Saturday, January 6, 2024

THE FUNNIES:...Rosie Sticks Another Dagger Into Trump's Fat Back...She's Not Goofing Around...Outright Calls Him A Criminal..."Always Has Been"...



McALLEN, Texas |...Once, there were comedians all over the place criticizing government action and inaction. Biting, sarcastic Lenny Bruce comes to mind. Intellectual George Carlin was another.

Now comes one Rosie O'Donnell, she of television fame.

Rosie was somewhat blown away by a report released Thursday by Democrats in Congress entitled "The White House For Sale." The report told of millions of dollars taken-in by candidate Donald J. Trump while he was president between 2017 and 2020.

This from [ Hours later, comedian O'Donnell took to her TikTok account, where she briefly addressed the report, and urged her followers to "vote blue" against "criminal" Trump, who is the Republican frontrunner challenging President Joe Biden's bid for a second term.

Addressing the allegations, the A League of Their Own star said in the video: "Is that enough for everybody out there? When's it going to be enough? Does anyone know? Better be soon. The guy's a criminal, start to finish. Always has been, always will be. No way he should be able to run for president - no way. ]

No way, she said.

But is anyone listening? I mean, within the cultish Republican Party, where Trump can do no wrong? He's wearing 91 felonies around his thick neck and has appointments with four criminal court cases. Still, he's untouchable - Above The Law.

What would George Carlin have said about all of this? Bruce?

Both would have bitten into the subject matter all-teeth, dead-on sarcasm and insults cutting to and thru the bone. Bruce, shown in photo above, at right, hit hard on Vietnam and the Lyndon Baines Johnson decision to keep bombing the Southeast Asia country into oblivion. Carlin, shown in photo below, at right, took a more cerebral approach when targeting societal breakdowns and errant, self-serving politicians.

I'm likely missing a comedian or two here, but what followed was largely Jerry Seinfeld-types, comedians who spoke of "observations," but never dealt with our flawed politics. I mean, Louie Anderson? George Lopez? Fluffy Iglesias?

The bombastic New Yorker Andrew Dice Clay had it going for a short while, but he faded as fast as he'd arrived. Redhead Kathy Griffin, shown in photo above, at left, dove into it, but was derailed quickly after posting a photo of a bloodied Trump. She's back, but it's been years since she'd been on stage.

Rosie O'Donnell has stayed with the attack on the Mar-a-Lago Marvel, to the point that an annoyed Trump has tried to shut her down by labeling her a has-been.

But you're only a "has-been" if you stay away.

Rosie's still here...



  1. Trump's belligerent, obstinate behavior, even to his own lawyers, reminds me of a family member's behavior becoming like that before he was finally diagnosed with Alzheimer's. (He does require clean-ups)

    Sympathy to anyone dealing with the horrid, inherited disease.

  2. She is not wrong… when is it going to be enough? There is seemingly no redline for most in the Republican establishment and that speaks volumes for where the “party of Lincoln” is today. BTW, not sure I would categorize him as a comedian, but I really like how John Oliver, on his weekly HBO show, calls Trump out for who his is, in a very methodical way! -AntonioG

    1. Yes, on Oliver. Jimmy Kimmel on late night TV also has his moments. Bill Maher back when; he's gone soft lately. But none has been arrested, as were Bruce and Carlin for their protest of the Vietnam Conflict. Been awhile since our comics fought the law...

  3. Love how Republicans are accusing Biden's family of wrongdoing via Hunter, while Trump's family has done so much more and yet that they seem all too eager to overlook that.

    1. Most cults end up killing themselves. Let's hope.

  4. They let Trump skate on violation of the emoluments clause. On that hotel in D.C.

  5. Rosie is all mouth and no action. She is obnoxious. Just because I believe Trump is guilty does not mean he is guilty. He is innocent until proven guilty. She might want to return to grade school. The issue which is not being discussed is no matter the ruling of the Supreme Court, the country is going to explode. What is about to come will be worse than anything we have seen since the 60s. If Trump wins he will certainly declare martial law.

    1. She is all mouth, as you assert. But, buddy boy, this is "action" on her part. Trump deserves his day in court but the fat fucker stalls at every turn. An innocent man would want to get on with it - defend himself. He isn't doing that...

    2. People have spent up to 30+ years in jail only to be released as innocent. Respect the process. Nothing he has asked for is impermissible. The criminal case will go forward and if convicted the Republicans would have hung themself.

    3. @11:44 AM No argument there, but Trump has been an obstacle for the process. Yes, he's so-called not guilty until proven guilty, yet we all know he's freakin' guilty. No innocent man fights a trial like this physically-eccentric clown. Surely, you know that...

    4. Actually, I know no such thing. more people have been released from prison in Dallas County than the rest of Texas and California combined. Why? Because they fight like hell to break the corrupt system. Trump is doing the same. he may lose, he may win. What concerns me more is this stupid movement which no matter how the Supreme Court rules will weaken our entire country and endanger us all.

    5. Using such anecdotal only throws you farther off the track we're on here. Dallas County? Okay. But meaningful in the Big Picture scheme of things? Hardly. Trump is using the legal system, which perhaps is okay in your legal eyes, but certainly not in our societal circles. He's desperate. I can see that. That he settles your brain just because what he is doing is "permissible" in our courts is an indictment against you as a citizen. John Gotti, the NY mobster, used the courts for years before he was convicted. So did Ted Bundy, although to a lesser extent. Had Al Capone lived in our current times, he'd be doing what Trump is doing. It may be legal, but it's playing the system. Go to court and tell us why you believe you are so innocent. Trump won't do that. Where's his Florida "classified documents" case? A judge he appointed is stalling that one...Justice delayed is justice denied...

  6. Imagine yourself as a January 6th rioter sitting in prison because you believed the big lie and Republicans are trying to downplay that day. I would feel betrayed. Trump lied. Until Republicans own that fact, they don’t have an argument. They don’t have a defense. And they don’t get to DOWNPLAY that day.

  7. January 6 Insurrection. Never forget. The first time in American history there was not a peaceful transition of power. Owned by Trump, condoned by the Republican party and fomented by Fox News. That is the legacy of his presidency in history books. Disgraceful. Remember this at the polls this year and all elections after that. The GOP does NOT support/protect our Constitution.

  8. Two women DIED that day. 100+ Capitol police had CAREER ENDING INJURIES. For the first time in history, we DID NOT HAVE a peaceful transfer of power. For the first time in history a CONFEDERATE FLAG hung inside the Capitol building. A Trump supporter did that. But they want to downplay it all? NEVER!!! One of the darkest days in this country’s history. Trump LIED. The election wasn’t stolen. His own elections security director, Kris Kreb; explained that and was fired for it. This will go down in history with Pearl Harbor and 9/11. All domestic terrorist attacks.

  9. Replies
    1. The Republican messaging regarding Trump is so muddled. The divisiveness will not heal until the Republicans acknowledge and accept Jan 6 for what it was, an attempt on our Democracy.

    2. Pssssst: Republicans will never acknowledge it!

  10. Former President Trump warned Friday that there will be “big trouble” if the Supreme Court does not rule in his favor on his eligibility for the 2024 presidential ballot.

    (He's asking to be jailed!)

    1. Trump has been screaming for psychiatric care! Are you kidding me? It's clear to me.

  11. Good discussion thread here.

  12. Candidate Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) suggested certain political pundits on the right and conservative media more generally are shying away from criticizing former President Trump for fear of angering their audiences.

    1. It's a Big Game for right-wing media, but they are messing with our way of life. FOX is owned by a fucktard from Australia. Many Brits work for FOX and right-wing newspapers like the Wall Street Journal, also owned by FOX's Rupert Murdoch. Start deporting these foreigners!

  13. At the close of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, a lady asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well Doctor what have we got, a republic or a monarchy.” Franklin replied, “A republic . . . if you can keep it.” A republic is different from a democracy. In a pure democracy, the majority has unlimited power, whereas in a republic, a written constitution limits the majority and provides safeguards for the individual.

  14. Looks like the valley is stepping up here. Cool thread.

    1. I came here after seeing a note about this new blog posted on my restaurant's bulletin board. Good to see valley people talking about this stuff. I voted for Trump last two times, not doing it this one, though. He's too divisive, and I love my country. - USMC/Nam

  15. The DeSantis campaign has now attacked FOX News for not criticizing Trump enough. Rupert Murdoch, the founder of FOX has let it be known that he opposes Trump, but FOX as a whole probably treats Trump easily for the same reason as DeSantis does -- too many potential supporters are on Trump's side to go against Trump.

  16. Throwing out some stuff on our Republican Gov. Greg Abbott.

    He seldom makes sense. Texas has started arresting “illegals”, as if Texas jails are not already bursting at the seams. And to those who brave the perils of surviving a trek to the USA, the possibility of getting arrested is no deterrent.

    Abbott has failed to secure the border!

    1. Greg Abbott's breathing air too close to the ground. Millions of insecure white men are terrified of all the brown people. Fox News tells them it's an invasion, so it must be so. Get a life, Greg.

  17. The Supreme Court agreed late Friday to review the Colorado Supreme Court's decision to ban former President Donald Trump from the state's ballot due to engaging in an insurrection.

    The Court also decided to expedite their consideration and will hear oral arguments on February 8.

    But it's anyone's guess as to the justices' decision.


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