Friday, April 12, 2024

TIME, TIME, TIME:...Polls Show Democrat Biden Rolling Up To 2024 Victory...Others Have Trump Inching Ahead...They're Shallow Voter-Sentiment Samplings...Often Wrong...



McALLEN, Texas |...It's still a crapshoot. Drama on Election Night, an American staple. We're almost there for the 2024 presidential shootout pitting trusted democracy against wild dictatorship. It's one or the other. Do Americans get the importance? No, not yet, and perhaps they never will. Americans are comfortable, air-conditioned softies who, well, believe everything will always be alright.

Send in the clowns.

We have no way of looking into the future and coming back to tell you which candidate will win, whether incumbent Democrat Joe Biden, the 81-year-old, or terribly-flawed Donald Trump, the oft-indicted New Yorker on trial as of Next Monday for violating campaign finance laws while paying porn star Stormy Daniels $130,000 to shut up.

Stormy will testify, so she is not shutting up, and Americans seem to have splintered off and taken sides, taken them with the vigor of a young and new porn star out to make a mint satisfying the longest amongst us dudes.

Do polls matter? I say no. I say they are too shallow, one so-called respectable national poll admitting it only surveyed 833 Americans to deduce that Biden would win easily. Trump has paid for enough fake Wall Street Journal polls to keep that print journalism operation in business.

But, hey, watch out for the Latino vote!

Who knows about that one? It's a minor vote (10%, if that?). Still, it's a measuring stick. The turbulent political winds blow up and down in the Hispanic community, say the pollsters who likely never set foot on such locales. The Black vote! Oh, bro, keep your eye on the Black voters. It could mean victory or defeat in the South!


The Italian vote is about to convict Trump in that New York City trial. What about that vote, Maria? Are you hip to the spaghetti & meatball jury verdict. Oh, yeah, there could be a Jew or two on the jury. What about the Jewish vote? Poll me a few Germans. They may go with fellow German Donald J. Trump just because he's German.

Hey, poll this!

Ah, well, it's all part of our national politics schtick, central to the game. It's still early, is what we're saying at our weekly discussion meeting over at the restaurant. Most seem to agree. Hanging on us like a cool, colorful lei on the flight home from Honolulu is the prospect of violence after the vote is counted, not if Biden wins reelection but if Trump and his people wish to take their disappointment out into the streets.

Yeah, riot at the malls this time. Burn the mother down, as The Trampps might say about here.

Richard J. Daley, once the Trump-like blowhard mayor of Chicago, liked to put it this way: "The only poll that truly counts, is the poll the voters take in the voting booths on election day."

Of course...



  1. Your earlier story had it right: abortion is the main issue this election. if you put it to a vote in every U.S State whether a woman has the right to an abortion, every single state would want Roe Vs Wade reinstated by an extremely wide margin. It was that way for 50 years. Why is it an issue again? DJTrump and Republicans.

  2. He may want to be a dictator, but America needs him to be a prisoner.

  3. The Republican Party shot themselves in the foot with all this. Educated Arizona women living in the 21st Century won't buy into this far right religious fanaticism. I am an old guy, 83, who remembers the struggles of women even to own property of get credit cards, borrow money or buy a home in their own name without their husband's permission in writing.

  4. Of course Trump won't sign a complete Abortion Ban until he is Reelected. Remember when he told all of us that Social Security and Medicare Cuts would be off the table? Guess what, he Lied and now he is Lying about his stance on Abortion also. He is the sole reason why Roe vs Wade was Repealed in the first place.

  5. if Trump is not in jail by November. We will vote him out once again. And make him say he lost.

  6. they wouldn't even pass their OWN bill on border security.
    If you want to see a republican cry, give them what they ask for!

  7. Of the many ways Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson offends me, his pious posing as a faith-based and Jesus-loving Christian disgusts me most. True followers of Christ's Gospel teachings don't idolize unrepentant sinners such as Trump. They don't lie and obfuscate. They don't surrender their morals for power.

  8. Remember, remember when you vote in November. (D) is for Democracy and (R) is for Russia.

  9. Innocent man spends more than $100 million on legal fees to avoid proving his innocence in court.

  10. No mercy for this orange chicken. He has done enormous damage to our nation. He has ruined hundreds of election officials lives with his threats and lies. He has mocked too many people from John McCain to the disabled. He has incited an insurrection that left six capitol police dead. He has stirred up the worst of our nation from racism to misogyny. This thing deserves to have the full force of the law thrown at him. He needs to be in prison. The sooner the better!

  11. As Benjamin Franklin said, "People who give up their freedom for security deserve neither."

    1. i will never refer to Trump as president or former president. He doesn’t deserve such a title! Dumpster Trumpster is pretty fitting!

  12. I just can't understand why anyone would vote to give the state control over their most intimate bodily functions. Why would they possibly vote to subject their bodies to the whims of government officials? Do they believe our bodies belong first to the state, and only secondly to ourselves?

  13. Let's get rid of Ted Cruz. Vote him out in November. Plus, his wife is ugly - according to Trump.

    1. Trump said it in 2015. Is Ted still married to her, and is she any uglier or what? Photos!!!

  14. "Immigrants in Maine Are Filling a Labor Gap. It May Be a Prelude for the U.S." - NY Times

  15. Candidate RFK Jr angry at being denied Secret Service protection. Like, who does he think he is - a viable presidential candidate? NOT!!!!

  16. We need to hear more women talking in the media about how the rules around abortion affect them. Ignore the 'Orange Fool'! He's an ignorant lying, cheating, stealing, grifting and raping idiot!

  17. Most "Devastating Witness" At Donald Trump Hush Money Trial - former White House aide Hope Hicks. She overheard phone calls.

    1. Will Trump take the coward's way out and try to get the NY judge in next week’s criminal trial to let the jury consider CONVICTING HIM OF THE LESSER MISDEMEANOR CRIME of business record fraud to avoid jail time?

  18. Melania to her divorcĂ© attorneys: “stand back and stand by.” (feel sorry for her. So caged.)

  19. We got this. No way in hell will he wins. Spend it, it's in the bank.

  20. Never fear. Trump and the RNC have no money and if I've read it once, it's been a million times, money buys elections. As stated before, his supporters only plan is to thwart voters rights (like a dictator) and of course, scream election fraud when he's destroyed. it seems quite logical no one who voted against him last time will switch their vote and many more will this time. Besides those, he'll be a convicted felon in a few weeks. heh heh

  21. Judge Cannon to consider whether to toss some obstruction charges in Trump classified documents case. (he's above the law)

  22. Puppet Republican House Speaker Mike Johnson to meet with Trump at Mar-a-Lago. What a joke........

    1. If Mike Johnson were an actual Christian he'd call out Trump for his evil actions regardless of the consequences, instead he's a coward.


  23. I wish this trial would have been televised.

    1. Someday, they'll make a movie out of it.

  24. Donald Trump does not part with money easily. If he paid her $130k, it's because they did have an affair.

    It doesn't surprise me that she was forced to sign a letter stating the affair never happened. I will look forward to the details coming out about that during the trial.

  25. Why must we pay for the Secret Service if he is a criminal defendant? If he hates the government, why use resources and money on this person? What happens WHEN he goes to prison?

  26. Trump and House Speaker Mike Johnson discussed "Election integrity" during their meeting today. Does election integrity include Conman Trump calling the Georgia Secretary of the State and asking for 11,780 votes to be "found".... Does it include fake electors ... should I go on?


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