Monday, March 18, 2024

SICK:...Republican Donald J. Trump Keeps Screaming For An Intervention...Psych Ward, Not The White House...A Bloodbath If He's Not Elected...



McALLEN, Texas |...It's way past time. This guy is sick. In fact, as we've been saying here, he's practically screaming for an intervention. Help is nowhere near the horizon, however. His family and the rest of the country are letting this sumbitch go nuts right before our eyes.

President? How about psychiatric ward!

Republican Donald J. Trump remains a candidate for the highest post in the land. He's been there once before so you can't really blame the dolt for wanting a return engagement. Even Elvis would go back to Vegas every now and then. Same for birds after shopping malls are built on tree-lined land once their home.

No, don't blame Trump for his silliness and his seriousness. He loves his McDonald's Quarterpounders as the best America can offer and his openly-displayed racism as the worst.

Over the weekend, he kept going lower and lower on the loose-soil layers of our ragged society.

To wit: Speaking at a rally in support of Ohio Republican Bernie Moreno’s Senate campaign on Saturday, Trump seemed to offer an aside while speaking about the auto industry and how he would be a better president than Democrat Joe Biden when it came to dealing with trade and China: "Now, if I don’t get elected, it’s gonna be a bloodbath. That’s going to be the least of it. It’s going to be a bloodbath for the country."

Get the nurse.

We're sinking daily here aboard the U.S.S. Guppy. How much longer can the psyche grant this fool any sort of space. He's the avocado fart in the room, impossible to ignore.


Newsfolk are downplaying the definition of what blowhard Trump means here. Is he talking bullet-riddled bloodbath? Thousands dying? That threatened Civil War?

Pundits are going soft on him, by believing Trump was talking about the national economy. Uh, Trump means the bloody thing. That's who he is, a 77-year-old fuck willing to blow up the country and likely the world before he dies.

Take him at his word, America.

Donald Trump could not care less about the economy.

It's payback he's after. He lost the 2020 election and is steadily losing his fortune to defamation lawsuits and uber-serious legal entanglements. Four criminal trials and upwards of 80 felony counts.

Of course, bloodbath! What's the overweight sumbitch got to live for?...



  1. Face it, Trump doesn’t understand “the niceties” and he doesn’t care. His remark is not something any responsible candidate in a democracy would say. But then someone who led an insurrection when he lost the last election shouldn’t be running for President again ever.

  2. How about we just take his words at face value?

  3. I think that this country will decide Trump’s fate and I want to see him held accountable and millions of others do to. So make your decision and I think it’s pretty much clear 80% of Americans have made their decision already. Now it’s a waiting game and for the next 8 months we are going to have to listen to Republicans talk out of both sides of their mouths.

  4. I will say this, if you vote for Trump, you didn't pay attention the last time he was in the White House. I do NOT want to go back to a time where I must turn off the tv when my President comes on because my grandkids are in the room. This will be the LAST vote we will have as Americans to save our freedoms.

  5. Trump's lawyers say it is impossible for him to post bond covering $454 million civil fraud judgment. (ha ha aha ha ha ha)

    1. Start confiscating his properties!

    2. He's no billionaire. Donald Trump is unable to come up with almost half a billion dollars he owes the New York attorney general for committing large-scale fraud, according to court papers filed Monday.

      With one week to go before the former president’s deadline to put down at least $454 million while he appeals the mammoth judgment, Trump’s lawyers in Manhattan Supreme Court filings said they were unable to come up with the cash.

    3. can everyone stop referring to Trump as a billionaire now? He lied.

    4. So there are no financial institutions that will provide a measly half billion for an upstanding businessman who is worth upwards of 10B? Is it possible Trump has not been truthful concerning his wealth? Surely he has not misrepresented anything to us. Or has he?

    5. The U.S. banks haven't dealt with Trump in decades.

      Trump's oldest son said a decade ago that a lot of the family's assets came from Russia.

    6. Time for Trump to stop crying victim and start liquidating his assets like any other criminal would have to do.

  6. Trump says you can have an abortion "after" birth. Trump is stupid. This guy needs to be in a nursing home already.

    1. Abortion "after" birth? Never heard of that.

    2. Where's Melania?

  7. Am new here. Studying at UTRGV. This is a fantastic, insightful and intelligent conversation. Thanks guys. Keep them coming.

  8. Trump's an expert at skirting the law. So far, he's been successful delaying every single of his trials. He has a lifetime of this abuse, worse than a mafia boss.

    And by the way, he still does not pay a penny in taxes.

  9. Hello justice system...time to do your job.

    1. Why is Trump not locked up? Why are the courts AFRAID to lock him up. He DOES NOT deserve preferential treatment!


  10. Mike Pence will not endorse Trump but he did not say he would not vote for Trump….he will.

  11. Republicans say: "Nobody has been treated like Trump"


  12. Rumor has it Trump will be tried as an adult..

  13. Trump can't get a loan! Ha ha ha

  14. Trump, put your money where your mouth is.

  15. Trump's still going to have to pay the $450Million, he just can't appeal unless he posts the bond. What a freaking shame. Guess he shouldn't have defrauded NY then, eh?

  16. Even if Diaper Don had the money...he expects someone to use THEIR money to bail him out. It's his "I am King" narcissistic mentality. He'll fight having to use his own money as long as he can. And people know he doesn't like to pay what he owes them. The "stable genius" has some real problems now. I'd love to see him lose his Kremlin-A-Lago.

  17. It's not about race, religion, gender, etc. It is ONLY about class; The elite rape the pockets of those below them, who are distracted by crimes, and costs, and each other.

  18. Top reason Trump wants to be president is.......................He NEEDS money!

    1. I say we send him a box of Mexican pesos. Send it to Mar-a-Lago.

  19. Former Trump adviser Peter Navarro, 74, is set to become the first former White House official ever jailed for contempt of Congress. He is due to report to a minimum-security federal Bureau of Prisons satellite camp in Miami on Tuesday morning. Tomorrow!!!

  20. Trump should borrow the millions from crooked son-in-law Jared. He has a couple billion in the bank. He got it from the corrupt, anti-America Saudi Arabians.

    1. Jared needs to be investigated by Congress. Saudis were behind 9/11. Have Kushner detail the deal on how he got $2 billion from those clowns.

  21. Trump is not 'running for president'. Trump is 'running from jail'. Let that sink in.

  22. Treasonous Trump in peril, finally getting pressure.

    Right on. How can such a compromised individual run for president? What's going on here?

  23. Wasn't Trump telling our NATO allies they need to pay your bills? Pay up, Don the con!! You owe NY $450 million for all that fraud. Someone call me when they padlock Trump Tower for non-payment.

  24. Can't those MAGA politicians pool their money and help their cult leader out??? No??? I guess not. how many Trailer Park rednecks would it take to cover $454 million? At $5 apiece. LOL.

  25. Former Trump adviser Peter Navarro is headed to federal prison after the Supreme Court today rejected his emergency request to postpone his four-month sentence while he appeals his contempt of Congress conviction.

    The Bureau of Prisons had scheduled Navarro to report for detention by 2 p.m. Tuesday in Miami unless the Supreme Court intervened.

    Chief Justice John Roberts said he saw no reason to disagree with an appeals court decision denying Navarro's request to remain free, adding that that decision is distinct from a ruling on the appeal itself.

  26. Won't Mexico pay it for him?

  27. Come on. Take one look at Donald Trump. Now tell me he isn't the biggest weasel you've ever seen. He's so guilty it should be tattooed on his face. I don't think a lot of people need convictions to determine that Trump is the lowest of the low. And a TRAITOR.


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