, immigrants (. . .and we speak of dark-skinned immigrants because that's who Trump has in mind when he disrespects them) are not animals. They are our salvation, coming in waves as we need them, coming to do the jobs Americans will not do, coming to be berated by our comfortable wealthy, coming to work, coming to make sure we have apples and lettuce at the dinner table.

Locally, I do not hear the counter message. Trump gets a pass on his often-stupid utterances. It's national politics, they say here in the passive, subservient Rio Grande Valley. It's the former president, the one we know as a rabble-rouser. Trump's just being Trump, silly and absurd.

But elsewhere is where you'll find Americans who know the score, who know what immigrants have meant - and continue to mean - to this ever-ungrateful shank of land said to still be the home of the brave and the land of the free. 

We publish this sentient letter to The Los Angeles Times in its entirety: [ To the editor: Thanks to Lorraine Ali for her thoughtful column about the immigrant workers who died in the Baltimore bridge collapse.

Yes, we are happy to have immigrants perform the jobs that are too dangerous, dirty or onerous for our delicate hands and sensibilities. But we hate them and wish they would stay out of sight.

We need immigrants who care for our elderly parents, watch our young children, clean our homes and tend our gardens. We may even consider them "family" as we illegally pay them under the table without reporting their wages or contributing to their Social Security.

But we hate them for entering illegally, if they work for someone else.

Yes, these workers who lost their lives are someone’s family members who work difficult and sometimes dangerous jobs to try and give their children a better life. We need them to make our lives comfortable and keep our country functioning.

Some say these people should "stand in line" and immigrate to the U.S. legally. Now, tell me where the line starts for construction, farm and domestic workers? You can't, because there isn't one.

Welcome, immigrants, to the United States — democracy or hypocrisy?

- Laurie Jacobs, San Clemente ]


Well said and pretty much a bullseye.

I reel at reading about what Trump and his Republican ilk say from one day to the next. It is as if we're living in a washing machine at the local laundromat, all of us in the spin cycle wishing the damned thing would finish the job. The much-awaited November General Election cannot come soon enough and our hope that the courts at last put this man on trial (four criminal cases, some 80 felonies to be dealt with) gets no relief.

To date, Donald J. Trump is above the law. Perhaps that will change one day.

What won't change is our dependence on hard-working foreigners willing to come here to do our dirtiest jobs while being called names you would never hear in church. Their women caring for children and the elderly, cleaning them when Americans disdain doing it for little Timmy and Grandma Mavis.

Animals, he calls them...



  1. I detest Trump saying immigrants are animals, but what scares me more than Trump running loose with presidential power, is that so many influential power mongers are backing, abetting and encouraging him. He is already positioning people who won't hesitate to do his bidding no matter how vengeful or illegal. He even has the Supreme Court in his pocket.

  2. Immigrants are blamed for everything. In Florida, Republican Gov. DeSantis blames undocumented immigrants for health care costs. But even as hospital data says no, he keeps saying it.

  3. Were the missing bodies ever recovered?? Did anyone help the families of the immigrants who died?

    1. Miguel Luna was the first of six victims who went missing when the Francis Scott Key Bridge collapsed on Tuesday to be named.

      Luna is one of the men who is now presumed dead, his wife María del Carmen Castellón told NBC sister station Telemundo 44 in Spanish.

    2. Another of the workers missing and presumed dead since the bridge collapse in Baltimore has been named as Maynor Yassir Suazo Sandoval, according to Martin Suazo, his brother.

      Martin, who lives in Honduras, told CNN that his family over in Baltimore called him to tell him that his brother was missing after the container ship crashed into the bridge.

      He is originally from Azacualpa in Honduras and had been living in the United States for more than 18 years. He was married and had an 18-year-old son and a five-year-old daughter.

    3. They say four workers are still missing. Last week, officials recovered the bodies of Alejandro Hernandez Fuentes, a 35-year-old from Baltimore, and Dorlian Ronial Castillo Cabrera, 26, of Dundalk, Maryland.

  4. Dashcam footage shows Texas National Guardsman's arrest for allegedly smuggling migrant. LOL!!!!

    1. Abbott's national guardsman? Ha ha ha

  5. Illegal immigrants are regularly hired in the construction industry because they will work for pennies on the dollar and no benefits.

  6. the former president's stories of what he calls "migrant crime" can be heavily skewed, exaggerated and fuel a baseless narrative.

    Trump's anecdotal accounts do not acknowledge the fact that U.S. citizens commit crimes at higher rates than undocumented immigrants.

    1. The whole immigrant narrative is skewed. Republicans love to exaggerate it. I've stopped listening to their endless lies.

  7. "I will build a great wall -- and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me -- and I'll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall."

  8. It's not enough to simply not vote for trump - you need to vote against him, as in for Biden. Only a crushing defeat will bring about a different mindset in the Republican Party.

    1. Smiling old woman - "Trump is the best ever president."

      Trump - "Hope you keep smiling when I take away your Medicare."

    2. Rednecks think it will not affect them. HA HA HA

  9. Next time you are stuck in traffic due to road construction, remember the delays are temporary while the resulting improvements will be enjoyed for years to come, wave a "thank you" to the workers and say a silent prayer for their safety.

  10. Trump is going to prison.


    1. I too am a No-Trump Republican. Jan 6, he refused to call for peace. I will not vote for someone who chooses violence over peace. I also will not be voting for any Republican for that matter until Trump is no longer in control of the GOP.

  11. With all due respect, the only person Trump ever hired that was qualified for their job was Stormy Daniels.

  12. A new poll shows President Joe Biden holding a double-digit lead over former President Donald Trump in the crucial swing state of Pennsylvania seven months before the general election. - Crushing it!

  13. Trump Posts Clip Flaming Judge’s Daughter — Hours After Gag Order Ruling. LOOK OUT NOW!

    1. It's the same Ole story every time, every trial. NO ONE HAS THE BALLS TO STOP HIS THREATS AND ABUSE. Of course, it will continue while trump laughs at all the fools.

    2. Judge Merchan will not be kind. His next move may be jailing trump. I'm waiting.

    3. We're all waiting. there will be dancing in the streets!

  14. True Patriotism is not only the love of your country but your fellow citizen....even if they're across the aisle.

    1. used to be that way.....once.

    2. We need White House, Senate AND House to get things DONE! VOTE BLUE!!!!!!

  15. Hush Money trial Judge Juan Merchan's daughter is not ruling on the case. On the other hand, Clarence Thomas is ruling on cases involving Trump and the 2020 election. His wife is not only a very powerful political activist that was the head of a pro Trump PAC, but she was also deeply involved in the fake electors scam. What do you think, Trump and Republicans? No problem?

  16. If Trump is not guilty of these criminal charges, then he himself needs to have the trials occur before the election. However, the never-ending attempts to sabotage and delay these legal proceedings against him can mean only one thing to any thinking person: he is culpable and doesn't want to go to prison.

  17. I was reading about our Ted Cruz feeling down about his chances at reelection. I’ve always been very surprised that Texas votes for a guy that doesn’t have the guts to stand up for his wife and father but instead tries to curry favor with the guy that did the insulting. Not very Texas-like.

    1. Ted may be on the way out this time. Texas being Red has helped him immeasurably.

  18. "You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and WILL be used against you IN A COURT OF LAW!" Bastard!!!!

  19. A presidential candidate for president of the United States in court for paying hush money to Stormy Danials....this is the role model for our children and young adults? What are people thinking!

  20. Judge rejects Trump's First Amendment challenge to indictment in Georgia election case. NOT protected by the First Amendment.

  21. The University of Texas at Austin has sent layoff notices to an estimated 60 staff members who previously worked in diversity, equity and inclusion roles, according to the Texas NAACP and the Texas Conference of American Association of University Professors. (Greg Abbott's doing)

    1. Like the way it used to be? No Blacks on the Longhorn football team? Like the way it used to be.

  22. Trump calls for Jack Smith's punishment for criticizing judge in classified documents case. ha ha ha ha ha

    1. hey Trump, the documents belong to the government, people, and country. the act is for you to go to the records place and negotiate which ones are OK for you to take. not any paperwork that is not declassified. And by the way you can't declassify anything by yourself.

    2. Judge Aileen Cannon is not Trump’s attorney. Get her off this case ASAP!

    3. She will be slapped down and replaced soon.

  23. Delay: Denied!
    Bond: Rejected!
    Dismissal: Denied!!

    1. The wheels of justice grind slowly.

      But they do GRIND.

    2. The day is coming. And what a day it will be!

  24. In order to keep the presidency, change the House, keep the Senate (60 votes), expand the Supreme Court and keep American democracy......VOTE BLUE!!!

  25. A Judge appointed by the defendant - Aileen Cannon in the classified documents trial - should recuse themselves from the case. Not only is it a conflict of interest, but it is also very unethical.

  26. Oh, oh.

    New York Attorney General Letitia James questioned Thursday whether the California company that underwrote former President Donald Trump's $175 million bond in his New York civil fraud case is financially qualified to handle a bond of that size.

    In a court filing, James requested that Knight Specialty Insurance Company submit papers demonstrating it is financially capable of paying the bond should Trump lose his appeal in the case.

    1. If the claims about the bond are meritless. So be it. Just prove to the A.G. That the money is there and available when requested. How hard is that?

  27. Do not get complacent like in 2016!!!! Organize, build the voter base and get everyone to vote BLUE!!! It's time to clean house!!! America needs huge numbers to clearly Sweep trump under the rug! We ALL have to vote in force and win by massive numbers! Get busy now and organize, share facts like these, and get as many people as possible out there to vote. Vote Blue from local races to the White House!!!!

  28. The US Legal Immigration system is broken. Fixing it would solve some of the illegal problems, but would also bring in much needed, skilled workers. The illegal problem is so complicated that any manageable solution will anger both Left and Right. However, we must start somewhere, and the House blew it when they let Trump veto their responsibility to even bring the Senate compromise bill to the floor.

  29. Much respect to the American citizens of the Grand Juries who heard the EVIDENCE and INDICTED Trump. Not DOJ, not Biden, not a Party but a Jury of his peers.

  30. I blame all the Judges for being such cowards for not sending Donald Trump to prison by now. For Christ's sake, anyone else would have been locked up years ago.

  31. Trump's last attempt at delaying these criminal cases will be to fire his team of attorneys because they are incompetent, and he will ask the judge for several months to allow him to hire new teams and have them get familiar with his case. Same old Same old


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