Thursday, March 14, 2024

LINGERIE DEPARTMENT:... That Crotchless Trump/Putin Bromance...Well, Should We Care?...So, Icky Donald Loves Murderer Vladimir...Leather And Lace On Sale...



McALLEN, Texas |...The stocky villain Viktor Orban popped-in to chat up a breezy afternoon at Mar-a-Lago with For-Sale Republican Donald J. Trump. They had drinks and laughs. The drinks chased a dangling conversation, about the state of the world, Orban's dreams of capturing Europe and Trump's shot at the U.S. Presidency.

Burly Orban, the dude with the Spanky & Our Gang hairstyle, had some intriguing words for the press after his brief visit to ritzy Palm Beach.

From [ On Sunday, Orban told an interviewer that Trump explained his "quite detailed plans" to end the war Russia has waged on Ukraine. The plan is to cut off assistance to Ukraine and force it to surrender:

"He has a very clear vision that is hard to disagree with. He says the following: First, he will not give a single penny for the Russo-Ukrainian war. That’s why the war will end, because it’s obvious that Ukraine cannot stand on its own two feet. If the Americans don’t give money and weapons along with the Europeans, the war will end. And if the Americans don’t give money, then the Europeans won’t be able to fund this war alone. And then the war will end." ]

Trump with a "very clear vision" of anything other than his grifting is the news here.

That America would retreat from its ongoing plan to aid Ukraine is ludicrous. It won't happened under the Biden Administration, but Republicans are amok. Racism and extremism live in their heads. Donald Trump has infected the national psyche on that political front.

Can the U.S. survive his still-out-there anti-America posturing?

It energizes killers such as Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, who has just about finished Holocausting the Palestinians in Gaza.

No doubt Putin is raising and tipping a glass to the mess...

What's he wearing - a black thong?...



  1. Biden took the total disaster Trump handed to him and turned in around in 3 years! Even so-called experts thought the market was going to crash and everything was going to go down in this country! Do you remember the empty store shelfs under Trump, the total turmoil he left with the shipping industry, he ran the U.S. into the greatest debt in its history, unemployment was on the rise, not to mention the covid turmoil that he failed on! We have the best economy in the world post covid Thanks to President Biden!

  2. Weak bullies always seek approval from real tough guys. Trump couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag. He's actually girly.

  3. Watching the Republicans implode is the "best". Kind of like their Hire Only The Best and Be Best. So funny. Democrats will win the House, Senate and White House in November!!! Republicans are Nazis.

  4. We need to be reminded that Trump's four years in office, was the WORST four years of our life. VOTE BLUE for four more years of Biden/Harris TEAM 2024. Our Democracy is on the line

  5. Putin: "Donny boy, your cheque's in the mail."
    Trump: "Thank you, boss."

    1. Heres a copy of the Russian presidential ballot:
      A. Vladimir Putin
      B. El Comandante Putin
      C. Daddy Vlad
      D. Pladimir Vutin
      E. Mr. Putin

  6. Trump should be in Prison enough of this CRAP

  7. On the Trump case in Georgia: So a Republican judge appointed by a Republican governor and Trump will still cry foul and fix and witch hunt.

    1. It is not just the federal courts but actions by republicans all over the country are doing all they can to protect him against justice. It is no longer the party of law and order they claim but only protectors of trump and his devious, illegal actions to retain office after losing the election in a romp. They are prepared to destroy all credibility in our elections by bending to assist him win this time around. They are intent on destroying democracy in this country while welcoming fascism.

  8. Headline: "Undocumented immigrants are boosting the labor market and helping the US avoid recession, experts say."

  9. Trump's proposed substantial cuts to Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid would have catastrophic consequences for millions of Americans. I sincerely hope this subject is addressed at every opportunity.

    1. Trump was smart in one thing while he was president....he bought the entire judicial system in our country, because he knew that what he was doing was illegal, and now, unfortunately for America, it's paying off for him. Traitors get away with anything.


  10. Trump is for TikTok now? Yeah because Tik Tok billionaire gave him money for his campaign and legal bills. Follow the money.

  11. The Orange Blob is toast in the Stormy Daniels hush money trial. If this crime was committed before becoming President, how can he even claim Presidential immunity???

  12. Republicans Mike Johnson and Jim Jordan for prison 2024

  13. There is a pink wave coming. women are going to vote, it's right in their face and they don't see it or, they dismiss women. Biden does see it, he told the supreme court in his State of the union speech.

    1. Along with the Blue Wave, this will be massive. Trump will lose by 20 million votes!

  14. Colorado Republican Rep. Ken Buck Says the Republican Party Has Become a Joke and He’s Getting the F--k Out

  15. Flaky Jets QB Aaron Rodgers for vice-president? He's a male Boebert!!! Has never won the Big One! Loser.

  16. San Antonio experimented with giving poor people $5,108 (for 2 years) no-strings-attached. They spent it on housing and school supplies for their kids.

  17. If Trump keeps whining about the crisis at the border, then he should have not instructed his cult not to pass Biden's border bill. Being the narcissist he is, he is allowing this "crisis" to keep going in the hope that he will get back in office and be able to take the credit for passing the same bill. This also gives Trump the opportunity to keep pointing the finger at Biden for "not doing anything". Sorry, Don the Con, you cannot have it both ways.

  18. Delay, delay, delay. I'm losing hope Trump will ever be brought to justice.

    1. Can't we stop talking about this insane man?!

    2. Start the trial already!


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