Friday, March 8, 2024

REPUBLICANS:...In State Of The Union Response, A High School Performance...Alabama Junior Sen. Katie Britt Latest GOP Sacrifice...She Gomered It...Whiney, Whispered Little Nothings...



McALLEN, Texas |...Ah, Republicans. They'll always bring you the funny stuff. Cheetos-fattened lies, yes, but also down-home, often-corny, sort-of goofy comedy. I mean, Matt Gaetz? Marjorie Trailer Greene? Lauren Boebert? And, well, we thought Little Marco Rubio was the bottom of the barrel.

Heck, you pine for glib Bobby Jindal and even the masculine Sarah Huckabee Sanders at times like this.

Well, at times like last night.

High-neck, 42-year-old Katie Britt, shown in color photo above, is the emerging GOP comedian-of-the-hour. She killed it in her burbled post-Biden State of The Union address. Killed it as in perhaps killed-off any future opposition party rebuttals to the President's speech before Congress.

The wife of 6'8", 320-lb. former New England Patriots lineman Wesley Britt tried to tackle Joe Biden with the most ridiculous rebuttal ever - ever! Picture a whiney wife dressed to the nines offering words of how much the American wife and household is suffering under the Biden Administration, and you get one view. Britt's performance, however, lasted more than 17 long, long, long minutes, most of it worthy, said the pundits of a Saturday Night Live skit by a poor actress.

That, it was.

Her points were Donald J. Trump's points. Someone wrote that Britt, a birdlike-woman with the perfect whiney, backwater voice heard only in her native. low-energy Alabama, had emailed her speech to Trump for his approval and editing.

So much for it being a Katie Britt address.

We laughed and cringed at hearing her voice and watching her silly facial expressions ( has several videos this morning). We know it's all for "effect," but Britt was, as they used to say about Donkey Shows in Mexican border bordellos, over-the-top, as in an actress doing her damndest at an audition, her first.

From [ The speech from the freshman senator is a stark example of how Republicans continue to make immigration and border security their top election year issue. Britt also took aim at Biden's economic record, hitting the president on inflation after he trumpeted wins on the economy in his speech.

Britt criticized Biden's foreign policy even as he led his State of the Union with pushing Republicans to pass aid to Ukraine. ]

Yeah, blah, blah, blah all over again from these ornery, always-the-naysayers-in-the-crowd.

Republicans have serious members of Congress who could have given a better, perhaps even sorta-believable rebuttal. Names are all across my brain. Sen. John Thune who is seeking to replace retiring Mitch McConnell as U.S. Senate Majority Leader. Maybe Steve Garvey, the former Los Angeles Dodgers first baseman in the running to replace Democrat Dianne Feinstein in California. Or even Greg Abbott, the pro-Border Everything governor of Texas!

Katie Britt? She's the junior, freshman senator from Alabama, fer chrissakes! That wide, wide, wide, wide gap between Joe Biden's experience and Britt's inexperience was glaring. You felt sorry for the dame in this one. Katie Britt's jarring performance may portend an end to her political career. 

Amateurish Britt's all you've got, GOP?

Looks like it.

President Biden won the night... 



  1. I am a life-long Republican, but I couldn't listen to her - her delivery/voice was so annoying/grating/shrill and what she said was so over-emotional that I turned on Dangerous Catch just to escape. Actually, I thought Biden did very well and demonstrated a strong grasp of what our country is involved in right now.

    1. I felt sorry for her. Appeared like she was having a breakdown on national tv. She kept vacillating between different personalities. First, she was smiling and happy, then smiling and angry, then smiling and concerned. Then all of a sudden she became stone-faced. Wow, the kitchen wasn't the best place for her delivery.

  2. Bless her heart. After such a great speech from the President, I would have expected a strong Republican response. This was just pitiful. Hopefully, she just is new to the spotlight and will improve over time.

    1. That has to be the phoniest display of righteous indignation I've ever seen!!!! Ms. Britt needs some serious schooling, including acting lessons!!!!

  3. I am so proud of President Biden. He showed vision, integrity, strength, and compassion. I count on your insight and honesty.

  4. So where was the dementia and stuttering the Reich Wing keep parroting? I saw Biden attack the orange criminal 45 numerous times .

  5. I wasn't impressed by what she said or how she said it. To be fair, she really doesn't have a rebuttal because the House accomplished nothing in the last year.

  6. "The true unvarnished state of our union begins and ends with this: our families are hurting," she said. time don't hold a nationally televised response from the inside of your house as the background. Looks to be pretty nice, so in reality your family isn't hurting at all, and the irony was on full display to the nation.

  7. President Biden made Americans proud.

    1. Actually, that was the best state of the union address I've heard in decades. He came out swinging, laid his cards on the table, addressed the issues and offered solutions. It wasn't perfect, but it was much better than I expected...even if I don't agree with him on everything.

  8. It’s amazing. Life lesson: never underestimate Joe Biden. Four more years!!! outstanding job.

  9. It was good to see House Speaker Mike Johnson, a Republican, nod in agreement every now and then as the president spoke. It shows that there are times when these congressional partisan guys can find common ground, if at the very least in thought...A very good night for Joe Biden, yes...

    1. I saw that, too. Johnson will get a call from Trump this morning. All Republicans are prisoners of the Orange One!!!

  10. Disaster for Trump as Truth Social Crashes at Critical SOTU Moment. (CIA at work? About time!)

  11. "Women are a political and electoral power". Women will not forget what SCOTUS did, what Texas did, what Alabama did ...what Trump did. VOTE BLUE!!!!

  12. What a terrific speech, and this will surely fire Democrats to go out and vote.

  13. The old man absolutely ripped those MAGAMORONS a new one!

  14. I believe President Biden's speech met the moment. He did a great job. He took it to the racist, anti-America Republicans. That was needed. 243 days until the election, people.

  15. About Marjorie Taylor Green's rudeness: As a teacher, now I understand why there is much classroom interruption. Our young and impressionable students learn from our American Leaders who are in politics.

  16. Why were they showing Lowrent Lauren Gropert? She won’t be there next year anyway. And Marjorie Taylor Greene wearing a red MAGA hat was against the rules of the chamber, yet she did it. Republicans are criminals!!!

  17. Judge Rules Trump Has to Come Up With $91 Million for E. Jean Carroll Appeal. By MONDAY!!!! ha ha ha ha


  19. As for Miss Britt, why not just deliver a sensible rebuttal? Why the cringeworthy theatrics? This fear mongering and catering that the republicans are doing to the lowest common denominator is getting downright scary…

    I mean, how low must your IQ be to actually buy this amateur performance???

  20. Biden is a very exciting president, cool, calm, collected, smart, sharp minded. I love Biden's demeanor.

    1. contrast with the out of control Trump. No contest. Vote Biden in 2024!

  21. First, that young lady looked like she was going to cry as she started her speech! Second, she was painting another carnage of America like Trump did in his inaugural speech. So scripted! It was painful to watch her. And my wife said she could not believe they allowed her to do her response from her kitchen! Basically where the Republicans want women to be. It was cringeworthy!

  22. I don't care how old Biden is... He's a LEADER with a POSITIVE vision for America. He's the man for NOW. He deserves 4 more years. Let's give it to him. VOTE 🔵

    1. The only thing that would have enraged MAGA Republicans more was if President Biden were wearing his sunglasses when he gave that speech.

    2. I don't need to love my president, but I do need not to feel ashamed of who they are.

  23. Republican Senator Katie Britt says sexual assault is the worst thing that can happen to a woman while encouraging Americans to vote for a convicted sexual predator.

  24. I saw the Katie Britt rebuttal. That response is psychotic.

    1. That response couldn’t be anymore soulless & insincere. You can just tell that all it was just empty grandstanding not actually driven by any real emotion or zeal.

    2. Strained, that's for sure. Poor woman. She looked hopelessly stupid.

  25. MAGA days are numbered thankfully, you were exposed naked last night and the fight to toss you in the dustbin of history is coming in November. America is Great. Best line of the night, " You can't just love America when you win". Republicans could only do what they did all night, sit on their hands and stare at their feet.

    1. Donald Trump does not love America. That's clear.

  26. I honestly don't know if you should laugh or REALLY cry at this.

    REPUBLICANS are coming out today and saying, people were not understanding the message.

    She was put in the kitchen for a reason. That is where they believe women belong.

    Republicans are now openly saying women do NOT belong in the work force, do not deserve a seat at the table and they should it be the home maker and noting else.

    MAGA is now spreading the message . WOMEN- Stay home, make dinner, raise the family....

    1. I don’t see how Republicans say they’re Conservative, they’re not Conservative at all.

  27. Katie Britt is on her shrink's couch today. Isn't handling the criticism well, like all Republicans.

  28. The greatest honor I have as an American, is helping to vote Trump out of office.

  29. MTG looks absolutely ridiculous in her MAGA getup. Biden killed it last night! Biden 2024!

  30. Ohh honey! Katy Britt, you have “phony” all but stamped across your forehead.

  31. An absolutely crushing speech, As a 3rd generation disabled veteran, thank you President Biden for the Pact Act. 4 MORE YEARS!


  32. Yo, Donald, the world isn't laughing at America. They're laughing at you.

  33. Signing off at work, but here's my two cents: I think most Americans value democracy more than Trump thinks, and they know, because Trump has said, he will end democracy.

  34. The issue of abortion will sink Trump and other Republicans in the general election this November. American women are mad as hell and will vote like it.


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