Tuesday, April 9, 2024

TRUMP ON ABORTION:...He's For The National Ban...That Denial He Issued Monday Was A Lie ...His Latest...Don't Fall For It...



McALLEN, Texas |...They all say he's lying again. Who? Donald J. Trump, Republican candidate for president. About what? His stance on abortion. Really? Yeah.

Big surprise.

The 77-year-old Trump yesterday took to the airwaves to say he is not all that interested in proffering a national ban on abortion as president; he will let the issue be decided by the states. Democrats are not buying it. Neither, likely, are American women who are strongly against any anti-abortion legislation.

But, as could expected, right-wing news media began painting Trump as a "moderate" on abortion, the stab at ridding him and his party of the one issue that will doom them in the November General Election.

This from newrepublic.com: [ . . .It’s a mirror image of how the right works. Usually, they love Trump because he takes hard-right positions and sticks it to the libs. The Muslim ban, the border talk, the "vermin" rhetoric, and so on. Fox News and other right-wing outlets promote and echo this extremism constantly.

But on Fox News this week, they’re going to be saluting Trump for doing the opposite. By the end of the week, I bet Fox hosts will have called Trump a brave "compromiser" and "moderate" and "conciliator" a couple hundred times. Can’t you just hear it? "This is real leadership. Donald Trump understands that there are competing strongly held views on this topic across the country, and he has selflessly put aside his own strongly held personal views to try to find a compromise position all Americans can live with. That is presidential leadership, my friends." ]


Once a liberal Democrat in his home state of New York, Trump has morphed into a racist pro-right zealot of the first order. To believe him on anything is to believe in lies as a human virtue.

Donald J. Trump may not personally be against abortion, but he will play one to win The White House.

More lies on aisle 45...



  1. The only "stance" Trump has is the one he thinks will get him elected.I doubt most MAGA supporters know this but he was a Democrat for years & if there'd have been a path to the presidency in the Democratic party in 2016, he'd have taken it, no doubt.

    It's all an act, he doesn't care about conservative values.

    He'll say anything to benefit himself & he could care less about anyone or this country.

    1. So true. Hard to say he's not about himself.

  2. Donald's position is that pregnant people don't and shouldn't have any right to decide their own healthcare via the Constitution. He'll find out how wrong this position is on November 5.

    1. How is the right to medical care a state issue? If you are miscarrying, the fetus is not viable, and about to die due to infection then you should be provided with life-saving medical care. I don’t understand why elective abortion and terminating a pregnancy due to a life-threatening situation in a legitimate hospital are not seen as distinctively different situations.

  3. Since evangelicals were willing to give up their morality, because they knew that Trump had their backs when it came to getting rid of Roe/Wade, will they forgive him now, when he just told the world that he doesn't want federal abortion legislation?

    1. It really doesn't matter what Trump "says" about abortion. You can't trust a thing the man says!!!

    2. You nailed it.

  4. Ted Cruz senate campaign in deep trouble. Low on cash

  5. Shut him down and lock him up please for the sake of democracy and humanity

    1. Tired of Trump. Just shut the hell up, dude!!!!

  6. The problem with Trump's position is it only comes out of a naked political calculation. A true pro life candidate would understand that having an extreme abortion position in some states makes the entire situation even worse than before. Trump clearly does not care about abortion or the fact that people feel strongly about the issue. But his supporters mostly don't care either so clearly the pro life party was a fraud to begin with.

  7. Donald blocked!!! FINALLY!! Judge has Guts to Not Delay & Reject Trump's Appeal to delay his Criminal Court Case!! Finally!! Enough of Trump, already!!!!!!

  8. Truth Social stock down again today! Loser investment.

    1. Only Trump making money ff this sham. Investigate his arse!!!

  9. We are allowing Trump to make a mockery of our Judicial system. Why is the court system letting this happen? Justice delayed is justice denied. Let just get on with it, you are wasting taxpayer’s money. No one is above the Law, not even a former President. Trump broke the law and should suffer the consequences like any one else who commits' a crime. I lived in New York for many years and watched this Guy on local TV lie, cheat, and steal his entire life. He behaved the same way while he was president. I don’t understand how people in this country want to put a criminal convicted of sexual assault and fraud in the White House. What has happened to American values? Is this the character of a President? I am a registered Republican but, I can not deal with 4 more years of Trump’s political chaos and continues stream of lies. Enough is enough. I will NOT be voting for Trump in November and you should do the same if you want to save this country....

  10. The justice system has been an abject failure.

  11. Get the Russians out of Congress!

  12. To all Trump supporters whose eyes and ears have opened, and now see Trump for the raging, grifting, con artist he has always been.........BLESS YOU!!

  13. Remember the mid-terms? Abortion will be an issue and most women don't want an old politician telling them what to do with their bodies. They made that very clear. They will be voting mostly blue. (No matter what they tell their husbands) You just watch...

  14. Trump-Endorsed Senate Candidate Questions if Nursing Home Residents Are Alive Enough to Vote. - Republican candidate Eric Hovde of Wisconsin, a malcontent.

  15. "Unprecedented": Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner’s “unusual” dependence on foreign money (Saudi Arabia) shocks other investors. Congress needs to investigate this guy!!!

  16. Trump says it would be an honor to go to jail. All bluster and jaw jagging. Chubs Trump would whine so hard he'd drop 20 pounds if he had to go to jail ...

  17. Truth Social has the integrity of a Bernie Madoff investment portfolio.
    It’s a Trump Black Hole Company - all money invested will disappear.

    1. Shares of Trump Media have erased all their gains since they began trading under the ticker DJT last month.

  18. I’m so sick of him, and his toddler tantrums.

  19. I believe it is high time for the courts to issue an order that will sanction Trump and/or his attorneys if they file any more frivolous lawsuits, motions, or appeal. The rules of the trial courts permit them to issue such an order and it is appropriate here. Trump is attempting to forestall the inevitable. He will lose this case and he and his lawyers could be sanctioned for frivolous claims and abuse of process. He definitely cannot win a lawsuit against this judge. An ethics panel already said the judge has no conflict of interest. This is just more delay, delay, delay. Mostly it just proves that Trump knows how much trouble he is in. He's bragging about going to jail and that it would "be an honor". Ok. Go. Now.

  20. Donald Trump your cowardice is showing. Why fight so hard if you are so innocent of all charges?

    1. I can smell his fear….and I live in Australia.

  21. BYE Bye Maga, Bye Bye Republican Party!


  22. Trump's doomed in his trial, and he will be doomed in November, so long as we work hard this year! Take action and join a VOLUNTEER group to maximize your impact! There are ways to help no matter which state you live in! We need to volunteer to engage with our fellow Americans and encourage them to vote! Also, since Republicans are doing voter purges, check your registration and polling place periodically this year! VOTE EARLY! VOTE BLUE!


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