Tuesday, March 19, 2024

THE BORDER:...Weeks Into A Rough Hoe At The Supreme Court, Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott Is Not Obeying High Court Dictates...Going To Wall The Mexican Border Whether It Needs It Or Not...



McALLEN, Texas |...It's getting to where you no longer know who the law intown is from one day to the next. Do the sheriffs of border counties have a say in local problems? The state, as in its governor? The federal government, as in designated agencies? Or, is it the U.S. Supreme Court?

It used to be the Supreme Court's rulings were firm and final.

Well, in most cases, they still are, only not in Texas Governor Greg Abbott's head. He is above the nation's highest court when it comes to say and doing what cruises his brain on things to do with the Mexican border.

In Republican Abbott's air-conditioned world, there is a relentless, unstoppable invasion of immigrants at the Lone Star State's lengthy southern border, especially over by Eagle Pass west of here. Abbott has been headstrong in his approach to walling-off an invasion that seems to be more a political watercolor than an actuality. He has stationed large numbers of state troopers and state guardsmen to make sure the world knows he is serious about halting wave after wave of immigrants he sees breeching the demarcation line.

The U.S. Border Patrol is there, as well, only Abbott sees them as part of the problem. In fact, these days, he would rather the Feds stay out of Texas on things to do with, in his word, "securing" the border, which, really, he has not yet done.

This from newsweek.com: [ Texas Governor Greg Abbott has vowed to leave controversial buoys in the Rio Grande after the Supreme Court blocked a new state law targeting suspected illegal migrants from taking effect on Monday.

In a post on X, formerly Twitter, Abbott said the buoys would stay in the river, the building of a wall would continue and the Texas National Guard would erect razor wire barriers along the Texas-Mexico border.

Tensions have surged between Texan and federal authorities over how to respond to a surge in irregular migration across the southern border in recent months.

On January 22 the Supreme Court ruled federal agents could remove razor wire placed along the border on Abbott's orders. This sparked a furious response from Abbott who claimed his state was being subject to an "invasion" and invoked "Texas's constitutional authority to defend and protect itself." ]

It hasn't happened.

To the governor, the Supreme Court may as well be the President Joe Biden household in Delaware. Greg Abbott is a one-man court watching the border and issuing rulings willy-nilly. He has the support of the Republican-led state legislature.

So, what should the citizenry take from the governor's recalcitrance - that laws are not for everybody, that a governor can do whatever he damn well pleases and not face consequences? Well, yeah, that seems to exactly be his take on all of this.

The Border Patrol has not moved on the razor wire fencing Abbott has installed on a rather small stretch of the Mexican Border. And he has not moved a finger to rid the Rio Grande of his orange-colored buoys, as has also ruled a court. Never mind that neighboring Mexico has lodged complaints with the Biden Administration.

It's all a dog & pony show, of course.

Greg Abbott would not be doing any of this if the federal government had a Republican at the helm.

You know it and I know...and he knows it.

Everybody knows it...



  1. Hey, he's getting old and the border keeps him entertained. Poor man needs something to do.

  2. We need a wall there, but we also need a McDonald's.

    1. A Whataburger would do gangbusters business right next to the razor wire fencing. Just saying.

    2. Row of taquerias.

  3. Trump adviser Peter Navarro going to prison today. A lot of people around Trump are falling. Eventually, most guys like Trump go down because they just have done too much wrong. Just see the case of Nixon, and I'm guessing Trump makes Nixon look like an upstanding citizen.

  4. Any word on Trump finding that $454 million he needs to pay on that NY fraud case? LOL

    1. Justice system is finally working, and working against him. He has been conning a lot of people with fear of lawsuits, and it caught him. I am not sure, if he can avoid jail time now.

    2. He has six days still. "Russia, are you listening?"

  5. National press is saying NY Jets QB Aaron Rodgers is vice-president material. The psycho couldn't even hack it on the Brownsville City Commission!

    1. Rodgers is over-rated! has-been.

  6. 464 million dollar bonds requires 46.4 million dollars to get. at 10% of the bond value. given the thieving trump's non-payment for services provided record with his recent trials and lawyers not being paid, what bond company would underwrite the bond? it would be a certain loss of money. the bond company and stockholders would object to this.

    1. Well $400 million is not enough for all the judgements and my guess is, he has to maintain a certain amount of cash (liquidity) to maintain all his debt covenants (very common practice). So he may have $400 million in cash, but what we don't know is how much of that cash is serving as collateral on other loans.

      For all we know, Trump could have little real liquidity after he posted $100 million bond for his sexual assault conviction.

  7. Greg Abbott is a shallow, hollow man. Trump is in deep doodoo. Trump's the same guy who told NATO to pay up. Right back at ya big boy.

  8. Trump is running for the White House, while running away from the Big House. Let's make SURE he TRIPS.

  9. Where Trump is concerned, I never get used to hearing his BS, I'm not numb to it, it's disgraceful to this country and the people within. I am one of many that would like to see him permanently out of the picture and never want to hear another word out of his Anti-American mouth!!!


  10. How much you want to bet that Mexico will pay for the bond, right, Donald?

  11. I want Trump jailed. Why isn't he in jail? As for Greg Abbott, his excuse is what? He's no governor of Texans, not all Texans. fact.

  12. "I will walk proudly in there to do my time," Navarro said. "I will gather strength from this: Donald John Trump is the nominee."

    After proudly scratching and clawing at every appeal possible to delay it.

    Might want to keep that last part to yourself in the joint. Most of those guys may not share your excitement.

    1. What if Peter Navarro is sexually abused in prison? Oh, no!!!

    2. He didn't want to report. Appealed it all the way to the supreme court. Coward!

  13. When you have 90+ criminal charges and you are about to go to trial you may have a bit of trouble finding lenders. Donald Trump has effed up big time.

    1. Trump would sell this country down the river for any financial benefit to himself. In fact, he's done it many times.

    2. Electing any person that owes large amounts of money is never a good idea.

  14. Trump says he’d have to hold "Fire sale" of properties to meet $464M bond.

    1. He profited off of lying to the tune of $168 million so in reality he only needed to come up with $286 million…..that’s of course if he didn’t spend the $168 million to begin with….:) when you lie to financial institutions and then ask for a loan the answer is going to be “no”.

  15. Peter Navarro went full crybaby to the press before walking into prison. Good luck with Big Willie, petey.

  16. I never liked Greg Abbott. Period.

    1. He doesn't seem to be for all Texans.

  17. Enough of the orange monster.

  18. I personally am just tired of Donald Trump. he's a loser on a variety of societal fronts. Can't wait for the day he's gone.

    1. Vote BLUE !!!! Put this traitor in prison so we can move on from this crime family of the century!

  19. Today on a temporary basis the supreme court will allow local law enforcement to arrest suspected undocumented workers. There is an old story of a federal judge being detained by Border Patrol. That is a story worth researching.

    1. The Court just gave Abbott the green light to make targets out of immigrants and American citizens alike. This doesn't do anything to fix our immigration system or make Texas safer. It only serves to codify hate and empower an already unhinged governor.

  20. Trump asking for immunity .... when you're claiming you did nothing wrong?

    1. Delay, delay, delay. He knows he has to win the election or its curtains for him - prison.

  21. The number of people who went to prison for Nixon: approximately 26

    The Number of people sentenced to prison for Trump so far: At least 320

  22. If Donald Trump was an innocent patriot, as he and his followers claim, he would gladly go to trial. He is a domestic terrorist that incited his followers to attack police and The US Capitol. He is trying to delay his trials because he is guilty.

  23. Headline: Supreme Court ruling on Texas immigration law could "sow chaos and confusion"

    1. This is not good. Mexicans will be targeted. I mean, Mexican-Americans who live along the border. You watch.


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