Monday, April 8, 2024

ECONOMY:...National Doing Okay...Republicans Not Falling In...Except for Texas Governor Greg Abbott...He Confirms It...



McALLEN, Texas |...Greg Abbott perhaps has been spending too much time on the sun-parched Mexican border this past year. The 66-year-old Republican has pretty much made a name for himself as a tough anti-undocumented immigrant dude.

He's bought enough razor wire fencing to save the industry. He's placed large buoys in the middle of the Rio Grande to wall-off swimmers headed north. He's done more than enough, yet the border, he will tell you, is still not secure. Blame that on the Democrat in The White House - President Joe Biden.

But do credit Biden with a booming national economy, Abbott now says.

He went on right-wing TV on Sunday to say the country's economy is doing great thanks in large part to a great Texas economy.

What?! Republican Abbott confirmed the nation's economy is doing great under Democrat Biden?

Yes, he did. This as Republicans across the political spectrum are running campaigns on word that Americans are suffering the cost of groceries, housing, gasoline and education. Greg Abbott kinda says that's bunk - the U.S. economy is flying high.

This from [ Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) appeared to take credit for the boost in the U.S. economy, saying Sunday that the improvements across the country are because his state’s economy is "doing so well."

Fox News pressed Abbott on how the latest jobs report showed that the recent surge in migrants has helped increase payrolls and "keep a lid on consumer prices." He pushed back against that remark, instead saying the boost in the U.S. economy can be attributed to Texas and Texans, not immigrants. ]

Abbott went to on to say his tough stand at the Mexican border has led to a "72 percent" drop in illegal entry - a surprise in itself.

Does that mean the "invasion" he touted is over? How about a press conference on the topic?

Well, yes, Texas may be doing fine economically, but it still pales behind California's, plus the knock against Texas is that it leads in receipt of federal aid, like welfare that includes food stamps and housing vouchers.

We do applaud the governor for acknowledging the Biden Economy.

He didn't have to do it, and we suspect he has since received some curt email or text messages from one Donald J. Trump, the apparent Republican nominee for the November presidential election...



  1. California's economy is nearly $1 trillion larger, Gregg. And unless you're in the top 10% in TX, you're paying more taxes in TX than in CA, and and the farther down the economic chain you get, the worse it gets. TX has the 7th most regressive tax system in the US. Along with the highest percentage of workers being paid minimum wage or less in the country.

    1. Abbott is likely regretting that visit with FOX News.

  2. Honestly, I didn't know Tex-Mex was a driving force of the economy even as tasty as it is.

    1. Yes, there are way more taquerias than steak houses in the Lone Star State. fact.

    2. What would the Texas economy be without tacos? Dead!!!

    3. Abbott is married to a Mexican woman.

    4. Texas economy would sink without the 5 federal military bases it has.

  3. Hey, all, political polls are out again and will be until the election. I ran a poll recently of the accuracy of polling and what I discovered was shocking. Polling pollsters in a recent poll revealed that polls are never accurate and polling a new group of folks who are polling says the same thing, according to the latest polls.

  4. Trump now saying abortion should be left to the states. Trump remembering women can vote.

    1. Don't believe him. He lies. Trump will go for a national ban on abortion if elected!

    2. No, abortion is a woman’s issue, neither state nor federal should be involved.

    3. The thing that scares me the most and the forced birthers don't seem to realize this is that if things continue the way they are, innocent women will inevitably be imprisoned for simply having a miscarriage through no fault of their own. All it will take is a zealous bible thumper working in the hospital to bring charges against them. Women need to VOTE BLUE!!!

    4. Is he trying to bury the GOP?

    5. Burying the Republican Party? trump did it years ago. It's going nowhere in the election. losers!!!

  5. I am also a lifelong Republican and former Trump supporter that can now recognize Trump for what he is. It baffles me that so many just cannot see it. We are experiencing what the German people did in 1933.

  6. Off topic but - if you are outside the path of totality, do you actually need to wear those special eclipse glasses everyone is talking about? You’re not in the golden region of the solar eclipse, so does it matter?

    The short answer is yes, if you’re outside the path of totality, you’re going to want to wear eye protection before observing the eclipse.

  7. Oh, no. Not again. Trump's "Truth Social" Stock Crashes as Soon as Market Opens this morning.

  8. 70 and have NEVER liked this guy!

  9. Trump Admits He Only Wants White People to Come to the U.S. - like from Denmark and Norway.

    1. Why would the people from the “nicest countries” want to move to the USA? They live in countries that provide free healthcare, free baby care, free university, 2-month vacations annually, no guns or violence and the homeless is non-existent. The USA has been placed on at least 4 Travel Advisories informing their citizens to be on high alert when traveling here; beware of shooters when in crowds.

    2. Republicans have no issues with immigration if the majority of immigrants are white. No secret there!

    3. Maybe Trump should just go and immigrate to one of those "nice countries," thus doing the rest of us a favor? Amen.

  10. Abbott's invasion was a mirage. Never was one. Political verbiage. Nothing more. He needs to be truthful, or he'll lose all credibility as a public servant.

  11. Trump today filed a motion to move his hush money trial out of New York. Another desperate move by the defendant. Aint' gonna work!

    1. Wait... I thought he did nothing wrong. Why not just get the trial over with and prove it?

    2. Trump's so desperate to suppress the truth. Almost every day he's filing to stop or delay this proceeding. he may just need someone to kick his ass!!!

  12. Did you see where Harlingen Mayor Norma Sepulveda referred to Greg Abbott as our "esteemed governor." The nerve! And she is a Democrat!!!

  13. Breaking: Trump INSTANTLY LOSES Appeal to Stop CRIMINAL TRIAL. He wanted to move the trial out of NYC. Fat chance, Orange One!!!


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