Thursday, March 21, 2024

THAT LATINO VOTE:...Well, OK, The Mexican Vote...Otra Vez Under The Microscope... White Vote Up!...Are Muslims Voting?...Italians?...Germans?...



McALLEN, Texas |...Yes, Mexicans are for abortion. Yes, Mexicans are for Uncle Sam. Yes, Mexicans are Americans and those people south of the border are merely more Mexican. And, yes, Mexicans (aka Latinos) will vote in the November General Election.

Their guy is Democrat Joe Biden, although there are some Mexicans (Latinos) who fully believe that voting for Republican Donald J. Trump makes them "Anglos." I know, what rot.

These, we all know, are tough times all across the land.

And no one knows more about demographics than politicians and political blowhards cat-quick to place our many ethnic groups in certain places along that long and winding shelf. People will vote.

All Americans will hope. That's the plan. Do your civic duty and go vote.

The press loves to head for the ghetto or the barrio and come back with an answer as to how Blacks and Browns will vote. You rarely see a story about how Whites will vote. Occasionally, you'll see a blurb about the Asian vote, never one about the Muslim or interracial vote.

Mexicans (Latinos)?

Well, there was this paragraph in a column published by the Los Angeles Times: [ Of particular importance this cycle is the coveted Latino vote, a cryptid that, if captured, will grant either party its deepest desire, like "Texas going blue" or "the collapse of the state of California." Determining how Latinos will move this year is key to predicting which way our country will swing, be it "hell, but slightly nicer to gay people” or "Turbo Hell 5000 (Homophobia Deluxe)." ] 

Capturing the Mexican vote will make Texas blue or the collapse of California?

Balderdash! But that one line has been written how many times in the past 20-30 years? Maybe with a different word here and there, but it's been out there like the flu pretty much every national election. Look it up. The Latino Vote, baby!

Just go vote.

Leave the histrionics to those who labor in the Desperate Grind, also known as the news business. It is one of those stories that comes with the moment. If we're voting, let's see what the crazy Latinos are up to! They're not up to anything special or different or telling. Latinos are busy at home and at work and at play. You want to send me a survey? Why?

In the passive Rio Grande Valley, a Latino stronghold if only by way of population, haughty and loose-khaki Mexicans will indeed show up to cast their vote. The voting booth does not clang when its door is closed. If that's a drape you cut through, well, it's not a post-surgery ward.

Just vote.

If you're a Latino (Mexican here), do it and be done with it.

No one will be eyeballing White people as they mosey in to cast their vote, so why should you care how anyone with a fancy pen or lighted computer keyboard categorizes you? Don't. No, not in these inelegant days. The hefty maid has left our fast-crumbling palace, and it's still hours before sundown. Someone jabbed a knife into the Naugahyde couch, and it's been ruined. The mangy, neglected dog has bolted the doghouse, and he knows something.

Just vote...



  1. LOL! I think I'll go to HEB today and hang out with the other Latinos. LOL!!

  2. The press has to press, no?

  3. Trump desperately begs MAGA supporters to help him pay $464million fraud bond. He has until Monday.


    1. It took women to take down Trump financially. This is karma!

    2. Where's Melania?

    3. I've never been more impatient for a deadline in my life.

  4. Yeah, you wonder why they make such a big deal about the Latino vote. This from Bloomberg: "Among people who reported voting in the 2020 election, for example, 71% were white, 10.7% were Hispanic or Latino, 12.2% were Black, and 4.4% were Asian." That's why the early primaries are in Iowa and New Hampshire...

  5. We the people don’t want any part of Donald Trump and or any of his friends in the White House. VOTE BLUE.

    1. Immunity already exists for all presidents who performed their duties as president. But it does not include criminal activity, if it did Nixon would have never resigned.

  6. I just saw this: Big-time Haley donors switch to backing Joe Biden – not Trump.

  7. Trump does like taco bowls......and he has said he tips his gardeners at Christmas.

    1. He also said all Mexicans are rapists. Wasn't his NY conviction about raping E. Jean Carroll?

    2. Any Mexican voting for Trump thinks he or she is not Mexican. fact.

  8. Good morning, Paz. Latino here voting for Joe Biden.

  9. But....but...but...didn't they say Latinos are monolithic? Ha ha

  10. Call me a bad person, but the thought of Trump losing multiple properties due to this bond makes me so happy!

  11. Brownsville going Big Time for Biden!

    1. Chicano power!

    2. Brownsville's Mexicans are the most Mexican in the valley.

    3. Brownsville gets the most govt. welfare. They DO NOT want Trump in office. He'd cut them off overnight!

  12. Justice delayed is justice denied. We the people deserve to know if Trump is guilty or not.

    1. Trump will pay his bond as soon as he can sell some secret classified documents he has at Mar-A-Lago


    2. We have the witnesses, the evidence, now all we need is a trial date.

  13. January 2025 -
    Joe Biden inaugurated.
    Donald Trump incarcerated.

    1. Vote all Democrats in 2024!

    2. I've never despised a person to this degree before, but Trump is so vile, so reprehensible, so devoid of even a shred of human decency that he's earned nothing but my utmost contempt.

  14. Skyscraper sale on aisle 5: Trump's problem is that his properties are so heavily leveraged he'll have to sell them all to get $500 Million in cash.

    1. New York should buy Trump Tower when it goes on sale and name it OBAMA TOWER!

    2. Something tells me the money will be there on Monday. Where it came from no one will ever know.

  15. OH, HELL NO!: Trump attorney Alina Habba on Wednesday did not rule out the former president seeking out foreign money to pay his New York fraud judgment.

    1. I agree. That would be a deal-breaker.

    2. He'd better report it, like how much and who gave it to him. Foreign Governments would be making a huge mistake.

    3. It turns out Russia, Russia, Russia was all too true. Putin is interfering in our election on behalf of Trump again.

      He has to, Putin is desperate here. If Biden wins, then Ukraine gets arms and Putin is toast. If Trump wins all aid to Ukraine ceases, and Ukraine is crushed under Putin's heel.

  16. He's banking on winning the presidency.

    Donald Trump wins if these cases never actually make it to court. Forget the cases. No matter how strong any of them are - forget them.

    WE THE PEOPLE must make sure he never sees the inside of the Oval Office again.

    Vote. Biden on his most incoherent day will still have a good team around him. He'll still be the better choice. Think of the future of this country. It won't have one if you 1) stay home, or 2) vote for DT.

    1. Trump doesn't deserve a deal on Monday. He threatened the District Attorney, Judge, court staff & their families.

  17. Hey, Donnie, just get Mexico to pay for it. LOL!!!!

    1. Mexico would only give him the finger.........again.

    2. I'm sure Mexico will soon send a mariachi to his next trial. Some good bullfight music would be appropriate.

  18. Game Over, Trump. You lose everything.

    1. I have a feeling that foreign entities will bail him out…Russia, China, Saudi Arabia etc. want a chunk of him, and where are the classified documents at Bedminster & elsewhere? They are for sale.

      A huge national security issue obviously.

    2. What happens to the lapdogs, like Walt Nauta and the gardener?

    3. Hey, we were talking at lunch about the book this Nauta guy could write after Trump goes to prison and lays him off. Wow.

    4. Walt Nauta will be dumped into the garbage bin of losers. Por.....pendejo....

  19. If Trump's dumb redneck supporters want to go fund him then let them lose their trailer home. Trump is only concerned about Trump, not America.

    1. It sure would be nice if the legal system would actually apply some criminal consequences to this man. It’s absolute madness.

    2. Bear in mind that whatever argument Trump makes to try to get out of posting the bond, the argument should apply equally to everyone else required to post a bond. So the argument that "I can't conveniently afford the bond" has not been effective in the past, should not suddenly have viability. Moreover, Trump CAN raise the money to pay the judgment or post the bond, but he does not WANT to do so. I would suggest that every single person who has had to post a bond would feel the same way, so that can't be the basis for reducing the bond amount or somehow letting him off the hook.

    3. Is water wet? Is night dark? Is the sun hot? Did Trump lie? All have 1 thing in common.

  20. The name's Bond.
    No Bond.

  21. Little Marco Rubio for Trump VP? The Orange Blob does not need Florida, though, so...................

  22. I like how Democrat Joe Biden has never begged me to pay his legal bills.

    1. This morning at the restaurant I heard a once-Trump guy says he's voting for Joe Biden in November. Wonderful to hear an intelligent former Trump voter commit to voting for Biden to keep Trump out of power. Thank you, sir!
      Vote Blue!

  23. "We get all the funding we need from Russia." - Eric Trump, 2016

    1. "Russia, if you're listening." - Donald Trump

    2. I don't know a single local person sending Trump money. Latinos aren't going to send him much, if anything. Maybe a plate of tacos.

  24. Trump karma/ "Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth" - Buddha.

  25. Trump must be very happy that due to the Biden economy is doing so well, his supporters have the extra cash to give him.

  26. Dear MAGA, E. Jean Carroll thanks you for your ongoing financial generosity and support.

  27. If you are a Republican and are seeing this: it is ok to vote for Joe Biden this time. Democracy over party!

  28. Independent here, no longer supporting Trump. Jan. 6 Capitol Riot and his lack of character did it for me.

    1. Trump insulted Nikki Haley. He called her a birdbrain. Her voting base is voting for Biden 2024.

  29. What? - Is that huge inheritance for the Trump kids now in danger? GOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!! Deadbeats.

  30. One of the brutal dictators who Trump idolizes will spring for the half billion on the chance to OWN an American President. Then they'll hack and fix the election. The money will be laundered through an insurance company in a blood red state where it's conservable that they'd have that much cash. The commission will be at least 250 million.

    1. Follow the money all the way to Putin's pockets.

    2. The NY Supreme Court must scrutinize any monies that Dump lodges as his bail…if this has come from any foreign country it must be ruled as inadmissible!

  31. It's a lot easier sleeping at night after leaving the Republican Party. I left all that angst & hate behind.

  32. If Trump wants to delay, delay, delay... then his candidacy should be void until all, and especially the federal, trials are finished.

    1. Cut the crap and get ON WITH THE TRIAL NO MORE DELAYS!!!!!!!!

  33. Just look at how bad the economy is in China, North Korea, Russia under authoritarians. I'm voting for Joe Biden, he stands with unions, just passed 8.5 billion grant to Intel to bring chip plants back to US. Joe get things DONE!

  34. When you commit a crime, the penalty is not supposed to be convenient. It's not the court's problem to figure out a way for him to post the bond so he can appeal. According to Trump, Mar-A-Lago is worth a billion dollars, so take out an equity loan on that. Or just ask Fox News for a loan. They seemed to have had no trouble paying that $800 million judgement to Dominion after they defamed the voting machine manufacturer.

  35. You can't spell "hatred" without a "red hat" .

  36. Imagine the begging that is going on right now, Donnie pleading and begging his best buddy Putin to bail him out AGAIN. "Putin, if you're listening."

  37. Count on Russia or Saudi Arabia to throw cash at Trump. Most of his voters are on disability for some made up ailment and after Oxy, booze and space rent for the trailer they just have no money to spare for Donald.

  38. Trump must post his $464 million bond by Monday. Monday is the start of my working week. I don't usually look forward to it. Next Monday will be different!


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