Saturday, April 13, 2024

LATINOS NOT QUITE FOR TRUMP:...Republican Touts Newfound Support, But It's Not There...Pew Research Indicates No Rise In Latinos For GOP...



McALLEN, Texas |...Oh, how they wish for a Red Wave in November. Republicans want the whole world to arrive at their door, all hungry for Trump fascism, all eager to vote for him. It's not happening, folks, as Democrat Joe Biden might say about here.

That Red Wave may hit certain beaches on the east coast (the Carolinas and Florida), but too much long-winded racism and bigotry will keep it over that way.

Latinos are not flocking to those beaches. Neither are Blacks.

You'll get the insecure, ethnicity-denying Hispanics and the whimsical Blacks, but not the majority.

This from Pew Research: [ The Pew Research Center released polling this week that casts serious doubt on recent surveys showing Donald Trump making significant gains among Black and Latino voters.

The Pew survey suggested majorities of Latino, Black, and Asian voters continue to largely favor the Democratic Party. The results show very little change among Black and Latino Americans since the early 1990s, while white voters remain almost exactly as aligned with the Republican Party as they were in the early ‘90s.

". . .Not much 'racial realignment' in these Pew numbers," Vanderbilt political science professor John Sides tweeted, attaching a series of Pew graphs tracking party alignment over three decades. ]

It is significant, credible material this research outfit puts out every now and then. Yes, the fight at the ballot box continues, as it should, but any reports that Trump has collared a large number of Latinos is fake news. You'll see that only on far-right news outlets, like the Wall Street Journal, New York Post and the conservative English tabloids across the Atlantic.

Trump's campaign is in more than just financial trouble. He's in court on Monday for that Stormy Daniels hush money trial, a criminal prosecution that requires him to be in court and not out on the campaign trail.

The smiles and gushing optimism will still be there on the face of the once-proud Democrat from Manhattan, but legal experts say he's in deep doo-doo on this case. He is alleged to have paid the strikingly-Catholic Miss Daniels $130,000 for something.

Trump denies the affair and the payment, a transaction for which his previous attorney - Michael Cohen - has already been imprisoned. He may or may not testify; Stormy and Cohen will.

And who knows how the Latino voter angle will play out in down-ballot races.

There are two of those here in the Rio Grande Valley, with 15th Congressional District Republican incumbent Monica De La Cruz seeking reelection and Mayra Flores again pitting herself against Democrat incumbent Vicente Gonzalez in neighboring District 34.

De La Cruz won a tough fight in 2022, while Flores lost to Gonzalez by some 10,000 votes.

No Red Wave has as yet been ballyhooed this time around, much less spotted...



  1. Please listen to her and take the stand, Donald. I’m sure it will go well for you.

    1. "Problematic": Trump's $175 million bond could be "very difficult" to collect due to Cayman Islands ties. Bond company has offshore bank account out of reach of NY prosecutor. Deny the bond!!!

    2. It is painful how long this is taking, but that is the entitlement of the rich. They have plenty of money to game the court system. Some day he will pay with his liberty (or he will flee to a foreign country), and democracy will be safe, for a minute, but not forever.

    3. 61% no want him
      71% hold him accountable for all his criminal actions

  2. Voy a votar por Joe Biden, el democrata!!!

  3. Time and time again, Republicans prove that if you vote for them you're voting against Latinos and against Democracy.

    1. Latinos are conservatives. That is part of their culture, but not, ever, MAGA!!!

  4. ethnicity-denying LATINOS? I know some here in the valley. what a joke.


  5. Even lying George Santos is a minor league liar by comparison with Trump. Vote Blue!

  6. We've been talking about this in my political science class. My input: Why does Trump think women should be PUNISHED? They didn’t get pregnant ALONE!

    1. Life begins with men. Hold them just as responsible for abortions and see how quickly these anti-abortion laws get overturned! When a woman goes for an abortion, the man should be identified, just like in DWI mug photos.

    2. About Melania, “I really don’t care, so you?” Biggest waste of a First Lady ever.!

  7. i haven't seen any Trump Trains in the valley lately. It's been two years actually. Fads tend to fade away.

  8. Make no mistake, though: Any vote for any Republican at any level is a vote for authoritarian religious rule enforced by the state. Resist the theocracy by any means necessary.

  9. Attn Christian nationalist and Maga: Trump is no religious person, unless he considers himself a religion which just might be based on the way these folks see him. You got and continue to get played because he wants your money since he has none of his own. Fact.


  10. I would love for Trump to answer questions about porn stars and adultry under oath, and then watch evangelicals talk about how great of a Christian he is.

  11. Trump just looks tired & squinting on his Truth Social posts. And he looks desperate pleading for sympathy & constantly projecting. It's embarrassing.


  13. If more celebrities would speak out against Trump, it would likely have a big impact. JMHO

    1. Biden's state dinner with the Japanese prime minister and delegation was so beautiful and statesman like. Biden is a true American 🇺🇸 President. He brought so much respect and dignity at that visit with our Japanese friends and allies. Love you Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

  14. Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson said noncitizen voting is a "threat." The facts say otherwise. GOP just looking for an issue. Cheap stunt.


  15. It's a criminal case. If Trump lies even once on the stand, he'll get 6 months in prison. There's no way he takes the stand.


    1. The day Trump is convicted should be a national holiday.

  16. Associated Press: "US border arrests fall in March, bucking seasonal trends amid increased enforcement in Mexico."

    1. So, is the invasion over? Haven't heard a peep from Greg Abbott. Guess it is.

  17. There is this: If Trump loses, and the recent numbers are encouraging, and he pulls the same nonsense I really think this time he visits prison. How much crazy will our justice system take with this monster.

    Don't forget if he loses, he no longer has as much influence, and he may very well find himself doing a long stretch. God how I hope and pray, if any "human" deserved it he does.

  18. Can someone explain why anyone would want 4 more years of chaos, drama, bullying, criminality, and immorality with Trump as president?

    1. Party politics. Some of us are Democrats and some Republicans. Both sides will back their own come Hell or high water.

  19. We need to win big in November and expand the Supreme Court to 15.

  20. Republican Gov. Greg Abbott hurts Blacks and Hispanics: "Texas' diversity, equity and inclusion ban has led to more than 100 job cuts at state universities."

  21. Iran attacking Israel with drones and missiles. In response to earlier attack by Israel on Iran interests in Damascus.


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