Wednesday, March 13, 2024

BASEBALL:...Major Leagues Season Two Weeks Away... Pumped-Up L.A. Dodgers In Japanese Mode...Yankees Get Slugger Juan Soto...Players Bitch Uniforms Made With See-Through Material...



McALLEN, Texas |...Circle the date on your calendar: March 28th, or roughly two weeks from today. That's when the 2024 Major League Baseball season begins. I know, I know. Many of you feel the game has grown boring. That's true, but the season will be played.

There may be a few plots to chase, like Japanese superstar's Shohei Ohtani's new team in Los Angeles, where the Dodgers look to be the team to beat out there. They also signed a young Japanese pitcher said to be the next Don Drysdale.

In New York across the way, it is the arrival of ass-kicker Juan Soto to the pinstripes fold that has fans all ready to, well, take the field after the P.A. guy takes the needle off the Star-Spangled Banner record and yells, "Playball!!!"

Not being up on every team (like I used to as a kid), the insights listed above have to be it.

I'll wait on football, but will check-in on the Boys of Summer every now and then. There is no great outstanding issue or controversy in Big League baseball that I could find, other than that players don't like the material used in uniforms this go-round.


Well, that's what the players are saying and worried about.

I guess you'd have to wear one. Who'd want to see anything in ex-pitcher Bartolo Colon anyway? Just play the game.

We looked but could not find anything about who made the new uniforms or where they were made. Perhaps the "thinness" of the material came from Mexico, or maybe it was some dolled-up Babe in Paris, France offering the league some fashion panache.

Who knows?

The game remains the same...



  1. Mostly whites in baseball these days. Worse in college.

  2. Bartolo Colon was a mean pitcher. Saw him hit a homerun!

  3. March Madness before baseball.

  4. Austin's SXSW does not agree with Governor Abbott. “We are an organization that welcomes diverse viewpoints. Music is the soul of SXSW, and it has long been our legacy. We fully respect the decision these artists made to exercise their right to free speech." Fleeing Bands opposed to festival sponsorship by the military.

    1. Angered, Gov. Greg Abbott responded to the departure of musical bands by saying he was fine with it, adding "Don't come back." This military-backing Abbott is the same Abbott who keeps the U.S. Border Patrol from its razor-fence operation at the Mexican Border. How many faces does Greg Abbott have?...

    2. Greg Abbott goes to SXSW events? Shocking.

    3. He wheels right in.

  5. "Make the RNC White Again": Republican Party Ends Minority Outreach Program. Blacks and Hispanics shunned.

    1. Half of our Country problems will BE solved if Donald Trump, just shut his mouth.

    2. He is still ABOVE THE LAW.

    3. The MAGA Cult will do everything it can to enhance and empower its WHITE monoculture. They have been taught and managed to be intolerant and to hate all outside of it. Fortunately, they are old, in rural areas and by virtue of their lack of critical thinking, will wane in influence over time and instantly when trump disappears.

  6. Republican judge has dropped six charges against Trump in Georgia case. weird action again.

    1. I would think that the call to Raffensperger would be the most damaging and conclusive in this case. Trump asking him to come up with additional votes that don't exist. I think the judge has made a very biased decision. I guess this is just another case of a Republican protecting another Republican. shame on the judge.

    2. The judge's name is Scott McAfee. McAfee was appointed by Republican Gov. Brian Kemp. McAfee was Vice President of a right-wing Federalist Society chapter and treasurer for Law Republicans. He's just another MAGA activist judge!!!

    3. Well, that explains it.

    4. RICO still there as is the one where Trump asked to find him the exact amount by one to give him Georgia. He still has to stand trial for 10 counts. Bring on the trial. Get rid of the specious charges against Willis with the bogus hearing and Let's Go!

    5. rookie judge; rookie mistake. It's that or he's in the bag for Trump. Either way his decision should be appealed.

  7. Fact....Russian Intel identified Trump as an easily manipulated individual 25+ years ago. His womanizing, shady business deals, narcissism, ego are too easy for Putin and his intel community....and made him an ideal target to influence. Nothing has changed...and Trump's financial and legal problems only make him more vulnerable. Hungary dictator Viktor Orban visited Trump on behalf of the Russians...and his House GOP is holding up aid to Ukraine at the direction of Putin's pro-Biden stuff is a smoke screen as he plays Trump and the GOP to do Putin's bidding.


  8. I look forward to March 25 when Trump has his first criminal trial. This is for state crimes, and it happened before Trump was president, so the Supreme Court cannot help Trump in this case.

  9. Replies
    1. We ALL are sick and tired of his games. Put him on trial, lock him up, throw away the keys. Be done with this guy already.

      He is a crook, has always been a crook, his dad was a crook. He can blame his dad for him being who he is, and we can be done.

  10. Point to ponder - Barron turns 18 next week. And Trump's first criminal trial starts a week after that. I predict Melania will take her son and her dad to Europe for a long vacation to celebrate Barron's 18th birthday.

    1. And to get the Hell away from Donald!

  11. Lord let me live long enough to watch Donald Trump walked into a cell and hear the bars clang.

    1. We all can't wait for that day!

  12. Trump found one issue Republicans won’t just go along with him on: TikTok - Congress wants to ban it, Trump supports it after meeting with Tik Tok owners. How much did they pay the Big Orange? Ha ha

    1. Looks like Republicans in the House are not going with Trump on this one.

    2. The TikTok bill may be just the start of efforts to crack down on social media. Trump has targeted Facebook.


    3. China does not allow Facebook, google, LinkedIn and other American companies so why should we allow TikTok?

  13. Donald Trump inviting dictators to the U.S. is BS. Is he inviting Putin next? Keep these killers out!


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