Monday, March 4, 2024

WHILE TEXAS BURNED:... Republican Governor Abbott Absent From Raging Wildfires Upstate......He's Been Hanging With Trump On The Mexican Border...Democrat Pres. Biden Promises Federal Aid...



McALLEN, Texas |...A week into the uphill battle up in the Texas panhandle, ragged, rural firefighters are back trying to tamp down a stubborn blaze that has left two dead, a monstrous amount of acreage seared and piles of bloated dead cattle on toasted range land. As of this windy morning on the fire front, there is no request for federal aid from Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.

The Smokehouse Creek Fire rages on.

It's an annoying, unwanted headache for Abbott, who spent a portion of last week along the Mexican border damning immigrant crossings with Donald J. Trump while a large chunk of far North Texas burned to the ground. Photos are as excitable as a glass bowl of potato salad falling off a refrigerator shelf.

Look out, Texas.

 From [ The wildfires led to Abbott issuing a state of disaster declaration in 60 counties and have resulted in forced evacuations in a number of towns. The state’s fire preparedness level was raised to three amid concerns that wildfire activity will continue to increase.

The fires have been dubbed the second largest wildfires in U.S. history, and the worst wildfires to have ever hit Texas. The 140 blazes have collectively burned through 1,260,725 acres of land, with at least 12 fires breaking out in neighboring Oklahoma. 

The largest fire - which broke out last week at Smokehouse Creek, north of Amarillo - is only 5% contained. While authorities remain unsure about the cause of the fires, its ferocity has been aided by strong winds and dry grass paired with warm temperatures. Abbott called on the Texas Division of Emergency Management to bring forward additional emergency response efforts to support local firefighters on Tuesday. The efforts continue.

He called on Texans to "to limit activities that could create sparks and take precautions to keep their loved ones safe." 

The blaze also led to the shutdown of a nuclear weapons facility at Pantex last Tuesday night, before resuming "normal day shift operations" on Wednesday morning, according to Pantex’s post on X (formerly Twitter). ]

Proud Abbott, however, always at odds with the federal government, could not bring himself to ask the government for help. Ranchers say they have lost millions, homes and barns included. Area firemen, most coming from volunteer departments, say they are in need of quick aid. Nothing has come from Abbott, who did declare the fires a "Texas disaster" and allowed state agencies to do their best. 

Addressing the fires while in Brownville last Thursday, President Joe Biden said, "When disasters strike, there is no red state or blue state where I come from. There are just communities and families looking for help. (Texas has received $13 billion in relief funding throughout his presidency).

It'll be interesting if Abbott chooses to either go it all alone on the fires, or to finally ask the Biden White House for aid.

That would be a sort of not-quite-Abbott bow to the president, a Democrat...



  1. So, is the price of beef at HEB going up? Dang.

    1. Stores may sell it as "already-grilled-beef". LOL.

    2. Where's Ted Cruz? Cancun? Will he go tour dirty fires? Don't count on it.

  2. "State calls for investigation into cause of Texas Panhandle wildfires" _________ They've already blamed Biden. Now they're just looking for the proof.

    1. Of that there is no proof. But it's politics, so leave it to Abbott to manufacture some more nonsense.

    2. The Smokehouse Creek Fire in Hutchinson County remained at 1,078,086 acres as firefighters managed to contain the wildfire to 15% as of Monday afternoon.

      The fire began as a fast-moving grass fire last Tuesday and exploded in size, to become the largest in state history.

  3. Finally Abbot is ready to do something about those fires. That’s where he should have taken Trump also. There and to Uvalde, where the devastating school shooting happened. Those are also major issues!! But it takes someone with guts to do something meaningful.

    1. Just remember, fire departments fighting the blaze is socialism. Insurance companies denying your claim is capitalism.

  4. I should add that the investigation into the origin of the fire has targeted downed powerlines...We'll update when we get more info on this aspect of the fires...

    1. “When disasters strike, there is no red state or blue state where I come from. There are just communities and families looking for help,” he said, adding that Texas has received $13 billion in relief funding throughout his presidency. -

      Guess the people of Texas are lucky Biden doesn't think like their state's government does, or they wouldn't get a cent.

  5. I bet there are no secessionist ranchers among them....until after they get their federal government checks, that is.

  6. Ted Cruz, Greg Abbott, an electrical grid straight out of the dark ages and now a conflagration, the biggest Texas has ever seen. Texas is looking more and more like HELL every day.

    1. What - they didn't hire illegal immigrants to rake he grass?

    2. Politically, Texas is a mess. Abbott thinks he has things under control. He doesn't.

  7. Governor Abbott should be far more actively concerned about the conflagration on his northern border than the one he is manufacturing on his southern border. But that wouldn't help his criminal mentor and fake billionaire master, who's running for President to keep from going to jail. Instead Abbott shows his lack of ability and empathy for his constituents in his woefully inadequate response to the fires.

    1. The border is Abbott's favorite issue. He's sticking to it. Fires be damned.

  8. I imagine Gov. Abbott and his minions will have their hands out begging for tax dollars to bail them out of the mess they have....again.

  9. We all wish for help and a fast recovery for our fellow Americans. The question is do Texans consider themselves to be Americans ?

  10. Hey, Nikki Haley beat Cheeto Trump in D.C. Primary! We're closer to never seeing that orange blob again!!!

  11. Paz, the Supreme Court ruled today that former President Donald Trump should appear on the ballot in Colorado, a decision with nationwide implications that could put to rest, for now, the debate over whether the 14th Amendment bars him from office because of his role in the January 6, 2021, insurrection.

    1. It was unanimous, which surprised me.

    2. Clarence Thomas? He should not vote on anything to do with Trump!

    3. Not happy with this ruling. Trump needs to be at trial already.

    4. The question isn't why he has been taken off some of the ballots, it is why he is allowed to be on ANY state ballots. When you commit treason trying to stay in power when the voters have soundly rejected you then you don't deserve to be on any ballots outside of a prison system. Trump is just plain lucky that he did it now instead of when our nation was younger because at that time he would have been hanged almost immediately after January 6th. Everyone should easily be able to see that just the act of trying to put in fake electors itself should be grounds for a treason ruling, let alone the many, many crimes against our Democracy and Constitution that he performed.

    5. I agree with the decision by the SCOTUS. What I don't agree with is Thomas voting. In another heard cases he was present and asked questions. Now he voted on this issue. Thomas' wife worked with trump around the January 6th incident. This is grounds for a recuse from anything involving trump. My Thomas not recusing himself, and the Chief Justice not forcing the issue, is TOTALLY WRONG.

  12. Texas is finally getting its comeuppance. They have ripped the rest of us off for decades. We remember Enron. And we remember their trolling of California fires. Now they are suffering, and the rest of us have NO thoughts, and NO prayers.

  13. SCOTUS made a quick decision on the Colorado ballot for the Orange One and one that was never in doubt. I would love to see them make a quick decision on Trump's "total immunity" case, but unlikely.

    1. Now let's see how quickly the Supreme Court will rule against Trump in his immunity claim. Using the 14th Amendment for disqualification was a cloudy issue. But, it was a unanimous decision. That's fine. But, there is absolutely no justification for absolute immunity for a sitting president. This should be a clear-cut unanimous decision, as well. But, Trump's appointed justices appear to be doing his bidding, by delaying the case.

  14. Rakes, paper towels, thoughts and prayers. That's all you get Texas!

  15. Former Trump org. chief financial officer Weisselberg pleads guilty to perjury. If you lie, conform or bend to Trump's will, you'll either go to prison, pay hefty fines, lose your law license, file for bankruptcy or all of the above.

    1. Another Trump employee going to prison. How can this criminal clown be the face of America!? Trump must be jailed. Enough!!!

  16. Just thinking how it took years before they got gangster Al Capone; but we did get him, just like we will get Trump.

    1. But Capone faced it and went out like a man. Donald Trump is too girly to be compared to a real gangster.

    2. Capone would have mopped the floor with sissy Trump.

  17. Dear Conservative, Republican friends, please listen to this. Please hear for yourself how he has forsaken you, your values, and all of what America is and stands for. A vote for this indicted criminal is a vote for the end of America - the United States, and the cause for Freedom Globally.

    1. Say it with me!!! Loud and clear now!!

      Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up!

    2. Double yeah!!! Tired of Trump.

  18. So basically, Trump could sexually abuse another woman in front of TV cameras today, but no charges should be filed against him until after the election because it would be election interference. Absurd.

  19. Attractive Spanish travel blogger raped by seven men in India. Three have been arrested.

    1. The primary pastime for India is gang rape and everyone worldwide knows this.

  20. Tomorrow is our Super Tuesday vote in Texas. Go vote. It's the only independent voice you have these days. I suggest you vote BLUE if you live in the Rio Grande Valley (or elsewhere in Texas, of course)...

  21. Donald Trump has endorsed public groper/gropee Lauren Boebert in her Colorado reelection effort. Crazy.

    1. Is anyone paying attention here? Check out her life, her family, her actions, her words and then realize Trump wants her to be part of his team. This ought to tell you everything you need to know about BOTH of them. When is My Old GOP going to once again give us an inkling of Sanity?

    2. She's moved to run in another district and things are not going well for her. We may soon see the end of this sex-starved high school dropout.

    3. Boebert is on her way out. bank it.

    4. Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell assured Americans that the former president was "still liable for everything he did while he was in office"

      in our civil and criminal justice systems.

      "He is not immune," McConnell said, "were a disgraceful - disgraceful! - dereliction of duty."

      Trump was "practically and morally responsible" for the violence.

      He. "seemed determined to either overturn the voters' decision or else torch our institutions on the way out".

      Living the truth isn't viable in the GOP.

      Self preservation is. Living with integrity has becomes secondary.

      The party of family values personal responsibility and law and order is no more.

  22. So, you're back with the morning group at the restaurant?

    1. Mostly, yes. I continue to disdain my kitchen for a variety of reasons, cleaning after cooking being one. And it does appear that the regulars are still meeting there. It does take care of my morning meal...

  23. Boebert a proven conservative? Bahaha Ha Haa Ha. If Trump and Boebert are proven conservatives. I think a lot of people that consider themselves conservative better rethink what being a modern Republican really is. It is not the law and order, national defense, small government, fiscally responsible, deficit hawk, family values, Christian party they claimed to be for generations. These so-called leaders of the party are none of those things.

  24. Back when California was having wild fires, Trump said we needed rakes! Send them rakes they should’ve been raking the forest!

    Funny how Texas does not get the same treatment…?

  25. Maybe Texans will appreciate and show a little empathy next time California has wildfires. Nahhhhhh!

    1. Not happening, bro.

    2. Has there been any investigation into the cause of the fire and who or what was responsible? An independent investigation should be done immediately.

  26. Trump accused of faking campaign photos with Blacks. Well of Course those photos are fake. There is no way Trump would ever touch or even stand by them. They're not the "white" kind of people for Trump.

  27. Donald Cheeto is still above the law. white privilege at work. Fact.


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