Wednesday, March 20, 2024

FLORIDA:...Loud, Harsh Anti-Immigrant Sentiment Bends As Sunshine State Farmers Cry For Workers...New State Law Aimed At Providing Housing For "Foreign" Field Workers...



McALLEN, Texas |...And then there came the dollar side of things. Crops in the fields, few, if any, workers out to harvest them. Florida is in an agricultural crunch. Conundrum? Yes. Between a rock and a hard grapefruit. yes. Time to make some not-so-pleasant concessions?


The State of Florida, a rabid, anti-immigrant state since Republican Ron DeSantis became governor, is now working on getting (get this) better housing for the estimated 52,000 workers it desperately needs and is actively recruiting.

Not from Florida itself, no.

Well, officials say they want "non-immigrant" workers eligible for those special worker visas, but we know who works those fields - undocumented workers, yes.    

"We can grow our crop, but without harvesting it we might as well not grow the crop," said David Hill, an owner of Southern Hill Farms in Clermont. "No one is going to pick the crops that we grow except for the people we’re trying to bring over, in H-2A in particular."

From WUFT, News Service of Florida: [ Florida’s agriculture industry hopes a bill that would limit local regulations on farmworker housing will bolster efforts to bring in more non-immigrant foreign workers.

The bill (SB 1082), which state lawmakers unanimously passed, would prevent cities and counties from taking steps to "inhibit" construction of housing for farmworkers on agricultural land. The bill has not been formally sent to Gov. DeSantis, who can sign, veto or allow the legislation to become law without his signature.

The industry says some growers have cut back on planting this year, and might again next year, in part because of a labor shortage related to the state’s crackdown on undocumented migrants.

The bill could help with bringing in temporary, non-immigrant foreign workers through what is known as the federal H-2A visa program. The program places housing requirements on employers. ]

As seems to happen in these stories, many Floridians do not want immigrant farmworker housing in their backyards. The new legislation mandates that growers build the housing on farmland.

It's somewhat unexpected, as everything the governor has said about immigrants to date has been negative, as in he doesn't want them and as in he will ship them to liberal folks up in Martha's Vineyard off the Massachusetts coast as fast as he can.

But the cash crops (citrus, vegetables, strawberries, potatoes, etc., etc.) must be harvested, so hardass DeSantis likely will sign the legislation in as quiet a fashion as he can muster.

I know. It's the same with post-hurricane clean-up, when the state's citizenry and politicians see a large number of migrant workers drive in for the jobs locals just will not do.

What is that they often say about these talks...



  1. DeSantis will look the other way and sign the legislation.

  2. Actually, we get the overwhelming amount of fruits and veggies from...Mexico.

    1. See all those 18-wheelers headed north? I know you do.

    2. Your average American refuses to work that hard. And gen-z expects to be rewarded with a six-figure salary simply for showing up.

  3. Of course, he did. Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law, praises "very valuable' potential of Gaza's 'waterfront property:


  4. I ALWAYS have to laugh when I see signs saying "Women for Trump". You are about to watch women BURY Stinky!

    1. You know which one is funnier: "Latinos For Trump"

  5. Trump needs a $464m bond in six days. What if he can't get it? Goodbye, Trump Tower? Mar-a-Lago sold to Putin?

  6. In the summer I work alongside Hispanic workers in a manufacturing plant where temperatures reach well past 100 degrees. I have a fan and an ice chest next to my work station and I am soaked with sweat by 10am. My Hispanic friends go all day without a fan or cold drinks in the plant and they seldom break a sweat. They are very tolerant of the heat.

  7. So many ill-informed Americans seem to think that sensible people want to do those jobs when they can find better paying jobs with less strenuous job conditions among our own population, so we need to block these people from other lands who are willing to work at anything they can get? Wake up people, America NEEDS these workers and we have always prospered during times when we kept our borders OPEN.

  8. We have work. Our people don't want to work. Migrants want to work. Uh, the solution? Duh.........

  9. Vote all Democrats in 2024!

  10. Peter Navarro. Shut up and do your time.

    1. Where's Melania?

    2. She's come undone.

    3. They're now saying she's been spotted! Ha ha ha.

    4. If she campaigns for Trump, it's to save her pre-nup cash. That woman is total Eastern European.

    5. Melania testifying against don would be the icing on the cake. (her accent is atrocious)

  11. Not our problem Trump. Pay your bills. You have no business running for office as is. You lost your fathers company. You are ranked as the dumbest President in American history.

  12. Georgia judge allows Trump to appeal Fani Willis disqualification ruling - the FIX is in for Trump to skate thru Georgia RICO case.


  13. When Chump is literally behind bars, I'm getting some champagne.

    1. You and a load of million others.

    2. Enough already. Bring Trump's butt to jail for contempt of court.

  14. Trump doesn't even own Trump Tower, he only owns his private penthouse and the retail portions of the building. He owns a share of his properties, but they're probably predominantly owned by foreign "benefactors" or "investors." That explains a lot. The gist of his business devolved into the selling of his brand & name -"TRUMP" to splash on buildings that were built and financed by others. The Trumps (specifically Ivanka) were utilized in marketing efforts and promotion of these places.

    At one time, the "brand" was marketable. It no longer is. He's broke.


  15. I gotta give Vladimir Putin alot of credit, it took years and billions of dollars and alot of hard work, but he now owns more than half of the Republican Party.

  16. Headline - "Trump Rules Out Vivek Ramaswamy as Running Mate as He Eyes New Team." LOL!!! Poor Indian-American. He never had a chance. Too dark for Trump!

  17. Republicans who supported democracy and the US Constitution, your party no longer exists. Trump has hijacked your Grand Old Party and implemented radical changes that strengthen his ties with Russia. Welcome to the new GOP, the Government of Putin.

    1. Some of them went full-crazy MAGA and the rest wimped out. There are pussies in every crowd.

  18. Donald Trump's new BINO status is really going to seal his fate - "Billionaire in Name Only"

    1. Trump could ask his son in law to help make the payment. After all, Jared Kushner's two billion dollars deal with the Saudis was made during Trump's time as president and connection through government position.

  19. Trump: "Any former resident can't function without absolute immunity"

    Literally EVERY former president has been just fine...

  20. The WORLD wants Donald Trump in jail.

    1. Showing a disgraced former President that he's not above the law, truly will make America great again.

    2. Supreme Court figuring out a way to grant Trump immunity but not to any current or future president.

  21. Florida now wants immigrant farmworkers? Every immigrant should stay the hell away from Florida! I'd love to see some white boys working the strawberry fields, potatoes, sugar cane and whatever else they grow.

    1. Florida. Pick your own fruit!!!

  22. Legal volleyball - "Appeals court halts enforcement of Texas immigration law hours after Supreme Court order."

  23. It's a national shame and disgrace that this man is even walking free four years after attempting to overthrow our democracy in a violent and deadly coup attempt. And the Supreme Court and Cannon are enabling him. Just imagine what Republicans would be saying if Dems put forward a candidate like that. Do the right thing GOP. Ditch Trump and put America first.

  24. This is NOT a witch-HUNT... it IS a witch-CAPTURE !

  25. Sick of Trump and his DEMANDS! Who the hell does he think he is? Not the president.


  26. I'm hearing more and more Republicans saying they are voting for Biden this year. I have never heard Republicans crossing over like this before. They are sick of corrupt Trump and want to save democracy.

  27. Let's go MAGAs, your King needs your dollars. If you have an equity on that used trailer, get a second mortgage and send Donald all of your money. LOL

    1. Absurd. The guy claims to be a billionaire and these poor slobs are sending him money? Pendejos.

  28. Gov. Greg Abbott says Texas is two House votes away from passing school vouchers. That's bad news for Texas public schools and schoolteachers. Abbott doesn't care.

  29. I think they know Trump is going to lose on appeal. The final number he owes NY in the fraud case might get reduced some. Part of his problem is, he has to come up with the Fee Percent they charge (like a down payment he will not get back). The fee the bonding company might charge could be 15%, upwards of 70 million in cash he needs to come up with. That is their guaranteed profit for the loan. He loses his appeals and, in the end, has to pay 300 million. They will take his properties he used for collateral. What he could actually use as collateral must not have met the typical 120 percent threshold. He would need at least another 560 million in asserts. The roughly 120 percent is due to the fact they know they sell something, they may only get say 70 million for a 100 million asset. Throw in the fact that his types of assets fluctuate in value based on the economy, commercial realty market and you get the picture. Trump is in a world of hurt.

    1. Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock.

    2. Trump's assets are overextended. He has already used them to secure loans to stay afloat. He cannot use them as collateral, because their inherent value is minimal, when considering the loans held against them. On paper, Trump may have assets that are valuable, but in reality, most are not worth much.

      That is why no one wants to use his real-estate holdings to secure the bonds.

    3. Real Billionaires don't beg the poor for loot.
      Ross Perot never begged.


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