Thursday, March 7, 2024

TEXAS RANCHING:...Fires in Panhandle Counties Has Cattle Ranchers Requesting Financial Help...Republican Gov. Abbott Declares It A True Disaster But Can't Bring Himself To Call Biden White House For Help...



McALLEN, Texas |...Texas ranchers decimated by raging wildfires in the Panhandle want financial help from Uncle Sam. Some 1.3 million acres of range land have been scorched in the past week and officials estimate as many as 500 buildings have been destroyed.

And, as yet, no request from Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott for help from the Biden White House.

From [ More than 100 people packed a room at the Hemphill County Exhibition Center on Tuesday afternoon looking for answers about what government assistance they can tap to help them recover from staggering financial losses caused by the fires. The economic toll from the wildfires, which include the largest in the state’s history, hasn’t been officially tallied. But Panhandle ranchers have likely lost thousands of cattle in the wildfires, according to some preliminary estimates. ]

Abbott has declared this a Texas disaster, and some federal agencies are on the scene, but it's a quirky thing for the governor to perhaps ask for the Democrat's help during an election year.

Would Donald J. Trump slam Abbott if the latter bowed to Biden for aid in the wildfires recovery?

No freakin' doubt.

Only, just how long Abbott can hold out is the question, as ranchers and property owners feel the pain of loss and clean-up. It costs a pretty penny to have someone pull up and haul away hundreds of cattle carcasses.

The fires on the open range also spread into neighboring Oklahoma, but its Republican governor has yet to declare any sort of emergency much less join Texas in seeking federal assistance.

Inevitably, ranchers and farmers and victims of this sort of disaster get help from the federal government. That's what antsy Panhandle residents seem to want; politics set aside for the moment.

Abbott, his mind framed on the supposed immigrant surge at the Mexican border hundreds of miles to the south of the wildfires, has not been to the scenes of the disaster...



  1. Where’s the help from abbot? Promoting his school vouchers?????????

    1. Abbott is MIA. The Border is the only issue for that guy.

  2. Hopefully politicians from blue states will freeze all recovery aide to Texas calling it pork and handouts as Texan's elected officials do. Give them a taste of their own medicine. No bailouts for the ranchers either.

  3. Two people have died in these fires. Earlier, it was also reported that the fire chief from the city of Borger had died fighting the blazes, but that was corrected to really be the death of a Fritch volunteer firefighter in an unrelated fire...

  4. That’s Trump country. It’s called KARMA.

    1. Not to worry - rain and snow forecast for that part of the state.

    2. You still have to go pick up dead cattle.

  5. Abbott says that's okay I just ordered five more buckets to put the fire out. And one helicopter. Now we'll get it. LOL instead of giving a million migrants a bus ride he should have brought them all to fight the fires.

  6. People and cattle will die but the Earth shall renew itself.

  7. Saw this headline this morning: "Faulty power line that wasn’t properly maintained to blame for devastating Texas wildfire, lawsuit claims"

    1. Wouldn't doubt if a rancher started it. Lose your cattle and ask for government welfare.

    2. I see only whites in the rancher photo.

    3. Not many Blacks or Hispanics in the Texas Panhandle.

  8. I wonder if the people and politicians in the Northeast and West Coast will fight to deny aid to Texas like Lyin' Ted Cruz and the people of Texas did to them after Hurricane Sandy and the California wildfires?

  9. Off to work but I'll say this - what Texas needs is a governor that believes in working for the citizens instead of working for criminal Trump. All that money wasted on his border war has been useless. How about we spend a $billion on firebreaks and other fire preventative measures. Instead of the national guard being at the border they could actually help fight fires during wildfire season. Too late for these people that have lost everything. Republicans would rather rub someone's face in the dirt than help them.

  10. See, Republicans, it's not just migrants and the poor asking for a handout.

  11. Democrat Biden should go to the wildfires site on his own. Show-up border-addled Abbott!!!

    1. Republican Greg Abbott will never call the White House! Bank on it.

    2. Nope. He went do it. Can you see him touring the panhandle with Biden? I can't.

  12. Power lines ignited the largest wildfire in Texas history, officials say. High winds may have downed some.

  13. Grow a spine Republicans.

  14. Trump is destroying the Republican Party and Republicans love every minute of it!

  15. Trump can’t post the $83.3 million for the appeal for the Carroll case. (or he doesn't want to 'cause he's never paid his bills. Waiting on Poor Rednecks to send him cash? yes!!!)

    1. And they will. They're stupid.

  16. Biden gives State of The Union speech tonight. Sure glad it's not Trump up there. Go Biden!!! Vote BLUE!!!!

    1. Go Joe! Tell Americans we're not El Salvador!!!

  17. Republican Mitch McConnell 2021: January 6th is disgraceful and so is Trump.

    Republican Mitch McConnell 2024: Yeah, so I’m endorsing Trump for 2024.

    1. Trump called Mitch "The Old Crow,".........after he dissed Mitch's Chinese wife, like he dissed Ted Cruz's wife...

    2. Ted's wife was actually called "ugly," and he took it like a chump.

  18. How many agree with me that I am sick of Trump trying to stop all court cases.

  19. Look for an increase in your utilities billing. This power company and others in Texas will take full advantage of this mess.


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