Friday, March 15, 2024

NAZIS IN THE BARRIOS:... ......Democratic Congressman Vicente Gonzalez Calls RGV Mexicans In Republican Fold "Jews For Hitler"...Stunningly Restrained, Ardent Opponent Mayra Flores Merely Murmurs "Shame On Vicente"...



BROWNSVILLE, Texas |...I mean there are plenty of Mexican Jews, so that cannot be the knock in this one. No, Congressman Vicente Gonzalez, a 3-term Democrat, was going a bit farther in damning his fellow Mexicans for chasing the Donald Trump stench.

He equates them to those doomed "Jews for Hitler" of the 1930s - all actually hated by the Nazis, many to the point of gassing.

But we're into the November Election campaign and Gonzalez wants to keep his job. Losing to a Mexican Republican is not his idea of a good day at the office. His opponent, fleshy Mayra Flores hated the comparison, but we know she's heard similar characterizations before - like likely this morning.

The excitable Flores didn't even come close to beating Gonzalez in the 2022 election, losing by more than 10,000 votes. That brief taste of Washington, D.C., earned in winning a Special Election the summer of that same year, saw her spend 6 months in congress, the loftiest political status she has had as a woman.

Oddsmakers say Gonzalez will whip her silly again.      

This from a report at [ U.S. Rep. Vicente Gonzalez, a Democrat from McAllen, compared Hispanic Trump supporters to "Jews for Hitler," prompting fierce backlash from Republicans as he runs for reelection in a mostly Hispanic South Texas district.

In an interview published Monday, Gonzalez warned that Democrats could soon lose support among socially conservative Hispanic voters in South Texas as Republicans increasingly invest in the area. He said Hispanic voters are largely turned off by the anti-immigrant rhetoric coming from the top of the Republican ticket, including Donald Trump casting Mexican immigrants as "rapists."

"If they didn’t have that racist, divisive element within their party, they would have a lot of Latinos, but they can’t seem to shake that off," Gonzalez told the magazine. "The rhetoric you hear from the Republican Party is shameful and disgraceful for Latinos. And you know, when you see 'Latinos for Trump,' to me it is like seeing 'Jews for Hitler,' almost, you know?"

Republicans are pouring money into unseating Gonzalez in the 34th congressional district, which is based in the lower Rio Grande Valley and includes Brownsville and Harlingen. Former U.S. Representative Mayra Flores (shown in photo at right) is again running for the seat.

Flores acknowledges being a vocal Trump supporter and blasted Gonzalez for comparing Latino Trump supporters to Jewish Nazis.

"Shame on Vicente Gonzalez for referring to conservative Latinos in this manner. He forgets they are his constituents, too," Flores said on social media. "We need to elect new leadership in November, and that's exactly what the Rio Grande Valley will do." ]

Mayra Flores may as well be cutie Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz in this one. She's going nowhere. "Tontos," she will say, "...I've a feeling we're not in Burgos (Mexico) anymore." Or something like that. Pick your sample; she's more a cartoon than a positive candidate for public service. (BTW, Burgos, Tamaulipas, Mexico is her hometown)

If she were to win, well, we know she'd just be out to do Trump's bidding and to Hell with the Rio Grande Valley. It's what we're seen in her and what we keep hearing from the 38-year-old mother of three these days.

Gonzalez, sadly, has it right.

Mexicans do not belong in the Republican Party, not in Trump's ever-racist MAGA version, which is dominating the Grand Old Party (GOP).

But if this is the kick-off salvo, well, it is a more-than-clear signal that this race will, indeed, be a wild, vicious, fire and brimstone campaign for the 34th Congressional District seat - from here to Election Day come November 5th.

Vicente Gonzalez could be excused for proceeding with his dead-on denigrations, perhaps next calling Mexican Republicans idiots in their own language: Pendejos...



  1. No apology needed, Vicente. We're for you.

  2. I'd say the same thing. No Mexican can be MAGA when MAGA hates Mexicans.

    1. That comment wins you the Internet!

  3. Trump and Mayra losing on the same day. She'll go back to Mexico.

  4. Vicente in a rout. Another 10,000 votes. VOTE BLUE

    1. Red Wave last time? Didn't happen. Blue Wave this time? Will happen.

  5. I am 62 and I never voted for a single Democrat until Trump. I will never again support another Republican until the Republican party gets rid of Trump, gets rid of MAGA. Everything Trump has touched in the past has failed. It is inevitable that the failure of the Republican party will be one more notch in Trump's considerable collection of failures.

  6. Bipartisan border security bill very popular with Republicans — until they're told Trump opposes it
    “This Bill is a great gift to the Democrats, and a Death Wish for The Republican Party,” Trump said on his Truth Social network. LOSER!!!

  7. Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott boasted shortly after he began soliciting private donations for his controversial migrant busing program that there would likely “be no cost to the state” given the outpouring of support from concerned citizens across the country.

    But after nearly two years of fundraising to offset the program’s costs, Abbott’s operation has collected less than half of 1% of the roughly $150 million spent on busing migrants to sanctuary cities, according to a review of state records. And the largest donation – $900,000 – never made it into the state’s coffers, either because it was a mistake or a prank.

    1. Track that $900,000. Someone in Austin got it.


  8. I think this question needs to be asked again and again: "Isn't it past Trump's jail time?"

  9. BREAKING: Judge rules Fani Willis can stay on Trump case in Georgia. Orange Blob had wanted her removed after news broke of her affair. It's about your crimes, Donnie!!

    1. Praise the Lord.

    2. The only reason the defendants brought up the possibly improper relationship between Willis and Wade was to provide a feeble excuse to have the charges dropped. While the relationship may have been improper, it had nothing to do with the charges against the defendants. The judge was right to address the possible impropriety without unjustly benefiting the defendants. The trial will go on and a jury will decide whether the defendants are guilty.

    3. All this case was about was just another way to slow down the process of bringing the defendant to justice. It's what you call a "real" witch hunt. There will continue to be delays and appeals to have the case thrown out. Anyone that was innocent and possessed evidence to prove that would not be wasting their time. That's a sign of guilt.

    4. She was determined before this, but now she's going to be a whole extra level of determined. Trump is toast.

    5. What the hell are these people talking about! The real question is whether Trump is guilty or not. Come on man all that other stuff doesn't matter.

    6. It is ridiculous that Fani Willis has to make any changes of her staff. She did nothing legally wrong!

    7. I have yet to hear a good explanation as to how two people getting it on changes what Trump did years prior. The defense most certainly didn't, and neither did the judge. Perhaps someone smarter than them can explain it?

    8. What does it say about Americans if they actually were to elect this freak to office knowing that he is a coward and a weak person who cannot stand up to a jury of his peers just like anyone else?

    9. we all know he is guilty and will be convicted, just a matter of time. vote blue.

    10. America will take Trump out at the Polls. Vote Blue

    11. Is Trump-appointed/Trump-ruling Judge Cannon in Florida classified documents case a distraction? Oh, hell yes! She should step aside?

    12. Judge McAfee’s Dismissal of Three Charges Against Trump Changes Nothing.

      The vast majority of the Fulton County indictment of Trump — including the biggie, the RICO charge — is intact.

  10. Omg vote blue please…I’m not afraid to beg for something so important… PLEASE VOTE BLUE. And support Fani Willis!!!!!

  11. All Americans should stop paying Taxes, stop Filing Taxes! If Psycho has Immunity we all have Immunity!!

  12. Someone with Trump's financial problems would never be granted a security clearance because he's easily compromised, a ripe target for blackmail or extortion. There is no doubt Trump would sell military secrets, he probably already has. He has no loyalty to the US, no morals or integrity besides being very dense intellectually.

  13. Nothing wrong with what Vicente Gonzalez said. Mayra Flores is a Republican if I am Batman!

    1. MAGA would never accept Mayra. What a fool.

    2. She's the biggest fool in town.

  14. Mayra's response has no fire. Is she well? I say Gonzalez will beat her 2-1 in votes. Perhaps she knows it.

    1. I'm there with you on that one.

    2. I don't know about that. She wants it badly.

    3. Mayra has nothing else to do. Plus she's paying herself $60K from campaign funds so she will campaign.

  15. Ladies vote blue!!

    Our granddaughters are counting on us to step up at this point in history.

  16. Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts Just Dropped the Hammer on Rogue, Lawless Trump Judges

  17. Just a reminder, Republicans. If you geta robo call, like I did, every donation you make to your GOP is a DIRECT PAYMENT to E. Jean Carroll, the woman he raped. Have a lovely day!

  18. That Fani Willis ruling? Amazing we want to hold prosecutors to a higher standard, but not Presidents smfh

  19. Off work in a few minutes but noting Mike Pence says he will not endorse Trump. Good for him!


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