Sunday, April 7, 2024

BROKE DON:...Republican Presidential Candidate Donald John Trump Gets Biting Nickname From Democrats...It May Apply...He's Dog-Pedaling...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas | ...Lara Trump is not happy. She loves her father-in-law, and some people are hurting his feelings by calling him "Broke Don." It's a nickname, and the target, one Donald J. Trump, is somewhat familiar with the concept of dissing others by way of unflattering monikers.

Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush was "Low Energy Jeb" to The Donald.

Florida U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio was "Little Marco."

Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina was "Horse face."

President Joe Biden is "Sleepy Joe."

We could go on, but you get the drift. Donald Trump loves applying nicknames, something, it is said, characterized as the work of small minds. I mean, he's a guy. A guy is going to hurt another guy with a dumbass nickname? He'll likely hurt a woman, but not a guy.

Now has come his daughter-in-law, the unattractive one married to his son, Eric, and the co-head of the Republican Party National Committee (thanks to Donald)

This from [ Donald Trump's daughter-in-law is not a fan of a new nickname given to the former U.S. president.

Lara Trump lashed out at President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris for anointing her father-in-law as "Broke Don."

The Democrats have been trialling (testing) the new nickname for Donald Trump, who is facing hundreds of millions of dollars in legal bills amid his many lawsuits, by taking a leaf out of Trump's book with his infamous use of nicknames for his opponents. These have included referring to Biden as "Sleepy Joe" and calling Hillary Clinton "Crooked Hillary" during the 2016 presidential race.

Lara Trump (shown in photo above) slammed the new nickname for Donald Trump, claiming that her loud father-in-law is the master of monikers and is not in fact, facing financial trouble. Donald Trump has also denied he is having money problems.

"The reality is Joe Biden and Kamala Harris... they try to, usurp Donald Trump as the greatest marketer in the world with his naming of people [and] it doesn't work, it's ridiculous," she said during an appearance on Eric Bolling's The Balance show on NewsMax on Thursday.

". . . . And not only that, immediately after that they tried to name him "Broke Don," but he actually got $6 billion with the Truth Social site." ]

That last reference to Trump making $6 million off his Truth Social venture on Wall Street is a mirage, at least according to investment experts who note that its stock has been falling every day since it went public the other week.

So, "Broke Don," then?

Will it stick? Will it hurt the Fake Republican candidate in the November election.

No, and no.

It's just a childish all of the ones Trump has affixed on his enemies...



  1. We've had trouble with comments. Update coming.

  2. Sure hope you're able to keep comments. this is the only "real" website for resident thought in the Rio Grande Valley.

  3. methinks Lara is thin-skinned, like Donnie.

  4. If "he" gets all the power he wants, people of color, the gay community, and the disabled will be no more, just like a certain leader of Germany and Italy in recent history.

  5. As a vet myself I can’t see how anyone who ever wore the uniform could vote for trump, he’s a disgrace to America.

  6. Trump doesn't feel humiliation because he's amoral and completely shameless.

  7. Did trump do the job as president first time? He was physically there, but he spent half the day watching Fox News, and he never acted like a president or took the job seriously.

  8. Speak up Rio Grande Valley!!! we don’t want Trump for second term. Trump needs to go to jail and stay there him and his rotten kids.

  9. he called Nikki Haley "Birdbrain"

  10. My faith in the justice system will be restored when Trump is convicted and sent to prison or he gets put in jail for violating a gag order. I am waiting for someone to grow a pair and follow the rule of law.

  11. This is a very important point because I actually voted for George Bush the first time around. I have been known to choose a candidate based on what I thought I liked. Based on how American they were. Based on how much they cared about what America stood for. It is very clear in my mind that trump does not stand for America. In truth, between the two parties, I used to always believe that though they had different views, they all believed in America and the Constitution. This Maga and Trumpism is something completely un-American. Trump and the Maga are neither republican or democrat or independent. They aren't even American. Anyone would clear thinking can see that trump & Maga is a traitorous movement. I was so happy when NATO was formed. I felt there was finally a full coalition against autocracy. We should never vote for anyone who wants to undo that.

  12. Take him to court, treat him like anyone else, if convicted sentence him to the same time as anyone else would get behind bars.

  13. The Department of Justice has to stop treating him like a legitimate former president and start treating him like the criminal that he is! Comments across the country are no one gets breaks like Donald Trump's! That's a failure of our DOJ!


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