Saturday, April 6, 2024

BOND, THAT BOND:...Step Up, Donald...Four Criminal Cases...Americans Deserve Some Answers...Hey, Maybe You Do Have A Defense...



McALLEN, Texas |...A resolution is in order. Years of alleged crime and the slow scheduling of charges and trials have us here, waiting on star-crossed Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump's legal verdicts. Guilty or not guilty, that's what America want to hear at this point.

Trump seems to not want those trials, any of them.

An observer would be excused for thinking the man is guilty, as, well, an innocent man would be eager and willing to make his case before a judge or jury. Not 77-year-old Trump. He's fighting it with every last lawyer and breath. And it's wearing the country down. Our politics are wadded up and caught in Trump's trap, his roiling legal shenanigans a literal fishing net of the sort only a world-class Gloucester, Massachusetts fisherman would love.

That case he lost related to years and years of business fraud brought a verdict more than a month ago: $454 million judgment against him and his two sons, Don Jr and Eric. The elder Trump was supposed to post that entire amount in a bond if he headed to appeals court. He did, but the bond was reduced to $175 million, which a cheesy California company posted him last week.

It's under review, as they love to say in the National Football League.

News comes that the bond company has some problems. Of course it does. Everything Trump offers/touches comes with problems.

But then there's this via [ Trump’s unconventional Bond supplier has some problems.  Primary among them being the lack of credible balance-sheet evidence, proving that Knight Specialty is "good for" the $175 Million IOU posted. NY law requires this credible evidence, which shows that Bond posted is, among other things, not more than 10% of the Bond Company’s available (liquid) capital assets.

Trump’s "white Knight" did not show this.

In their amended filing, they still leave much to be answered for, in terms of fiscal credibility:

1.)  The "balance sheet" numbers re-posted, amount to notes scribbled on a napkin.

2.)  The "balance sheet" numbers re-posted, have not been independently audited, and attested to as being accurate.

3.)  The "balance sheet" numbers re-posted, have numerous vague Liabilities and Obligations, that offset the likewise vague Assets listed.

4.)  The "balance sheet" numbers re-posted, were only through 12/31/2023. 

But what’s a $175 Million IOU among "Business Associates," Capisce? Why all the fuss, just trust-em...

Micheal Popok of LegalAF, goes even further. He raises the serious likelihood, that Don Hankey, owner of Knight Specialty Insurance Company, has just broken "money laundering laws" - with statements he just made on CNN.

By saying that Trump has the "cash on hand" to pay back the $175 Million for the Bond - but also, that "he has no idea where Trump has gotten that money from" - Mr. Hankey has just admitted to a possible "money laundering" scheme. It is his responsibility to know where Trump’s collateral cash is coming from - assuming he is indeed a credible Bondsman, that he has purported himself to be.]

It's a mangrove swamp out there in Legal Land.

We know Trump loves that. he enjoys throwing wrenches into moving bicycle tires. It slows things down, and that is precisely all he wants for the moment.

And, boys, we're not even close to getting an eventual appeals court ruling on the original court judgment. What to think of that as the election nears. Yes, it's seven months away, but little tells us this will be resolved before the vote on November 5th.

Americans have a right to be angry, to openly say our justice system is skewed to favor the rich and famous.

Of course, it is...



  1. Since Trump's request for a lower bond was based on a fraudulent claim, the court needs to revoke the lower amount and reinstate the full bond requirement.

  2. The lawyers have no incentive to admit they knew of the negotiations for the bond. But, IMO, the appearance of impropriety should be grounds for rejecting the reduced bond.

    1. First, Hankey, the bond guy, claimed it was a business transaction to make some money and now he is saying that he gave Trump a better than normal deal? Wouldn't this be an illegal gift to Trump? Just saying!


  3. A vote for Trump is a vote for Pootin. Keep both out of our White House. Vote blue to maintain what we have in this country.

  4. Lets face it. Trump threatened the judge and his family. Who wouldn't be a little biased. This is why so many Republicans don't have the courage to stand up to him. It is all fear. This has to end. Trump needs to be out of the political arena.

  5. Have you noticed? Anonymous users are dominating right-wing discussions online. They also spread false information.

    1. Unemployed rednecks all of them. And their Russian comrades!

  6. Hopefully Trump will go to trial on 15 April and the Jury will find him guilt and sends him to prison for years. Trump is more a traitor than a Patriot and belongs in prison not the White House.

  7. Trump alleges Biden may be on drugs. Total projection! This guy gets more psychotic every time he opens his mouth. It's really baffling how people look right past it and worship the ground he walks on.

    1. Who's on drugs, Donnie? LOL!!!

  8. Israeli doctor says captured Palestinians undergoing amputations for handcuff injuries. - Are you serious? Amputation of hands? Jews are being Too-Nazi now.

    1. Outrage here. U.S. needs to investigate these Jewish atrocities.

  9. Speculation is rampant that Trump-appointed federal judge Aileen Cannon will drop all charges against Trump in the classified documents case. I wonder how Cannon is going to suffer because of her support for Trump. It has happened to many and will continue to happen to more.

  10. The only way to shut him up, is to put him in jail, which should already have happened. He continues to violate the extended gag order, which should be cause enough for incarceration. Stop waiting!!!

  11. With Trump's physical and mental health in a free fall and losing courts cases daily only adding to his health issues what is the over/under on how many days before his nervous breakdown?

    1. A few more Quarterpounders and large fries will do it.

  12. Please post dates and times of Trump rallies in the RGV.

  13. Mourning the death of my Republican Party. I’ll NEVER vote for Trump or anyone that supports him.

  14. Trump now saying he loves Mexican people, rich Mexican people especially. Nope, if you truly loved them kids wouldn’t be in cages and legal Mexican citizens who were born here wouldn’t have been deported. LIAR.

  15. A pro-Trump pastor from Nebraska wants to change the Electoral College to help former President Donald Trump. If Trump is so Great, why do so many rules have to be bent to help him try to win?

    1. It's called "rigging" the election.


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