Sunday, January 7, 2024

WOKE:...Black Man Daniel Cameron Is So Straight-Up Woke He Thinks He's Not Black...White Wife Makes Him White?...He's Fighting Diversity In The Workplace ...Models Clarence Thomas...



McALLEN, Texas |...Last November, Daniel Cameron lost his race for governor of Kentucky to a white candidate, the incumbent Democrat Andy Beshear. A somewhat popular young Black man, Cameron, who had served his state as attorney general, sucked it up, conceded and went looking for another job.

He found one.

Fighting "woke" and Woke People.

The Republican is doing work that largely hurts his African-American community, but perhaps he does not know - or want to know - that he is Black. It happens. Look at Associate Justice Clarence Thomas of the U.S. Supreme Court. He's dark-chocolate black, like Cameron, and he also has a white wife.

Thomas, shown with wife Ginni in color photo below, at right, is a Republican, a "conservative" if we are to use the lexicon of our ever-lying political lingo. Cameron and Thomas are black, and they should be proud of being black - not lackeys for white people who can defend and posture themselves without help from anyone else.

It's a wonderment, yes.

So, does a White wife equal better social status? No, but perhaps it is helpful in national politics. Cameron and Thomas likely think that is so, regardless of any criticism they get.

This about Cameron from, a Black news website: [ After losing his race for Kentucky Governor, former Attorney General Daniel Cameron is moving on to the most predictable career pivot possible for a Black conservative. You guessed it - he’s waging a war on wokeness at the 1792 Exchange.

Cameron has been tapped to lead the 1792 Exchange, a non-profit whose incredibly vague mission statement can be summed up as protecting businesses and non-profits from "woke" corporations.

". . .Former Kentucky AG Daniel Cameron has officially joined 1792 Exchange today as CEO to help prevent investment management firms, elected officials, and corporate interests from using other people’s money to advance radical political agendas," wrote the group about his ascension.

None of this is a massive pivot for Cameron or a surprise for anyone following him. After the Supreme Court’s decision to gut affirmative action, Cameron joined a group of Attorneys General threatening Fortune 500 companies that use diversity and inclusivity practices in their workplace. ]

Geez, Louise. For a second there after 1964, we fully believed Blacks and other so-called minorities wanted - and needed - diversity in the workplace to find employment and to get ahead in the hated Rat Race. Is that now passe? Do we finally have equality to the point that Blacks such as Daniel Cameron believe the playing field has been leveled and all are seen as equals?

If only!

Cameron, who married his wife, Makenze in 2020, is an uppity Black nicely settled into a cushy lifestyle. He may have earned his place in society, and, if he did, he should be praised. But working for 1792 Exchange is one Hell of an ethnic give-up for this fool.

He's going to fight wokeness?

My, my. The things a suit & tie make some people do. How much of his current rolling philosophy was shoved into his ear by his white wife is anybody's guess, but it happens in marriages. Ginni Thomas is said to hold total mental sway over Black hubby Clarence.

It's a slice of our multi-ethnic society, yes. We acknowledge that.

But some aspects of that shit is simply laughable. Should we care?

This morning, Daniel Cameron is still Black...


[EDITOR'S NOTE:...These days, the largely inoffensive word "woke" means different things to different people, especially to Democrats and Republicans. It used to be known as "Political Correctness"...And there is this from the Internet - "Woke" is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English meaning ". . .alert to racial prejudice and discrimination". Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as racial injustice, sexism, and denial of LGBT rights...]


  1. People who are part of a minority group often over compensate and become the worst version of those who would repress them.

    It's called "self-loathing" because they can't accept themselves.

  2. Seems like “wokeness” paved the way for him to marry a white woman.

    Turn the hands of time back a few years and this was hanging stuff in the South. Selling his soul for a political ideology that views him as second class in hard to understand.

  3. I need to wake up. LOL.

  4. Thomas' wife was an active participant in the attempt to overthrow the election, Kavanaugh has been reminded that he "owes" Trump his support. The court is no longer the impartial seat of justice it was intended to be and why the Judges are appointed for life - so they do NOT have to "owe" anything to those who appointed them. Apparently, Trump is the exception.

  5. FYI:...We're on a plan to post a new story at midnight, or about then. That begins the day yourway and here. That's why you see earlier comments on this one...

  6. I will add that Trump is a traitor to this country and the oath he took to protect the Constitution. We Republicans can do better, and we must. Trump is making us look like fools.

    1. Creating the January 6th riots is the only work fat donnie did in 4 years.

  7. The U.S. Government should seriously consider offering foreigners the right to enter and work in the United States in exchange for 10 percent of their income on top of the regular taxes they have to pay.

    The money should be used to pay down the $34 trillion-dollar national debt.

  8. A deplorable new chapter in the annals of scorched-earth American politics: Donald Trump may be ineligible from running because of his own actions. We know he was eligible before Jan 6. He’s more than old enough and he was born here. But his actions may have rendered him ineligible for office and, if that’s the case, it’s entirely on him. Not Dems, RINOs, DOJ, undocumented immigrants, or any villain du jour.

    If the factual finding of insurrectionist stands, he can’t run, no matter how much his supporters want him to. I understand that makes them mad, but he brought this on himself. Actions have consequences.

    1. If Donald Trump is ineligible under the 14th Amendment for engaging in insurrection AND NOBODY SEEMS TO CARE, then why not allow Arnold Schwarzenegger to run notwithstanding his ineligibility because of the natural born citizen requirement. If we are to ignore the 14th Amendment, Art. 3 provision that disqualifies Trump then ignore all of the disqualifying provisions.

  9. Nearly every Republican presidential candidate has rejected an offer to participate in what the organizer describes as the nation’s oldest minority-focused presidential forum, despite GOP optimism — and repeated campaign trail comments from several candidates — about improving the party’s performance with voters of color in 2024.

  10. Cameron looks like what white people say is a "safe black". JMHO

    1. His wife is plain-looking. Homely. No beauty.

  11. Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert punched out her ex-husband at a Colorado restaurant after he made sexual advances at her. Ha ha. Total trash. I didn't know that she worked at McDonald's before, but she should've stayed there. She'd be a cashier by now.

  12. This about Lauren Boebert, from WIKI:...Boebert dropped out of high school during her senior year in 2004 when she had a baby; she earned a GED certificate in 2020, a month before her first election primary. Boebert has stated that her family depended on welfare when she was growing up, and that she was raised in a Democratic household in a liberal area.

  13. Valley can't relate to this, Mr. Editor. Few blacks here. They don't like our gorditas.

  14. President Joe Biden is not a politician; he is a STATESMAN! He has been in Congress for decades and knows how to negotiate! He is a sincere and compassionate person. He is straight forward and champions for the good of the country!

    1. He calmed things down and did not invite Russians to the Oval Office for laughs.

    2. We don't need a Drama Queen as president. We need a steady one. Trump is too spastic and needy of attention.

  15. It's time for the citizens to prepare to fix our government by electing the proper folks whose self-interests DO NOT collide with those of We The People. Any incumbent who states they will not accept the 2024 Presidential Election results and support a peaceful transfer of power - in which, they swore to uphold the Constitution - should be voted out of office...Republican NY Congresswoman Elise Stefanik (heading for a sixth term) is one who has stated she will not commit to uphold the Constitution...Vote her OUT in 2024.

  16. Trump's followers are delusional. Not sure what the delusion is exactly since Republicans and Trump have no plans for improving the lives of average Americans or dealing with necessary investments in the country's future...improving health care costs, education, high speed rail, infrastructure, climate change.

    The Republicans have no desire to bring the country into the future.

    We fall further behind other so called advanced countries and they don't even see it.

  17. Valley Republicans not saying much. Poor fools.

    1. What are they going to say? They're just dogmeat for the national party.

    2. See, Coronado. Your comments will be approved if you leave out the profanity...

  18. The disassociation of these MAGA members from reality is so disconcerting. Every person that has been apprehended and prosecuted is a Trump supporter, but the rioters at the capitol were somehow not Trump supporters? And many GOP down ballot officials were elected in 2020 while Trump did not receive a vote from those same voters yet somehow the election was fraudulent because Trump did not win? The loss of simple logic in these individuals and their ability to manufacture "alternative facts" is utterly stunning and a sad reflection of the intelligence of the American electorate.

  19. Republican Congresswoman Elise Stefanik is doubling down on Trump's words that immigrants are poisoning the country's blood.

    Last I checked, Italians and Czechs (like Stefanik’s ancestors) didn’t come over on the Mayflower. They were relatively recent immigrants.

    1. There are plenty of dumbasses in the Republican Party, but its women are losers - Boebert, Marjorie Taylor Green, Stefanik, Kari Lake. Trailer trash!


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