Wednesday, March 6, 2024

SUPER TUESDAY RESULTS: ...Mayra Flores Crushes Lame Opponents...Fellow Republican Monica De La Cruz Takes Her Dist. 15 Race...Hasse Weathers Beating, But Loses Again...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas |...Boys, this was like a Mayra Flores cartoon in which she wallops The Three Little Pigs. Oink, oink, Baby. Elections used to be close contests for the most part, but Miss Flores, a mouthy marquee Republican, tends to shoo her opponents aside rather easily.

Bring on Democrat Vicente Gonzalez!

Yesterday's Super Tuesday vote had more than a handful of "expected" results, sure. But Mayra Flores took a whopping 83% of the vote! In a four-candidate race!! As crooner David Allan Coe might sing about here: "If that ain't country, I'll kiss your arse."

Lost in the fog of the dusty avalanche were fake Republicans Laura E. Cisneros and Mauro Garza. Together, they got almost 10% of the vote. Also-ran Gregory Kunkle played the part of the "Who dat?"

Yes, sometimes it's almost too-easy to pick winners in politics. Trump won big in Texas, as did Ted Cruz. It was, to be honest, not a real election, in that these contests pitted partisans against each other for the right to meet opposing party candidates in the November General Election.

Mayra Flores is still steaming from her loss to the same Gonzalez in 2022. You could see it in her face and hear it in her words all through this particular campaign. Flores had no time for family fights. She wants Gonzalez in the worst of ways. 35 rounds of boxing or 7 out of 12 falls in wrestling.

"Today’s overwhelming victory clearly shows that we have the support, momentum, and message to defeat Vicente Gonzalez and bring home a resounding victory in November," Flores said, via her Facebook page.

That's the 34th Congressional District main event in the Fall. District 15 will see a repeat of their all-out 2022 brawl after both incumbent Republican Monica De La Cruz and Democrat Michelle Vallejo won their party races. Ironically, Gonzalez held that particular seat until he was gerrymandered out and the next thing you knew he had bolted for neighboring district 34. Good luck, Vincent, but I could have told you this world was never meant for anyone as boring as you. Starry, starry night, Baby!

In ever-mourning Brownsville, the insistent lad Tad Hasse (shown in photo below) lost his latest bid for office. Hasse, a city employee, was beaten by newcomer Deborah Bell in the race for Cameron County Republican Party Chairman - a lofty, yet not really lofty political post. Bell grabbed 61% of the vote, whipping Hasse 8,062 to 4,994 in the vote count.

Bell pummeled Hasse with early-count body blows and a late-in-the-fight string of crippling uppercuts, taking the race easily.

You may or may not recall that this same Hasse lost his previous campaign for a seat on the State Board of Education by an astonishing 29,000 votes.

We expect to see seemingly forever-bored Hasse in the next election, running for something or another.

Peripatetic Republican Ted Cruz will face Democrat - former NFL linebacker - Colin Alred in November. This may be the only contested election in the Lone Star State, as we project victories for most incumbents - the annoying Cruz not being one of them, however.

The voter turnout could have been better, yes.

But, well, we live in the worst of times, don't we?...You know we do...



  1. Mayra makes it to the Big Dance! Go Mayra!!!

    1. She'll inch closer to Vicente in November, but will still lose.

    2. I do believe Democrat Gonzalez will keep this seat. Mayra is a fighter, and a dirty one at that. But Vicente is well-entrenched and better-funded. It would have been something else if she had gone for the Dist.15 seat (most of Hidalgo County) and tussled with fellow Republican Monica De La Cruz...

  2. Texas republicans vote for republicans, period. Cruz is a do-nothing senator who exists purely to promote himself, but he will win because there is no way that a Texas republican will either vote for a democrat or not vote at all. Cruz could give one speech after another where he tells the citizens of Texas that he hates them and doesn’t care if they live or die and Texas republicans will turn out in droves to vote for him.

    1. as with Trump we'll be glad when we're rid of Teddy.

  3. Abbott and company (includes Ted Cruz) will never get my vote because they don't represent me or my beliefs. I have no interest in governing the Houston ISD. That is for the people of Houston, not Austin or Dallas.

  4. Thank you, Joe Biden for your great effort and huge accomplishments. Truly appreciate it. I'm a Joe Biden support her proudly.

  5. Most of these races don't matter and aren't close. Yet they pretend they will be in order to generate millions of dollars in income. Running for office has become one of the most profitable jobs.

  6. Nikki Haley's finally dropping out? No surprise there. Will she run Third Party? that would be the surprise.

    1. She dropped out and didn't endorse Trump? Oh my God!!! What incredible courage!!! Not endorsing an insurrectionist for President!!! Give her the medal of honor.

    2. Remember, Nikki Haley said there’s no racism in America and that she would pardon Donald Trump good riddance. Now all we need to do is ensure that Trump never steps foot in the White House again.

  7. Biden will win in November, Trump will say it was rigged and here we go again!


  8. Putting Donald Trump back in the White House is like rewarding him for all the crimes he has committed against our democracy.

  9. Poor Melania. That prenup isn't worth the paper it is written on. Trump will be so far in debt by the time the courts and his lawyers are done with him she will get stiffed just like everyone else that deals with him.

    1. She's visiting Trump Tower in New York as long as she can before they sell it!

    2. If in the end Trump has nothing, she gets nothing. Justice!

    3. Something has to be up with her. Not campaigning with the Orange Blob? Porque no, Melly? Ha ha ha

  10. MAGA is all in. Old Crow Mitch McConnell today endorsed Trump, a Republican he hates and one who called Mitch's wife - Elaine Chao - "Chow Chow"...

    1. Remember, folks, Mitch McConnell was instrumental in the overturning of Roe v Wade, when...for the first and only time in American history, McConnell refused a confirmation hearing of then President Barack Obama's SCOTUS nomination for almost an entire calendar year so he could save the choice for the next president, allowing Trump to choose TWO SCOTUS justices. So almost everything that the SCOTUS has been able to do over the past several years? McConnell built the foundation for that.


  11. "I'll never forget that disgusting moment when that racist Donald J Trump gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Rush Limbaugh, another racist! It will go down in history as one of the lowest points in American history!" - I'm a 70-year-old white man.

  12. What these Republicans say isn’t in concert with what they do. Lindsay Graham and Mitch McConnell excoriated Trump for the Jan 6th and then made a beeline to Mar-a-Lago.

    So, whether Hayley endorses trump publicly is inconsequential.

  13. Unlike the Republicans, Democrats no matter how much they disagree with SCOTUS, follow the law and come up with solutions rather than excuses.

  14. I’ve voted Republican in every election since 1984. Reagan was my first vote for President. I will be voting for Biden in 2024. GOP is unrecognizable and a disaster. I don’t agree with Biden on everything but will vote for democracy!

  15. How many of Trump's associates, advisors, employees, etc have been indicted, prosecuted and sentenced? A lot of them...right? But Trump completely avoids being tried in criminal courts through his delay tactics and help from the Supreme Court and judges. The nation's best known organized crime boss may likely never face justice.

  16. Date set: Supreme Court will hear arguments in the immunity case chasing Donald Trump on April 25th.


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