Friday, March 22, 2024

HAITI:...Bloody Gang Warfare Unabated...Island Country In Disarray...U.S. Offers Millions To Kenyan Police Force As One Answer...No U.S. Troops Being Sent...



McALLEN, Texas |...Kenya does and doesn't want to go. The U.S. is pressuring the United Nations to authorize and field a multinational force. Life and gang warfare in Haiti are on fire. Political unrest has seen thousands split for other lands, many escaping Haitians sailing off to Mexico with hopes of then making it to the northern Mexican border for a shot at entering the U.S.

It is the boiling pot of the Caribbean, an open sore that won't heal.

From [ In Haiti, Prime Minister Ariel Henry announced he would step down once a transitional council was in place, and an ex-police officer and current gangster known as Barbecue threatened politicians who were planning to take part in the council. ]

The U.S., however, is not interested in sending its troops to quell the lawlessness. Instead, it has offered the African country of Kenya $300 million to arm and dispatch a sizable police force to the ragged island country. Many in Kenya are opposed, saying they do not want to see their police officers (not the Kenyan Army) return home in body bags.

Kenyan President William Ruto favors the offer, but he does not yet have the okay from the national congress.

This all comes after three years of unease following the assassination of Haitian President Jovenel Moise in July, 2021.

Since then, wanton gangs have taken over the streets of the capital city of Port-au-Prince, in effect become the authority in Haiti.

The unrest is in marked contrast to life in the Dominican Republic, the other country on the island, where no such gang warfare exists. From a report at [ Ruthless gangs have a stranglehold on the city, preying on the population, carving neighborhoods into warring criminal fiefdoms, and cutting Haiti’s international port off from the rest of the country. ]

U.S. Embassy officials and staff departed Haiti earlier this week.

It was more than just going home to safety; the departure was symbolic of a frustration... 



  1. So that's why all the haitians here at the border.

    1. This is nothing new every so often the people overthrow the elected government of Haiti. The current events (corruption) unfolding should be of no surprise to the international community.

  2. Oh, no! California Republican Senate candidate Steve Garvey owes at least $350,000 in back taxes.

  3. No outside forces could help if the population stays inert and quiet. After all, it’s their country and it’s up to them to turn it around.

  4. They took a beautiful tropical island and turned it into a cesspool.

  5. Sometimes people have to fight and take lives to protect themselves, their property, their community and their country. BBQ will be next and then the rest of the criminals not willing to surrender will be terminated. The beauty of this is that there was no foreign intervention, just good people saying enough is enough and taking back their country.

  6. Never ending sadness.

    1. Once you start barbecuing jimmy . All should be well . Good luck Haiti for the millionth time.

  7. Haiti gang leader, an associate of Jimmy 'Barbeque' Cherizier, is killed: report

  8. Putting Lara Trump near the Republican National Committee coffers is akin to making Charles Manson a nurse in an ICU.

    1. If Trump can't manage his money, how is he supposed to manage the country!

    2. I've never despised a person to this degree before, but Trump is so vile, so reprehensible, so devoid of even a shred of human decency but my utmost contempt.

    3. You said it X2.

    4. Trump can't get $ from foreign sources or he becomes even more of a blackmail target. CIA, you listening?

  9. Americans in Haiti are demanding to be evacuated. It is not the responsibility of the American taxpayer to get them out. They went there of their own free will. The taxpayer did not send them. This is on them.

  10. I don't understand the feeling of need religious people feel to go down there and try and help. Might as well go and feed Grizzlies with a steak around your neck.

  11. Did we not issue a statement to the effect a week or two ago that Americans were to leave Haiti? If so, would that not absolve us from having to get them out?

    1. When you're on vacation.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  12. US citizens are NOT trapped in Haiti. They were told emphatically, repeatedly to leave the country but stayed to savor the rich cultural heritage and diversity. Now they decide they need to be rescued?

  13. so sad to see a such beautiful country to end up in that way.

    1. Haiti has always had an uncertain future..

  14. There is NO "open border".... EVERY person gets checked.

  15. Trump's finances, shell companies, tax returns, etc. are a good deal more complicated than most regular, everyday people. His organization deals with "around 250 of its affiliates and subsidiaries using the Trump name." He doesn't outright own some of his properties; Trump Tower is owned by a mortgage company, etc.

    1. The plane …. the plane …
      Take the plane.

    2. Nothing says “I’m a billionaire” like begging working class families for money.

  16. I never thought a major American political party would be supporting Russia. What the hell has happened to the Republican Party?

  17. Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene files surprise motion to oust Republican Speaker Johnson. Crazy gets crazier.

    1. Republicans control the House and they've done nothing. Well, other than replace their own speakers.

    2. The entire Republican party is a clown show.

    3. Marge, you just handed the House of Representatives over to the Democrats in November. Thank you very much for doing us a favor.

    4. MTG wants to be VP so badly. She’ll do anything. What a loser.

    5. As a concerned citizen, I have severe reservations about Marjorie Taylor Greene and GOP's plans to reform Social Security and the retirement age. Their policies benefit corporate hawks at the expense of hardworking Americans. By biting into the Social Security pie, they are effectively undermining the financial security of the elderly and disabled, who depend on it for their livelihoods.

      Furthermore, their proposals to increase the retirement age will have devastating consequences for older Americans who are already struggling to make ends meet. This proposal will force many seniors to work longer and delay their retirement, which is unacceptable.

    6. What an absolute 1 "woman" shit-show.....

  18. Let the Haitians solve this problem on their own. They will be better for it in the end.

    1. Local people know practically nothing about this. Haiti may as well be Mars to the Rio Grande Valley.

    2. @1:15PM I'm afraid you are right. Locals are not really into problems elsewhere.

  19. Most Americans lack a basic understanding of what is happening in Haiti and why. A report on the rise of gang wars would be a helpful primer along with the sordid history of Jimmy "BBQ" Chérizier.

    1. Who is fighting whom??
      I can't get it.

    2. Get the Americans out of there, and let Haiti take care of themselves. Their leadership let the gangs take over, so their leaders are responsible for taking their country back. Haiti’s neighbors don’t have those issues in their countries.

  20. Have you ever wondered how come half of the island (Dominican Republic) is doing well and Haiti never has? Maybe it is because of the people who live in Haiti?

  21. We need to get the hell out of there. Haitians do not want our help. US government has done enough damage.

    1. That place had been a crap hole for decades. The poor are used like pawns.

    2. That island is massively overpopulated. It can never support that many people. They are thinning the herd themselves.

  22. Israelis already confiscating Gaza lands. Beachfront properties, especially. Something's wrong with that.

  23. How can Barbecue be a gangster if he's asking for Schools, Health Clinics, Clean water, Homes and opportunities for Haitian people?

    1. Because he's murdering sitting politicians right and left.

  24. Princess Kate says she has cancer. Ouch.

    1. She's only 42, with three small kids. Poor girl.

  25. Headline: "American family in Haiti describes ‘war zone,’ believes it will fall to gangs in a week"

    1. Get all US citizens out, then leave. It's a mess, but not our job to clean it.


  26. Trump calling himself a Christian is like calling yourself a veteran because you were in a civil war reenactment.

  27. Democracy in Haiti , South Africa, Rowanda, is a tragedy. Billions of aid money has poured in for at least a century and they just wont stop attacking each other.

    1. This is anarchy. Anarchy is the absence of freedom. Freedom has a price, it's called responsibility. Where responsibility is dismissed, two things can happen: an oppressive government takes over or anarchy is installed. Either one will lead to disgrace.

  28. Well, he needs the spotlight. Disgraced former congressman George Santos says he’s leaving the Republican Party, will run as independent in New York House race. He'll lose. his 15 minutes are up.

  29. After the threat by Republican Marjorie Trailer Greene today to oust Republican Speaker Johnson.....How can anyone honestly say that they know who the dumbest Republican is.

    1. What's truly sad is Republicans got what they wanted with the House majority and now it's come back to bite them - one person can ruin the House. And sane Republicans are powerless (or too frightened) to stand up to her kind. But, to be Charitable, Greene is from Georgia.


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