Tuesday, March 5, 2024

POLITICS:...Super Tuesday Movie...The Candidate - "What Do We Do Now?"...


  1. Telling movie released in 1972, starring Robert Redford and Peter Boyle. A cautionary tale, I'd say, for novice politicians...Vote today!!!...

  2. Cool movie. Back in Nixon's day.

    1. I saw it in California while stationed at Camp Pendleton with the Marines.

  3. The fact that Trump is still permitted to run for President again given the turmoil he caused the last time in every way imaginable, as well as the current legal trouble he has pending, I have lost total faith in our government altogether. I just cannot believe this is happening.

    1. I wish we could trust this Supreme Court not to play politics with the immunity case. Are they jurists or politicians? We will see.

  4. Beat Trump! We did in 2020, and we'll do even more in 2024. Take back the House!!! Keep the Senate!!!!

    1. What about Clarence Thomas? His wife is complicit in January 6th insurrection. There is no question about that. It’s not even up for debate. He should be removed. And asap!!!

  5. Nothing has changed since this movie was made. Our nation still has corrupt politicians that answer to crooked bankers and businessmen. We still spend way too much money on the war machine, etc., etc., etc. The movie is just as relevant today and just as fresh as the day it was released.


  6. Everyone is passing the buck on Criminal Trump! The Republican-controlled Supreme Court got it wrong. Ain't no justice here. Vote Blue everyone!

  7. Let the states decide on abortion & weed, but let Russian Vladimir Putin decide if a former American president is allowed to run after an insurrection in our country. Who's paying the Supreme Court?

  8. "What Do We Do Now?" Classic line.

  9. Then there was this mess: Clarence Thomas ignored calls to recuse himself from the Supreme Court case because of his wife's support of Trump's effort to undo his 2020 loss. Virginia "Ginni" Thomas also attended the rally before Trump supporters stormed the Capitol.

    "Thomas participated in this decision and will apparently do so in the presidential immunity appeal too, despite his wife's involvement with the movement to keep Trump in office," Joyce Vance, a former U.S. attorney in Alabama, wrote in her newsletter, Civil Discourse.

    "If that's not a conflict of interest, it's hard to contemplate what would be."

    1. That's a visible stain on the High Court, no doubt. And, well, there's the thought that this particular Supreme Court is a bit too-partisan in its voting. These are appointments for life, and, theoretically, that was done to make sure justices would deal with cases fairly; that is, away from the political winds...

    2. Echo that. X2!!!


    3. I’m literally exhausted with all these trials ahead and seeing how Trump continues to delay them without any accountability. I’m ashamed to be American.

  10. Voter turnout is usually so low in this country, especially in state and local elections, which is a shame. It seems like everyone wants to vent/complain/share their political views, but so few of them actually vote! It would be great if election days were national holidays where most people were off and could be further encouraged to vote.

  11. Nikki Haley is hanging in there!

    1. She'll lose today, but what will she say about a 3rd Party run?

  12. What can we hope for when our last HOPE (the Supreme Court) is HOPELESS? What justice can we count on when our ultimate court is unjust? Who will undo the wrongs done by the courts when the highest court undoes what's right?

  13. Remember Eric Trump saying this in 2014: "We have all the funding we need out of Russia".

  14. Mayra has taken the lead! Whoooooooooooo

  15. Early results expected after the polls close at 7:00 PM. We shall bring you whatever results are available soon after that...

  16. Trump needs to move to Russia - let's all help him! VOTE BLUE!!!

  17. The Republican Party is a lost cause at this point. They have had more than enough chances to turn their back on Trump and they have refused.

    The party is losing supporters and that does not win elections.

  18. I do hope that Trump's phones are bugged and that his home and airplane have also been bugged electronically, so that we can get his ass as he makes deals to sell our secrets to the Russians.

  19. To me it is amazing that the USA is held together as one country when it is clearly so deeply divided geographically on political grounds. I figure that historically it was held together by fear of the USSR but I can’t fathom what it is today.

  20. No more plea deals with traitors. Life in jail!

  21. Hear me: Trump will never take defeat until the day that this man runs out of money then no other lawyer or lawyer firm will represent him. You can take this to the bank. If Trump loses the election, he will try to take the results of the election to the supreme court and have them overturn the election and give it to Trump.

  22. Trump used to call Jeb Bush low energy Jeb. Looks like we have low energy Trump. The guy just rambles on.

  23. When Donald Trump comes out and says call Nikki Haley a bird brain he saying that about all women so the women that are voting are looking at this and thanking Jesus you already took our rights away why, why would we vote for you and then you calling this woman here bird brain or any insults that come next year after that so there's a lot of women that have turned off by voting for Donald Trump.

  24. Trump asks judge to cut the $83.3 million penalty in E. Jean Carroll case or grant him a new trial - ha aha ha He's no billionaire!!!

  25. Can we please get to November. I can't take much more this?.

  26. Whatever happened to Trump Airlines? Trump's 3 AC Casinos? Trump University? Trump Steaks? Trump Ice? Trump's wife?


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