Saturday, March 9, 2024

AGE IN POLITICS:...Joe Biden And Donald Trump Both Old Geezers...Is 81 Too Old?...Is 78 As Old As 81?...Americans To Vote On Favored Coot...



McALLEN, Texas |...It wasn't all that long ago, like 20 years ago, that societal scuttlebutt had age 50 being the new 40. Well, they're still saying it, only now it's 70 being the new 50. America has been a hurry-up, throwaway society since the 1960s, when black & white TV went to die in Vietnam, Hippies brought "Free Love" and the electric guitar raised the nation's noise level a few good decibels.

John F. Kennedy was president then at the young age of 42.

The Beatles and Rolling Stones appearing with aging Ed Sullivan as they cruised into their early-20s. John Wayne and Frank Sinatra, last of the Hollywood dinosaurs, fading and then dying. The color gray was leaving town.

Now comes the resurgence? We ask, as presidential politics has us back on the clock.

President Joe Biden is 81, finishing his first term in office and looking for another four years. He's seen as getting up there in age, as they say in civil conversation. His opponent, Donald J. Trump, has legal collars around his fleshy neck, will be 78 this June. Are they too-old for the most important job in the splintered country, in the fractured world?

Yes, they are.

By about 15 to 20 years, we would say. And it's not that the crap being bandied about the immigrant surge along the nation's southern border is anywhere near the crisis that was the Cuban missile threats of the early-60s. Not even close. That Israeli War on Palestine in the Gaza Strip is NOT the mess that was our involvement in South Vietnam, where some 58,000 of our soldiers died staving off the so-called spread of communism. Yeah.

That however-nasty fight in Ukraine is not North Korea versus South Korea of the 1950s. Our Korean veterans would slap you silly if you dared to make that connection. Those cries of Inner City crime and police misbehavior is not the same of the sort we saw earlier in Los Angeles and, a bit earlier than Compton and Watts, in the Selmas of the American South.

We could parallel other moments in this country's worst moments, but you get the drift.

What America needs is a young president, whether male or female - someone who would speak to tomorrow, to the future. I like Biden over Trump for all the reasons under the sun and in the Bible, but his time has come and largely gone. Trump is just a mess individually and who wants the neighborhood loser as head of the street watch committee?

The number of Americans ages 65 and older is projected to increase from 58 million in 2022 to 82 million by 2050 (a 47% increase), and the 65-and-older age group's share of the total population is projected to rise from 17% to 23%. So says the U.S. Census Bureau. America's population is older today than it has ever been.

No, Maria, we're not out of the woods anytime soon. We're old and getting older. The woods may never the same, in fact.

From [ With the oldest presidential matchup in American history upon us, issues of health and competency are likely to come up again and again over the next nine months. And both campaigns will be working to make their opponent seem doddy, senile, and infirm, and their own guy the picture of vim and vigor. ]

That's out & out cheap political posturing. I guess we deserve it. It is, apparently, Biden vs. Trump in the November General Election. 81 or 78 - pick your horse at the Kentucky Derby's Senior Citizen Horse Race. Makes one wonder about age. Time, that constant in human life. You can't walk up to the standup clock and turn the sucker back, or off.

That time feature in your cellphone is what you live by, right?


The job of American president will be filled. Citizen voters from coast to coast will have their say. Old will win...



  1. I feel older after reading this article. And, of course, I am.

  2. Approval for Biden's policies went up 17% the day after his speech amongst my fellow Independents. That speech just got Biden re-elected.

    1. I simply cannot comprehend there are US citizens who think Trump is OK. He’s not.

  3. If Trump gets one felony conviction his campaign is over. Many people, including a percentage of Republicans, will not vote for a convicted felon.

  4. I'm a 75 year old widow and of clear mind. I don't want to keep draining my energy with worry over Donald Trump. You make me feel better. He needs to face the consequences.

    1. He will. Don't worry too much.

  5. Trump is old in age, but he has bigger problems - "Mr. Trump's current situation is a result of his own dilatory actions," Judge Kaplan wrote. I love it that someone is finally holding Trump accountable for his strategy of delay, delay, delay. Tick Tock Trump, it's time to pay up.

  6. Can President Biden request DOJ to expedite the trials of Trump & stop endless delays? Voters need answers to his crime spree.

  7. I do believe there will be some resolution to these Trump trials before the election on November 5th. There has to be. We simply cannot have or afford a criminal in the White House...

  8. TY, President Biden, you have my vote again, you're a great President,, keep up the great work, l enjoy my freedom, I trust you VOTE BLUE

    1. Does the very sight and sound of Donald Trump make anybody else feel like you are going to be sick to your stomach?? We can't do it again. Vote 💙💙💙💙💙

  9. The Feds just followed the empty McDonalds wrappers at Mar-a-Lago to find the hidden boxes of classified documents...

  10. Remember how the Republicans made inflation a major issue in the 2022 elections? How many legislative proposals to reduce inflation have come from the House-led GOP since 2022? Hint: The answer is less than 1.

  11. They're saying rich Americans are coming to Donald Trump's aid. Campaign donations should come only from individual voters and be capped at low rates. So tired of rich people buying elections.

  12. When will ugly Trump just FADE AWAY. we are all sick of him.

    1. It's insane when people choose to give up their freedom and give it to one corrupt, cruel person.

  13. Also, it seems weird that some people are willing to contribute to a GoFundMe for a BILLIONAIRE. Talk about dumb!

    1. Trump's a grifter who's never worked a day in his life and is now taking donations from retirees and whites on welfare.

    2. To the poorly educated an orange circus clown is genius.

  14. It looks like Trump has posted the $91 million bond as he appeals the E. Jean Carroll defamation verdict. Where did he get the money? I think it was from "New American" Elon Musk. He claimed he didn't give Trump any money, but that doesn't mean he didn't co-sign for the $91 million.

  15. I am thrilled. I think President Biden did a fabulous job telling the American people what he has accomplished and what he plans to do in his second term. I am voting for him because I KNOW he is the best man for the job! Vote Biden/Harris 2024!

  16. Donald Trump can blame only one thing that caused his demise. It is because of his big, cruel mouth.

  17. Trump is the WORST president EVER!! He is an even worse human being. Trump is evil and will destroy the USA. Vote BLUE all the way. Let's STOP this criminal now!!

    1. Sucking up to dictators is his only talent. The USA will NOT be subservient to any other country!!!

  18. Trump needs some cash. It's that simple. Why he needs that cash? Ask women.

  19. Donald Trump is doing absolutely nothing to bring Americans back together. In fact, he's doing the opposite. Let's vote Blue and be done with that idea. Trump is a criminal.

  20. Where's Melania?

  21. I fully support President Biden for a second term. As well as supporting Trump for a hard and miserable prison sentence in solitary confinement for the betterment of the prisoners and the nation. Have a MAGA-free weekend.

    1. Wild scene to be sure after Trump loses in November and all the air goes out of his balloon. he'll be useless then.


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