Friday, January 5, 2024

BANKING:...Limp Republican Donald Trump Believes He Has An Ace Up His Sleeve...Lawyer Habba Says Justice Kavanaugh Is In On The Plot...Is He?...



McALLEN, Texas |...What are Donald J. Trump's chances with the U.S. Supreme Court? He is seeking "presidential immunity" in one case, a return to state ballots in another and likely help with that "election meddling" case in Georgia and his about-to-be-wrapped-up fraud case in New York.

He's in stir, as cowboys say out west.

Help from the nation's high court may or may not be on the way. He's hoping, and his lawyer is practically begging for it. That would be one Alina Habba, for the defense.

This about that on [ Habba, in her interview with FOX News host Sean Hannity, pointed to her full faith in Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, whom Trump nominated, while discussing the decisions.

"You know people like Kavanaugh – who the president fought for, who the president went through hell to get into place – he’ll step up," she said.

"Those people will step up. Not because they’re pro-Trump but because they’re pro-law. Because they’re pro-fairness and the law on this is very clear." ]

Well, that's called arriving at the weekend Singles Party with high hopes. That Alina is a young whippersnapper, a member of Trump's golf clubs and a chick out for publicity. Her lawyer skills have been placed in doubt, but she's still winging it like some young, female Dershowitz.

Kavanaugh, 58, had his ugh moments during his tense confirmation hearings in 2018, when charges of wild boozing and wilder sexual harassment hit him face-up when taking questions from senators. Is all that about to be brough up again?

Habba may have opened the oven and revealed a burned cake.

Trump is on the hook seriously, and consensus on his fate with the Supreme Court hardly ranges. The feeling is that the court will do what it has to do, Trump be damned. Too much is at stake.

Plus, and this is the kicker the pundits get around to when discussing this topic: Immunity for Trump would equal immunity for President Joe Biden, a Democrat.

The possibilities of that would be of astral proportions...beautiful justice, yet earth-shattering...



  1. Make no mistake about it. Our corrupt SC will find a way to defile the constitution and keep the traitor on the ballot. Justice is bought and paid for by the special, elite people who are all above the law.

    1. They can place him on the ballot. No problem with that here. Voters will decide, although his actions and words surrounding the Capitol Riot need to be taken into account. His trials need to get going. Associate Justice Kavanaugh has an appointment for life for all intents and purposes. It's about what ethics guide him...

    2. Just pointing out that Congressional Republicans have no spines. No matter how much Trump abuses them, they come crawling back.

    3. Not really sure that Kavanaugh is going to appreciate Trump's attorney basically saying that he's already bought and paid for. You aren't supposed to say the quite part out loud.

      Or course he may not even realize it happened because, you know, he likes beer.

    4. in other words, Kavanaugh supports domestic terrorism against our nation.

  2. Illinois looking to disqualify Trump. It should be every state. Either the constitution matters, or it doesn’t.

  3. Once it is clear to Trump there is no way out, he will drag his insurrectionist co-conspirators under the bus to try and save his own rear. It has been a long ramp up, but they will all get their comeuppance which they are well aware of. The increasingly nonsensical arguments they are engaging in is a clear sign they are scared out of their minds.

  4. Florida venue cancels Marjorie Taylor Greene anniversary party for January 6th Capitol Riot. Every day is another faceplant opportunity for the Republican Party.


    1. And now DeSantis will come down on that venue. They're raging.

    2. A bad reflection on Florida that Marjorie Taylor Greene would want to host such an event there. A good reflection on Florida that they cancelled a celebration of an insurrection to re-install a failed candidate.

  5. Republican Congressman Tom Emmers has endorsed Trump. Trump cut him off at the knees when Emmers ran for Speaker of The House. These spineless law makers are more interested in saving their jobs than saving the country. How many more crimes does the Orange One has to commit before they will stand up for the rule of law?

  6. There is no need to worry about another country conquering America. We are doing a wonderful job destroying ourselves.

    1. Fascism is not pretty.

    2. No, it's not. And white Republicans think it will only be used against Blacks and Browns.

  7. People not in the legal field might not understand how grossly improper this is, but as an attorney let me tell you that if I made public statements about a case I had before a judge and suggested that the judge would rule for my client because of favoritism, I would absolutely expect to be seriously disciplined; probably not disbarred, but at least suspended, publicly reprimanded, and sent to ethics training.

  8. It would appear that attorney Habba has been fully grabbed by the...

    1. I believe she's Iranian, which is weird as they are our enemy.

  9. North Carolina Congressman Patrick McHenry, a Republican, is resigning. He says can't make it on the $174,000 annual salary.

    Their salary alone is more than most of us in the private sector make. If you consider that they also take bribes and insider trade, then it is plenty. They also get many holidays off and work less days than most of us do. Private citizens should NOT feel bad for them at all.

  10. The Supreme Court's duty is to uphold the constitution not to make law and any re-interpretation of the constitution is to make law. If they ignore the 14th Amendment, then they can by all rights ignore the whole constitution which in effect strips us of any rights we think we have.

  11. Wayne LaPierre, CEO of the NRA, has resigned ahead of his trial. This is going to be a fun trial to watch. Finally, the profit-based motives and corruption of the NRA will be clearly exposed for all to see. Unfortunately, we already know a certain 33% of the population will be looking the other direction and ignoring reality.


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